
Rastsvetaeva, R. K.

栏目 标题 文件
卷 61, 编号 3 (2016) Structure of Inorganic Compounds Ordering of calcium and vacancies in calcium catapleiite CaZr[Si3O9] • 2H2O
卷 61, 编号 3 (2016) Erratum Erratum to: “Crystal Structure and Genesis of the Hydrated Analog of Rastsvetaevite”
卷 61, 编号 5 (2016) Structure of Inorganic Compounds Crystal structure of modular sodium-rich and low-iron eudialyte from Lovozero alkaline massif
卷 61, 编号 6 (2016) Structure of Inorganic Compounds Pyroxenoids of pyroxmangite–pyroxferroite series from xenoliths of Bellerberg paleovolcano (Eifel, Germany): Chemical variations and specific features of cation distribution
卷 62, 编号 1 (2017) Structure of Inorganic Compounds Crystal structure of ilyukhinite, a new mineral of the eudialyte group
卷 62, 编号 4 (2017) Structure of Inorganic Compounds Modular structure of highly ordered eudialyte and its place among hydrated minerals of rastsvetaevite family
卷 63, 编号 3 (2018) Structure of Inorganic Compounds Crystal Structure of Cl-Deficient Analogue of Taseqite from Odikhincha Massif
卷 63, 编号 4 (2018) Structure of Inorganic Compounds New Data on Isomorphism in Eudialyte-Group Minerals. I. Crystal Structure of Titanium-Rich Eudialyte from the Kovdor Alkaline Massif
卷 63, 编号 6 (2018) Structure of Inorganic Compounds New Data on the Isomorphism in Eudialyte-Group Minerals. II. Refinement of the Aqualite Crystal Structure at 110 K
卷 64, 编号 2 (2019) Structure of Inorganic Compounds New Data on the Isomorphism in Eudialyte-Group Minerals. III: Modular Structure of K Analog of Centrosymmetric Labyrinthite
卷 64, 编号 4 (2019) Structure of Inorganic Compounds New Data on the Isomorphism in Eudialyte-Group Minerals. IV: Modular Structure of Titanosilicate with Replacement of Na by Mn in the Alluaivite Module