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卷 71, 编号 6 (2016)


Flotation-assisted dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction method for preconcentration and determination of trace amounts of cobalt: Orthogonal array design

Mohammadzadeh A., Ramezani M., Ghaedi A.


A simple, rapid, and efficient flotation-assisted dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction method was developed for preconcentration of trace amount of cobalt(II) ions. In this technique, a mixture of toluene and methanol (20: 80, v/v) was injected through the septum in the bottom of a narrow-bore tube containing cobalt solution. Afterwards, the fine droplets of extraction solvent were formed and cobalt (as 1-nitroso-2- naphtol complex) was collected on the surface of solution by aeration. The effect of different variables on the extraction efficiency of cobalt such as pH of solution, ligand concentration and injection volume was investigated using orthogonal array design. At optimum conditions, the calibration curve was linear over the range of 10–1000 μg/L. The detection limit, relative standard deviation and enrichment factor were 3 μg/L, 3.9% (n = 10) and 120, respectively. The developed method was successfully applied to the determination of cobalt in water and drug samples.

Journal of Analytical Chemistry. 2016;71(6):535-541
pages 535-541 views

Determination of lipids and their oxidation products by IR spectrometry

Dzhatdoeva A., Polimova A., Proskurnina E., Proskurnin M., Vladimirov Y.


We proposed a procedure for the IR spectrometric determination of lipid hydroperoxides in biological systems. The main bands in the IR absorption spectra of linoleic acid and its hydroperoxide were identified, and analytical bands suitable for the determination of both compounds in their mixtures were selected. It was demonstrated that tert-butyl hydroperoxide can be used as an external standard for determining fatty acid hydroperoxides. Using the external standard method (calibration curve) for tert-butyl hydroperoxides, we calculated the concentration of linoleic acid hydroperoxide in its mixture with linoleic acid; it agreed with the specified values. Using the developed procedure, we estimated the concentration of hydroperoxide groups in natural cardiolipin. The results were compared to those obtained by an independent method (activated chemiluminescence).

Journal of Analytical Chemistry. 2016;71(6):542-548
pages 542-548 views

Molar absorption coefficient of ozone in aqueous solutions

Levanov A., Isaikina O., Tyutyunnik A., Antipenko E., Lunin V.


The value of the molar absorption coefficient of ozone in aqueous solutions (2992 ± 71 M–1 cm–1 at 260 nm) is found based on the determination of ozone concentration by iodometry. This value is confirmed by the results of determination of O3 concentration by reaction with the bromide ion and virtually coincides with the maximum absorption coefficient of ozone in the gas phase in the region the Hartley band. In the determinations of ozone concentration in aqueous solutions by direct spectrophotometry, we recommend the value of the molar absorption coefficient ε(О3)260 = 3000 M–1 cm–1.

Journal of Analytical Chemistry. 2016;71(6):549-553
pages 549-553 views

Processing of NMR, UV, and IR spectrometric data prior to chemometric simulation by independent component and principal component analysis

Monakhova Y., Tsikin A., Mushtakova S.


We consider methods for the mathematical preprocessing of signals in the spectrometric analysis of multicomponent mixtures using chemometric algorithms aimed at adjusting the baseline, experimental noise, and random shift of spectral bands. Practical examples of using simple mathematical operations (scaling, centering, derivatization) are given. The effectiveness of algorithms is illustrated by a wide range of spectroscopic signals (electronic absorption, IR, and NMR spectra) combined with chemometric methods of principal component analysis and independent component analysis.

Journal of Analytical Chemistry. 2016;71(6):554-560
pages 554-560 views

Specific features of determinations of the composition of high-purity lanthanide crystal hydrates

Medvedevskikh M., Sergeev A., Shokhina O., Baranovskaya V., Karpov Y.


