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Vol 22, No 1 (2019)


Grigory I. Barenblatt in the Concrete World

Monteiro P.J.
Physical Mesomechanics. 2019;22(1):1-2
pages 1-2 views

My Partnership with Grigory Barenblatt from 1957 to 2018

Golitsyn G.S.
Physical Mesomechanics. 2019;22(1):3-4
pages 3-4 views

The Benefits and Challenges of Interdisciplinary Research

Botvina L.R.


This brief review takes a look at our joint research with Prof. G.I. Barenblatt and at some outcomes of his interdisciplinary initiatives. The research covers the issues of self-similarity in fatigue fracture, jump-like growth of fatigue cracks, and damage accumulation on different scales.

Physical Mesomechanics. 2019;22(1):5-12
pages 5-12 views

A New Model of the Electron Gas Effect on the Thermoacoustics of Conductors under Laser Irradiation

Morozov N.F., Muratikov K.L., Indeitsev D.A., Vavilov D.S., Semenov B.N.


A two-component model which accounts for electron gas pressure is proposed for describing the dynamics of thermoelastic and thermoacoustics effects in laser-irradiated conductors. The model medium represents two interpenetrating continua such that interacting particles of both exist at each point of the medium. The electron gas in the model comprises free and bound electrons of which the former obey the laws for perfect metals and the latter obey those that account for electron trapping to localized levels and for electron transitions from level to level, i.e., for jump diffusion and hopping conductivity. Unlike the classical model of thermoelasticity, the proposed model is the first to show that the electron gas pressure depends strongly on the temperature difference between the electron gas and the conductor lattice and on the change in the density of free electrons as localized species become free by the Mott mechanism. The duration of acoustic pulses in the conductor lattice is essentially dependent on the time of laser irradiation and on how long the gas and the lattice differ in temperature, with the longest acoustic pulse falling on a certain localized electron density. The model data are compared with experiments.

Physical Mesomechanics. 2019;22(1):13-17
pages 13-17 views

Asymptotic Crack Tip Fields in Linear and Nonlinear Materials and Their Role in Crack Propagation

Karihaloo B.L., Xiao Q.Z.


The famous Wieghardt, Griffith and Irwin criteria predict the onset of fracture in linear elastic materials. They have to be supplemented by appropriate criteria for predicting the path that the fracture will follow until the failure of the structure. These require the knowledge of the stress and displacement fields at the front of propagating fracture which depend on the actual loading on the structure and its boundary conditions. In this paper we shall review these fields in brittle and quasi-brittle materials. In the latter materials, a traction-free fracture front often has a large process zone ahead of it in which the material experiences progressive softening. Such a mixed traction-free and process zone is also called a cohesive crack. Over the process zone the material is able to transfer some tractions across the crack faces depending upon how much the faces have separated or slid relative to each other. In the famous Barenblatt model the process zone was very small in comparison with the traction-free crack so that the actual traction-separation relationship in the process zone was not explicitly involved. However, in real quasi-brittle materials the size of the process zone can be commensurate or even larger than the traction-free crack. It is therefore necessary to know this relationship explicitly in order to determine the corresponding stress and displacement fields at the front of the propagating cohesive crack. The asymptotic fields at the front of a crack in brittle materials were obtained by Williams and those for quasi-brittle materials by Xiao and Karihaloo.

Physical Mesomechanics. 2019;22(1):18-31
pages 18-31 views

A Precis of Fishnet Statistics for Tail Probability of Failure of Materials with Alternating Series and Parallel Links

Bažant Z.P.


During the last dozen years it has been established that the Weibull statistical theory of structural failure and strength scaling does not apply to quasibrittle materials. These are heterogeneous materials with brittle constituents and a representative volume element that is not negligible compared to the structure dimensions. A new theory of quasibrittle strength statistics in which the strength distribution is a structure size dependent graft of Gaussian and Weibull distributions has been developed. The present article gives a precis of several recent studies, conducted chiefly at the writer’s home institution, in which the quasibrittle statistics has been refined to capture the statistical effect of alternating series and parallel links, which is exemplified by the material architecture of staggered platelets seen on the submicrometer scale in nacre. This architecture, which resembles a fishnet pulled diagonally, intervenes in many quasibrittle materials. The fishnet architecture is found to be advantageous for increasing the material strength at the tail of failure probability 10—6, which represents the maximum tolerable risk for engineering structures and should be adopted as the basis of tail-risk design. Scaling analysis, asymptotic considerations, and cohesive fracture process zone, which were the hallmark of Barenblatt’s contributions, pervade the new theory, briefly called the “fishnet statistics”.

Physical Mesomechanics. 2019;22(1):32-41
pages 32-41 views

Cracks as Limits of Eshelby Inclusions

Markenscoff X.


As limiting behaviors of Eshelby ellipsoidal inclusions with transformation strain, crack solutions can be obtained both in statics and dynamics (for self-similarly expanding ones). Here is presented the detailed analysis of the static tension and shear cracks, as distributions of vertical centers of eigenstrains and centers of antisymmetric shear, respectively, inside the ellipse being flattened to a crack, so that the singular external field is obtained by the analysis, while the interior is zero. It is shown that a distribution of eigenstrains that produces a symmetric center of shear cannot produce a crack. A possible model for a Barenblatt type crack is proposed by the superposition of two elliptical inclusions by adjusting their small axis and strengths of eigenstrains so that the singularity cancels at the tip.

Physical Mesomechanics. 2019;22(1):42-45
pages 42-45 views

Rotation Versus Curvature Fractal Scaling in Bending Failure

Carpinteri A., Accornero F.


