
Using additional standards for increasing the accuracy of quantitative chromatographic analysis
Zenkevich I., Prokof’ev D.
Assessment of the possibility of the performance of a chromatomembrane mass-exchange process on granular composite carbon–fluoroplastic sorbents for the generation of standard gas mixtures
Rodinkov O., Moskvin L., Gorbacheva A., Bugaichenko A.
Surface-enhanced Raman scattering sensing of trace fenthion coupled with stable silver colloids and OH stretching band of water as an internal standard
Teng Y., Liu W., Liu J., Nie Y., Li P., He C.
Estimation of limits of detection and determination in X-ray fluorescence analysis by the dependence of the relative standard deviation on analyte concentration
Borkhodoev V.
Solved and Unsolved Problems of the Metrology of Chemical Analysis
Karpov Y., Filippov M., Baranovskaya V.
Specific features of determinations of the composition of high-purity lanthanide crystal hydrates
Medvedevskikh M., Sergeev A., Shokhina O., Baranovskaya V., Karpov Y.
Matrix Interference in the Determination of Elements in Biological Samples by Inductively Coupled Plasma–Mass Spectrometry and Methods for Its Elimination
Seregina I., Osipov K., Bol’shov M., Filatova D., Lanskaya S.
Simultaneous separation-preconcentration and determination of trace amounts of mercury and cadmium in fruits, vegetables and biological samples
Mohammadi S., Roohparvar R., Taher M.
Methods and Devices for the Preparation of Standard Gas Mixtures
Platonov I., Rodinkov O., Gorbacheva A., Moskvin L., Kolesnichenko I.
Group formation and choice of standard substances in the determination of total concentrations of similar compounds as total indices
Vershinin V.
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