
Optical Sensors on the Basis of a Polyelectrolyte Peroxidase–Chitosan Complex for the Determination of Biologically Active Compounds
Veselova I., Shekhovtsova T.
Polymer matrices with molecular memory as affine adsorbents for the determination of myoglobin as a cardiac marker of acute myocardial infarction by voltammetry
Shumyantseva V., Bulko T., Sigolaeva L., Kuzikov A., Archakov A.
Possibility of Comparison of the Similar Pharmaceuticals from Different Producers by Spectroscopic System Based on Hollow-Core Photonic-Crystal Fiber
Bzheumikhov K., Margushev Z., Savoiskii Y.
Chemical sensors based on a hydrochemically deposited lead sulfide film for the determination of lead in aqueous solutions
Zarubin I., Markov V., Maskaeva L., Zarubina N., Kuznetsov M.
Ionophore Properties of Schiff Base Compounds as Ion Sensing Molecules for Fabricating Cu(II) Ion-Selective Electrodes
Hasani B., Zamani A., Moftakhar M., Mostafavi M., Yaftian M., Ghorbanloo M.
Determination of homologues anion surfactants in technical preparations using a multisensor system and HPLC
Makarova N., Kulapina E., Kolotvin A., Pogorelova E.
Determination of Nitrogen Dioxide by Thin-Film Chemical Sensors Based on CdxPb1 –xS
Bezdetnova A., Markov V., Maskaeva L., Shashmurin Y., Frants A., Vinogradova T.
Enantioselective Voltammetric Sensors: New Solutions
Maistrenko V., Sidel’nikov A., Zil’berg R.
A simple multisensor detector based on tin dioxide in capillary gas chromatography
Povarov V., Lopatnikov A.
Potentiometric Sensors and Multisensor Systems for the Determination of Lanthanides
Yaroshenko I., Alyapyshev M., Babain V., Legin A., Kirsanov D.
Determination of Hyaluronic Acid in Aqueous Solutions Using Air as an Oxidant
Zuev B., Filonenko V., Nesterovich D., Polikarpova P.
Electrical, electrochemical, and thermometric sensors for the detection of explosives
Buryakov I., Buryakov T., Matsayev V.
New Electrode Materials and Measurement Technologies in Voltammetry, Amperometry, and Coulometry
Ermakov S., Navolotskaya D., Semenova E.
Alkyl Sulfate Compounds with Cationic Metal Complexes and Some Organic Reagents as Active Membrane Components of Potentiometric Sensors
Makarova N., Kulapina E.
Evaluation of 1,10-phenanthroline-5,6-dione as redox mediator for glucose oxidase
Zor E., Oztekin Y., Ramanaviciene A., Anusevicius Z., Voronovic J., Bingol H., Barauskas-Memenas D., Labanauskas L., Ramanavicius A.
Solid-Contact Potentiometric Sensors for the Determination of Some Cephalosporin Antibiotics in Pharmaceuticals and Oral Fluid
Kulapina E., Tyutlikova M., Kulapina O., Dubasova A.
Semiconductor gallium arsenide electrodes for the potentiometric titration of mercaptans in raw hydrocarbons
Burakhta V., Sataeva S.
Reagentless Impedimetric Sensors Based on Aminophenylboronic Acids
Andreev E., Komkova M., Nikitina V., Karyakin A.
Potentiometric sensors based on new active components in the multisensor determination of homologues anionic surfactants
Makarova N., Kulapina E.
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