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Vol 64, No 6 (2019)

Theoretical and Mathematical Physics

Application of Quantum Scattering Theory in Calculation of the Simplest Chemical Reactions (Dissociative Attachment, Dissociation, and Recombination)

Pozdneev S.A.


Several parameters (cross section, reaction rate, etc.) of various processes in laser, atomic, and chemical physics are calculated using quantum scattering theory for a system of a few particles. Results of the study of electronic and atomic collisions with diatomic molecules and collisions of diatomic molecules in excited rovibrational states are discussed. Several approximations needed for calculations of real physical systems consisting of several bodies are analyzed. Such approximations can be used for simulation of direct reactions and reactions that yield intermediate transient complexes. Calculated cross sections of electronic and atomic collisions with diatomic molecules and collisions of diatomic molecules are compared with experimental data and results of alternative calculations.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(6):749-756
pages 749-756 views

Balanced Flux Concentrators and Their Application for Reduction of Electromagnetic Forces in Magnetic Systems

Shneerson G.A., Degtev D.A.


Magnetic flux concentrators, viz., bodies with radial cuts introduced into the field of a magnet, substantially affect the magnitude and distribution of electromagnetic forces in magnetic systems. The fields of magnetic systems with flux concentrators are calculated in the perfect conduction approximation, which is valid in the case of a clearly pronounced skin effect. The possibility of complete or partial compensation of forces acting on the concentrator is demonstrated for some model problems. At the same time, it is shown that the placement of the concentrator near the winding of the magnet can reduce the forces acting on the winding. Therefore, the concentrator unloads the winding, remaining balanced completely or partly. As a result, the requirements of devices ensuring the durability of the magnetic system are substantially reduced.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(6):757-766
pages 757-766 views

Gases and Liquids

Low-Gas Detonation in Low-Density Mechanically Activated Powder Mixtures

Rashkovskiy S.A., Dolgoborodov A.Y.


We have analyzed experimental data on supersonic self-sustained propagation of an energy-release wave in low-density mechanically activated mixtures. Various mechanisms that can be responsible for this process have been investigated, and the mechanism for detonation-like propagation of reaction in powder mixtures has been proposed. It is shown that under certain conditions, this process possesses all features of detonation and must be treated as a variety of detonation. It is demonstrated that this type of detonation basically differs from classical “ideal” detonation: instead of a shock wave, a compaction wave propagates in a powder mixture, in which powder compaction and not compression of particle material occurs due to mutual displacement of particles. In this case, a chemical reaction is initiated due to mutual friction of oxidizer and fuel particles in the powder compaction wave.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(6):767-775
pages 767-775 views

The Gas-Jet Method of Deposition of Nanostructured Silver Films

Bykov N.Y., Safonov A.I., Leshchev D.V., Starinsky S.V., Bulgakov A.V.


The synthesis of thin silver films by the gas-jet deposition method is experimentally and theoretically studied. When the metal is deposited onto silicon substrates from a supersonic jet of silver vapor with a helium carrier gas, nanostructured films with a 3−30 nm size of nanostructures are obtained for a 1230−1380 K range of jet source temperatures. The data on Ag–He gas-jet dynamics when it is expanded into vacuum (velocity, temperature, concentration, flux of particles onto a substrate) depending on parameters at the source (vapor temperature, flow rate of a carrier gas) are obtained by the method of direct simulation Monte Carlo. The range of optimal helium flow rates, when the efficiency of a gas-jet source is maximal, is determined. It is established that the presence of a background gas in a deposition chamber at pressure higher than 1 Pa decreases the flow of particles onto a substrate, and a simple way of its evaluation is proposed. Conditions for formation of silver clusters in the jet are determined by using the simulation. It is shown that for experimental deposition regimes there are no clusters in the jet, and the observed silver nanostructures are formed on the substrate surface.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(6):776-789
pages 776-789 views

Influence of the Reynolds Number on the Distribution of Turbulent Pulsation Kinetic Energy over a Channel’s Cross Section

Chesnokov Y.G.


Numerical simulation data for 2D channel flow obtained by different authors have been used to study the influence of the Reynolds number on the distribution of pulsation kinetic energy over a flat channel’s cross section.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(6):790-795
pages 790-795 views

Characteristics of “Bounce” of Interacting Water Droplets

Shlegel’ N.E., Strizhak P.A.


