
Rapid Control of the Octane Number of Gasolines Using an IR Octanometer
Bocharov V., Ganeev A., Konyushenko I., Nemets V., Peganov S.
Development of electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry in 2005–2016
Burylin M., Pupyshev A.
Study of conditions of the formation of multidimensional spectroscopic fluorescence images of motor fuels and liquid mineral technical oils
Ganeev A., Konyushenko I., Nemets V.
Determination of impurities in high-purity niobium(V) oxide by high-resolution continuum source graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry after sorption preconcentration
Eskina V., Dalnova O., Kareva E., Baranovskaya V., Karpov Y.
Study of Multidimensional Absorption Analytical Signals of Gasolines in the Mid-IR Region
Bocharov V., Ganeev A., Konyushenko I., Nemets V., Peganov S.
ESI current oscillations for a high-resistivity fluid with the simultaneous visualization of the Taylor cone
Fomina N., Masyukevich S., Gall L., Gall N.
Sampling and Determination of Hyaluronic Acid on a Human Skin Imitator by Oxithermography
Zuev B., Polikarpova P., Filonenko V., Korotkov A., Saraeva A.
Study of the conditions of formation of spectral and absorbption multidimensional images of motor fuels and liquid mineral technical oils
Ganeev A., Konyushenko I., Nemets V.
Determination of the Structure of Alkyl Radicals in a Series of Highly Toxic Organophosphorus Compounds Using Mass Spectrometry Databases and Library Search
Dudkin A., Morozik Y., Rybal’chenko I., Terentyev A.
Determination of Hyaluronic Acid in Aqueous Solutions Using Air as an Oxidant
Zuev B., Filonenko V., Nesterovich D., Polikarpova P.
Preparation of Geological Samples to the Simultaneous Determination of Five Alkali Elements by Flame Atomic Emission Spectrometry
Shabanova E., Zak A., Vasil’eva I.
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