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Volume 66, Nº 3 (2017)


Synthesis of indole-5,6- and carbazole-2,3-dicarboxylic acid functional derivatives

Chirkova Z., Filimonov S.


Principal synthetic approaches to the synthesis of indole-5,6- and carbazole-2,3-dicarboxylic acid functional derivatives are considered. The first of them consists in the construction of the indole ring from simpler aromatic compounds containing carboxy groups, cyano groups, or an imide fragment with subsequent reductive cyclization of the compounds formed. The second approach is based on the modification of a pyrrole or an indole fragment by the introduction of different functional groups with subsequent intramolecular cyclization to the corresponding heterocycles.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2017;66(3):379-394
pages 379-394 views

Full Articles

Quantum chemical study of H2 adsorption on Pd21 cluster

Shamsiev R., Danilov F.


Modeling of the interaction of an H2 molecule with the surface of the Pd21 cluster in different spin states was performed using the DFT/PBE scalar relativistic approximation. The spin multiplicity of the system significantly affects the mechanism of adsorption, its parameters, and migration of hydrogen atoms. The H atoms can migrate over the cluster surface with low barriers (1.6 kcal mol–1). The complex with C2v symmetry, wherein the H atoms occupy adjacent fcc sites, is the most energetically stable.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2017;66(3):395-400
pages 395-400 views

Quantum chemical modeling of phenylacetylene and styrene adsorption over Pd21 cluster

Shamsiev R., Danilov F., Morozova T.


The adsorption interaction of phenylacetylene and styrene molecules with the Pd21 cluster was modeled in terms of the scalar relativistic approximation of the density functional theory (DFT/PBE). Various types of adsorption complexes were described, and their structural and energy characteristics were analyzed. The adsorption of phenylacetylene over Pd21 both in the presence and in the absence of pre-adsorbed hydrogen is thermodynamically more preferable.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2017;66(3):401-408
pages 401-408 views

Synthesis and properties of water-soluble silica nanoparticles

Gorbatsevich O., Kholodkov D., Kurkin T., Malakhova Y., Strel’tsov D., Buzin A., Kazakova V., Muzafarov A.


Methods for synthesis and optimum conditions of the formation of stable water-soluble silica nanoparticles are presented. The silica nanoparticles were synthesized by the hydrolytic polycondensation of tetraethoxysilane using two methods: under alkaline conditions (Stöber´s method) or in an acetic acid medium followed by the modification by grafting triethylene oxide moieties on the particle surface. The structure of the modified silica nanoparticles was confirmed by the data of IR and NMR spectroscopy. Polydispersity was evaluated by gel permeation chromatography and dynamic light scattering. The formation and stability of Langmuir monolayers of the silica nanoparticles modified by triethylene oxide moieties were studied.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2017;66(3):409-417
pages 409-417 views

Primary photophysical and photochemical processes for Pt(SCN)62– complex

Glebov E., Pozdnyakov I., Chernetsov V., Grivin V., Venediktov A., Melnikov A., Chekalin S., Plyusnin V.


Photosolvation of a PtIV hexathiocyanate complex Pt(SCN)62– in water and ethanol was studied by steady-state photolysis, nanosecond laser flash photolysis, and ultrafast kinetic spectroscopy. Complexes Pt(SCN)5(H2O) and Pt(SCN)5(C2H5OH) were found to be the only reaction products. The quantum yields of photosolvation are independent of the excitation wavelength, being equal to 0.25 and 0.5 for the solutions of the complex in water and ethanol, respectively. Photosolvation proceeds by the mechanism of heterolytic metal—ligand bond dissociation without involvement of redox processes. The characteristic time of formation of the end products for both solvents is about 10 ps. Three successive intermediates detected on the picosecond time scale were interpreted as PtIV complexes. The nature of the intermediates and possible mechanisms of photosolvation are discussed.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2017;66(3):418-425
pages 418-425 views

Synthesis, structure, and properties of compounds containing both octahedral rhenium cluster cations and anions

Ivanov A., Shestopalov M., Brylev K., Vorotnikov Y., Plyusnin P., Mironov Y.


