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Volume 64, Nº 3 (2019)

Crystallographic Symmetry

Symmetry of Structures That Can Be Approximated by Chains of Regular Tetrahedra

Talis A., Rabinovich A.


The noncrystallographic symmetries of chains of regular tetrahedra are determined by mapping the system of algebraic geometry and topology designs to the structural level. It has been shown that the basic structural unit of such a chain is a tetrablock: a seven-vertex linear aggregation over faces of four regular tetrahedra, which is implemented in linear (right- and left-handed) and planar versions. The symmetry groups of linear and planar tetrablocks are isomorphic, respectively, to the projective special linear group PSL(2, 7) of order 168 and the projective general linear group PGL(2, 7) of order 336. A class of structures formed by an assembly of tetrablocks having no common tetrahedra is introduced. Examples of tetrablock assembly over common face, leading to a Boerdijk–Coxeter helix, an α helix, and a helix used as one of collagen models are presented.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(3):367-375
pages 367-375 views

Theory of Crystal Structures

Study of Penrose Tiling Using Parameterization Method

Shutov A., Maleev A.


A new description of Penrose tiling, based on parameterization of tiling rhombuses, has been obtained. A method making it possible to describe clusters and coordination environments in Penrose tiling in terms of parameters is developed. The parameters of all possible types of the first coordination environments in Penrose tiling are found. A new proof is obtained that the form of layer-by-layer growth of Penrose tiling is a regular decagon, and the vertices of this decagon are calculated.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(3):376-385
pages 376-385 views

Group-Theoretical Classification of Aristotypes of Cation and Anion Orders in Perovskites

Talanov M., Talanov V., Shirokov V.


A group-theoretical classification of cation and anion orders of crystals with a perovskite structure is presented. Aristotypes are idealized structures (phases), from which the low-symmetry ordered modifications of perovskites are formed as a result of rotations and deformation of octahedra, as well as the cooperative Jahn–Teller effect and other physical phenomena. Seven aristotype classes have been distinguished, which are characterized by the atomic ordering in each of Wyckoff positions and simultaneous atomic ordering in several positions. The critical and secondary (improper) order parameters, describing the formation of ordered structures, are determined. The classification proposed makes it possible to systematize a variety of known phases, establish genetic structural links between low-symmetry ordered structures, and design new materials.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(3):386-391
pages 386-391 views

Real Structure of Crystals

Specific Features of Distribution and Relaxation of Elastic Stresses in Homoepitaxial CVD Films of Germanium and Diamond

Prokhorov I., Voloshin A., Romanov D., Bolshakov A., Ralchenko V.


The real structures of epitaxial CVD films of germanium and diamond have been comparatively analyzed. The influence of the specific features of elastic-stress distribution in two-layer structures on the relaxation processes and dislocation distribution are considered. The influence of inhomogeneous (over thickness) plastic deformation, caused by the motion of dislocations under alternating elastic-stress field, on the formation of residual bending of substrates and films is shown by the example of epitaxial germanium structures. A significant difference in the relaxation processes in CVD films of diamond and germanium (crystallographic analog of diamond) is revealed.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(3):392-397
pages 392-397 views

Structure of Inorganic Compounds

New Lead Orthosilicate {Pb4(О(ОН)2)}[SiO4] with a Framework of Anion-Centered Pb Tetrahedra Related to Sodalite

Eremina T., Belokoneva E., Dimitrova O., Volkov A.


New lead silicate {Pb4(О(ОН)2)}[SiO4] was synthesized under hydrothermal conditions and structurally characterized, sp. gr. P213, а = 8.9756(13) Å. According to the commonly used classification, the new compound belongs to orthosilicates. In the crystal structure, isolated SiO4 tetrahedra are located between numerous Pb atoms. The structure can be considered as an anion-centered positively charged zeolite-like framework composed of {O3Pb7}8+ clusters, which are linked to each other and include three edge-sharing (OPb4)6+ tetrahedra with one common vertex. The formula of this positively charged antiframework is {O(ОН)2Pb4}4+, and its cavities are occupied by negatively charged [SiO4]4– tetrahedra. This framework is similar to that of sodalite when relating the sites to the centers of gravity of the {O3Pb7}8+ clusters.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(3):398-402
pages 398-402 views

Structure of Organic Compounds

Crystal structure and computational studies of (E)-1-(benzo[b]thiophen-3-yl)-N-(4-ethoxyphenyl)methanimine

Bülbül H., Köysal Y., Doğan O., Dege N., Ağar E.


