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Vol 48, No 6 (2019)


Creation and Development of the Ion Beam Technology

Maishev Y.P.


A historical overview of the development of domestic ion beam technology is presented. It is shown that the wide application of the ion beam technology is facilitated by (i) the creation of a method for compensating the positive space charge inside an ion-source accelerating gap by the negative space charge of electrons held in crossed electric and magnetic fields, which makes it possible to increase the density of the extracted ion current by orders of magnitude over the Child–Langmuir limitations; (ii) the development of the original cold cathode sources forming ion beams from almost any compounds; and (iii) the creation of the reactive ion beam etching technique characterized by precise etching with inert gas ion beams and the selectivity of liquid etching. Based on these advances, a series of ion source modifications and technological equipment are developed for use in the manufacture of micro- and nanoelectronic products, optics, piezoelectric quartz technology, medicine, and other fields. The ways of improving the ion beam technology by creating high-energy neutral particle sources and technologies based on their use are shown.

Russian Microelectronics. 2019;48(6):347-363
pages 347-363 views

Parameters of Plasma and Way of Etching Silicon in a CF4 + CHF3 + O2 Mixture

Efremov A.M., Murin D.B., Kwon K.


The effect of the CF4/CHF3 ratio in a CF4 + CHF3 + 9% O2 mixture on the parameters of the gaseous phase and kinetics of etching of silicon under the conditions of low-pressure inductively coupled plasma is investigated. It was found that substitution of CF4 by CHF3 at constant external parameters of the plasma (1) leads to a change of the temperature (average energy) and density of the electrons; (2) causes a decrease of the fluorine atom density followed by the majority of the molecules of HF; and (3) stimulates an increase of the rate of deposition and thickness of the fluorocarbon polymer film. By the analysis of the way of etching of silicon with the use of the calculated data on the fluxes of active particles, it was found that the observed change of the etching rate can be explained by heterogeneous reactions with the involvement of O, H, and HF. It was assumed that the process of etching silicon proceeds in the mode of limitation by the flux of chemically active particles F + HF and is characterized by the effective probability depending on the thickness of the fluorocarbon polymer film.

Russian Microelectronics. 2019;48(6):364-372
pages 364-372 views

Simulation of the Effect of the Grain Boundary Structure on Effective Ionic Charges in the Processes of Electromigration

Makhviladze T.M., Sarychev M.E.


A model that allows calculating the effective charge of native and impurity ions during electromigration at the tilt grain boundary of metal is proposed for the first time. It is considered in the model that the main factor resulting in the difference in the values of the effective charge during electromigration at the boundary and in the volume of the monocrystal is the difference in their atomic densities. It has an effect on the electron wind force determining the value of the effective charge. In this work, the procedure of calculating the form-factors of ions is improved to carry out the specified calculations, and also the model approximations enabling us to relate the atomic density at the tilt grain boundary with the parameters of its structure are developed. The effective charges of aluminum and copper ions at the grain boundary of aluminum as a function of the grain boundary’s misorientation angle, texture of the grains forming the boundary, and temperature are calculated in the model.

Russian Microelectronics. 2019;48(6):373-380
pages 373-380 views

Modeling the Charge Collection from a Track of an Ionizing Particle in Upset Hardened CMOS Trigger Elements

Stenin V.Y., Katunin Y.V.


The charge collection from tracks of ionizing nuclear particles in CMOS trigger elements of the STG DICE type in the picosecond range is simulated using the 3D TCAD and the results are presented. The transient processes at the charge collection from tracks are analyzed (i) in the STG DICE D-trigger used for the cells of static memory, (ii) in the RS STG trigger, and (iii) in the logic C-element based on the STG DICE trigger for the asynchronous CMOS logic. The simulation results of the charge collection by the pn junctions of both off and on transistors are presented. It is established that the charge collection from a track by MOS transistors begins in the off or on state and then transits to the charge collection in the inverse mode. The duration of the charge collection until the voltage extremum at the node of the trigger CMOS elements of the bulk 65-nm technology ranges from 5.5 to 17 ps, and the increments in the voltages of the extremums (maximums or minimums) at the nodes with respect to the voltages at the supply bus or at the common bus vary from 0.14 to 0.82 V. The duration of transistor occurrence in the inverse state ranges from 2 to 100 ps. The charge collection from tracks with the linear energy transfer (LET) of 60 MeV cm2/mg do not lead to the upset of the logical function of the elements for the tracks through the transistors of one group of the STG DICE trigger when there is sufficient spacing between the groups of transistors. The investigation results are oriented to designing systems which operate under the conditions of the action of single nuclear particles.

Russian Microelectronics. 2019;48(6):381-393
pages 381-393 views

Modeling the CMOS Characteristics of a Completely Depleted Surrounding-Gate Nanotransistor and an Unevenly Doped Working Region

Masal’skii N.V.