Problem of the determination of the composition of high-purity rare-earth metal salts is discussed. Prospects of the application of direct chemical methods to the determination of the water content of crystal hydrates of rare-earth metal salts used in the GET 173-2013 State Primary Standard of Mass Fraction and Mass (Molar) Concentration of Water in Solid and Liquid Substances and Materials are studied.

Journal of Analytical Chemistry. 2016;71(6):561-568
pages 561-568 views

X-ray fluorescence determination of the surface density of thin chromium and iron films using reference samples of elements with close atomic numbers

Mashin N., Chernyaeva E., Tumanova A., Ershov A.


In X-ray fluorescence determinations of the surface density of thin chromium and iron films, we studied the possibility of using an approach based on the application of reference samples of elements with close atomic numbers. It was shown that the proposed diagnostic approach ensures the determination of the surface density of films with rather high precision.

Journal of Analytical Chemistry. 2016;71(6):569-572
pages 569-572 views

Determination of the antioxidant capacity of the micellar extracts of spices in Brij® 35 medium by differential pulse voltammetry

Ziyatdinova G., Ziganshina E., Nguyen Cong P., Budnikov H.


It was established that the micellar extracts of spices are electrochemically active on a glassy carbon electrode modified with cerium dioxide nanoparticles in a 0.02 M Brij® 35 in the presence of a phosphate buffer solution (pH 7.4) under the conditions of differential pulse voltammetry. The number of oxidation steps and their potentials vary over a wide range depending on the type of spice. A number of the oxidation peaks of the micellar extracts of spices were identified based on the oxidation potentials of the following individual antioxidants: gallic acid, ferulic acid, p-coumaric acid, caffeic acid, rosmarinic acid, thymol, eugenol, vanillin, syringaldehyde, capsaicin, rutin, quercetin, catechin, tannin, and curcumin. The contribution of the main antioxidants to the amperometric response of the extracts was confirmed by the standard addition method. A procedure for the voltammetric determination of the antioxidant capacity of the extracts of spices based on the oxidation of their antioxidants was developed. The antioxidant capacity of spices was evaluated from the total area of the oxidation steps in units of gallic acid, whose analytical range, detection limit, and determination limit were 50–2490, 11.9, and 39.6 μM, respectively. Twenty types of spices were analyzed. Positive correlations of the antioxidant capacity with the ferric reducing power and the antioxidant activity (r = 0.8971 and 0.9127, respectively at rcrit = 0.497) were found.

Journal of Analytical Chemistry. 2016;71(6):573-580
pages 573-580 views

Investigation of electrochemical behavior and development of a validated adsorptive stripping square wave voltammetry method for 3-nitrotyrosine in human plasma and cerebrospinal fluid

Acar E., Onar A., Onar M.


An adsorptive stripping square wave voltammetric (AdSqW) method was developed for the determination of 3-nitrotyrosine (3-NT), a biomarker of in vivo oxidative damage in Alzheimer, ALS, Parkinson’s, cardiovascular diseases and cancer, in some biological fluids. Voltammetric measurements were performed in 0.30 M (pH 9.0) phosphate solution as supporting electrolyte, a reduction peak was observed at–0.487 V (vs. Ag/AgCl–3 M KCl) with a hanging mercury drop electrode by square wave voltammetry. Cyclic voltammetric measurements showed that the current was adsorption-controlled. LOD and LOQ values were as 0.25 and 1.5 nM, respectively, for the AdSqW method. 3-NT was determined in plasma and cerebrospinal fluid using AdSqW method, which allowed to work at low concentrations. Recovery value was measured as 96.3 ± 2.3%.

Journal of Analytical Chemistry. 2016;71(6):581-589
pages 581-589 views

A flow-injection amperometric method for determining antiviral guanine derivatives

Shpigun L., Andryukhina E., Kamilova P.