The title compound, C17H15NOS, crystallizes in the orthorhombic sp. gr. Pca21. Two molecules in the asymmetric unit have similar structure. Crystal structure contains weak C–H···O intermolecular and C–H···N intramolecular H- bonds. Molecular parameters obtained from theoretical calculations are close to those from X-ray analysis. Molecular electrostatic potential surface shows that the most negative regions are mainly located near N and O atoms while the most positive region is mainly located on S bonded C atom.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(3):403-406
pages 403-406 views

Physical Properties of Crystals

Computer Simulation of Zr0.8Sc0.2O1.9/Ce0.9Gd0.1O1.95 Heterostructure

Ivanov-Schitz A., Gotlib I., Galin M., Mazo G., Murin I.


A two-layer Zr0.8Sc0.2O1.9/Ce0.9Gd0.1O1.95 heterostructure has been modeled by the molecular dynamics method in a box containing about 27 thousand atoms. It is shown that this system retains on the whole the crystallographic characteristics of layers doped with zirconia and ceria, having a fluorite structure. Crystal structure distortions are observed in a narrow boundary layer with a thickness of few angstrom. An analysis of pair correlation functions indicates that the oxygen sublattice in the heterostructure is disordered. The calculated values of the layer-by-layer diffusion coefficient of oxygen and the diffusion activation energy are compared with the data of both direct physical and computer experiments.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(3):407-412
pages 407-412 views

Degenerate Reflections in Acoustics of Solids. II: Orthorhombic Crystals

Lyubimov V.


The conditions under which a bulk acoustic wave, incident on a crystal at a certain angle and reflected from the crystal boundary with vacuum, generates two or one reflected bulk waves rather than three (as in the general case) are analyzed. These degenerate reflections are considered using the example of orthorhombic crystals.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(3):413-418
pages 413-418 views

ZnO@Si(100) and ZnO@Si(111): Hydrothermal Synthesis, Morphology, and Lasing Characteristics

Li L., Senina V., Goryunov G., Kostomarov D.


Microstructures have been formed on single-crystal silicon substrates of different crystallographic orientations, (111) and (100), under “soft” hydrothermal conditions. Well-faceted ZnO microcrystallites were obtained on the Si(111) surface, whereas the Si(100) substrate surface was covered with willemite (Zn2SiO4) crystallites, and zinc oxide microcrystallites were observed in only a narrow region ∼1 mm wide over the substrate edge. These results indicate clear influence of the crystallographic orientation of silicon substrates on the processes of crystal formation and microstructure growth under conditions of low-temperature hydrothermal synthesis. Low-threshold effective lasing has been detected on well-faceted zinc oxide crystallites under optical excitation.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(3):419-421
pages 419-421 views

Peculiarities of the Electron Structure of Pseudobinary Alloys (GeTe)m–(Sb2Te3)n

Orlov V., Sergeev G.


The electron band structure of GeTe, Sb2Te3, GeSb2Te4, and Ge2Sb2Te5 compounds has been calculated by the electron density functional method using the WIEN2k software package. These compounds belong to the class of (GeTe)m–(Sb2Te3)n pseudobinary alloys, which pass from the crystalline to the amorphous state and vice versa under laser irradiation or an electric pulse for extremely short times on the order of 1–100 ns. A detailed analysis of the parameters of critical points (maxima, minima, and inflection points) in the electron density distribution, located at the high-symmetry points of crystal structure, is performed. Characteristic values of the parameters of critical points in the electron density distribution are found for this class of materials.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(3):422-427
pages 422-427 views

Raman Scattering of Light in Diamond Microcrystals

Gorelik V., Skrabatun A., Bi D.


Raman spectra of monodisperse crystalline diamond powders have been studied in dependence of the sample sizes. Raman scattering was excited by a near-IR cw laser (λ0 = 785 nm), which ensured suppression of the photoluminescence signal. Powders consisting of close-packed particles in the form of nanodiamonds (0.2–0.3 µm in size) and microdiamonds of specified sizes (up to 180 µm) have been studied. The recorded Raman spectra of the microdiamond powders are characterized by anomalously high intensity, which is related to the excitation radiation trapping in microparticles, the size of which exceeds significantly the lasing wavelength. The Raman spectra contain a sharp line at a frequency of 1332 cm–1 and additional bands in the vicinity of fundamental-mode overtones.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(3):428-432
pages 428-432 views

Liquid Crystals

Fast Electro-Optical Switching Mode in an LC Cell while Decreasing the Electrode Grating Period

Geivandov A., Simdyankin I., Barnik M., Palto V., Palto S.


