
Isomeric Effects in Collisionally-induced Dissociation of β-(1→6)-linked Cyclic Tetrasaccharides of the Glcp2GlcpN2 Composition
Chizhov A., Gening M., Pinsker O., Tsvetkov Y., Nifantiev N.
Determination of neonicotinoid insecticides in natural waters by high-resolution time-of-flight mass spectrometry with direct electrospray ionization of samples
Amelin V., Bol’shakov D., Andoralov A.
Characterization of the Structural Forms of Biomolecules Based on the Decomposition and Separation of the Charge-State Distributions of Their Ions
Raznikov V., Raznikova M.
A comparison of electrospray tandem mass spectra of some sialic acid derivatives: Ion trap and high resolution QqToF mass spectrometers
Chizhov A., Shpirt A., Savel’eva N., Kononov L.
Simultaneous Determination of Wogonin, Scutellarin, Baicalin, and Baicalein in Extracts from Scutellariae Baicalensis by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography with Tandem Mass Spectrometry
Baygildieva D., Baygildiev T., Stavrianidi A., Shpigun O., Rodin I.
Stereospecific fragmentation of starfish polyhydroxysteroids in electrospray ionization mass spectrometry
Popov R., Dmitrenok P.
Chromatographic and Mass-Spectrometric Identification of Linear and Cyclic Peptides Based on Glycine
Milyushkin A., Matyushin D., Buryak A.
ESI current oscillations for a high-resistivity fluid with the simultaneous visualization of the Taylor cone
Fomina N., Masyukevich S., Gall L., Gall N.
Peculiarities of the Mass Spectrometric Detection of Anthocyanins in High-Performance Liquid Chromatography
Deineka V., Sidorov A., Chulkov A., Deineka L.
Features of the First and Second Order Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectra for Salt-Like Products Derived from Monools and Diols Using Combined Reagents Based on ω-Bromoacyl Chlorides and Nitrogen Bases
Ilyushenkova V., Kulikova L., Borisov R., Zaikin V.
Gas-Phase Fragmentation Studies of Biotinylated, Hexaethylene Glycol–Spacered Oligosaccharides—Molecular Probes—Using Electrospray Mass Spectrometry on a Hybrid High-Resolution Mass Spectrometer
Chizhov A., Argunov D., Gening M., Sukhova E., Khatuntseva E., Karelin A., Komarova B., Orekhova M., Krylov V., Yasunskii D., Tsvetkov Y., Nifantiev N.
Disentangling of Information About the Structure of Biomolecules Based on the Decomposition and Separation of Two-Dimentional Charge Distributions of Ions
Raznikov V., Raznikova M., Pridatchenko M.
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