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卷 74, 编号 Suppl 2 (2019)


Synthesis and Use of Thin Polymer Films with Molecular Imprints of Salbutamol in Quartz Crystal Microbalance Sensors

Ermolayeva T., Farafonova O., Bessonov O.


Thin-film coatings of quartz crystal microbalance sensors with molecularly imprinted salbutamol are synthesized by photopolymerization using methacrylic acid and ethylene glycol dimethacrylate as functional and cross-monomers. The effects of the concentration of salbutamol and functional and cross-monomers in the prepolymerization mixture on the concentration of surface molecular imprints and the stability of the polymer layer with molecular imprints are shown. The conditions of the synthesis of polymer layers directly on the surface of the sensor electrode are optimized. Analytical characteristics of the sensor for the determination of salbutamol in aqueous solutions are calculated.

Journal of Analytical Chemistry. 2019;74(Suppl 2):S1-S8
pages S1-S8 views

Rapid Control of the Octane Number of Gasolines Using an IR Octanometer

Bocharov V., Ganeev A., Konyushenko I., Nemets V., Peganov S.


The problem of using octanometers for the rapid control of the octane number of compounds in the production of commercial gasoline is considered, and the factors forming it are indicated. Error spectra of a multidimensional absorption spectral analytic signal of commercial gasolines and compounds of their individual fractions (components) were studied in measurements in the mid-IR region. The effect of a change of the proportion of the main constituents (aromatic hydrocarbons, benzene catalysate, isomerizate, methyl tert-butyl ether, and isopentane) in the compound on the spectra of commercial gasolines was evaluated. Multidimensional measurements of light absorption by gasolines in a wide spectral region and difference spectra were used. It was shown that spectral noise does not form limitations in spectroscopic measurements, while uncontrollable variations in the process conditions can form significant deviations in the absorption spectra, leading to problems in using calibration characteristics based on commercial gasoline samples.

Journal of Analytical Chemistry. 2019;74(Suppl 2):S9-S16
pages S9-S16 views

Chromatographic Procedure for the Determination of Products of the Direct Synthesis of Dimethyl Ether

Samokhin P., Belostotskii I., Marshev I., Kipnis M.


We developed an original gas chromatographic procedure for determining the products and reagents for the catalytic synthesis of dimethyl ether (DME) from synthesis gas, which enables the simultaneous detection of СН3ОН, DME, СО, СО2, Н2, Н2О, N2, and hydrocarbons to С6. The gas circuit includes four detectors, three packed columns, two precolumns (to prevent water and organic compounds from entering molecular sieve columns) in combination with two relief valves and two pressure regulators for the implementation of the back purging of precolumns. The system is assembled based on a Khromatek-Kristall 5000 chromatograph. The determination is carried out at a constant temperature of 140°C. The duration of analysis is not more than 12 min. Because of the presence of a flame ionization detector, it is possible to detect trace amounts of hydrocarbons, as well as ethane in the presence of large amounts of CO2.

Journal of Analytical Chemistry. 2019;74(Suppl 2):S17-S23
pages S17-S23 views

Rapid Determination of Aminoglycosides in Milk by Exact Ion Masses Using Ultra-High-Performance Liquid Chromatography–High Resolution Quadrupole Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry

Amelin V., Bol’shakov D.


A method is proposed for the rapid determination of 10 aminoglycosides (amikacin, apramycin, gentamycin, hygromycin B, dihydrostreptomycin, kanamycin A, neomycin, paromomycin, spectinomycin, and streptomycin) in milk by exact ion masses in ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography–high resolution quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry. A simple method for sample preparation is proposed. The determination of aminoglycosides is possible along with other veterinary drugs in milk under the conditions of reversed-phase chromatography with an addition of an ion-pair reagent (heptafluorobutyric acid) to the sample extract being analyzed. A significant matrix effect is observed in the determination of aminoglycosides in milk (79–96%), which is reduced by diluting the extract tenfold with deionized water. Quantitative determination was performed by the method of absolute calibration. The analytical ranges for aminoglycoside were 10–1000 ng/g. The relative standard deviation of the results of analysis did not exceed 0.17. The duration of the identification of aminoglycosides in milk was 15 min; the duration of the determination of the detected analytes was 30–40 min.

Journal of Analytical Chemistry. 2019;74(Suppl 2):S24-S32
pages S24-S32 views