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Nº 5 (2023)


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Project of Scanning and Projection Microscopes for the Nanoscopy Station for Biological Research in the “Water Transparency Window”

Malyshev I., Chernov V., Khomyakov Y., Rakshun Y., Chkhalo N., Toropov M., Reunov D., Polkovnikov V., Pestov A., Shchelokov I.


A brief description of the concept of a soft X-ray microscope for the Nanoscopy station is given, which is planned to be installed at the SKIF fourth-generation synchrotron. The microscope will be designed to study the structure of cells and dynamic processes in them with nanometer spatial resolution. It will use a unique absorption contrast of ~15 between carbon-containing structures and water in the spectral range of the “water transparency window”, λ = 2.3–4.3 nm, which eliminates the need for contrasting and the use of fluorophores and minimizes the doses of ionizing radiation absorbed in the samples to obtain high-quality 3D-images. The scanning and projection schemes of the microscope, their main technical characteristics, including the calculated spectra and parameters of the undulator source are presented, and an estimate of the absorbed doses depending on the resolution is obtained. The main advantage of the proposed concept lies in the use of an objective of high-aperture multilayer X-ray mirrors, which makes it possible to clearly visualize the focal section of the sample. Technically simple axial tomography will also be used to reconstruct the three-dimensional structure of frozen or dried samples. In the scanning scheme, due to the low dose of radiation, it will be possible to study living plant cells with a resolution of up to 10 nm, animals with a resolution of up to 80 nm, and cryofixed samples with a resolution of up to 5 nm. In the projection scheme, due to the simultaneous observation of the entire focal XY-section, the time for obtaining three-dimensional images is significantly reduced, but due to the large dose, it will be oriented mainly on the study of fixed samples.

Poverhnostʹ. Rentgenovskie, sinhrotronnye i nejtronnye issledovaniâ. 2023;(5):3-15
pages 3-15 views

Determination of the Kinetic Characteristics of Thermal Desorption and Heterogeneous Reaction of Dissociation of Morphine Molecules on the Surface of Oxidized Tungsten

Rakhmanov G., Umirzakov B., Usmanov D.


Under the same experimental conditions the processes of adsorption, heterogenous reaction of dissociation on the surface and thermodesorption of C17H19NO3 morphine molecules with m/z 285 Da on the surface of oxidized tungsten was studied by the non-stationary such as voltage modulation and flux modulation methods. The experiments were carried out on a high-vacuum mass-spectrometer, in which a “black chamber” was used, all walls of which are cooled with liquid nitrogen. The kinetic characteristics of the processes of thermal desorption and the heterogeneous reaction of dissociation of molecules on the surface such as the rate constant of thermal desorption in the ionic and neutral states K+ and K0, the corresponding activation energies of thermal desorption E+ and E0, the pre-exponential factors C and D, as well as the rate constant of the heterogeneous dissociation reaction Kd and the activation energy of the heterogeneous reaction dissociations on the surface, exponential factors in the equation of continuity of the surface concentration for C9H7N+CH3 radicals with m/z 144 during the adsorption of morphine molecules on the surface of oxidized tungsten were determined.

Poverhnostʹ. Rentgenovskie, sinhrotronnye i nejtronnye issledovaniâ. 2023;(5):16-22
pages 16-22 views

Influence of Modification of the Surface of a Metal Matrix on the Mechanical Properties of Layered Composites “Aluminum/Carbon Fiber” and Silumin/Carbon Fiber

Кlopotov А., Ivanov Y., Ustinov А., Teresov A., Abzaev Y., Litvinova V.


The paper presents the results of a study of the effect of irradiation of the surface of a hypoeutectic silumin with a pulsed electron beam on the mechanical properties of the material. Silumin grade AK5M2 (Al–(4.0–6.0)Si–1.3Fe–0.5Mn–0.5Ni–0.2Ti–2.3Cu–0.8Mg–1.5Zn) was used as the research material. To carry out uniaxial tensile deformation, two-sided proportional samples with heads were made. The results of studying the evolution of deformation fields of layered composites silumin/CFRP for uniaxial tension based on irradiated silumin are also presented. The carbon fiber is made of a filler – carbon unidirectional fabric FibARM Tape-230 – and a binder – a two-component epoxy compound FibARM Resin 530. The fracture surface of the samples was studied using scanning electron microscopy techniques. The dependences of the maximum and minimum values of strains in the localizers on the sample surface on the averaged strains over the working area of the sample are plotted. An increase (relative to silumin in the initial state) in the strength and plastic properties of both samples of irradiated silumin and of the silumin/CFRP composite was determined. A sawtooth character of the deformation curve of uniaxial tension of the composite material silumin/carbon fiber with a pre-irradiated surface of the silumin plate is revealed.

