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Vol 46, No 8 (2017)


Application of Radioactive Isotopes for Beta-Voltaic Generators

Bykov A.S., Polisan A.A., Chichkov M.V., Temirov A.A., Zhukov R.N., Ksenich S.V., Kiselev D.A., Kislyuk A.M., Kubasov I.V., Malinkovich M.D., Parkhomenko Y.N.


The features of using radioactive isotopes when creating off-line power supplies are considered. The analysis of the substances used in radioisotope thermoelectric generators (RTGs) is carried out. The prospects for manufacturing beta-voltaic generators are justified and they are compared with other electric power sources. The mechanism of β-decay and its place among other types of nuclear transformations is considered. The basic requirements for radiation safety and the used materials of the frame and converter are formulated. Some designs of radioisotope beta-voltaic sources proposed earlier are considered. A list of isotopes that can be used as a power source in a beta-voltaic generator is presented. The methods for obtaining the radioactive materials demonstrating β-decay and their basic properties and natural isotopes are considered. It is concluded that the choice of nickel-63 isotope is preferable for use in beta-voltaic generators due to the optimal combination of its half lifetime, average particle energy, and radiation intensity.

Russian Microelectronics. 2017;46(8):527-539
pages 527-539 views

Influence of Extrusion Temperature on the Formation of a Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3 Structure of p-Type Conductivity

Tarasova I.V., Bublik V.T.


The influence of competing processes of deformation, return, and recrystallization on the structure and properties of thermoelectric materials extruded at different temperatures is investigated. X-ray diffraction analysis, Harman’s method of measuring thermoelectric properties, and hydrostatic weighing are applied. The nonmonotonic dependence of the texture, electrophysical properties, and density on the extrusion temperature is revealed. In order to achieve the best thermoelectric properties of the material, the optimal extrusion temperature is established to be 400°C.

Russian Microelectronics. 2017;46(8):540-544
pages 540-544 views

Obtaining Material Based on Copper Selenide by the Methods of Powder Metallurgy

Ivanov A.A., Osvenskii V.B., Sorokin A.I., Panchenko V.P., Bulat L.P., Akchurin R.K.


Copper selenide is a promising material for power generation in a medium-temperature range 600–1000 K. A number of features of the Cu–Se system, namely, the existence of phase transition in a Cu2Se compound, the high speed of the diffusion of Cu ions, and the high vapor pressure of Se at elevated temperatures, make it necessary to carry out a series of experimental investigations to develop and optimize the methodology for obtaining the bulk material based on copper selenide. The influence of mechanochemical synthesis regimes and subsequent compaction method on the thermoelectric properties and structure of copper selenide is studied. The source material is obtained by mechanochemical synthesis. The methods of hot pressing (HP) and spark plasma synthesis (SPS) are used to obtain the bulk samples. The investigation of the structure and phase composition is performed by the X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. It is shown that increasing the duration of the mechanochemical synthesis up to 5 h leads to the depletion of copper in powders and to the formation of nonstoichiometric β-phase Cu1.83Se, which persists after SPS. A comparison of the structure and properties of the material obtained by SPS and HP showed that the material obtained by HP has a greater degree of grain defects. The highest thermoelectric efficiency ZT = 1.8 at a temperature of 600°C is achieved for the material obtained by SPS. It is shown that low thermal conductivity is the main factor affecting the value of the thermoelectric efficiency ZT of the studied materials. The difference in the values of thermal conductivity of the materials obtained by different methods is related to the electronic component of thermal conductivity.

