
Distribution and Composition of Aerosol Particles in Rainfall over the Coast of the Kaliningrad Oblast
Chechko V., Topchaya V.
Mobile Measurement System for the Coupled Monitoring of Atmospheric and Soil Parameters
Bazarov A., Badmaev N., Kurakov S., Gonchikov B.
Monthly and Seasonal Prediction of Precipitation and Air Temperature in the Amur River Basin
Tishchenko V., Khan V., Kruglova E., Kulikova I.
Long-term variability of UV radiation in the spectral range of 300–380 nm in Moscow
Nezval’ E., Chubarova N.
Activation of Cryogenic Processes in Central Yamal as a Result of Regional and Local Change in Climate and Thermal State of Permafrost
Babkina E., Leibman M., Dvornikov Y., Fakashchuk N., Khairullin R., Khomutov A.
Wind effects on the upwelling variability in the coastal zone of Primorye (the northwest of the Sea of Japan)
Zhabin I., Dmitrieva E., Kil’matov T., Andreev A.
Seasonal Variability of Temperature Fronts on the Barents Sea Surface
Artamonov Y., Skripaleva E., Fedirko A.
Trends in precipitation parameters in the climate zones of southern Russia (1961–2011)
Ashabokov B., Tashilova A., Kesheva L., Taubekova Z.
Large-scale Ocean Circulation and Sea Ice Characteristics Derived from Numerical Experiments with the NEMO Model
Stepanov V., Resnyanskii Y., Strukov B., Zelenko A.
The trivariate seasonal analysis of couplings between El Niño, North Atlantic Oscillation, and Indian monsoon
Mokhov I., Smirnov D.
Investigation of the Structure and Predictability of the First Mode of Stratospheric Variability Based on the INM RAS Climate Model
Vorobyeva V., Volodin E.
Cloudiness over the Black Sea region in 1985–2009 from satellite data
Kubryakov A., Shokurov M., Stanichnyi S.
Seasonal Variations in Marine Hydrological Characteristics off the Southwestern Coast of Sakhalin Island
Shevchenko G., Chastikov V., Maryzhikhin V.
Hydrological Regime of the Lower Volga River under Modern Conditions
Gorelits O., Ermakova G., Terskii P.
The cyclical nature of seasonal precipitation in Pomerania in the period 1951-2010
Czarnecka M., Nidzgorska-Lencewicz J.
Analysis of the Current State of Lake Baikal Based on Roshydromet Monitoring Data
Alekseev L., Georgievskii V., Anikanova M., Reznikov S., Yakunina O., Adzhiev R., Chernogaeva G., Pastukhov B.
Interannual Variability of Atmospheric CO2 Concentrations over Central Siberia from ZOTTO Data for 2009–2015
Timokhina A., Prokushkin A., Panov A., Kolosov R., Sidenko N., Lavric J., Heimann M.
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