The issues of modeling the basic electrophysical characteristics of fully depleted surrounding-gate CMOS nanotransistors with an unevenly doped working region are discussed. The case of a Gaussian impurity distribution in the radial direction with the maximum in the center of the working area is analyzed. A mathematical model of the potential distribution following from an analytical solution of the 2D Poisson equation is treated. The results of model calculations of the potential distribution of a sub-50 nm structures are in good agreement with the data obtained using the commercially available ATLASTM software package for the 2D modeling of transistor structures. Based on the obtained potential distributions, the characteristics of the current are calculated using the tested approach formulated in the charge separation concept. For the topological norms chosen, optimization of the steepness of the doping profile provides an additional opportunity to control the key characteristics, together with the radius of the working region and the thickness of the gate oxide. This is important when analyzing the applicability of the analyzed nanotransistor structures.

Russian Microelectronics. 2019;48(6):394-401
pages 394-401 views

Effect of the Pressure of Oxygen on the Plasma Oxidation of the Titanium Nitride Surface

Mordvintsev V.M., Naumov V.V., Simakin S.G.


The dependences of the thickness of the TiO2 layer formed on the TiN surface on a partial pressure (flow) of oxygen in an argon-oxygen plasma of a magnetron sputtering system are established by secondary-ion mass spectrometry. The obtained dependences can be explained using a simple phenomenological model. Based on the previous data, a general expression for the dependences of the TiO2 thickness on the annealing time and temperature, as well as the partial pressure of oxygen, are derived. It is shown that the kinetic oxidation mode changes in the investigated annealing temperature range, which requires refining the model used previously and its parameters. The results can be used to form a nanometer oxide layer of the specified thickness on the titanium nitride surface.

Russian Microelectronics. 2019;48(6):402-408
pages 402-408 views

Estimating the Electric Mode Effect (Active and Passive) on the Dose of Radiation Resistance of Microcircuits

Kalashnikov O.A.


Experimental studies on the influence of the electric mode (active and passive) on dose of the radiation resistance of microcircuits of different structural and technological types and functional classes are carried out. The analysis of the results presented makes it possible to evaluate the effectiveness of a “cold” backup and the possibility of simulating the effects of low irradiation intensity in the passive mode.

Russian Microelectronics. 2019;48(6):409-414
pages 409-414 views

Method for Determining the Most Sensitive Region of an Optocoupler Chip under X-ray-Induced Dose Effects

Chernyak M.E., Ranneva E.V., Ulanova A.V., Nikiforov A.Y., Verizhnikov A.I., Tsyrlov A.M., Fedosov V.S., Shchepanov A.N., Kalashnikov V.D., Titovets D.O.


This paper is devoted to analyzing the effect of gamma radiation on the behavior of optocouplers. According to a series of experiments that involve masking various parts of a chip from X-ray irradiation, the most sensitive region of the chip is determined and the design of the optocoupler is improved. Upon modification, the radiation hardness of the device more than triples.

Russian Microelectronics. 2019;48(6):415-421
pages 415-421 views

Charge Transport in Layer Gallium Monosulfide in Direct and Alternate Electric Fields

Asadov S.M., Mustafaeva S.N., Lukichev V.F.


It was established that the variable-range-hopping mechanism of dc-conductivity takes place in the GaS single crystal at low temperatures. The parameters of localized states in the forbidden gap of studieGaS samples have been evaluated. Dielectric properties (loss tangent, real (ε') and imaginary (ε'') parts of complex dielectric permittivity and ac-conductivity across the layers of the GaS layered single crystals have been studied in the frequency range f = 5 × 104 to 3.5 × 107 Hz. The results demonstrate that the dielectric dispersion in the GaS single crystal has a relaxation nature. Over the studied frequency range, the ac-conductivity of the GaS crystal varies as f0.8, characteristic of hopping conduction through localized states near the Fermi level. The Fermi-level density of states, the spread of their energies, and the mean hop distance and time have been estimated.

Russian Microelectronics. 2019;48(6):422-427
pages 422-427 views

A Novel Parameter Identification Approach for C–V–T Characteristics of Multi-Quantum Wells Schottky Diode Using Ant Lion Optimizer

Filali W., Garoudja E., Oussalah S., Mekheldi M., Sengouga N., Henini M.


We report the capacitance-voltage (CV) characteristics of multi quantum wells Schottky diode. This diode is based on Aluminum gallium arsenide, which is highly promising wide band gap semiconductor for applications in high power electronic and optoelectronic devices. The elaboration process and the characterization phase have been carried out at Nottingham University. The CV characteristics have been measured at different temperature ranging from 20 to 400 K. The barrier height and effective density were than extracted from 1/(C/A)2 plot using heuristic algorithm which called ALO (Ant Lion Optimizer). The accuracy of the extraction method is verified through the gotten results.

Russian Microelectronics. 2019;48(6):428-434
pages 428-434 views

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