In the present work, an approach based on fractal geometry, that has been successfully applied for the tensile and the compressive behaviour of quasi-brittle materials, is followed in order to obtain a fractal scaling from three-point bending tests of concrete specimens. According to this approach, bending strength, fracture energy, and the critical kinematic parameter, represented by the localized rotation, are not defined with respect to canonical physical dimensions, but on fractal sets presenting noninteger dimensions. In the case of bending strength, the dimensional decrement of the reference area dG represents the weakening of the reacting cross section, whereas in the case of fracture energy the dimensional increment dG represents the roughness of the fracture surface. Furthermore, the kinematic parameter proves to be intermediate between a dimensionless rotation angle and a curvature, i.e., it moves from a generalized displacement to a deformation: its dimensional decrement dx represents the curvature localization along the beam span according to a lacunar fractal constituted by the infinite radial cracks converging to the center of curvature. As a consequence, the classical mechanical parameters are replaced by fractal quantities, which represent the actual material properties.

Physical Mesomechanics. 2019;22(1):46-51
pages 46-51 views

Theory of Superplasticity and Fatigue of Polycrystalline Materials Based on Nanomechanics of Fracturing and Failure

Cherepanov G.P.


Fracture nanomechanics is the study of the interconnected process of the growth and birth of cracks and dislocations in the nanoscale. In this paper, it is applied to superplasticity and fatigue of metals and other polycrystalline materials in order to derive the basic equations describing some main features of these phenomena, namely, the fatigue threshold and the enormous neck-free superplastic elongation. It is shown that in most metals and alloys the fatigue threshold is greater than one per cent of the value of fracture toughness. Using the concepts of fracture nanomechanics, we study the superplastic deformation and fracturing of polycrystalline materials under uniaxial extension and calculate the neck-free elongation to failure in terms of strain rate, stress and temperature. Then, we determine the optimum strain rate of the maximum superplastic elongation in terms of temperature, creep index and other material constants. Further, we estimate the critical size o f ultrafine grains necessary to stop the growth of microcracks and open way to the superplastic flow, and find the superplastic deformation of grains, their maximum-possible elongation and the activation energy of superplastic state. Also, we introduce the dimensionless A-number in order to characterize the capability of different materials in yielding the superplastic flow. A t a very high elongation the alloying boundary of grains proves to be broken by a periodical system o f dead fractures of some definite period. It is shown that experimental results of the testing of the Pb-62% Sn eutectic alloy and Zn-22% A l eutectoid alloy at T = 473 K have substantially supported the theory of superplasticity advanced herewith.

Physical Mesomechanics. 2019;22(1):52-64
pages 52-64 views

Fatigue Wear Modeling of Elastomers

Goryacheva I.G., Stepanov F.I., Torskaya E.V.


This study presents modeling results on fatigue wear of elastomers. A contact problem solution has been derived for the sliding of a system of asperities over a viscoelastic half-space. The mechanical properties of the viscoelastic half-space are described by relations between stresses and strains given by the Volterra integral operator. The contact problem is solved by the boundary element method using an iterative procedure. Stresses in the subsurface layers of the viscoelastic material are analyzed. The damage function of the surface layer is calculated using a reduced stress criterion, the parameters of which are determined on the basis of available experimental data. The wear process is studied under the assumption that the accumulated damage can be summed up. Within the applied frictional interaction model, the wear process presents the delamination of material surface layers of finite thickness at discrete points in time and continuous surface wear by fatigue mechanism. A model calculation of contact fatigue damage accumulation has shown that the time to the first material delamination (incubation period) depends on the sliding velocity and the viscoelastic properties of the material. By analyzing the dependence of the wear rate on the input parameters of the problem, it was investigated how the sliding velocity affects the time of fatigue damage initiation and the run-in and steady-state wear rates in materials with different rheological properties. Model calculations revealed that the wear rate of material surface layers after the incubation period increases smoothly and then stabilizes. The presence of the steady-state wear rate agrees well with experimental data. The developed method for studying fatigue damage accumulation in the surface layers of viscoelastic materials in frictional interaction can also be applied on the macrolevel to determine possible crack initiation sites.

Physical Mesomechanics. 2019;22(1):65-72
pages 65-72 views

Development of Barenblatt’s Scaling Approaches in Solid Mechanics and Nanomechanics

Borodich F.M.


The main focus of the paper is on similarity methods in application to solid mechanics and author's personal development of Barenblatt's scaling approaches in solid mechanics and nanomechanics. It is argued that scaling in nanomechanics and solid mechanics should not be restricted to just the equivalence of dimensionless parameters characterizing the problem under consideration. Many of the techniques discussed were introduced by Professor G.I. Barenblatt. Since 1991 the author was incredibly lucky to have many possibilities to discuss various questions related to scaling during personal meetings with G.I. Barenblatt in Moscow, Cambridge, Berkeley and at various international conferences as well as by exchanging letters and electronic mails. Here some results of these discussions are described and various scaling techniques are demonstrated. The Barenblatt- Botvina model of damage accumulation is reformulated as a formal statistical self-similarity of arrays of discrete points and applied to describe discrete contact between uneven layers of multilayer stacks and wear of carbon-based coatings having roughness at nanoscale. Another question under consideration is mathematical fractals and scaling of fractal measures with application to fracture. Finally it is discussed the concept of parametrichomogeneity that based on the use of group of discrete coordinate dilation. The parametric-homogeneous functions include the fractal Weierstrass-Mandelbrot and smooth log-periodic functions. It is argued that the Liesegang rings are an example of a parametric-homogeneous set.

Physical Mesomechanics. 2019;22(1):73-82
pages 73-82 views
pages 83-84 views

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