Russian Microelectronics. 2017;46(8):545-550
pages 545-550 views

Deep Tellurium Purification for the Production of Electronic and Photonic Materials

Grishechkin M.B., Mozhevitina E.N., Khomyakov A.V., Zykova M.P., Avetisov R.I., Avetissov I.K.


carry out the process of obtaining high-purity tellurium by the vacuum distillation method, a reactor design consisting of high-purity quartz glass and graphite is proposed. During the process, the tellurium melt evaporates; and the vapor is transferred from the hot part of the system to the colder one and condenses in the form of a solid phase (distillate) without the formation of a liquid. Regularities in the redistribution of impurities between the distillate and the cube stillage residue, as well as the spatial distribution of impurities in the distillate during the purification of metallic tellurium, are studied. It is established that some impurities, for example, s-metals, Zn, Ni, and V, and rare metals, are distributed uniformly along the length (20 cm) of the distillate. At the same time, Se tends to concentrate in the far (from the still) part of the distillate with a difference of more than one order of magnitude than in the near part.

Russian Microelectronics. 2017;46(8):551-556
pages 551-556 views

Deformation Anisotropy of Y + 128°-Cut Single Crystalline Bidomain Wafers of Lithium Niobate

Kubasov I.V., Malinkovich M.D., Chichkov M.V., Kiselev D.A., Zhukov R.N., Kislyuk A.M., Temirov A.A., Bykova A.S., Popov A.V., Parkhomenko Y.N.


Bidomain single crystals of lithium niobate (LiNbO3) and lithium tantalate (LiTaO3) are promising materials for use as actuators, mechanoelectrical transducers, and sensors capable of working in a wide temperature range. One need to take into account the anisotropy of the properties of the crystalline material when such devices are designed. In this study we investigated deformations of bidomain round shaped Y + 128°-cut wafers of lithium niobate in an external electric field. The dependences of the piezoelectric coefficients on the rotation angles were calculated for lithium niobate and lithium tantalate and plotted for the crystal cuts which are used for the formation of a bidomain ferroelectric structure. In the experiment, we utilized an external heating method and long-time annealing with the lithium out-diffusion method in order to create round bidomain lithium niobate wafers. Optical microscopy was used to obtain the dependences of the bidomain crystals’ movements on the rotation angle with central fastening and the application of an external electric field. We also modelled the shape of the deformed bidomain wafer with the suggestion that the edge movement depends on the radial distance to the fastening point quadratically. In conclusion, we revealed that the bidomain Y + 128°-cut lithium niobate wafer exhibits a saddle-like deformation when a DC electric field is applied.

Russian Microelectronics. 2017;46(8):557-563
pages 557-563 views

The Standard Model of the Heterostructure for Microwave Devices

Abgaryan K.K., Kharchenko V.A.


A methodology of the selection of the initial materials, architecture and synthesis of heterostructures based on domestic materials and technologies as applied to specific types of microwave components needs to be developed. As the nomenclature expands, the requirements on energy consumption, overall dimensions and weight, frequency range, noise, values of working temperatures, and other characteristics of microwave components have significantly increased. Specific examples of power amplifiers for various applications (wireless communication systems and location systems) are considered. It is shown that in order to implement such developments, it is necessary to apply modern methods of multilevel computer modeling using various methods of optimization and widely use the tested technical solutions. The final result of this development is the creation of a set of basic physical models of the heterostructures, including those based on the solution of optimized problems by choosing the initial material, substrate material, layer composition, their sequences, layer thicknesses, impurity contents, and their distribution by the layer thickness. All this makes it possible to form an acceptable level of mechanical stresses and high values of the electrophysical characteristics in the heterostructure. The initial data set in the form of a library of basic models of the heterostructures will make it possible to significantly accelerate the development of various microwave components and optoelectronic components in the system of instrument and technological design and improve the characteristics of the devices and economic rates.

Russian Microelectronics. 2017;46(8):564-570
pages 564-570 views

Evolution of Models and Algorithms for Calculating the Parameters of Technological Processes to Obtain Materials for Micro- and Nanoelectronics

Krapukhin V.V., Kosushkin V.G., Kozhitov L.V., Kostishin V.G., Muratov D.G., Popkova A.V.