Poverhnostʹ. Rentgenovskie, sinhrotronnye i nejtronnye issledovaniâ. 2023;(5):23-31
pages 23-31 views

Control of the Magnetostatic Stray Fields Using Electric Current

Tikhomirov O.


Possibility to control magnetic stray fields around conductive layered ferromagnet-containing systems has been analyzed. It is shown that different patterns of magnetic stray field can be realized depending on layers parameters and current. Calculation is based on the simplified model where the real stray field is approximated with that of effective magnetic charges at the sample surface. In case of in-plane magnetization the induced stray field partially screens the external one. This screening is less effective when the applied magnetic field is replaced with electric current. In case of out-of-plane magnetization the stray field is concentrated near domain walls and near sample edges where it can be extremely strong. The mechanism to control different components of the stray field via domain wall rotation by current-induced magnetic field is proposed. Numerical estimation shows that expected ratio of stray field to current is close to experimental values obtained in numerous transport measurements and usually ascribed to proximity effects (exchange interaction between carriers in adjacent layers). The proposed alternative origin of effective field should be taken into account dealing with spin Hall effect and similar spintronics problems.

Poverhnostʹ. Rentgenovskie, sinhrotronnye i nejtronnye issledovaniâ. 2023;(5):32-38
pages 32-38 views

Optical Properties and Structure of In2O3 Films Deposited on Al2O3 (012) Substrates by dc-Magnetron Sputtering

Tikhii A., Nikolaenko Y., Svyrydova K., Zhikharev I.


The results of studies of the optical properties and structure of In2O3 films on Al2O3 (012) substrates deposited by dc-magnetron sputtering are summarized. The investigated films differ in the deposition time, substrate temperature, and the presence of additional heat treatment in air. According to X-ray diffraction measurements, these films show a reflex, which correspond to the (222) plane of the cubic modification of In2O3. Its exact position and half-width depend on the deposition time. The optical properties of the obtained films are explained by the microstructure, which is inhomogeneous in thickness and formed during the sputtering of a target with a relatively low mechanical strength. Thus, the refractive index of films deposited on substrates at room temperature increases in the direction from the substrate to the external interface. At a substrate temperature of more than 300°C, the refractive index of the films is uniform, except for a rough layer on the surface. Heat treatment reduces the number of defects in the crystal structure of the films, and leads to densification of the film material. As a result, the inhomogeneity of the refractive index disappears and the observed band gap for direct transitions decreases. The latter result from a change in the Burstein–Moss shift in consequence of the decrease of lattice defects concentration. The band gap for “indirect” transitions (that corresponds to the true value of the band gap) is insensitive to annealing.

Poverhnostʹ. Rentgenovskie, sinhrotronnye i nejtronnye issledovaniâ. 2023;(5):39-45
pages 39-45 views

Properties and Prospects for Application of Lithium Liquid Glass in Thermal Control Coatings of Spacecraft

Mikhailov M., Lapin A., Yuryev S., Goronchko V.


A comparative study of the radiation resistance of the optical properties of binders for spacecraft thermostatic housings was carried out: widely sold liquid glass K2SiO3 and newly developed liquid glass Li2SiO3. At the analisis of diffuse reflection spectra (ρλ) in the wavelenght range 0.2–2.5 μm and the integral radiation absorption coefficient (аs) both before and after electron radiation, an incomparably higher radiation resistance of Li2SiO3 liquid glass compared to K2SiO3 glass was established. The values of the change in the absorption coefficient ∆аs of liquid glass Li2SiO3 comparing to one of K2SiO3 liquid glass are several times less: for electron radiation with an estimate of 30 keV at a fluence Ф = 2 × 1016 cm–2 – 35 times; at Ф = 4 × 1016 cm–2 – 25 times; at Ф = 6 × 1016 cm–2 – 7 times. Analysis of of the factors that determine the radiation resistance of these glasses was made. The advantage in the radiation resistance of Li2SiO3 liquid glass is making it prospective for use as connecting compounds in thermal control coatings of spacecraft, in paints, ceramics and other areas of technology and industry with the presence of ionizing traces.

