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Vol 43, No 6 (2017)


An experimental examination of thin films of lithium phosphorus oxynitride (a solid electrolyte)

Rudyi A.S., Vasil’ev S.V., Lebedev M.E., Metlitskaya A.V., Mironenko A.A., Naumov V.V., Novozhilova A.V., Fedorov I.S., Churilov A.B.


The results of examination of thin-film samples of the LiPON solid electrolyte, which were synthesized by magnetron sputtering, are reported. Data on the morphology, structure, elemental and phase composition, and electrophysical parameters of LiPON films are presented.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(6):503-506
pages 503-506 views

A laser unit for photodynamic therapy and robot-assisted microsurgery in dentistry

Chunikhin A.A., Bazikyan E.A., Pikhtin N.A.


Results are presented of photochemical experiments with an IR-laser unit for microsurgery and photodynamic therapy in dentistry. The efficiency of direct generation of singlet oxygen in model organic media in the continuous-wave and pulsed nanosecond modes is examined. The unit can serve both as an independent instrument and as a part of a complex for robot-assisted surgery and dentistry.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(6):507-510
pages 507-510 views

Interaction of shock wave with free glow discharge

Baryshnikov A.S., Basargin I.V., Bobashev S.V., Monakhov N.A., Popov P.A., Sakharov V.A., Chistyakova M.V.


The distribution of charge particles in glow-discharge plasma during shock wave propagation through it is measured by a double electric probe. It is established that a decrease in the ion concentration in front of the shock wave is related to the occurrence of ion-acoustic oscillations in the plasma.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(6):511-513
pages 511-513 views

А two-electrode multichannel analyzer of charged particles with discrete outer cylindrical and flat end electrodes

Fishkova T.Y.


Using computer simulation, I have determined the parameters of a multichannel analyzer of charged particles of a simple design that I have proposed having the form of a cylindrical capacitor with a discrete outer cylinder and closed ends in a wide range of simultaneously recorded energies (Emax/Emin = 100). When introducing an additional cylindrical electrode of small dimensions near the front end of the system, it is possible to improve the resolution by more than an order of magnitude in the low-energy region. At the same time, the energy resolution of the analyzer in all the above energy range is ρ = (4–6) × 10–3.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(6):514-516
pages 514-516 views

The concentration effect at nonisothermal nucleation under conditions of solid-solution heating

Ashkalunin A.L., Valov P.M., Derkacheva O.Y., Leiman V.I., Maksimov V.M.


The influence of the heating rate of a solid solution up to the temperature of isothermal annealing on the distribution of CuCl particles by radii has been studied using the example of a solid solution of CuCl in glass. The study of changes in the distribution of particle radii in the CuCl phase has been performed using exciton-thermal analysis. It has been found that, with slow (60 min) heating of the sample to 650°C, the concentration of nucleates in the CuCl phase first increases rapidly and, then, the concentration decreases. The decrease in concentration is explained by the rapid growth of the critical radius with temperature and depletion of the solution. As follows from numerical simulation, the nucleation in a solution of CuCl in glass under conditions of slow heating is in good agreement with the experimental data.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(6):517-519
pages 517-519 views

Dynamics of multibubble sonoluminescence intensity

Biryukov D.A., Gerasimov D.N.


Experimental data indicative of a correlation between the sonoluminescence (SL) intensities at different points of a vessel with a liquid are reported. The SL disappears ~0.1 s after switching off the ultrasonic generator, whereas the liquid conductivity remains the same for several minutes. Thus, the presence of ions in the liquid is not the only cause of the SL.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(6):520-522
pages 520-522 views

Negative terahertz conductivity of graphene when pumping by optical plasmons

Moiseenko I.M., Morozov M.Y., Popov V.V.


The diffusion pumping of graphene by optical plasmons, propagating in metal, and separated from the graphene by a semiconductor layer has been investigated theoretically. It is shown that pumping of graphene with optical plasmons provides maximum negative terahertz conductivity of graphene at a lower (approximately by 25%) pumping power compared to a diffusion pumping of graphene with optical radiation.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(6):523-526
pages 523-526 views

Subnanosecond impact-ionization switching of silicon structures without pn junctions

Podolska N.I., Rodin P.B.


