
Mode II brittle fracture assessment using an energy based criterion
Rashidi Moghaddam M., Ayatollahi M., Razavi S., Berto F.
Nonlocal and Gradient Fracture Criteria for Quasi-Brittle Materials under Compression
Suknev S.
Modeling of thermomechanical fracture of functionally graded materials with respect to multiple crack interaction
Petrova V., Schmauder S.
Damage and fracture: Classical continuum theories
Volegov P., Gribov D., Trusov P.
Mode III Notch Fracture Toughness Assessment for Various Notch Features
Torabi A., Saboori B., Ayatollahi M.
A Precis of Fishnet Statistics for Tail Probability of Failure of Materials with Alternating Series and Parallel Links
Bažant Z.
About Compression Fracture
Goldstein R., Osipenko N.
Asymptotic Crack Tip Fields in Linear and Nonlinear Materials and Their Role in Crack Propagation
Karihaloo B., Xiao Q.
Effect of Hydrogen Charging on Mechanical Twinning, Strain Hardening, and Fracture of ‹111› and ‹144› Hadfield Steel Single Crystals
Astafurova E., Maier G., Melnikov E., Moskvina V., Vojtsik V., Zakharov G., Smirnov A., Bataev V.
Experimental Study of High Temperature Fracture Behavior of A286 Superalloy at 650°C
Hagh Panahi M., Pirali H.
Effect of vacuum arc ion beam treatment on the structure and mechanical properties of 30CrMnSiNi2A steel
Panin S., Vlasov I., Sergeev V., Ovechkin B., Lyubutin P., Ramasubbu S., Mironov Y., Maruschak P.
Effect of the Nanorod Size on Energy Absorption at the Microlevel under Cyclic Loading
Golovnev I., Golovneva E., Utkin A.
The Benefits and Challenges of Interdisciplinary Research
Botvina L.
Some Nonlinear Rock Behavior Effects
Stefanov Y.
Compressive Brittle Fracture Prediction in Blunt V-Notched PMMA Specimens by Means of the Strain Energy Density Approach
Torabi A., Ayatollahi M., Colussi M.
Mixed mode I/II fracture investigation of Perspex based on the averaged strain energy density criterion
Aliha M., Berto F., Bahmani A., Gallo P.
Fracture assessment of polymethyl methacrylate using sharp notched disc bend specimens under mixed mode I + III loading
Aliha M., Berto F., Bahmani A., Akhondi S., Barnoush A.
Hydrogen Embrittlement of Austenitic Stainless Steels with Ultrafine-Grained Structures of Different Morphologies
Astafurova E., Melnikov E., Astafurov S., Ratochka I., Mishin I., Maier G., Moskvina V., Zakharov G., Smirnov A., Bataev V.
A Study into the Temperature and Size Effects in Nanostructures on Their Fracture under External Mechanical Loads
Golovnev I., Golovneva E., Utkin A.
Baikal Ice Cover as a Representative Block Medium for Research in Lithospheric Geodynamics
Ruzhich V., Psakhie S., Chernykh E., Shilko E., Levina E., Dimaki A.
Experimental and theoretical study of multiscale damage-failure transition in very high cycle fatigue
Betekhtin V., Kadomtsev A., Narykova M., Bannikov M., Abaimov S., Akhatov I., Palin-Luc T., Naimark O.
Mixed mode I/II brittle fracture in V-notched Brazilian disk specimens under negative mode I conditions
Torabi A., Bahrami B., Ayatollahi M.
Numerical Study of the Kinetic Aspects of Fracture of Metal Nanocrystals
Golovnev I., Golovneva E.
A Study of Fracture Scenarios on the Basis of Acoustic Emission Data
Belikov V., Ryvkin D.
Fracture Model of Anisotropic Rocks under Complex Loading
Karev V., Klimov D., Kovalenko Y., Ustinov K.
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