The results of creating a system of models and algorithms for calculating the parameters of technological processes for obtaining materials of micro- and nanoelectronics and designing equipment are considered. It is shown that the distinctive feature of the teaching methods for special technological courses in electronic engineering materials is the construction of courses by analogy with the technological processes for obtaining materials for electronics: from a bulk single crystal to instrumental structures, whose dimensions do not currently exceed several tens of nanometers. A scientific model approach to the solution of technological problems was formed in the study of heat and mass transfer processes, which together with the processes of interaction in liquids and gas, taking heterogeneous reactions into account, are the theoretical basis of the technology of electronic engineering materials. The possibilities of physical and mathematical modeling are compared. Approaches to create mathematical models of the growth processes of single crystals of semiconductors, epitaxial layers, and heterostructures are considered and the possibilities of their practical use are determined. It is determined that the ideas proposed by V.V. Krapukhin at the initial stages of training specialists in the field of the technology of electronic material and developed by his students identified the possibility of training several generations of qualified specialists.

Russian Microelectronics. 2017;46(8):571-579
pages 571-579 views

Modeling the Sensing Activity of Carbon Nanotubes Functionalized with the Carboxyl, Amino, or Nitro Group Toward Alkali Metals

Boroznina N.P., Zaporotskova I.V.


The sensing activity of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) functionalized with the carboxyl, amino, or nitro group toward the atoms and ions of different metals are modeled using the semiempirical modified neglect of the diatomic overlap (MNDO) and density functional theory (DFT) methods. We discuss the mechanism by which the functional groups attach to the open end of a zig-zag type CNT to form a probe for chemical sensing. The interaction of the CNT-based probe with the potassium, sodium, and lithium atoms and ions is considered in detail. By comparing the results of the modeled sensing activity of the nanoprobes toward the elements of interest, we determine the optimal functional group for the CNT modification to produce a sensor suitable for identifying the potassium, lithium, and sodium atoms and ions, including those that occur in salts and alkali salts.

Russian Microelectronics. 2017;46(8):580-584
pages 580-584 views

On the Problem of Determining the Bulk Lifetime by Photoconductivity Decay on the Unpassivated Samples of Monocrystalline Silicon

Anfimov I.M., Kobeleva S.P., Pylnev A.V., Schemerov I.V., Egorov D.S., Yurchuk S.Y.


In the indirect band gap semiconductors, and in particular, in silicon, the lifetime of nonequilibrium charge carriers is determined by recombination through impurity centers and it is inversely proportional to their concentration. Therefore, this is the most important parameter for determining the quality of the material. The noncontact methods of its measurement, in particular, the noncontact measurements of the decay of the photoconductivity (PC) constant, are the most important ones. The surface recombination strongly influences the shape of the curve. The calculation of the lifetime in the bulk by the decay constant remains relevant since there is no single-valued analytic solution of the continuity equation for this case. In the samples of monocrystalline silicon with unpassivated surfaces, the relaxation of PC is analyzed by numerical methods. The applicability of the known formulas for estimating the contribution of surface recombination to the effective PC relaxation time is discussed. It is shown that the period of time for which the fast exponents disappear depends on the relative thickness of the sample to be measured. The effective decay time is determined by the maximum value of the surface component of the relaxation time and is described by wellknown formulas only in this piece of the relaxation curve. The effective relaxation time attains saturation by the time when the signal intensity reaches 45% of the maximum value (the origin of the effective decay time according to the recommendation of the SEMI MF 1535 standard) only for the samples with a thickness of less than 3–5 diffusion lengths. For larger thicknesses, the contribution of the fast exponents to the effective PC relaxation time is observed right up to 5% of the maximum signal (i.e., until reaching the noise level of the signal to be measured). In this case using the recommended by SEMI MF 1535 standard formulas leads to a sufficiently large systematic error (up to 20%) in evaluating the free charge carrier’s lifetime.

Russian Microelectronics. 2017;46(8):585-590
pages 585-590 views

The Instability of the CV Characteristics’ Capacitance When Measuring AlGaN/GaN-Heterostructures and the HEMT-Transistors Based on Them

Enisherlova K.L., Goryachev V.G., Saraykin V.V., Kapilin S.A.


