
Application of Chromatographic and Electrophoretic Techniques to Metabolomic Studies
Kartsova L., Solov’eva S.
Identification of Barrenwort flavonoids by high-resolution tandem mass spectrometry
Shevlyakova O., Vasil’ev K., Ikhalainen A., Antokhin A., Taranchenko V., Goncharov V., Mitrofanov D., Aksenov A., Rodin I., Shpigun O.
Chromatography–mass spectrometry identification of polyaromatic hydrocarbons in thermally modified petroleum products and thermal destruction products of organic materials of various origins
Temerdashev Z., Kolychev I., Musorina T., Arakel’yan E.
Flow Methods of Analysis as a New Approach to the Implementation of Chemical Analytical and Radiochemical Control in Nuclear Power Engineering
Moskvin L., Miroshnichenko I.
Application of Response Surface Methodology for Optimization of Conditions for Nickel Determination in Water and Vegetables by Switchable Solvent based Liquid Phase Microextraction
Fereshteh Heydari , Majid Ramezani
Methods for determining neurotransmitter metabolism markers for clinical diagnostics
Veselova I., Sergeeva E., Makedonskaya M., Eremina O., Kalmykov S., Shekhovtsova T.
A semiconductor sensor based on indium antimonide for the potentiometric analysis of soils from the Chinarev oil and gas field
Burakhta V., Baitlesova L.
Substantiation of the Selection of Trifluoroacetophenone Derivatives for the Manufacture of Membranes of Sulfate- and Carbonate-Selective Electrodes
Matveichuk Y.
A Distribution Chromatography Method for the Identification of Pesticides in Their Mixtures and Agricultural Products
Zayats M., Leschev S.
Magnetic Sorbent with a Mesoporous Shell for the Simultaneous Preconcentration of Ecotoxicants of Different Nature
Kiseleva M., Pryazhnikov D., Kubrakova I.
Application of Hypercrosslinked Polystyrenes to the Preconcentration and Separation of Organic Compounds and Ions of Elements
Dmitrienko S., Tikhomirova T., Apyari V., Tolmacheva V., Kochuk E., Zolotov Y.
Identification of endogenous and anthropogenic hydrocarbons in bottom deposits of peat lakes and evaluation of their contribution to the “hydrocarbon index”
Brodskii E., Shelepchikov A., Mir-Kadyrova E., Kalinkevich G.
A luminescence immunoassay test method for determining benzo[a]pyrene in natural water
Beloglazova N., Shmelin P., Novikova A., Goryacheva I.
Amperometric detection of hydroxypurines at an electrode modified with a composite based on mixed-valence ruthenium and cobalt oxides in flow injection analysis
Shaidarova L., Chelnokova I., Il’ina M., Gedmina A., Budnikov H.
Problems and optimization of sampling, storage, and sample preparation in the determination of the trace element composition of human saliva
Savinov S., Anisimov A., Drobyshev A.
X-ray fluorescence analytical signal of elements with small atomic numbers as a function of the energy of primary photons
Pavlinskii G.
Determination of Arsenic and Antimony in Ferrotungsten by Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry
Maiorova A., Belozerova A., Mel’chakov S., Mashkovtsev M., Suvorkina A., Shunyaev K.
New Voltammetric Approach to the Quantitation of Paracetamol in Tablets and Syrup using Chemometric Optimization Technique
Remziye Güzel , Ekşi H., Dinç E., Solak A.
Sols of Silver Nanoparticles as Analytical Reagents for the Determination of Active Chlorine in Water Samples by Spectrophotometry and Photometric Titration
Olenin A., Olenina E.
High-Precision Determination of the 238U/235U Isotope Ratio in Rocks by Multicollector Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry
Mandzhieva G., Sadasyuk A., Chernyshev I., Shatagin K., Chugaev A., Gareev B.
Silica–Titania Sol–Gel Materials: Synthesis and Analytical Applications
Morosanova E.
On the limitation of the term petroleum products in the determination of the oil pollution of bottom sediments
Temerdashev Z., Pavlenko L., Korpakova I., Skrypnik G., Klimenko T., Votinova T., Ermakova Y.
Potentiometric sensors based on new active components in the multisensor determination of homologues anionic surfactants
Makarova N., Kulapina E.
Calibration curve equation in the local voltammetry of eutectic alloys with anomalous and divorced eutectics
Kashkarov B., Rublinetskaya Y., Moshchenskaya E., Slepushkin V.
Determination of hydrogen peroxide and organic peroxides in micellar and aqueous–organic media using a spectrophotometric biosensor based on horseradish peroxidase
Rodionov P., Alieva E., Sergeeva E., Veselova I., Shekhovtsova T.
1 - 25 из 78 результатов 1 2 3 4 > >> 
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