An increase in the electro-optical switching speed with a decrease in the electrode grating period is observed in a cell with a homeotropically oriented nematic liquid-crystal (LC) layer and interdigitated electrodes. There are two modes in the electro-optical response: fast and slow. A numerical simulation has shown that the fast mode occurs because of the LC director deformation in the surface layer. On the contrary, the occurrence of slow mode is due to the fact that the deformation propagates much more slowly in the LC bulk. The observed effect has been demonstrated experimentally in the bidirectional switching mode using two crossed interdigitated electrodes, located at both sides of the LC layer.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(3):433-436
pages 433-436 views

Circular Dichroism in Cholesteric Liquid Crystals

Umanskii B., Simdyankin I.


The circular dichroism in cholesteric liquid crystals (CLCs) has been studied in the absorption bands of dissolved dichroic dyes possessing both the positive and negative linear dichroism. The circular dichroism is studied depending on the position of CLC selective reflection band with respect to the dye absorption band. The induced circular dichroism due to dye absorption is compared to intrinsic CLC circular dichroism due to the light diffraction from the periodic chiral structure.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(3):437-442
pages 437-442 views

Particularities of the Dynamics of Linear Domains in Liquid Crystals under a Binary Acoustic Action

Kapustina O.


The dynamical properties of a system of linear domains induced by shear oscillations in a planar layer of a nematic liquid crystal under the joint action of shear and piston oscillations at frequencies in the audio range, have been studied experimentally. The phenomenon of spatial modulation of the domains of an initial system along their axis under the piston oscillations producing periodic layer compression is investigated for the case where the directions of the director in a mesophase layer and the shear oscillations coincide. A relationship between the period of secondary two-dimensional structures at the effect threshold and the layer thickness as well as oscillation frequency is established. It is shown that the formation mechanism of these structures can be interpreted on the basis of a known phenomenological model, according to which the instability of the initial system of these linear domains is caused by the “mismatch” between the real period of domains and its optimal value, which varies jointly with the variations in the thickness of a periodically compressed layer.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(3):443-450
pages 443-450 views

Surface and Thin Films

Changes in the Structure and Properties of Quartz Successively Implanted by Zn and F Ions during Thermal Annealing

Privezentsev V., Steinman E., Tereshchenko A., Kolesnikov N., Makunin A.


The temperature dependences of structural and phase transformations in quartz successively implanted by zinc and fluorine during annealing in nitrogen have been studied. Plates were doped with 64Zn+ ions to a dose of 5 × 1016 cm–2 with an energy of 50 keV and then with 19F+ ions to the same dose but with an energy of 17 keV. After the implantation, individual Zn-containing particles about 100 nm in size were found on the sample surface. These particles decrease in size during annealing (by an order of magnitude after annealing at 800°C). The implantation leads to the formation of radiation-induced point defects and their clusters in the quartz bulk. Radiation-induced defects are gradually annealed during the heat treatment, and the phase of metallic zinc is transformed first to its zinc oxide (ZnO) at 600°C and then to willemite (Zn2SiO4) at 800°C.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(3):451-456
pages 451-456 views

Nanomaterials and Ceramics

Formation of Indium Nanoparticles by Thermal Evaporation

Kozhemyakin G., Kiiko S., Bryl O.


Indium nanoparticles were obtained by vacuum evaporation technique of indium onto a glass carbon substrate in high purity Ar atmosphere. A technique is proposed for determining the nanoparticle dimensions and shape using a specially developed program. It is found that at a molten indium evaporation time from 10 to 30 s, indium nanoparticles with dimensions of 10–100 nm and crystallites with dimensions up to 500 nm are formed on the substrate. The largest number (up to 37%) of indium nanoparticles with dimensions of 50–100 nm is obtained at an evaporation time of 10 s; up to 52% of these particles have a shape different from spherical. The average diameter of indium particles increased from 140 to 190 nm with an increase in the evaporation time.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(3):457-460
pages 457-460 views

Pentagonal Cobalt Boride Nanoparticles on the Polystyrene Granule Surface

Nikolaichik V., Gertsen M., Avilov A., Kornilov D., Gubin S.