Poverhnostʹ. Rentgenovskie, sinhrotronnye i nejtronnye issledovaniâ. 2023;(5):46-52
pages 46-52 views

The Extension of Field of Applications of Atomic-Force Microscope Hybrid Mode of Two-Probes Nano-Manipulator

Zhukov A.


The review of extension of fields of applications of hybrid mode of atomic-force microscope. This mode is the main for two-probes AFM-manipulator. Various methods of upgrades of the feed back system of the AFM whose essentially improve the signal-to-noise ratio in topography mapping are presented. Additionally, successful application of wide range of probes the flexible ones such as standard W probes and glass capillaries as well as rigid probes (sapphire probes with probe tips diameters of dozens of microns) are presented as well. We show the examples of wide application of such mode in measurements of conductivity and adhesion forces of the nanowhiskers on the Si substrate. Beside this, the application of hybrid mode in micro- and nanofluidics such as formation of drops of defined volumes, replacement of drops, their devision and merging are presented. The example of different techniques of manipulations are presented. The possibility of nanowhiskers replacement with liquid flow formed by AFM-probe, i.e. avoiding the direct tip-to-nanowhisker contact, are shown.

Poverhnostʹ. Rentgenovskie, sinhrotronnye i nejtronnye issledovaniâ. 2023;(5):53-57
pages 53-57 views

On the Spatial Resolution of a Piezoresonance Probe Sensor with a Wolfram Needle

Gorbenko O., Zhukov M., Lukashenko S., Pichahchi S., Sapozhnikov ., Felshtyn M., Golubok A.


In scanning probe microscopy, the various types of force interaction probe sensors are used. Silicon cantilevers with optical registration of their deflection under the influence of force interaction with the surface under study are the most widespread. Also “self-sensing” probe sensors based on a silicon cantilever or piezo tubes using piezoresistive or piezoresonance principle for measuring their deflection, respectively, are known. In this work a “self-sensing” piezoresonance probe sensor was investigated. The sensor is a piezo tube, at the free end of which a W needle with a length of several millimeters is fixed. It is generally assumed that the spatial resolution of SPM probe sensors is due to the radius of the sphere at the apex of the needle tip. However, in the oscillatory modes of scanning probe microscopy operation the “spot” of the probe’s contact with the sample can be blurred, impairing the spatial resolution. In this paper the amplitude-frequency characteristic of the piezo-tube – W needle system and the size of the effective contact spot of the probe with the sample were calculated by finite element method. The calculation results are compared with the experimental frequency response curve.

Poverhnostʹ. Rentgenovskie, sinhrotronnye i nejtronnye issledovaniâ. 2023;(5):58-64
pages 58-64 views

Behavior Features of the Approach Curve of a Scanning Ion-Conductance Microscope

Lukashenko S., Gorbenko O., Zhukov M., Pichahchi S., Sapozhnikov I., Felshtyn M., Golubok A.


The operation of a scanning ion-conductance microscope is based on the assumption that the ion current I(z) flowing in an electrolyte solution through the narrow aperture of a probe in the form of a glass nanopipette has a maximum saturation value away from the sample under study and decreases as the probe approaches the surface. The value of the scanning ion-conductance microscope operating current is usually chosen near the saturation current I ~ 09Isat. However, in some cases there is an unusual behavior of the I(z) approach curve near the surface when the ion current increases as the nanopipette approaches the sample surface. The appearance of a peak on the I(z) curve as the nanopipette approaches the sample surface is what we call the “peak effect”. It is obvious that the peak effect can lead to a failure in the operation of the scanning ion-conductance microscope servo system and noise at the images getting by scanning ion-conductance microscope. In this work the appearance of a peak on the approach curve have been studied experimentally. Considering the nanopipette near the sample surface as a microfluidic system in the form of a T – shaped channel the I(z) dependence using the finite element method and the СOMSOL software package have been calculated.

Poverhnostʹ. Rentgenovskie, sinhrotronnye i nejtronnye issledovaniâ. 2023;(5):65-72
pages 65-72 views

Effect of Multiple Scattering on the Spectral-Angular Density of Diffracted Transition Radiation

Blazhevich S., Gorlov A., Noskov A., Fedoseev A.


