
Predictive Liquid Chromatography of Peptides Based on Hydrophilic Interactions for Mass Spectrometry-Based Proteomics
Lobas A., Levitsky L., Fichtenbaum A., Surin A., Pridatchenko M., Mitulovic G., Gorshkov A., Gorshkov M.
Ionic Liquids as Modifiers of Chromatographic and Electrophoretic Systems
Kartsova L., Bessonova E., Kolobova E.
Chromatographic behavior of anthocyanins on a C10CN stationary phase
Deineka V., Kul’chenko Y., Deineka L.
Applicability of the critical chromatography concept to proteomics problems: I. Effect of the stationary phase and the size of the chromatographic column on the dependence of the retention time of peptides and proteins on the amino acid sequence
Gorshkov A., Pridatchenko M., Perlova T., Tarasova I., Gorshkov M., Evreinov V.
From Liquid–Gas Chromatography to a Chromatomembrane Mass-Exchange Process
Moskvin L., Rodinkov O.
Adsorption and selective properties of 4-{4-[4(S)-2-methyl-1-butoxybenzoyloxy]phenyldiazenyl}benzaldehyde in gas–mesophase chromatography
Kuvshinova S., Kuvshinov G., Koifman O.
Application of the curve resolution method to the preprocessing spectral data in two-layer systems
Rodionova O., Pomerantsev A.
Determination of Arsenic and Antimony in Ferrotungsten by Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry
Maiorova A., Belozerova A., Mel’chakov S., Mashkovtsev M., Suvorkina A., Shunyaev K.
Sorption, thermodynamic, and selective properties of camphor-substituted copper(II) tetrapyrazinoporphyrazine as a stationary phase for gas chromatography
Kuvshinov G., Kuvshinova S., Koifman O.
Countercurrent Chromatography in Elemental Analysis: From Oil to High-Purity Substances
Maryutina T., Fedotov P.
Thin-layer chromatography of some amino acids on silica in aqueous–organic and modified micellar mobile phases
Shtykov S., Sumina E., Uglanova V., Sorokina O.
Acid Retardation Effect in Sorption Columns with Two Liquid Phases: Capabilities of Application to Sample Preparation in Elemental Analysis
Khamizov R., Krachak A., Podgornaya E., Gruzdeva A.
Stoichiography and present-day analytical chemistry of solid inorganic substances and materials
Malakhov V.
Application of Hypercrosslinked Polystyrenes to the Preconcentration and Separation of Organic Compounds and Ions of Elements
Dmitrienko S., Tikhomirova T., Apyari V., Tolmacheva V., Kochuk E., Zolotov Y.
Comparison of separation performance of polysaccaride-based chiral stationary phases in enantioseparation of 1-(4-chlorobenzhydryl)piperazine benzamide derivatives by HPLC
Gurdal E., Yarim M.
Use of Micro- and Nanodimensional Inorganic Materials in Surface Molecular Imprinting
Bulatova E., Petrova Y.
Separation of Binary Mixtures of Histidine, Proline, and Methionine in Extraction Systems Based on Water-Soluble Polymers of Vinyl Series
Mokshina N., Bykovskii D., Shatalov G., Pakhomova O.
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