A flow-injection method is proposed for determining antiviral guanine derivatives, acyclovir, valacyclovir, ganciclovir, and famciclovir, based on their amperometric detection on a carbositall electrode with a preactivated surface. The method is characterized by a wide analytical range, relatively low detection limits (0.6–1.2 μg/mL), and high performance (75 h–1). The results of examination of the accuracy and reproducibility of the analysis of solutions of different pharmaceutical forms containing the test substances are presented. The potentials of the developed flow-injection method in the implementation of the “Dissolution” test in an automated mode are demonstrated.

Journal of Analytical Chemistry. 2016;71(6):590-597
pages 590-597 views

HPLC—high-resolution time-of-flight mass spectrometry: Identification and determinarion of β-agonists in food and feed

Amelin V., Korotkov A., Andoralov A.


A method is proposed for the simultaneous identification and determination of 19 β-agonists by exact ion masses in feed, meat, liver, and kidneys of animals using high-resolution time-of-flight mass spectrometry combined with HPLC and simple and fast sample preparation. Matrix effects under the conditions of electrospray ionization were eliminated by the dilution of the extract with a 10-fold volume of deionized water. A scheme of the identification and determination of analytes by the standard addition method is proposed. The limits of detection are 0.11–10 ng/g and limits of quantification, 0.34–31 ng/g. The relative standard deviation of the results of analysis does not exceed 13%. The time of analysis is 1–2 h.

Journal of Analytical Chemistry. 2016;71(6):598-604
pages 598-604 views

Development and validation of stability indicating analytical method for Ilaprazole

Gawande V., Singh A., Rathor P., Damania D.


The objective of the present study was to develop and validate a rapid and simple stability indicating analytical method for estimating Ilaprazole. Ilaprazole was subjected to different stress conditions prescribed by International Conference on Harmonization (ICH) such as hydrolysis, oxidation, photolytic and dry heat degradation conditions. The drug was very susceptible to degradation under hydrolysis and photolytic conditions, less susceptible to oxidation and stable under dry heat degradation condition. An acceptable separation of drug and its degradants was achieved by using a C-18 column and mobile phase composed of ammonium acetate buffer (pH 3.2)—acetonitrile (55: 45, v/v). Flow rate was 1 mL/min and detection wavelength was set at 303 nm. Retention time of drug was found to be 6.6 min and analysis can be completed within 10 min. The method was validated with respect to linearity, precision, accuracy, robustness, LOD and LOQ as per ICH. The method was linear (R2 = 0.996) in the range of 2.5–250 μg/mL. The recovery was in the range from 99.2–100.2%.

Journal of Analytical Chemistry. 2016;71(6):605-609
pages 605-609 views

Separation of some phenolic acids in micellar liquid chromatography using design of experiment-response surface methodology

Hadjmohammadi M., Mousavi Kiasari Z., Nazari S.


Derringer’s desirability function combined with face-centered cube central composite design was used to map the chromatographic response surface for simultaneous optimization of resolution and analysis time of four phenolic acids (vanilic, cafeic, para-coumaric and ferulic) in micellar liquid chromatography. The factors studied were the concentration of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), volume percentage of propanol (PrOH), and acetic acid (AcOH) in mobile phase. The chromatographic response functions (CRFs) were formed using two sigmoidal desirability functions. The quality of the obtained chromatograms in each experiment was calculated using CRF, and the model was built by the use of multiple linear regression (MLR) to correlate the obtained CRFs with the experimental factors and their interactions. The developed MLR model showed good descriptive and predictive ability (R2 = 0.9569 and F = 24.45). The optimum mobile phase composition was found to be [SDS] = 20 mM, 1.0% (v/v) PrOH and 2.0% (v/v) AcOH, which provided good resolution and analysis time for the separation of target phenolic acids. The efficiency of prediction of polynomial model was confirmed by performing the experiment under the predicted optimal conditions.

Journal of Analytical Chemistry. 2016;71(6):610-616
pages 610-616 views

Compound identification in metabolomics: a study with the use of two different GC data processing systems

Buszewska-Forajta M., Kordalewska M., Bartosińska E., Siluk D., Kaliszan R.


