
Sintered Copper-Based Powder Friction Material Filled with Fullerene-Like Glass Carbon
Il’yushchenko A., Leshok A., Rogovoi A.
Method of Constructing a 3D Friction Map for a Rubber Tire Tread Sliding Over a Rough Surface
Morozov A., Bukovskiy P.
The Application of Fibers and Nanoparticles in the Form of Copper-Based Powder Sintered Friction Material with Lubricant Cooling
Il’yushchenko A., Leshok A., Rogovoi A.
The influence of friction and wear on the generation of surface microprofile of steel–sintered friction powder based on copper in the course of operation in lubricated medium
Il’yushchenko A., Leshok A., Rogovoi A., Saroka D.
Analysis of a steel disk surface running in tandem with the metal–ceramic friction material MK-5 under the conditions of boundary friction of a hydromechanical transmission
Leshok A., Il’yushchenko A., Dmitrovich A., Rogovoi A., Maroka D.
Relative statistic fluctuation of sliding friction force
Bulgarevich S., Boiko M., Feizova V.
The Influence of the Roughness of a Steel Counterbody on the Tribological Characteristics of Friction Composites under Friction in Oil
Bukharov S., Sergienko V., Grigor’ev A.
Calculation of the geometric position and the sizes of the static friction and sliding friction zones at the point of contact between an elastic wheel and a firm surface
Balakina E.
Calculation of the Friction Coefficient between a Steady Elastic Wheel and a Solid Support Surface in the Presence of a Lateral Force
Balakina E.
Study of the influence of the friction clutch operability on the performance of the switch motor
Smirnov N., Prozhega M., Smirnov N.
Influence of Copper Frictional Material Composition on Structure and Tribotechnical Properties
Leshok A., Dyachkova L., Ilyushchenko A., Rogovoy A., Alekseenko N.
Friction Unit of a Disc Brake Based on a Combination of Friction Materials
Osenin Y., Sosnov I., Chesnokov A., Antoshkina L., Osenin Y.
Selection of Materials of Friction Lining Centrifugal Brake Rollers
Nosko A., Safronov E., Kirillov D.
Impact of Tribological Properties of Fibrous Materials on Mechanical Processing
Stepanova T.
Study of the Influence of the Iron Oxide(III) on the Tribotechnical and Vibroacoustic Characteristics of the Frictional Composites for the Stationary Friction Units
Bukharov S., Merinov V., Senatrev A., Sergienko V.
Wear of metals in lubricated joints operating in start–stop mode
Bogdanovich P.
Calculation of friction for indenter with fractal roughness that slides against a viscoelastic foundation: Improved model
Soldatenkov I.
Effect of hydrogen heat treatment on antifriction properties of nitrided VT6 titanium-based alloy
Pohrelyuk I., Skvortsova S., Fedirko V., Lukyanenko A., Spektor V., Tkachuk O.
Method of evaluating the coefficient of friction of frost-resistant sealing rubbers
Morozov A., Petrova N.
Improving the efficiency of lubricants by introducing friction modifiers for tracked vehicles under stationary conditions of friction
Dmitrichenko N., Milanenko A., Savchuk A., Bilyakovich O., Turitsa Y., Pavlovskiy M., Artemuk S.
Computer simulation of the friction of rough surfaces
Sutyagin O., Bolotov A., Rachishkin A., Burdo G.
Tribochemical processes in epoxyorganic textolite–steel friction pair
Buyaev D., Naumkin A., Yudin A., Alekseev V., Maslakov K., Afonicheva O., Kiselev S., Osipchik V., Klabukova L., Krasnov A.
Frictional Characteristics of Metal Friction Pairs and the Amontons and Coulomb Friction Laws
Izmailov V., Novoselova M.
Markovian Chain Theory Application for the Description of Wearproof Powder Coating Profile under Sliding Friction
Vinokurov G., Struchkov N., Popov O.
Investigation of the Influence of Complex Fillers on the Properties and Structure of Polytetrafluoroethylene
Vasilev A., Okhlopkova A., Struchkova T., Grakovich P., Bashlakova A.
1 - 25 из 188 результатов 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 > >> 
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