It is shown that an application of a fast-rising high-voltage pulse to an n+nn+ silicon structure leads to subnanosecond avalanche breakdown, generation of electron–hole plasma throughout the entire structure, and structure switching to the conducting state in a time of about 100 ps. The predicted effect is similar to the delayed avalanche breakdown of reverse-biased p+nn+ diode structures; however, it is implemented in a structure without pn junctions.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(6):527-530
pages 527-530 views

Morphology and inner structure of ethanol sensitive thin films of tin oxide operating at near room temperature

Mahdi O.S., Malyar I.V., Galushka V.V., Smirnov A.V., Sinev I.V., Venig S.B.


Thin tin oxide films were fabricated by reactive RF magnetron sputtering. It was shown that the films possess gas sensitivity to ethanol vapor at 38°C. Measurements of the morphology and cleavage inner structure of the samples by atomic-force and scanning electron microscopy demonstrate that the films are composed of nanodimensional rod-like grains oriented normally to the substrate. The grains are separated by pores piercing the whole film. It was found that the grain diameter distribution is normal logarithmic one with several centers related as small integers, which indicates that the grains coalesce. The minimum grain size of 6 nm might correspond to the critical nucleus size under the used conditions of film deposition.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(6):531-534
pages 531-534 views

Temperature dependences of the optical properties of aluminum nanoparticles

Kalenskii A.V., Zvekov A.A.


The spectral dependences of the optical properties of aluminum at various temperatures have been analyzed. We have proposed and tested the approximation expressions for the imaginary part of the dielectric permittivity. The reflection coefficients at normal incidence of light and the optical properties of nanoparticles with a radius of 150 nm in a temperature range of 298–933 K have been calculated for practically important wavelengths. The optical properties of aluminum are found to be atypical, with the absorption coefficient decreasing with increasing temperature. This is due to the contribution of interband transitions to the optical properties of aluminum.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(6):535-538
pages 535-538 views

A holographic method of the quantitative measurement of photolithographic replicas of thick raised surface defects

Budnikov N.S., Dudenkova V.V., Kotomina V.E., Morozov O.A., Semenov V.V.


To solve the problem of the evaluation of the characteristic sizes and patterns of surface microdefects of complex-shaped samples, a holographic method for the measurement of transparent replicas representing an inverse impression of the investigated surface is proposed. This measurement method is based on the digital registration of the interferograms of a polymeric replica in the modified off-axis Leith–Upatnieks holographic scheme and on the calculation of the phase-incursion difference from a series of reconstructed digital holograms.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(6):539-541
pages 539-541 views

Studying the field emission cathode–gate structure based on carbon nanotubes for electron-optical systems with a sheet beam

Burtsev A.A., Pavlov A.A., Kitsyuk E.P., Grigor’ev Y.A., Danilushkin A.V., Shumikhin K.V.


Results of studying the cathode–gate structure based on carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are presented. Experimental samples of a matrix field emission cathode–gate structure based on a vertical array of CNTs with a cell diameter of 1 μm and microstructure period of 5 μm have been manufactured. Based on experimental data, an electron-optical system with a ribbon-type field emission CNT based cathode with a linear convergence of 6.25 and beam-current density of 4.46 A/cm2 has been proposed. Results of modeling a sheet 0.16-mm-thick electron beam formed by an electron gun with a CNT cathode demonstrated the possibility to obtain a low-perveance flow with a small deformation in the 0.3 × 0.8-mm beam tunnel of a slow wave 25-mm-long structure.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(6):542-544
pages 542-544 views

A mass spectrometer for pain-response monitoring in rats

Elizarov A.Y.


A mass spectrometer with a membrane interface has been used for measuring the relative concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) released from rat skin in response to thermal irritation and pain stimulus during intraperitoneal propofol–lidocaine anesthesia. It is established that the local anesthetic lidocaine directly influences the central nervous system and induces antinociceptive reaction to thermal irritation.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(6):545-546
pages 545-546 views

Injection of emitted electrons in a multigrained semiconductor nanostructure

Zhukov N.D., Khazanov A.A., Pereverzev Y.E.


The mechanism of injection of emitted electrons into submicron grains of semiconductors has been studied by approximating their experimental current–voltage (IV) characteristics. It is concluded that the injection in both single-crystalline and multigrained semiconductor structure can be described by the same physical model based on the notions of electron tunneling via the surface barrier and diffusion-drift transport of nonequilibrium electrons in the semiconductor. A determining role belongs to the IV characteristic described by a power law with exponents from 2 to 4. Analysis of IV curves allows the product of mobility and diffusion length of nonequilibrium electrons to be estimated. The obtained results can be used in the investigation and creation of multigrained semiconductor structures for gas sensors, optical sensors, and detectors and sources of infrared and terahertz radiation.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(6):547-550
pages 547-550 views

Spectral characteristics of optical discharge in a high-speed methane–air jet

Zudov V.N.