The compound [{Re6S8}(3,5-Me2pzH)6]2[{Re6S8}Br6]•9H2O•4EtOH containing a cluster cation and a cluster anion in a 2: 1 ratio was synthesized by mixing an ethanol solution of the rhenium cluster complex [{Re6S8}(3,5-Me2pzH)6]Br2•2(3,5-Me2pzH) (pzH is pyrazole) with an aqueous solution of Cs4[{Re6S8}Br6]•2H2O. The resulting compound was characterized by a combination of physicochemical methods. In particular, luminescence properties were studied and compared with those of the parent cluster complexes. A crystal suitable for single-crystal X-ray diffraction was obtained by layering these solutions. According to single-crystal X-ray diffraction analysis, this compound is composed of a cluster cation and a cluster anion (in a ratio of 1: 1) and also of Zundel cations (H5O2+) and solvate water molecules and is described by the formula (H5O2)2[{Re6S8}(3,5-Me2pzH)6][{Re6S8}Br6]•4H2O.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2017;66(3):426-431
pages 426-431 views

Two decomposition mechanisms of nitrosyl iron complexes [Fe2(μ-SR)(NO)4]

Pokidova O., Sanina N., Syrtsova L., Psikha B., Shkondina N., Kotelnikov A., Aldoshin S.


Two decomposition mechanisms of nitrosyl iron complexes (NICs) [Fe2(μ-SR)(NO)4] in aqueous medium are known. One mechanism (for instance, in the case of complex [Fe2(μ-SC4H3N2)2(NO)4]) involves irreversible and rapid hydrolysis of NIC with the NO release accompanied with the formation of the products of further NO transformations. In the other mechanism (for instance, in the case of complexes [Fe2(μ-S(CH2)2NH3)2(NO)4]SO4• •2.5H2O and [Fe2(μ-SC5H11NO2)2(NO)4]SO4•5H2O), no hydrolysis occurs but NICs reversibly dissociate to release both NO and thiolate ligand into the medium. In the present work, the difference in the mechanisms of the NIC decomposition is explained by the difference in the NIC redox potentials. The experimental evidences of this fact are given.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2017;66(3):432-438
pages 432-438 views

Theoretical and experimental investigation of the nature of crystallization processes in systems Ca(NO3)2—(NH4)2HPO4—Na2SiO3—H2О

Solonenko A., Boksgorn V.


The theoretical investigation of phase formation processes in systems Са(NO3)2—(NH4)2НРО4—Na2SiO3—H2О was carried out at the varied concentration of phosphate ions, Si/P molar ratio, and pH taking into account the absorption of CO2 from air. The formation of hydroxyapatite is most probable in aqueous solutions as it was established by the results of calculation of the change in the Gibbs energy of crystallization. The supersaturation of the systems with respect to calcium silicate and calcite and thermodynamic probability of their precipitation together with basic calcium phosphate increase with an increase in the alkalinity of the reaction medium. The formation of mixtures of poorly crystallized nonstoichiometric calcium phosphate and calcium silicate was experimentally detected in the studied media. The method of precipitation from aqueous solutions can be used to produce composites based on these salts for biomedical purposes.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2017;66(3):439-446
pages 439-446 views

Preparation of composite microneedles from a suspension of carbonyl iron microparticles in fluoroorganic binder

Semenov V., Razov E., Kruglov A., Kotomina V.


The method was proposed for the preparation of composite iron-fluoropolymeric magnetic needles up to 20 mm in length by self-assembly of carbonyl iron microparticles in a solution of the LF-32L fluoroorganic varnish in a vertical magnetic field. The resistance of the generated structures toward aqueous solutions of acids increases in the series HCl—HNO3—H2SO4. The structures withstand heating to 200 °С. The dissolution of iron results in to formation of porous fluoropolymeric shells curling or retaining the linear shape after the loss of the filler. The properties of the needles and shells were studied by IR spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy, and optical microscopy.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2017;66(3):447-456
pages 447-456 views

Electrochemical corrosion of thin ferromagnetic Fe—N films in neutral solution

Maklakov S., Maklakov S., Naboko A., Polozov V., Amelichev V., Ryzhikov I.


A model experiment was conducted in order to determine an interplay between inherent strains and electrochemical corrosion rate in nitrogen-doped iron thin films. 150 and 300 nm thick films, used in the experiment, were obtained by means of DC magnetron sputtering. In order to study the influence of substrate on inherent strains in metal, these films were deposited onto flexible polymer and rigid glass substrates. It was found, that the rigidity of the substrate increased the corrosion rate of thin iron films in a neutral electrolytic solution. It was proven using X-ray diffraction, that the greater rigidity was, the stronger were the internal strains within the films. That effect was especially pronounced in thinner films, where the increase in the rate of dissolution was accompanied by a localization of corrosion. Characteristics of electrochemical processes were measured using a three-electrode cell. The comparison of the films free surface energy was performed by measuring water contact angle.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2017;66(3):457-462
pages 457-462 views

The influence of the support on activity and selectivity of nickel sulfide catalysts in the decarbonylation of stearic acid to heptadecenes

Danyushevsky V., Kuznetsov P., Katsman E., Kupriyanov A., Flid V., Berenblyum A.


