
Application of High-Performance Liquid Chromatography/High Resolution Mass Spectrometry to the Investigation of the Biodegradation and Transformation of Phenanthrene by a Plasmid Bearing Rhizosphere Bacteria Pseudomonas aureofaciens
Zyakun A., Kochetkov V., Zakharchenko V., Baskunov B., Peshenko V., Laurinavichius K., Siunova T., Anokhina T., Boronin A.
A Comparative Study of Procedures for Preparing Samples of Bottom Sediments in the Determination of Petroleum Products by Chromatographic Methods
Kotova V., Andreev Y., Chernov’yants M.
Simultaneous Determination of Succinic Acid and Water-Soluble Vitamins by Ion-Pair High-Performance Liquid Chromatography
Leonov K., Pustovoitov A., Vishenkova D.
Development and Validation of a Stability-Indicating HPLC Method for the Determination of Acarbose in Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms
Azam Sadat Montazeri , Mohammadi A., Adib N., Naeemy A.
Determination of ecdysteroids in Fornicium unflorum (L.) and Serratula centauroides (L.) raw materials by chromatography–UV spectrophotometry
Nikolaeva I., Tsybiktarova L., Garmaeva L., Nikolaeva G., Olennikov D., Matkhanov I.
Separation of β-blocker and amino acid enantiomers on a mixed chiral sorbent modified with macrocyclic antibiotics eremomycin and vancomycin
Fedorova I., Shapovalova E., Shpigun O.
Extraction and determination of biologically active components of St. John’s wort and its pharmaceutical preparations
Milevskaya V., Statkus M., Temerdashev Z., Kiseleva N., Butyl’skaya T., Shil’ko E.
Spectrofluorimetric Determination of Ochratoxin a in Wheat and Rice Products Using an Artificial Neural Network
Saidi A., Mirzaei M.
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