The present paper reports a comparison study of two data processing procedures in GC–MS metabolome components investigation based on two modern softwares: Automated Mass Spectral Deconvolution and Identification System (AMDIS) and GC–MS Solution Postrun Analysis (GC–MS SPA). GC–MS SPA is intended for manual integration and identification, while AMDIS is proposed as a fast, and automatic data analysis tool. Both methods are based on the same free-access library. In the present study, 12 compounds previously detected in a metabolomic fingerprint of grasshopper abdominal secretion, were tested at three concentration levels: 2.5, 5 and 10 μg/mL. The processing procedures were evaluated by comparison of peak area ratio for each tested concentration. The obtained results proved that processing with the use of AMDIS was more sensitive and enabled the identification of all compounds at the lowest selected concentration. Additionally, the differentiation of structurally similar compounds was possible with the use of AMDIS software.

Journal of Analytical Chemistry. 2016;71(6):617-623
pages 617-623 views

Gas-chromatographic determination of the degree of conversion of microbiological synthesis products into biodiesel

Pozhidaev V., Sergeeva Y., Gorin K., Badranova G., Gotovtsev P., Borgolov A., Vasilov R.


In the development of promising methods for the production of biodiesel from different raw materials, it was proposed to perform the comparative evaluation of the degree of conversion of the source material and the effectiveness of the heterogeneous catalyst used by the gas-chromatographic determination of the resulting amount of glycerol with the direct injection of a reaction mixture (or end products) into the column without derivatization. A Bruker 430 GS gas chromatograph with a flame-ionization detector and a quartz capillary column in the isothermal regime was used for determining the glycerol formed. The degree of conversion was evaluated in a study of the transesterification of sunflower oil and microalgae lipids with the use of the enzyme catalyst Novozym 435. For comparison, the degree of conversion was determined by HPLC–MS based on the triglyceride content of the reaction mixture.

Journal of Analytical Chemistry. 2016;71(6):624-629
pages 624-629 views

Determination of glycols in glycol-containing oligomers using gas-liquid reaction chromatography

Pervova M., Plotnikova K., Chizhov D., Pestov A., Saloutin V.


A method is proposed for the gas-chromatographic determination of glycols as bis(diethoxyphosphoryl) alkanes formed by the Atherton–Todd reaction with diethyl phosphite. Gas-chromatographic and mass-spectrometric characteristics of the derivatives obtained are studied. Conditions of the phosphorylation reaction are optimized. The method is applied to the determination of the residual amounts of glycols in oligomeric glycol-o-phthalates.

Journal of Analytical Chemistry. 2016;71(6):630-636
pages 630-636 views

Simultaneous determination of trimethoprim, enrofloxacin, and ciprofloxacin in blood serum of poultry

Kubasov A., Kochetkov P., Balyshev A., Lobova P., Abramov S., Abramov V.


A method is proposed for the simultaneous determination of trimethoprim, enrofloxacin, and ciprofloxacin in blood serum of poultry using HPLC. Samples were prepared using protein precipitation. The chromatographic separation of substances was attained on a C18 column using a mixture of a 50 mM acetate buffer solution (pH 3.0) with acetonitrile (86: 14) as a mobile phase. Detection was performed at 278 nm. Linearity was observed in the concentration range 50–5000 ng/mL for trimethoprim and 10–5000 ng/mL for ciprofloxacin and enrofloxacin. Precision was ≤2.1% for enrofloxacin, ≤1.6% for ciprofloxacin, and ≤14% for trimethoprim. Accuracy was ≤10.2% for enrofloxacin, ≤9.9% for ciprofloxacin, and ≤11.9% for trimethoprim. The method was applied to pharmacokinetic studies of complex antibacterial drugs containing trimethoprim and enrofloxacin as active substances.

Journal of Analytical Chemistry. 2016;71(6):637-640
pages 637-640 views