The paper investigates the diffracted transition radiation of a relativistic electron crossing a single-crystal plate in the Bragg scattering geometry. Expressions are obtained that describe the spectral-angular density of diffracted transition radiation with and without allowance for multiple scattering of a relativistic electron in a single-crystal plate. The influence of multiple scattering on the spectrum of diffracted transition radiation of a relativistic electron is shown.

Poverhnostʹ. Rentgenovskie, sinhrotronnye i nejtronnye issledovaniâ. 2023;(5):73-79
pages 73-79 views

Modern Scanning Electron Microscopy. 1. Secondary Electron Emission

Novikov Y.


The development of modern technologies, including nanotechnology, is based on application of diagnostic methods of objects used in technologies processes. For this purpose most perspective are methods realized in a scanning electron microscope. Thus one of basic methods is the measurement of linear sizes of relief structures of micrometer and nanometer ranges used in micro- and nanoelectronic. In a basis of a scanning electron microscope job the secondary electronic issue of firm body lays. However, practically all researches were spent on surfaces, which relief was neglected. The review of theoretical and experimental materials to researches of a secondary electron emission is given. Practically all known laws are checked up in experiments and have received the physical explanation. However, the application of a secondary electronic emission in a scanning electron microscopy, used in micro- both nanoelectronic and nanotechnology, requires knowledge of laws, which are shown on relief surfaces. Is demonstrated, what laws can be applied in a scanning electron microscope to measurement of linear sizes of relief structures. Is judged necessity of an influence study of a surface relief on a secondary electron emission.

Poverhnostʹ. Rentgenovskie, sinhrotronnye i nejtronnye issledovaniâ. 2023;(5):80-94
pages 80-94 views

Stability of Bilateral Discharge in the Ring Laser

Chirkin M., Ustinov S., Mishin V., Serebryakov A.


A method has been developed for determining the threshold for the development of instability of a gas discharge in a ring helium-neon laser, taking into account the distributed capacitance “positive pole – grounded shield”. In the developed approach to stability analysis, the positive discharge of the column is replaced by an equivalent circuit, a series connection of a negative dynamic resistance ρ and balanced RL-circuits. An equivalent circuit can be synthesized by experimental studies of the linear response of a gas-discharge plasma to weak harmonic perturbations, presented in the form of frequency dependences of the complex resistance Z of a positive column. The calculation of the instability development threshold in the electrical circuit of a two-arm discharge only on the basis of the experimentally recorded frequency dependence of the complex resistance of the positive column does not allow one to extend the quantitative analysis to conditions outside the range of conditions in which the measurements were performed. To overcome this limitation, which hinders the search for the operating current, in which the development of instability is excluded for the entire temperature range of operation of ring helium-neon lasers, a model has been developed that describes the positive column of the gas discharge. The boundary of the unstable state of a two-arm gas discharge in the space of parameters is found: resistance of ballast resistors, temperature, mounting capacitance. The results obtained make it possible to maintain a two-arm DC discharge in a given range of temperature variation.

Poverhnostʹ. Rentgenovskie, sinhrotronnye i nejtronnye issledovaniâ. 2023;(5):95-102
pages 95-102 views

Geometry Design Optimization of High-Frequency Ion Thrusters and Ion Sources

Abgaryan V., Melnikov A., Kupreeva A., Peisakhovich O.


The article presents the results of the computational determination of the optimal design geometry of a certain type of quasi-neutral plasma source. The scheme of an ion source with an inductive plasma discharge formed and maintained by a radio-frequency electromagnetic field in a MHz frequency range is considered. The surface profiles optimization of the main design units – namely, gas discharge chamber and ion extraction system – was carried out via computational modelling. Calculations were carried out using the previously developed engineering model of inductive discharge in plasma. The optimization criteria are the thrust and the value of the ion current extracted from the source, determined from the calculated distributions of electron density and electron temperature within the discharge chamber. Optimization calculations were carried out for an ion source with a discharge chamber diameter of 16 cm on a type of surfaces that are segments of a spherical surface. The results of the thrust calculations are presented in relative values in comparison with the values calculated for the basic configuration of the ion source scheme with a hemispherical discharge chamber and a flat ion extraction system. A significant increase in the value of the extracted ion current and thrust in the determined optimal configuration of the ion source was obtained in comparison with the same values calculated for the basic configuration of the ion source with a hemispherical discharge chamber and flat grids of the ion extraction system.

Poverhnostʹ. Rentgenovskie, sinhrotronnye i nejtronnye issledovaniâ. 2023;(5):103-112
pages 103-112 views

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