Results of gasdynamic and spectroscopic investigations of optical discharge in the subsupersonic flow of a homogeneous fuel–air (CH4 + air) mixtures are presented. The combustion was initiated and maintained by optical discharge created using a CO2 laser. The laser radiation propagated across the flow and was focused by a lens on the axis of the supersonic jet (M = 2). Emission-spectroscopy techniques provided data on the composition of radiating combustion products and the intensity of components emitted in the region of optical discharge. Patterns of Toepler’s visualization of the flow structure in the schlieren scheme are presented. The images were monitored by a high-speed video camera operating at an exposure time of 1.5 μs and a frame frequency of 1000 s–1.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(6):551-553
pages 551-553 views

Growth technology and characteristics of thin strontium iridate films and iridate–cuprate superconductor heterostructures

Petrzhik A.M., Cristiani G., Logvenov G., Pestun A.E., Andreev N.V., Kislinskii Y.V., Ovsyannikov G.A.


A technology for epitaxial growth of thin films of strontium iridate (Sr2IrO4) and related heterostructures with cuprate superconductor (Sr2IrO4/YBa2Cu3O7 − δ) has been proposed and developed. It is established that the two-layer structure grows epitaxially and the cuprate superconductor layer has the same critical temperature as that (~91 K) of an autonomous film. Crystallographic parameters of the obtained iridate films are close to tabulated values and the temperature dependence of their electric resistivity is consistent with published data.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(6):554-557
pages 554-557 views

Growth of the surface area of separated liquid fragments during high-temperature fragmentation of an inhomogeneous liquid drop

Piskunov M.V., Strizhak P.A.


We have experimentally studied the formation of a droplet cloud during intense heating and subsequent explosive fragmentation of an inhomogeneous liquid drop. The experiments were performed with water drops containing graphite particles, which were heated in a flow of combustion products at a temperature varied from 600 to 1100 K. Three regimes of fragmentation of the inhomogeneous liquid drops have been observed, which are characterized by different total areas of liquid phase surface in aerosol clouds. Dependence of these regimes on the water/inclusion volume ratio and the amount of supplied heat has been determined.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(6):558-561
pages 558-561 views

A two-dimensional electron gas in donor–acceptor doped backward heterostructures

Pashkovskii A.B., Novikov S.I., Lapin V.G., Lukashin V.M.


We propose a backward-diode heterostructure modified by a built-in acceptor-doped layer that forms an additional potential barrier decreasing the transverse transport of hot electrons to the substrate. According to calculations, this structure is characterized by (i) an energy difference between dimensional quantization levels that is several times the optical phonon energy in GaAs and (ii) increased linearity of transfer characteristics.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(6):562-566
pages 562-566 views

Graphene synthesis by cold implantation of carbon recoil atoms

Saraykin V.V., Agafonov Y.A., Zinenko V.I., Kononenko O.V.


A new method of introducing carbon into catalytic metal films for graphene synthesis is proposed. The method is based on the phenomenon of carbon recoil atoms from a layer of methane molecules that are adsorbed on a metal film being incorporated into this film under the action of bombardment with inert gas ions. To increase the thickness of adsorbed methane layer, the substrate is cooled down to −190°C. The proposed method has been implemented on a polycrystalline nickel film. After the final annealing, Raman spectroscopy showed the presence of numerous fragments of multilayer graphene on the film surface.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(6):567-569
pages 567-569 views

Nonstationary phenomena in the region of shock-wave interaction with a boundary layer at transonic flow velocities

Sidorenko A.A., Budovskii A.D., Polivanov P.A., Vishnyakov O.I.


Nonstationary characteristics of detached flow have been experimentally studied during interaction of the boundary layer with a shock wave that appears on a profiled bump in transonic flow. The experiments were performed with variable shock-wave intensity and position in a T-325 wind tunnel. The flow was studied using methods of schlieren imaging, measuring average pressure and its pulsations on the surface of a model, and determining velocity fields by particle image velocimetry. Analysis of the experimental data showed that the observed shock-wave oscillations and flow pulsations in the detachment zone were related to disturbances present in the oncoming boundary layer.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(6):570-573
pages 570-573 views

Effect of irradiation with 32-MeV protons on critical parameters of modern Nb3Sn-based superconducting composite wires

Degtyarenko P.N., Ballarino A., Bottura L., Gavrilkin S.Y., Flükiger R., Kruglov V.S., Latushkin S.T., Ryazanov A.I., Scheuerlein C., Semenov E.V., Shavkin S.V., Spina T., Unezhev V.N.


