
Calculated Model of Wedge-Shaped Sliding Support Operating on Lubricating Material
Akhverdiev K., Mukutadze M., Lagunova E., Vasilenko V.
Study of the Conditions for the Formation of an Adsorption Lubrication Mode of Heavily Loaded Friction Couples with Modeling in a Laboratory Setup
Levantsevich M., Kharchenko M., Dema R.
Studying tribotechnical properties of nanostructured lubricating oils with various dispersive media
Bolotov A., Novikov V., Novikova O.
Calculation of a Radial Slider Bearing with a Fusible Coating
Lagunova E., Mukutadze M.
Tribochemical processes in engine oil with copper nanoparticles and azomethine ligand
Ponomarenko A., Boiko M., Kalmykova A., Boiko T., Shiryaeva T., Burlov A.
The Screening Effect of Ethanol Amines and Cholesteric Liquid Crystal Nanomaterials upon Friction Interaction with Metals in Plastic Lubricants
Kolesnikov V., Ermakov S., Kolesnikov I., Sychev A., Shershnev E.
The influence of the valena metal-plating additive on tribotechnical characteristics of the Steel–Bronze tribological system
Kandeva M., Karastoyanov D., Assenova E., Jakimovska K., Simeonov S., Vencl A.
Low-Modulus Carbon Fibers for Antifriction Сarbon Plastics
Bakhareva V., Goryacheva I., Lishevitch I., Nikitina I.
Test Analysis of Friction Couples With Solid Lubricant Coatings under Ground–Space Conditions and Prediction of Tribological Characteristics
Khopin P.
Rheology of Plastic Lubricants with Additives of Carbon Nanostructures of Various Type
Shilov M., Smirnova A., Gvozdev A., Rozhkova N., Dyachkova T., Burkov A., Stolbov D., Savilov S., Usol’tseva N.
Kinetics of Antifriction Film Formation in Sunflower Oil
Boiko M., Kolesnikov I., Boiko T., Bicherov A.
Formation of adhesive bonds under contact rotaprint lubrication
Shapovalov V., Kharlamov P., Mishchinenko V., Shestakov M., Migal Y.
Tribological Properties of Plastic Lubricants in Compositions with Various Carbon Nanostructures
Parfenov A., Berezina E., Smirnova A., Gvozdev A., Shilov M., Dyachkova T., Rozhkova N., Savilov S., Usol’tseva N.
Quantification of wt % F stabilizing water in soap-thickened plastic lubricants by the method of IR Fourier transform spectroscopy
Ermakov S., Timoshenko A., Chmykhova T., Rybakov A., Yasnitskii V.
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