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Vol 21, No 6 (2018)


Experimental and Theoretical Study of Coating Spalling under High-Cycle Fractional Loading

Torskaya E.V., Mezrin A.M., Mosyagina I.V., Kornev Y.V.


An experimental and theoretical study of contact fatigue damage accumulation at the coating-substrate interface has been carried out for the case of frictional contact between a smooth coating and a rough counterbody. Coatings were synthesized via low-temperature thermal decomposition of metal (Al, Zr) carboxylate solutions, which resulted in the formation of nanoscale amorphous nanocrystalline oxide layers 20–400 nm thick (depending on the concentration of the film-forming solution and the number of loading cycles) on the substrate surface (quartz glass). The investigation included coating deposition, determination of coating mechanical properties by indentation, development of the friction test procedure, stress calculation at the coating-substrate interface by modeling high-cyclic frictional loading, and the choice of a damage accumulation model for the coating-substrate interface that relates the stress state to the number of cycles to coating spalling. Preliminary tests revealed the coating compositions and coating deposition techniques that provide the highest spalling resistance under cyclic contact loading. Parameters in the relation for contact fatigue damage accumulation were determined and the model was verified by analyzing the experimental load dependence of the number of cycles to coating spalling on the microscale. It has been shown that the linear damage summation model conventionally used for describing failure due to fatigue damage accumulation in some materials can be applied to investigate the coating-substrate interface whose properties depend not only on the properties of the interfacing materials but also on the coating deposition technique.

Physical Mesomechanics. 2018;21(6):475-482
pages 475-482 views

Equivalent Uniaxial Cyclic Tensile Stress as an Energy Characteristic of Metal Fatigue under Multiparameter Loading

Shanyavskiy A.A.


A concept of the equivalent stress as an energy characteristic of the material ability to resist deformation and fatigue cracking is introduced based on the principles of physical mesomechanics and synergetics. It is shown that the tensile curve of the material, the fatigue life diagram, and the kinetic curve for fatigue crack growth obtained under common experimental conditions can be considered as unified or "master" diagrams for material behavior description under multiparameter loading. Examples of determining the equivalent stress value and correction functions on the basis of the introduced concept are given for fatigue specimens subjected to biaxial cyclic loading and for in-service fatigue specimens of aircraft structures.

Physical Mesomechanics. 2018;21(6):483-491
pages 483-491 views

Dynamics of the Formation and Propagation of Nanobands with Elastic Lattice Distortion in Nickel Crystallites

Zolnikov K.P., Korchuganov A.V., Kryzhevich D.S., Psakhie S.G.


The formation and propagation of localized nanobands with elastic lattice distortion in nickel crystallites have been studied within the molecular dynamics framework. Such nanobands are formed due to the presence of regions with tensile and compressive stresses on the free surface. The nanoband propagation region is characterized by a collective vortex motion of atoms. The effect of different-type grain boundaries on nanoband propagation was investigated. It was shown that grain boundaries do not significantly affect the reorientation angle in the nanoband, but the nanoband propagation direction changes after crossing a grain boundary in accordance with the different crystallographic orientation of grains.

Physical Mesomechanics. 2018;21(6):492-497
pages 492-497 views

Stress-Strain State in a Buckled Thermal Barrier Coating on an Elastic Substrate

Lyukshin P.A., Lyukshin B.A., Matolygina N.Y., Panin S.V.


The paper analyzes the stress-strain state of a thermal barrier coating buckled on an elastic substrate under thermal shock. For the analysis, the stability loss of an orthotropic plate on an elastic substrate (Winkler foundation) is modeled using the Euler method on the assumption that compressive stresses arise in the plate as it expands on heating while the substrate remains cold and dimensionally stable. The deflection amplitude and stresses in the heated plate are determined, and the stress-strain state in the substrate is estimated by solving a plane elastic problem with displacement boundary conditions. The data suggest that both compressive and tensile stresses arise at the coating-substrate interface since the coating becomes unstable and that extrusion and intrusion zones appear in the substrate, showing their chessboard distribution in the plane strain case.

Physical Mesomechanics. 2018;21(6):498-507
pages 498-507 views

A Study of Fracture Scenarios on the Basis of Acoustic Emission Data

Belikov V.T., Ryvkin D.G.


A system of equations for studying the fracture of solids has been formulated using a physico-mathematical model that describes the heat and mass transfer in heterogeneous media. The derived relations are used to analyze the energy balance equation and to study the fracture of a concrete sample under uniaxial compression. The analysis is performed by a quantitative interpretation of experimental data on two acoustic emission amplitude and frequency spectra recorded during sample loading. The spectra provided data on the time evolution of the structural characteristics of the material and were used to evaluate the relationship between the rates of change of surface energy and acoustic emission intensity per unit volume of the compressed concrete sample at the time of recording the spectra. Conditions for the occurrence of possible fracture scenarios by the time of recording the second spectrum were investigated. With experimental data on acoustic emission amplitude-frequency spectra for more than two time points, it is possible to study in more detail the changes in the structural characteristics, surface energy, and acoustic emission intensity per unit volume of a solid. The beginning of particular fracture stages can be predicted with higher accuracy.