The influence of the support nature on the performance of nickel sulfide catalyst in the decarbonylation of stearic acid to heptadecenes was investigated. The catalyst supported on silica demonstrated higher activity and selectivity in comparison with the catalyst on γ-Al2O3 used as a reference. The reaction schemes over these catalysts are nearly the same; however, the contributions from the side reactions of hydrogenation and oligomerization are reasonably different. Introduction of the products of decarbonylation (CO and water vapor) decreases the stearic acid conversion; and in the case of the catalyst supported on silica, the addition of CO strongly reduces the rate of hydrogenation of heptadecenes. The reasons for the observed differences were discussed. It was suggested that the dispersion of the nickel component as well as the nature of support acidity played a significant role.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2017;66(3):463-467
pages 463-467 views

Kinetics and mechanism of radiation telomerization of tetrafluoroethylene in hexafluoropropan-2-ol and trifluoroethanol

Kichigina G., Kushch P., Kiryukhin D., Kuzina S., Mikhailov A.


The kinetics of radiation telomerization of tetrafluoroethylene (TFE) in trifluoroethanol and hexafluoropropan-2-ol (HFIP) has been investigated by method of kinetic calorimetry. The nature of active centers initiating the process of telomerization of tetrafluoroethylene in hexafluoroisopropanol in the temperature range of 77—300 K was investigated by ESR spectroscopy. The molecular structure and properties of the obtained telomeres were studied by IR spectroscopy and TGA.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2017;66(3):468-473
pages 468-473 views

The catalytic activity of bimetallic Pt—Pd polymer nanocomposites in formic acid oxidation

Yashtulov N., Lebedeva M., Myasnikova N., Ragutkin A., Flid V.


The platinum-palladium/Nafion metal—polymer nanocomposites were synthesized by chemical reduction of metal ions in water—organic reverse microemulsion solutions. The catalytic activity of the synthesized polymer composites with bimetallic Pt—Pd nanoparticles was estimated in the oxidation of hydrogen and formic acid.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2017;66(3):474-478
pages 474-478 views

Electroreduction mechanism of N-phenylhydroxylamines in aprotic solvents: formation of hydrogen bonds between N-(3-nitrophenyl)hydroxylamine and its radical anion

Mendkovich A., Syroeshkin M., Gultyai V., Rusakov A.


The electroreduction of N-(3-nitrophenyl)hydroxylamine in DMF was studied using cyclic voltammetry, chronoamperometry, and numerical simulation. It is shown that the stability of formed radical anion is significantly higher than that of the radical anion of the 4-nitrophenyl derivative. In the range of low concentrations and high potential scan rates, the electroreduction of N-(3-nitrophenyl)hydroxylamine is complicated only by the formation of complexes between the depolarizer molecules, most likely, due to hydrogen bonds, as well as between the depolarizer and its radical anion. The thermodynamic and kinetic parameters of these processes were evaluated.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2017;66(3):479-482
pages 479-482 views

Estimation of kinetic parameters for curing of epoxy-anhydride compositions by DSC

Amirova L., Khamidullin O., Zalyalova G., Amirova L.


The kinetics of the curing process of epoxy resin (ED-22) in the presence of the anhydride hardeners (iso-methyltetrahydrophthalic anhydride, hexahydrophthalic anhydride, and dodecylsuccinic anhydride) and accelerators (2-methyl imidazole and n-butyltriphenylphosphonium bromide) has been investigated by DSC method in the dynamic mode. Processing of experimental DSC thermograms recorded at different heating rates was carried out within the frameworks of isoconvertional analysis in two versions, namely "model-free" method of Friedman and the Ozawa—Flynn—Wall method. The possibility to describe the kinetics of epoxy compositions curing in the frameworks of one-step autocatalytic reaction model has been demonstrated. Obtained kinetic parameters were used to predict the curing kinetics under isothermal conditions and for comparative analysis of the compositions.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2017;66(3):483-487
pages 483-487 views

Acetone condensation over CaO—SnO2 catalyst

Koklin A., Hasyanova G., Glukhov L., Bogdan V.