The morphology and structure of cobalt-containing nanoparticles Co2B on the surface of polystyrene microgranules have been investigated by a set of structural methods, including X-ray diffraction, electron diffraction, and transmission electron microscopy. It has been established that the nanoparticles are 30–100 nm in size and have a spherical or pentagonal shape. It is shown that the nanoparticles have a cluster structure with an individual cluster size of several nanometers. The growth of pentagonal Co2B nanoparticles on the microgranule surface may be due to the processes similar to those occurring in wildlife during the formation of organisms and plants of pentagonal shape.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(3):461-465
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Comparative Analysis of Different Methods of Scanning Electron Microscopy and Test Preparation in Biological Tissue Studies

Kamyshinskii R., Orekhov A., Grigor’ev T., Kuevda E., Gubareva E., Tokaev K., Chvalun S., Vasil’ev A.


Different methods of scanning electron microscopy in combination with different sample preparation techniques have been compared by an example of decellularized rat diaphragm matrices. It is shown that a combination of scanning electron microscopy under natural environmental conditions, allowing one to investigate tissue samples in a state similar to native, with the conventional high-vacuum microscopy of samples obtained by drying at the critical point, provides the most complete microstructural analysis of native and decellularized tissue samples.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(3):466-469
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Synthesis of YBCO Nanopowders and Properties of Ceramics on Their Basis

Gadzhimagomedov S., Palchaev D., Palchaev N., Presnyakov M., Rizahanov R.


The structure, morphology, density, and resistivity of nanostructured superconducting YBCO-based ceramics, fabricated from nanopowders prepared by burning nitrate-organic precursors, have been investigated.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(3):470-473
pages 470-473 views

Structure, Linear Thermal Expansion Coefficient, and Electrical Conductivity of Y0.9Ca0.1Cr1 – уCoуO3 (у = 0–0.9) Perovskites

Gil’derman V., Antonov B.


The structure, thermal expansion coefficient, and electrical conductivity of Y0.9Ca0.1Cr1 – уCoуO3 (у = 0–0.9) compounds with the perovskite structure have been investigated in air in the temperature range of 100–1000°С. The linear thermal expansion coefficient of Y1  хCaхCr1 – уCoуO3 lies in the range of (8.77–16.1) × 10–6 K–1. The maximum electrical conductivity is attained for the Y0.9Ca0.1Cr0.6Co0.4O3 composition. It is shown that the electrical conductivity at low (25–270°С) temperatures and weak substitution of cobalt for chromium is mainly due to the hopping of one electron hole from Cr4+ to Cr3+. At high (565–1000°С) temperatures and cobalt contents, this conductivity mechanism is supplemented with the conductivity caused by the hopping of an electron hole from Cо3+ to Cо2+.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(3):474-478
pages 474-478 views

Crystal Growth

Production of Complex Hydrosulphates in the K3H(SO4)2–Rb3H(SO4)2 Series: Part I

Komornikov V., Grebenev V., Timakov I., Ksenofontov D., Andreev P., Makarova I., Selezneva E.


The phase equilibria in the K3H(SO4)2–Rb3H(SO4)2–H2O cross section have been investigated under isothermal conditions at 25°C. The concentration limits of crystallization of solid solutions with the general formulas (Rb1 – xKx)3H(SO4)2 and (Rb1 – xKx)2SO4 are determined. The dependences of the equilibria of saturated solution on the initial production conditions are revealed. The growth conditions for large single crystals of complex acid rubidium–potassium sulfates are determined.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(3):479-483
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Development of Methods for Controlling Crystal Growth Using Thermal Effect on Melt

Korobeinikova E., Prokhorov I., Strelov V.


The influence of low-energy thermal effects on the structural and concentration inhomogeneities in gallium-doped germanium single crystals, grown by directional solidification, has been investigated. A correlation of the thermal effects with the character of dopant distribution and interface shape change in grown crystals is established.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(3):484-487
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Growth of Sm1 – ySryF3 – y (0 < y ≤ 0.31) Crystals and Investigation of Their Properties

Sorokin N., Karimov D., Samsonova N., Ivanova A., Fedorov V., Sobolev B.