We report on the results of experiments devoted to analysis of conditions and characteristics of “bounce” (approach and interaction through a gaseous buffer envelope) of water droplets moving in a gaseous media with different parameters: velocity and direction of motion, temperature, and composition. Experiments were performed in flows of air, water vapor, and combustion products. Peculiarities of bounce of droplets with different initial temperatures are considered, and the results obtained at 18–20 and 60–80°C are compared. More than 1000 collisions of droplets recorded by high-speed photography are divided into groups of bounce, coalescence, separation, and disruption. The results of criterion processing using the Weber numbers are obtained.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(6):796-801
pages 796-801 views

Analysis of Dynamic Processes Occurring during Generation of Plasmoid Formations in a Supersonic Flow

Znamenskaya I.A., Naumov D.S., Sysoev N.N., Chernikov V.A.


Plasmadynamic processes and rapid shock-wave processes accompanying the generation of plasma formation in a supersonic jet flow are analyzed on the basis of high-speed digital recording of images. We analyze (with a high time resolution) the dynamics of spherical plasmoid formation, discontinuities generated by it, and their action on the bow shock wave in front of the model. It is shown that during the plasmoid lifetime (about 100–120 μs), the regime of the supersonic flow past the model is modified: the shock layer is rearranged, and the departure of the bow wave from the symmetry axis substantially increases due to a change in the structure and parameters of the incoming flow.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(6):802-806
pages 802-806 views


Discharge System with a Self-Heated Hollow Cathode and an Evaporating Anode in a Cusp Magnetic Field for Oxide Coatings Deposition

Gavrilov N.V., Kamenetskikh A.S., Emlin D.R., Tretnikov P.V., Chukin A.V.


The properties of a discharge with a self-heated hollow cathode and an evaporating anode placed in a cusp magnetic field created by two oppositely connected coils installed near the anode and cathode are studied. There is a negatively biased sample holder in the region of the annular magnetic slit. Compressing the discharge column at the anode with a magnetic field ensures effective evaporation of the metal (aluminum) loaded into the crucible anode; the density of the oxygen-containing plasma generated in the volume was controlled by changing the current of the cathode magnetic coil. The rate of depositing the aluminum oxide coating by reactive anodic evaporation, in contrast to reactive magnetron sputtering, is not limited by the oxidation of the sputtering target; the lifetime of the thermal emission cathode is hundreds of hours. The high ion-current density of the plasma (up to 10 mA/cm2) ensures a decrease in the crystallization temperature and the formation of nanocrystalline oxide coatings. The conditions are determined for a stable discharge operation with a current of up to 40 A at a pressure of 0.1 Pa in an oxygen-argon mixture. The results of probe diagnostics of the plasma discharge parameters, deposition rate measurements, and an analysis of the structure and properties of aluminum oxide coatings are given.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(6):807-813
pages 807-813 views

Potential for Using Negative Spin Components in Neutron Polarizers. First Results

Gordeev G.P., Zabenkin V.N., Didenko G.P., Aksel’rod L.A., Lazebnik I.M., Lyamkin V.A.


The results of experimental verification of the feasibility of enhancing the efficiency of neutron-beam polarizers based on magnetized supermirrors are presented. The idea is to use both spin components of a neutron ensemble in a beam. The positive component is reflected from one magnetized mirror, and the negative component, which passes through it, is rotated by 180° and reflected from another mirror. Both beams were detected by a single detector. With the coefficients of reflection of spin components from the mirrors and the efficiency of rotation of the negative component factored in, an approximately twofold enhancement of the neutron intensity was obtained at an average polarization of ~66%. A monochromatic neutron beam was used in these experiments.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(6):814-818
pages 814-818 views

Solid State

Interfacial Stresses and Anomalous Shape of Pseudoelastic Deformation Curves in Ni49Fe18Ga27Co6 Alloy Crystals Compressed along the [011]A Axis

Malygin G.A., Nikolaev V.I., Krymov V.M., Pul’nev S.A., Stepanov S.I.