Aldol condensation of acetone was studied over solid base CaO—SnO2 catalyst in the 300—450 °C temperature range and at 15—75 atm pressure in a fixed-bed reactor. The main products are mesityl oxide and isophorone. The high stability of CaO—SnO2 catalyst performance was observed at pressure of 75 atm giving the acetone conversion of 36—41%. Increase in the temperature and pressure led to a simultaneous raise in acetone conversion. The maximum conversion of 41% was achieved at 400 °C, 75 atm and a flow rate of acetone of 8.1 g h–1 (g catalyst)–1.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2017;66(3):488-490
pages 488-490 views

Ambiguousness of GC-MS identification of spiro[2.4]hepta-4,6-diene in natural objects

Menchikov L., Nefedov O., Zenkevich I.


The publications on the GC-MS identification of spiro[2.4]hepta-4,6-diene in various natural objects were critically considered. Significant similarity of the mass spectra and coincidence of the GC retention indices on standard nonpolar phases of spiro[2.4]hepta-4,6-diene (761±3) and its isomer (toluene, 760±8) do not allow one to assert that the spirocyclic hydrocarbon was found in all the cases. Additional analytical parameters should be applied to differentiate such isomers.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2017;66(3):491-496
pages 491-496 views

Reactions of quinones with organometallic compounds: correlation analysis of substituent effects

Kurskii Y., Egorochkin A., Abakumov G.


The effects of substituents in lithium, magnesium, zinc, and cadmium organometallic compounds in their reactions with p-benzoquinone and 3,6-di-tert-butyl-o-benzoquinone on the ratio of addition and reduction products were considered. The reduction of quinones follows a homolytic mechanism of single electron transfer. The results of correlation analysis confirmed a suggestion that the addition to quinones followed a nucleophilic (heterolytic) mechanism.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2017;66(3):497-501
pages 497-501 views

Palladium complexes with 1-methyl-3-phenylindazole ligands

Bulygina L., Khrushcheva N., Ikonnikov N., Sokolov V.


1-Methyl-3-phenylindazole reacts with lithium tetrachloropalladate and palladium acetate to give new coordination and (C,N)-cyclometallated dimeric and monomeric palladium complexes.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2017;66(3):502-505
pages 502-505 views

Synthesis 5-(pyrazolin-3-ylmethylidene)-2-thiohydantoins and 2-alkylsulfanyl-5-(pyrazolin-3-ylmethylidene)-3,5-dihydro-4H-imidazol-4-ones

Vorozhtsov N., Sviridova L., Grigorkevich O., Korablina D., Beloglazkina E., Majouga A., Zyk N.


A reaction of 3-allyl- and 3-phenylthiohydantoins with 1,5-diphenyl- and 1-phenyl-substituted 3-formyl-2-pyrazolines was used to obtain a series of 5-(pyrazolin-3-ylmethylidene)-2-thioxotetrahydro-4H-imidazol-4-ones, the subsequent alkylation of which with methyl iodide or ethyl chloroacetate gave the corresponding 2-alkylthio-5-(pyrazolin-3-ylmethylidene)-3,5-dihydro-4H-imidazol-4-ones in the yields from 30 to 77%. The oxidation of (5Z)-3-phenyl-5-[(1,5-diphenylpyrazolin-3-yl)methylidene]-2-methylsulfanyl-4,5-dihydroimidazol-4-one with lead tetraacetate led to the corresponding pyrazole in 48% yield.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2017;66(3):506-510
pages 506-510 views

7-Azabicyclo[2.2.1]heptadienes in electrophilic chalcogenation reactions

Gavrilova A., Nechaev M., Aparshov D., Arkhipenko S., Antipin R., Bondarenko O., Zyk N.


Reactions of electrophilic chalcogenation (sulfenylation and selenenylation) of 7-azabicyclo[2.2.1]heptadiene derivatives with electron-withdrawing substituents at the nitrogen atom and the double bond were found to proceed trans-stereospecifically with the formation of 1,2-addition products, resulting from the exo-attack by the electrophile. In the case of 2-tosyl-7-azanorbornadiene, the reaction is regiospecific: the electrophilic species exclusively adds to the carbon atom at position 6. A comparative analysis of the behavior of dimethyl bicyclo-[2.2.1]heptadiene-2,3-dicarboxylate and its 7-aza analogs in the AdE reactions was carried out.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2017;66(3):511-522
pages 511-522 views

Synthesis of substituted pyrido[3´,2´:4,5]thieno[3,2-c]isoquinolin-5(6H)-ones and their sulfinyl and sulfonyl derivatives

Kalugin V., Shestopalov A.


