
Determination of unsaturated fatty acids with a migrating double bond in complex biological matrices by gas chromatography with flame ionization and mass spectrometry detection
Ivankin A., Oliferenko G., Kulikovskii A., Chernukha I., Semenova A., Spiridonov K., Nasonova V.
Extraction and determination of biologically active components of St. John’s wort and its pharmaceutical preparations
Milevskaya V., Statkus M., Temerdashev Z., Kiseleva N., Butyl’skaya T., Shil’ko E.
Determination of ametoctradin in plant residues and environmental samples by HPLC with an UV detector
Komarova A., Chermenskaya T., Chelovechkova V.
Determination of 1,2,4-Trithiolane in Oil and Petroleum Products by Gas Chromatography
Leont’eva S., Podlesnova E., Botin A., Alatortsev E., Dmitrieva A.
Determination partition coefficients of volatile organic substances in the system liquid–air for the creation of calibration gas-phase samples with trace concentrations of substances
Malysheva A., Baldin M., Gruznov V.
A Simple and Rapid Gas Chromatographic Method for Routine Caffeine Determination in Beverages using Nitrogen Phosphorus Detector
Chi-Hang Chow , Kan Y., Ho K.
Application of microemulsions to the recovery, preconcentration, and determination of ten surfactants from various soils
Tolmacheva N., Zhang M., Pirogov A., Popik M., Shpigun O.
Evaluation of the Possibility of Volatile Organic Compounds Determination in Exhaled Air by Gas Chromatography for the Noninvasive Diagnostics of Lung Cancer
Gashimova E., Temerdashev A., Porkhanov V., Polyakov I., Perunov D., Azaryan A., Dmitrieva E.
Biochemical Detection of Cholinesterase Inhibitors in Water with a New Two-Component Chromogenic Reagent
Pitschmann V., Matějovský L., Vetchý D., Staš M.
Peculiarities of the Mass Spectrometric Detection of Anthocyanins in High-Performance Liquid Chromatography
Deineka V., Sidorov A., Chulkov A., Deineka L.
Simultaneous determination of trimethoprim, enrofloxacin, and ciprofloxacin in blood serum of poultry
Kubasov A., Kochetkov P., Balyshev A., Lobova P., Abramov S., Abramov V.
Determination of individual sulfur-containing compounds in gas condensate and petrol by gas chromatography
Afanas’ev I., Gorshkova T., Arystanbekova S., Lapina M., Volynskii A.
Peculiarities of gas chromatographic analysis of 6N4 volatile hydrides using a helium ionization detector operated in the ionization amplification mode
Skosyrev A., Pushkarev G., Ermolaev S., Polezhaev D., Chernyatin A.
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