We have performed experimental and theoretical investigation of the anomalous form of the compression diagrams and shape memory restoration curves in Ni49Fe18Ga27Co6 alloy crystals deformed by uniaxial compression along the [011]A crystallographic direction (A-austenite) in the temperature range of 200–350 K. It is found that in the investigated temperature range, all compression diagrams contain anomalous segments of smooth and sharp decrease in deforming stresses. It is shown that the segments of a smooth decrease in stress are associated with peculiarities in martensite reaction L12 → 14M, while segments of a sharp drop are due to instability of martensite reactions 14M → L10 and L12 → L10. A possible source of reaction instability is associated with interfacial stresses at the interfaces between the martensite and austenite phases (lamellas) due to different elastic moduli of contacting phases. The magnitude of these stresses is significant in the case of 14M → L10 and L12 → L10 transformations, which induces a sharp drop of the deforming stress, while the restoration of the shape memory effect is of a burst nature. It is established that the contribution of interfacial stresses to the free energy of martensite transformation is smaller than the dissipative (entropy) contribution to this energy; however, interfacial stresses higher than a certain threshold strongly affect transformation kinetics and, hence, determine the strongly anomalous shape of pseudoelastic deformation curves and burst restoration of the shape memory effect.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(6):819-827
pages 819-827 views

Physical Science of Materials

Variation of the 13C Diamond Properties under Isothermal Compression

Magomedov M.N.


The parameters of atomic interaction pair potential for 13C diamond have been determined from experimental data on the ratio of Raman frequencies for isotopically different diamonds. Based on these parameters, an equation of state and baric dependences of 13C diamond lattice properties at 300 K have been calculated. Specifically, the Debye temperature; the first, second, and third Grüneisen parameters; elastic modulus; thermal expansion coefficient; heat capacity; surface energy; and pressure derivatives of these parameters along a 300 K isotherm have been determined. The results have been compared with available data for diamond having a natural isotopic composition, i.e., for 12.01C.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(6):828-832
pages 828-832 views

Analysis of Electrical Discharge Machining

Sarilov M.Y., Myl’nikov V.V.


Breakdown in liquid dielectric medium, plasma channel, and heat transfer in the course of electrical discharge machining are studied. Specific features and most important parameters of electrical discharge machining of titanium and aluminum alloys are determined. Theoretical, experimental, and simulated results indicate that the adequacy hypothesis can be accepted at a confidence level of 95%, since the Fisher criterion is no greater than the reference value.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(6):833-838
pages 833-838 views

Study of the Heterogeneity of a Mixed-Conducting Electrochemical Electrode

Nechitailov A.A., Glebova N.V., Tomasov A.A., Krasnova A.O., Zelenina N.K.


The ionic resistance of membrane–electrode assemblies of oxygen–hydrogen fuel cell electrodes containing platinum nanoparticles on carbon black, carbon nanofibers, and proton-conducting Nafion polymer in a wide range of compositions (10–80 wt %) are studied in situ by the methods of current–voltage characteristics, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, and simulation of the impedance hodograph. Conditions that make it possible to correctly determine the ionic resistance of the electrode on the basis of an analysis of the linear approximation of the high-frequency region of the impedance hodograph are found. It is shown that the occurrence of inhomogeneities and an anomalous increase in the ionic resistance with an increase in the content of Nafion in the electrode are associated with a decrease in the volume fraction of water-generation centers (particles of electrochemically active platinum), which leads to incomplete wetting of Nafion.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(6):839-847
pages 839-847 views

Anomalous Elastic and Inelastic Properties of the Cox(CaF2)100 –x Nanogranular Composites

Tarasov D.P.


Elastic (G) and inelastic (Q–1) properties of the Cox(CaF2)100 –x (x = 41–84 at %) nanocomposites fabricated with the aid of ion-beam sputtering are studied in a temperature interval of 170–750 K. Maximum internal friction related to hopping of Co atoms inside metal granules is revealed at a temperature of 227 K. It is shown that the maxima increase with increasing concentration of metal phase. A noticeable increase in dependence Q–1(T) at a temperature of greater than 675 K is caused by diffusion of vacancies in the Co granules under geometrical confinements.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(6):848-852
pages 848-852 views

Substructure of Intermetallic Thin-Film Cu3Sn

Mokrushina A.N., Plotnikov V.A., Dem’yanov B.F., Makarov S.V.


The crystalline structure of intermetallic Cu3Sn synthesized by successively condensing thin layers of copper and tin on a substrate at 150°C has been studied. Cu3Sn compound exists in a very narrow homogeneity range and has a long-period close-packed ordered D019 superstructure. It has been found that the crystal lattice exhibits many slip traces associated with dislocation motion. The dislocation motion is due to the stressed state of the crystal, which can be characterized as uniform extension. Electron micrographs show that slip traces in the Cu3Sn crystal are parallel to the (\(\bar {1}\bar {1}21\)) and (\(11\bar {2}1\)) planes belonging to pyramidal slip system II, which is a main slip system along with pyramidal and basal ones. Slip traces result from the motion of partial dislocations, as indicated by the amount of slip, which is equal to half the interplanar distance. Since the crystal is ordered, slip is accomplished by a pair of superpartial dislocations and a slip trace may be a superstructural or complex stacking fault.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(6):853-857
pages 853-857 views

Initiation Thresholds and Dynamic Characteristics of an Explosion for Thin Samples of PETN-Al Composites under Laser Irradiation

Aduev B.P., Nurmukhametov D.R., Nelyubina N.V., Liskov I.Y.