Physical Mesomechanics. 2018;21(6):508-514
pages 508-514 views

Structure and Mechanical Properties of Aluminum 1560 Alloy after Severe Plastic Deformation by Groove Pressing

Moskvichev E.N., Skripnyak V.A., Skripnyak V.V., Kozulin A.A., Lychagin D.V.


The paper analyzes the structure and mechanical properties of sheet-rolled Al 1560 alloy after four cycles of groove pressing. The analysis shows that under quasi-static uniaxial tension at a strain rate of 1 s-1, the offset yield strength of the groove-pressed alloy and its ultimate strength are respectively 1.4 and 1.5 times higher than their values in the as-received state. The ultimate tensile strain of the alloy after pressing is 17% against 21% in the as-received state, and its microhardness is 2.7 times higher. According to an electron backscatter diffraction analysis, the groove-pressed alloy has a bimodal structure composed of elongated coarse grains and agglomerates of equiaxed grains of micron and submicron sizes. When pressed, the alloy increases the density of its grain boundaries with a misorientation angle of less than 15° and changes its texture from rolling to upsetting whose volume during pressing grows. Part of the grain orientations in both states corresponds to recrystallization. The research data suggest that groove pressing provides grain structure refinement via plastic distortion in Al 15 60 alloy and a considerable increase in its strength properties.

Physical Mesomechanics. 2018;21(6):515-522
pages 515-522 views

A Study into the Temperature and Size Effects in Nanostructures on Their Fracture under External Mechanical Loads

Golovnev I.F., Golovneva E.I., Utkin A.V.


The paper presents a molecular dynamics study into the temperature and size effects in nanostructures on their mechanical characteristics and fracture. The study shows that among the cross-sectional areas studied, the least one measuring ny × nz = 5 × 5 lattice cells is boundary for perfect nanostructures, and at larger areas, these characteristics tend to those of macrostructures. dor all systems considered, a linear decrease with increasing temperature is observed in Young's modulus and in critical applied stress at which fracture occurs.

Physical Mesomechanics. 2018;21(6):523-528
pages 523-528 views

Determining Factors in the Formation of Low-Temperature Ceramics Structure

Leitsin V.N., Dmitrieva M.A., Ivonin I.V., Ponomarev S.V., Polyushko V.A., Tovpinets A.O., Narikovich A.S.


A computer simulation approach to sintering of low-temperature ceramics has been developed within the framework of the micromechanics of heterogeneous media. It is taken into account that the reinforcement of the refractory component can be formed at different structural levels determined by the particle fraction size. The formation of the reinforcement of interacting refractory particles in individual sintered layer mesovolumes causes the pore structure formation, and the heterogeneous pore distribution through the mixture layer thickness in the initial compact determines the shrinkage anisotropy of the sintered ceramics. The conditions are determined in which the reinforcement of refractory components is formed at different structural levels. An initial block of layers formed of a mixture of refractory and low-melting components with a binder was obtained in the laboratory. Low-temperature ceramics samples were synthesized. The structure of a separate layer of the sintered ceramics was examined by X-ray tomography. Experiments were conducted to confirm the reliability of the sintering simulation results obtained with taking into account the effect of the heterogeneous component distribution and fractional composition of the initial mixture on the properties of low-temperature ceramics.

Physical Mesomechanics. 2018;21(6):529-537
pages 529-537 views

Selective Filtration of Fluids in Materials with Slit-Shaped Nanopores

Tsukanov A.A., Shilko E.V., Gutmanas E., Psakhie S.G.


Problems associated with a qualitative increase in the selectivity of fluid filtration remain the major challenge in a variety of areas such as fluid transport through porous materials and media, ion separation, water desalination and purification, and many others. A promising way to solve these problems is to design and develop membranes with slit-shaped nanopores. In the paper, we studied the selectivity and permeability of slitshaped nanosized pores in the natural mineral (hydroxyapatite) with the use of the nonequilibrium molecular dynamics approach with all-atom models. We showed that the subnanometer-wide slit-shaped pores in hydroxyapatite are able to demonstrate both good salt rejection and relatively high water permeability. In particular, the numerically predicted water permeability of hydroxyapatite with 0.4 nm thick slit-shaped nanopores reaches about 200 L/(m2 h bar) that is higher than that of commercial membranes and has the same order of magnitude as the theoretically predicted water permeability through single-layer MoS2 nanoporous membranes. An increase in the nanopore thickness is accompanied by a multiple growth in permeability, which is comparable with advanced 2D-CAP (2D-conjugated aromatic polymer) membranes, but in so doing the filtration selectivity is lost. The results show that nanoporous materials with the connected network of slit-shaped nanopores is a promising filter material for water treatment including seawater desalination and other important technical and environmental applications.

Physical Mesomechanics. 2018;21(6):538-545
pages 538-545 views

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