Sm1 – ySryF3 – y (0 < y ≤ 0.31) crystals have been grown from melt by directional solidification in a fluorinating atmosphere. The crystals have been studied by X-ray diffraction and optical spectroscopy, and their fluorine-ion conductivity σdc, density ρ, and refractive indices nD have been measured. It is established that Sm3+ ions are not reduced to Sm2+ during crystal growth. The reversible polymorphic α ↔ β-SmF3 transition does not make it possible to obtain bulk (>1–3 mm3) samples of the tysonite phase (of LaF3 type) at y < 0.02. The dependences ρ(y) and nD(y) for the crystals are descending. The dependence σdc(y) exhibits nonmonotonic behavior; the maximum σdc value (1.6 × 10–4 S/cm) at 293 K is observed for the Sm0.98Sr0.02F2.98 crystal. At y = 0.31, an eutectic composite 69SmF3 × 31SrF2 is formed, whose conductivity is σdc = 6 × 10–8 S/cm, a value smaller than σdc for the crystal with y = 0.02 by a factor of ~3 × 103. The carrier concentration nmob and its mobility μmob have been calculated for Sm1 – ySryF3 – y (0.02 ≤ y ≤ 0.25) within the hopping conductivity model. For the crystal with the highest conductivity (Sm0.98Sr0.02F2.98), nmob = 4.0 × 1020 cm–3 and µmob = 2.5 × 10–6 cm2/(V s) at T = 293 K.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(3):488-495
pages 488-495 views

Crystal Growth through the Medium of Nonautonomous Phase: Implications for Element Partitioning in Ore Systems

Tauson V., Lipko S., Arsent’ev K., Smagunov N.


The phenomena related to the crystal growth in close-to-natural multicomponent systems have been considered. It is shown that the distribution of rare-earth elements in magnetite and hematite and the distribution of noble metals (NMs) in pyrite and magnetite are controlled by surficial nonautonomous phases (SNAPs). The increase in the fractionation and cocrystallization coefficients of elements is related to the presence of these phases. The dependence of SNAPs on the physicochemical growth conditions suggests typomorphism of mineral surfaces. The SNAP evolution during crystal growth explains some specific features of mineral growth systems, in particular, the existence of highly determinate dependences of uniformly distributed incompatible element admixture on the specific surface area of crystal, as well as the formation of nano- and microinclusions and microzonality in crystals. The results obtained are important for the ore formation theory and the practical estimation of the economic potential of ore deposits in view of determining the “hidden” metal content and elaborating a rational technology to recover ore material resources.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(3):496-507
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Crystallization of Calcium Phosphates from the Prototype of Blood Plasma in the Presence of Inorganic and Organic Impurities

Golovanova O.


The crystallization processes in solutions modeling the human blood plasma composition have been investigated. It is revealed that the solid phases consist of OH-deficient water-containing carbonate apatite. The influence of impurities (magnesium and glutamic acid ions) on the crystallization of calcium phosphates is analyzed. The presence of additives in model solution is found to affect the phase composition of samples. The solubility of synthetic samples in solutions of different nature and verapamil preparation is studied. The kinetic characteristics of this process are established, and the dependence of dissolution rate on the experimental laboratory conditions is shown.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(3):508-514
pages 508-514 views

Crystallographic Methods in Humanitarian Sciences

X-Ray, Synchrotron and Mass-Spectrometric Methods for the Study of Ceramic Objects of Cultural Heritage

Antipin A., Kvartalov V., Svetogorov R., Seregin A., Fedoseev N., Tereschenko E., Alekseeva O., Yatsishina E.


Fragments of stamped amphorae (south Pontic (Sinope, III–I BC) and Mediterranean (Thasos, IV–III BC, and, presumably, Chios, III–II BC)), found in excavations on the Crimean Peninsula, have been investigated using X-ray diffraction, generalized semiquantitative X-ray fluorescence analysis, and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. The data obtained have been subjected to comparative analysis. A comparison of the mineralogical and elemental compositions of samples has revealed the characteristic distinctions between the products fabricated at different ancient pottery centers.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(3):515-523
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Application of the DBSCAN Algorithm to Detect Hydrophobic Clusters in Protein Structures

Lashkov A., Rubinsky S., Eistrikh-Heller P.


Hydrophobic cores and hydrophobic clusters play a key role in globular protein folding, providing a framework for functionally important amino acid residues of proteins and enzymes. A program was developed for clustering amino acid residues in protein structures, which takes into account their hydrophobicity and utilizes the DBSCAN algorithm. The program is described and its scope and applicability are outlined.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(3):524-532
pages 524-532 views

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