In this paper, we measured thresholds Hcr of explosive decomposition of thin (h = 1 mm) samples of PETN-Al composites with densities in the range of ρ = 0.9–1.7 g/cm3 and variations in the concentration of aluminum inclusions in the range of 0.025–1.0 wt % upon exposure to pulses of a neodymium laser (λ = 1064 nm, 14 ns). For each ρ, inclusion concentrations nopt, at which the threshold for explosive decomposition of Hcr is minimal, are obtained. The velocities of air shock waves (ASWs) were determined depending on sample density ρ, and the times of the start of explosive decomposition were determined depending on the inclusion concentration. The amplitude (in relative units) and time shift of the maximal pressure of an ASW at the piezodetector are determined depending on sample density. It is concluded that the explosion is governed by the SW mechanism at high densities. As sample ρ decreases, the completeness of the explosion increases, with the most likely mechanism for small ρ being explosive burning. The efficiency of explosive decomposition is higher for samples with lower densities.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(6):858-864
pages 858-864 views

Joint Effect of Small Additives of Carbon Nanoparticles of Different Morphologies on the Mechanical Characteristics of Cross-Linked Polyurethanes under Static and Dynamic Loads

Garkushin G.V., Razorenov S.V., Tarasov A.E., Anokhin D.V., Badamshina E.R.


Influence of small additives of fullerene, graphene oxide, and their combinations in the ratio of 85 : 15 on the structure and mechanical properties of cross-linked polyurethanes under static and dynamic loads has been investigated. Nanocomposite structures have been studied by X-ray diffraction analysis and scanning electron microscopy. It is shown that the presence of carbon nanoparticles in the composite reduces its strength under both static and shock-wave loads. The synergistic effect of the mixture of carbon nanoparticles manifests itself as an increase in the elastic modulus by a factor of 1.25 in comparison with the initial polymer.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(6):865-872
pages 865-872 views

Solid State Electronics

Mechanisms of Current Transport and Resistive Switching in Capacitors with Yttria-Stabilized Hafnia Layers

Tikhov S.V., Gorshkov O.N., Belov A.I., Antonov I.N., Morozov A.I., Koryazhkina M.N., Mikhaylov A.N.


The peculiarities of resistive switching in capacitors with yttria-stabilized hafnia layers were studied. The characteristics of current transport in the initial state and after electroforming and resistive switching at different temperatures were examined. The parameters of a small-signal equivalent circuit of a capacitor were determined for switching into low- and high-resistance states. These parameters suggest that the resistance of filaments changes after each successive switching. This provides an opportunity to use such measurements to determine the nature of resistive switching and verify the reproducibility of its parameters. The contribution of electron traps to switching was revealed. Ion migration polarization was observed at temperatures above 500 K, and the activation energy of ion migration and the ion concentration were determined. The effect of resistive switching under the influence of temperature was observed and interpreted for the first time.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(6):873-880
pages 873-880 views

Physics of Nanostructures

Formation of Nanodimensional SiO2 Films on the Surface of a Free Si/Cu Film System by \({\text{O}}_{2}^{ + }\) Ion Implantation

Umirzakov B.E., Ruzibaeva M.K., Isakhanov Z.A., Erkulov R.M.


The composition and parameters of energy bands in thin SiO2 films grown on the surface of a free Si/Cu film system have been studied. It has been shown that unlike SiO2 films grown on thick films, the value of Eg for thin SiO2 films is no higher than ~4.1 eV. This is explained by the presence of Si impurity atoms and nonstoichiometric oxides in the SiO2 film, which arise because of the impossibility of heating the system above 700 K.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(6):881-883
pages 881-883 views

Weakly Ordered Nanostructured Silver Disilicate and Its Colloidal Solutions: Preparation and Properties

Baidakova M.V., Germanov N.A., Golyandin S.N., Kompan M.E., Mochalov S.V., Nashchekin A.V., Nevedomskii V.N., Pul’nev S.A., Rabchinskii M.K., Ulin V.P., Ulin N.V.


