
Generation of photoactivatable fluorescent protein from photoconvertible ancestor
Pakhomov A., Chertkova R., Deyev I., Petrenko A., Martynov V.
Fluorophores for single-molecule localization microscopy
Klementieva N., Bozhanova N., Zagaynova E., Lukyanov K., Mishin A.
New Fluorescent Analogs of Nucleotides Based on 3-Hydroxychromone for Recording Conformational Changes of DNA
Kladova O., Kuznetsova A., Barthes N., Michel B., Burger A., Fedorova O., Kuznetsov N.
DNA sequence-specific ligands: XVI. Series of the DBP(n) fluorescent dimeric bisbenzimidazoles with 1,4-piperazine-containing linkers
Koval V., Ivanov A., Salyanov V., Stomakhin A., Oleinikov V., Zhuze A.
Comparative Analysis of Nucleotide Fluorescent Analogs for Registration of DNA Conformational Changes Induced by Interaction with Formamidopyrimidine-DNA Glycosylase Fpg
Kuznetsova A., Kladova O., Barthes N., Michel B., Burger A., Fedorova O., Kuznetsov N.
Bimolecular fluorescence complementation based on the red fluorescent protein FusionRed
Kost L., Putintseva E., Pereverzeva A., Chudakov D., Lukyanov K., Bogdanov A.
The Hybrid Protein of the Alkaline Sensor IRR and the Fluorescent Protein GFP Retains the Functional Activity of the Receptor
Mozhaev A., Serova O., Orsa A., Boyko A., Goryashchenko A., Deyev I., Petrenko A.
DNA sequence-specific ligands: XV. Synthesis and spectral characteristics of a new series of dimeric bisbenzimidazoles DB(1, 2, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12)
Ivanov A., Salyanov V., Zhuze A.
Behavior of Doxorubicin Lipophilic Conjugates in Liposomal Lipid Bilayers
Alekseeva A., Chugunov A., Volynsky P., Onishchenko N., Molotkovsky J., Efremov R., Boldyrev I., Vodovozova E.
Interactions of human serum albumin with bioactive 3H-imidazo[4,5-a]acridines: Insights from fluorescence spectroscopic studies
Rahbari M., Pordel M., Chamani J.
Formation of an Efficient Energy Transfer Complex between Quantum Dots and Exiguobacterium sibiricum Retinal Protein via the Histidine-Cysteine Anchor
Lukashev E., Petrovskaya L., Tretyak M., Kryukova E., Sizova S., Oleinikov V.
Application of Eu(III) nanoparticle labels in time-resolved phosphorescence analysis for detection of thyroid stimulating hormone
Pomelova V., Osin N., Bychenkova T., Paramonov D., Kostryukova T.
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