AlGaN/GaN heterostructures and AlGaN/GaN/SiC HEMT-transistors’ Schottky barriers (SBs) are studied by the capacitance–voltage (CV) method and the SIMS method in order to determine the causes of the capacitance instability in some cases. It is shown that in most cases, the appearance of a capacitance peak on the CV curves at frequencies of 20 to 500 kHz is associated with the presence of leakage currents in the barrier layer and at low frequencies of 1 to 20 kHz with the generation–recombination centers.

Russian Microelectronics. 2017;46(8):591-599
pages 591-599 views

Features of Creating Ohmic Contacts for GaAs/AlGaAs Heterostructures with a Two-Dimensional Electron Gas

Kurochka S.P., Stepushkin M.V., Borisov V.I.


The literature concerning the features of creating ohmic contacts for GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures with a two-dimensional (2D) electron gas with a high level of electron mobility is analyzed. The process of annealing the contacts based on the Ni/Au/Ge system is considered. The recommended published parameters of the layers to be sprayed and the regimes of their annealing are presented, which make it possible to obtain ohmic contacts with low resistance up to temperatures lower than 4 K. Several mechanisms are considered, which can lead to the experimentally observed dependence of the characteristics of the contact on its crystallographic orientation. A method for creating contacts using Au/Ge/Pd metallization, in which the contact is formed due to the mutual diffusion and interaction of metals and a semiconductor in the solid phase at temperatures lower than 200°C, is described. This ensures a higher degree of homogeneity of the contact in the composition and a smooth metal–semiconductor interface, and it can lead to decrease of the influence of orientation effects on the electric characteristics of the contact.

Russian Microelectronics. 2017;46(8):600-607
pages 600-607 views

Crystallochemical Features of the Simplest and Mixed-Layered Bismuth Oxides

Osipyan V.G.


The family of bismuth ferroelectrics with a layered structure has generated considerable interest for researchers from both theoretical and practical perspectives for over half a century. The theoretical interest is due to the original structure of the compounds which have a high temperature of blurred ferroelectric transition, and the practical interest is due to the possibility of obtaining multifunctional materials. The crystallochemical analysis of the least studied species of the family, namely, the simplest compositions of the Bi2O3–second oxide type and complex intergrowth structures, compounds with the so-called mixed-layered structure of the grids, is presented. Crystallochemical formulas are proposed to describe the compositions of the above-mentioned types of structures, which should promote more purposeful synthesis of new compounds of the family.

Russian Microelectronics. 2017;46(8):608-611
pages 608-611 views

Is It not Time to Go back to Tamman’s Tg?

Minaev V.S., Parfenov N.M., Timoshenkov S.P., Vassiliev V.P., Kalugin V.V., Mukimov D.Z.


Based on the analysis of numerous experimental data, it is shown that the currently generally accepted glass transition temperature Tg is not correct. It was the result of borrowing from G. Tamman the symbol Tg, which corresponds to the temperature at which a liquid in a viscous flow is transformed into a solid brittle glassy state, and using it instead of the symbol Tw. The latter corresponded to the bending temperature (for Tamman) on the property–temperature curve of glass-forming substances lying above Tamman’s Tg. The disclosed physico-chemical nature of the temperature curve Tw (currently, generally taken to be Tg), which is the temperature of the reverse direction of the interconversion of nanofragment patterns (of polymorphs) of the high- and low-temperature polymorphs that coexist in a vitreous substance, is based on the application of polymer-polymorphing representations of the structure of glass-forming substances. In the past few decades, the discovery of the preendothermal effect located, just as Tamman’s Tg, below the standard Tg, confirms the correctness of Tamman’s Tg characterized by the increased specific heat of the heated glass.

Russian Microelectronics. 2017;46(8):612-621
pages 612-621 views

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