A method for the synthesis of previously unknown pyrido[3´,2´:4,5]thieno[3,2-c]isoquinolin-5(6H)-ones was suggested, which includes a condensation reaction of substituted 3-cyanopyridine-2(1H)-thiones with methyl 2-(chloromethyl)benzoate and subsequent treatment of the condensation products with potassium tert-butoxide. The oxidation of the condensation products to sulfoxides or sulfones and subsequent treatment of these compounds with potassium tert-butoxide led to substituted pyrido[3´,2´:4,5]thieno[3,2-c]isoquinolin-5(6H)-one 11-oxides or substituted pyrido[3´,2´:4,5]thieno[3,2-c]isoquinolin-5(6H)-one 11,11-dioxides.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2017;66(3):523-530
pages 523-530 views

Nitrolysis of 2,6,8,12-tetraacetyl-4,10-dibenzyl-2,4,6,8,10,12-hexaazatetracyclo[,11.05,9]dodecane

Kalashnikov A., Sysolyatin S., Sakovich G., Dubkov A., Kulagina D.


Nitrolysis of 2,6,8,12-tetraacetyl-4,10-dibenzyl-2,4,6,8,10,12-hexaazatetracyclo-[,11.05,9]dodecane results in the substitution of benzyl groups by the nitro groups with the formation of 2,4,6,8,10,12-hexanitro-2,4,6,8,10,12-hexaazatetracyclo[,11.05,9]-dodecane. The reaction sequentially proceeds through the nitration of the benzyl groups predominantly at para-position, the substitution of one nitrobenzyl group with the nitro group, and the introduction of the second nitro group into the nitrobenzyl fragment. The replacement of the remaining dinitrobenzyl fragment is a more difficult process, which reaches completion only by the end of the nitration. Another reaction product is p-nitrobenzoic acid, which is formed in the secondary reactions. No substitution of a p-nitrobenzoyl group with the nitro group takes place in the nitration of 2,6,8,12-tetraacetyl-4,10-di(p-nitrobenzoyl)-2,4,6,8,10,12-hexaazatetracyclo[,11.05,9]dodecane under similar conditions.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2017;66(3):531-536
pages 531-536 views

Ferrocenecarboxylic acid and microwave-assisted synthesis of ferrocenoyl hydrazones

Kulikov V., Nikulin R., Arkhipov D., Rodionov A., Babusenko E., Kovalenko L., Belousov Y.


A protocol to access ferrocenecarboxylic acid via carboxylation of ferrocene with carbon dioxide in the presence of aluminum chloride was elaborated. An efficient microwave-assisted synthesis of ferrocenoyl hydrazones by condensation of ferrocene carbohydrazide with carbonyl compounds was developed. Structures of the synthesized compounds were examined by NMR spectroscopy and mass spectrometry. Structures of N´-(4-chlorobenzylidene)ferrocenecarbohydrazide, N´-(4-methoxybenzylidene)ferrocenecarbohydrazide, and N´-(2-hydroxybenzylidene)ferrocenecarbohydrazide were determined by X-ray diffraction analysis. Synthesized compounds were found to have no toxicity against P. aeruginosa, E. coli, S. aureus, B. subtilis, M. rubrum, and C. albicans.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2017;66(3):537-544
pages 537-544 views

Synthesis of a new monomer for sulfonated poly(arylene ether sulfones)

Begunov R., Valyaeva A., Fakhrutdinov A., Pirogova S.


4-({2,4-Bis[(4-chlorophenyl)sulfonyl]phenyl}thio)benzenesulfonic acid was synthesized based on the scheme suggested from the results of retrosynthetic analysis. This compound is a new monomer for the preparation of sulfonated poly(arylene ether sulfones) used as a solid polymer electrolyte in fuel cells. The structure of the aromatic disulfone containing a sulfo group was suggested based on the data on the influence of chemical structure of structural elements of polysulfone proton-conducting membranes on their operational characteristics.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2017;66(3):545-551
pages 545-551 views

Modification of biologically active amides and amines with fluoro-containing heterocycles 13.* Carbazoles and tetrahydrocarbazoles modified with 2-substituted (imidazo[1,2-a]pyridine-3-yl)propionamidic fragments

Sokolov V., Aksinenko A., Epishina T., Goreva T., Grigoriev V., Gabrel’yan A.