Vibrating-sample magnetometry techniques has been used for investigation of the electrophysical characteristics of several types of modern commercial multistrand composite wires based on Nb3Sn superconducting compound at temperatures that were measured 4.2, 7, and 12 K in magnetic fields up to 8 T before and after irradiation of the samples by fast (32-MeV) protons to fluences values 3 × 1016, 1 × 1017, 3 × 1017, and 1 × 1018 cm–2. All samples irradiated to fluences values up to 1 × 1017 cm–2 exhibited growth of the critical current density, which was most sharply pronounced in strong magnetic fields at lower temperatures. Further irradiation to a fluence value of 1 × 1018 cm–2 led to decrease of the critical current density below the initial level. The critical temperature of samples monotonically decreased with increasing irradiation dose.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(6):574-576
pages 574-576 views

Source-function synthesis in the self-consistent problem of radiation

Malyshev G.S., Raevskii A.S., Raevskii S.B.


A new approach to a rigorous theory of aperture antennas is proposed, which is based on solution of the self-consistent problem of radiation. It is ascertained that this formulation of the problem leads to a system of homogeneous Fredholm integral equations of the second kind—i.e., a problem for eigenfunctions and eigenvalues that provides a basis for solving the problem of field generation in the open space. The passage to Fredholm integral equations of the first kind allows one to solve the task of synthesis of the source function for a given radiation field.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(6):577-580
pages 577-580 views

Features of current flow in structures based on Au/Ti/n-InAlAs Schottky barriers

Chistokhin I.B., Aksenov M.S., Valisheva N.A., Dmitriev D.V., Zhuravlev K.S., Guzev A.A.


Current–voltage (IV) characteristics of Au/Ti/n-InAlAs/InP Shottky barriers have been studied in a temperature range of 100–380 K. It is established that, as the temperature increases from 100 to 200 K, the ideality factor drops from 1.58 to 1.1, while the barrier height grows from 0.55 to 0.69 eV. With a subsequent temperature increase from 200 to 380 K, both the ideality factor and barrier height vary, but only weakly. This behavior agrees well with the model of lateral inhomogeneity of the barrier height (Tung model), which is confirmed by the linear dependence of the barrier height on the ideality factor at temperatures within 100–200 K. Calculations according to this model yielded the value of 0.88 eV for the homogeneous-junction barrier height, 10–4 cm2/3 V1/3 for the mean-square deviation of the Gaussian distribution of barrier heights, 3.7 × 10–11 cm2 for the effective area of regions with reduced barrier heights, and 10.7 A cm–2 K–2 for the Richardson constant.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(6):581-583
pages 581-583 views

A thermodynamic approach to selecting a number of clusters based on topic modeling

Koltcov S.N.


A thermodynamic approach has been applied to solving the problem of selecting the number of clusters/topics in topic modeling. The main principles of this approach are formulated and the behavior of topic models during temperature variations is studied. Using thermodynamic formalism, the existence of the entropy phase transition in topic models is shown and criteria for the choice of optimum number of clusters/ topics are determined.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(6):584-586
pages 584-586 views

The evolution of spatiotemporal chaos in a discrete-continuous active medium

Maksimenko V.A., Postnov D.E., Koronovskii A.A., Makarov V.V., Hramov A.E.


A special approach to calculation of the spectrum of Lyapunov exponents has been developed and applied to diagnostics of the degree of regularity of wave structures in a model neural system. A transition between the regimes of regular wave dynamics and developed spatiotemporal chaos is demonstrated and quantitatively characterized.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(6):587-589
pages 587-589 views

Field-electron emission microscopy of carbon-saturated rhenium

Bernatskii D.P., Pavlov V.G.


The growth of carbon structures on the surface of a rhenium point field emitter has been studied by field electron microscopy (FEM). It is established that graphene formation takes place on close-packed crystal faces of rhenium and leads to decrease in their work function. For rhenium exposed in benzene vapors, the formation of graphene islands requires a much longer time than that for iridium. Heating of carbon-saturated rhenium point field emitter up to temperatures close to its melting point with subsequent cooling does not lead to changes in the work function and FEM image of the emitter surface. The observed phenomena are explained by high solubility of carbon in rhenium.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(6):590-592
pages 590-592 views

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