It was shown that the interaction of silver cations in alkaline aqueous solutions with various kinds of silicates, regardless of their chemical and aggregation state, leads to the formation of an exclusively disilicate form of silver salt. We develop procedures for synthesis of nanostructured weakly ordered nonstoichiometric silver disilicate Ag6 –xHxSi2O7 capable of forming aqueous colloids. We study the micellular structure of colloidal particles in these solutions and demonstrate that permeability of silicic acid layers enveloping nanosized salt cores of these micelles depends on pH. Colloidal silver disilicate is found to exhibit a high catalytic activity in photoinduced oxidation of a broad spectrum of different compounds, which is demonstrated for compounds stable in aqueous solutions such as some organic dies and ferrocyanide complex ([Fe(CN\()_{6}^{{ - 4}}\)).

Technical Physics. 2019;64(6):884-892
pages 884-892 views


Frequency Dependence of an Electromagnetic Absorption Coefficient in Magnetic Fluid

Gareev K.G., Luchinin V.V., Sevost’yanov E.N., Testov I.O., Testov O.A.


The samples of water-based magnetic fluid, which contain Fe3O4–SiO2 particles with a spherical shape and sizes less than 100 nm, have been obtained. The method based on using a transmission line has been applied to measure the electromagnetic absorption coefficient in the frequency range from 0.1 to 18.0 GHz using a measuring setup based on horn antennas and the cell based on a coplanar transmission line. It has been found that magnetic fluids can be used to produce electromagnetic shields and electromagnetic wave absorbers as well as means to carry out local hyperthermia at electromagnetic radiation frequencies higher than 7 GHz.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(6):893-896
pages 893-896 views

Physical Electronics

Tunnel Emission from Nanostructured Field-Emission Array Cathodes with a Fluorine–Carbon Coating

Yafarov R.K.


Variations of the morphology and field-emission properties of surface-structured n- and p-type silicon wafers have been studied. The silicon surface has been structured by etching in a fluorine–carbon plasma and depositing subnanodimensional island carbon masks. It has been shown that surface structuring in a fluorine–carbon plasma makes it possible to reach desired field-emission currents in electric fields of different strengths. Physicochemical models of field emission mechanisms and models of destruction of surface-modified multipoint silicon array cathodes have been considered.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(6):897-901
pages 897-901 views

Physics for Sciences of Life

Relationship between Transport Phenomena and Characteristics of the Cluster Structure

Polyanskaya A.V., Polyanskii A.M., Polyanskii V.A.


Using a statistical approach, we have estimated the size of water clusters and the number of free molecules participating in transport phenomena. The sizes of clusters and the number of molecules in them, as well as the number of free water molecules and their mean free paths, have been determined using experimental data on the temperature dependence of viscosity and density of water. It has been concluded that a temperature of 36.6°C is a special point in the range of 0–100°C. At temperatures higher than this value, the binding energy of a molecule with a cluster decreases abruptly, while the concentration of free molecules sharply increases. Quantitative data have been compared with the parameters of the superplastic state of titanium. As an example, we consider metabolism in functioning of erythrocytes of blood in an adult human.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(6):902-908
pages 902-908 views

Experimental Instruments and Technique

Role of the Matrix Effect in Analysis of Biological Objects Using Mass Spectrometry with Inductively Coupled Plasma

Nurubeyli T.K., Nuriyev K.Z., Nurubeyli Z.K., Gurbanov K.B.


An attempt at eliminating the nonspectral matrix effect leading to suppression of the analytic signal intensity at instrument output has been made using an Agilent-7700 mass spectrometer with inductively coupled plasma with a quadrupole analyzer for several elements in blood and urine. It is shown that acid and salt compositions, as well as organic substances in the composition of the sample itself, play a decisive role in the emergence of the nonspectral matrix effect. The role of acid, salt, and organic compositions of the entire blood matrix and urine in underrating the results of determination of several elements has been estimated. It has also been shown that the internal standard must be chosen proceeding from the closeness of its first ionization potential to the first ionization potential of the element being determined. The contributions of nonspectral matrix effects to the distortion of the results of analysis of biological liquids have been analyzed and estimated. It has been found that the dependence of the matrix effect on salts in the acidic matrix and on the operating regime of the instrument is additive.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(6):909-915
pages 909-915 views

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