An approach to modify biologically active carbazoles and tetrahydrocarbazoles with 2-trifluoromethyl and 2-methoxycarbonyl(imidazo[1,2-a]pyridin-3-yl)propionylamidic fragments by interaction of N-methyl-N-[2-trifluoromethylimidazo[1,2-a]pyridin-3-yl]prop-2-ene amides and N-methyl-N-[2-methoxycarbonylimidazo[1,2-a]pyridin-3-yl]prop-2-ene amides with carbazoles and tetrahydrocarbazoles in the presence of catalytic amounts of cesium fluoride was proposed. Effect of compounds synthesized on neuronal NMDA receptors using radioligand binding method was studied.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2017;66(3):552-557
pages 552-557 views

Silicon–boron-containing glycerohydrogel having wound healing, regenerative, and antimicrobial activity

Chupakhin O., Khonina T., Kungurov N., Zilberberg N., Evstigneeva N., Kokhan M., Polishchuk A., Shadrina E., Larchenko E., Larionov L., Karabanalov M.


A novel combined bioactive silicon–boron-containing glycerohydrogel was prepared by a sol-gel method with the use of silicon and boron glycerolates as precursors. The solid phase of hydrogel was separated by an exhaustive cold extraction and characterized by XRD, atomic emission spectroscopy, IR spectroscopy, and elemental analysis data. Liquid medium of hydrogel was characterized by atomic emission spectroscopy and 11B NMR spectroscopy techniques. The structural features of the hydrogel were studied using transmission electron microscopy; the model of structure was proposed. Silicon–boron-containing hydrogel displays pronounced wound healing, regenerative and antimicrobial activities and could be recommended for more extensive study with the purpose to be applied in medical practice.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2017;66(3):558-563
pages 558-563 views

Brief Communications

Determination of the reaction acceleration effect at an elevated hydrostatic pressure

Kornilov D., Kiselev V., Konovalov A.


A method was proposed for the calculation of changes in the rate (kP/kP=0) and equilibrium constants (KP/KP=0) for chemical reactions under high hydrostatic pressure (10—20 kbar). The calculation based on the activation and reaction volume data makes it possible to select optimum conditions for slow and equilibrium chemical processes.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2017;66(3):564-566
pages 564-566 views

On the relationship between the fullerene reactivity and degree of substitution

Atovmyan E.


The kinetics of radical polymerization of N-isopropylacrylamide (NIPA, initiator of AIBN) in the presence of some C60 derivatives was studied. It was established experimentally and by quantum chemical calculations that the ability of fullerene to add radicals decreased sharply after the destruction of six double bonds in the C60 molecule due to the addition of six free radicals or other particles. The calculations show that the energy of bond formation between the seventh initiator radical and C60 is by 20 times lower than that in the case of previous six radicals, and the further addition of radicals is impossible. It was experimentally found that the maximally possible number of added initiator radicals can be much higher. Moreover, during radical polymerization of NIPA a polymer layer grows around the C60 molecules with maximally possible number of already added initiator radicals. The layer consists of polymer NIPA chains chemically bound with C60. A possible mechanism explaining this fact is discussed.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2017;66(3):567-570
pages 567-570 views

Synthesis and structure of the first representative of pentacoordinate C,O-chelates with a dipeptide fragment, the fluorosilane Ts—Gly—(S)-Pro—N(Me)CH2SiMe2F

Nikolin A., Kramarova E., Korlyukov A., Arkhipov D., Shipov A., Baukov Y., Lagunin A., Shmigol T., Negrebetsky V.


A reaction of bicyclic 2-sila-5-piperazinone, 2,2,4-trimethyl-1,4-diaza-2-silabicyclo-[4.3.0]nonan-5-one containing a proline moiety, and N-tosylglycine acyl chloride with subsequent hydrolysis of the primary unstable product to the intermediate disiloxane and its treatment with BF3•OEt2 furnished a first representative of pentacoordinate C,O-chelate halosilanes with a dipeptide fragment, namely, Ts—Gly—(S)-Pro—N(Me)CH2SiMe2F.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2017;66(3):571-573
pages 571-573 views

Letters to the Editor

Stereoselective synthesis of (E)-vinyltellanes based on the reaction of tellurium tetrachloride with bis(trimethylsilyl)acetylene

Musalova M., Musalov M., Potapov V., Amosova S.
Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2017;66(3):574-576
pages 574-576 views

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