Ашық рұқсат Ашық рұқсат  Рұқсат жабық Рұқсат берілді  Рұқсат жабық Тек жазылушылар үшін

№ 7 (2023)


Бүкіл шығарылым

Ашық рұқсат Ашық рұқсат
Рұқсат жабық Рұқсат берілді
Рұқсат жабық Тек жазылушылар үшін



Poverhnostʹ. Rentgenovskie, sinhrotronnye i nejtronnye issledovaniâ. 2023;(7):3-3
pages 3-3 views

Proton Injector for Compact Neutron Source DARIA Systems Optimization

Vybin S., Izotov I., Mironov E., Palashov O., Skalyga V.


This paper is devoted to magnetic trap and extraction system upgrade of ECR ion source GISMO to utilize it as a proton injector for linear accelerator of compact neutron source DARIA. An open permanent magnet (Nd–Fe–B) trap was designed. It was adjusted to place the extraction system inside a part of magnet with larger inner diameter. Then, the three-electrode extractor optimization was made. It was shown that the use of additional magnetic lens allows to produce the proton beam with a low divergence angle. The use of the magnetic trap and the extraction system as a part of the proton injector for DARIA project possibility was shown using computer modeling. The following steps of the proton injector creation are discussed.

Poverhnostʹ. Rentgenovskie, sinhrotronnye i nejtronnye issledovaniâ. 2023;(7):4-19
pages 4-19 views

Design of the Prototype of the Radio Frequency Quadrupole Sections for the Compact Neutron Source DARIA

Semennikov A., Sitnikov A., Kropachev G., Kulevoy T., Naumenko M., Anfalova O., Kraev V.


The DARIA compact neutron source project based on a linear resonant proton accelerator is aimed at creating a serial facility capable of providing the Russian scientific community with pulsed neutron beams with intensities comparable to those of research nuclear reactors. The absence of fissile material makes it possible to significantly reduce the radiation safety requirements for such installations and, consequently, to place them at the site of leading scientific centers and universities that train specialists in the field of neutron physics. Under a grant from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, key elements of the facility are being developed. The design and sequence of manufacturing for a full-scale model of an accelerator section with radio frequency quadrupole focusing and a resonator with drift tube linac are presented.

Poverhnostʹ. Rentgenovskie, sinhrotronnye i nejtronnye issledovaniâ. 2023;(7):20-26
pages 20-26 views

High-Energy Part of the Accelerator for the Compact Neutron Source DARIA: Drift Tube Linac

Kropachev G., Kulevoy T., Sitnikov A., Vinogradov S., Khabibullina E., Skachkov V., Sergeeva O.


In the framework of the DARIA project (neutron source Dedicated to Applied Research and Industrial Applications) the 13 MeV, 162.5 MHz and 100 mA pulse proton linac is under development at the National Research Centre “Kurchatov Institute” – Kurchatov Complex for Theoretical and Experimental Physics. The linac includes RFQ (Radio Frequency Quadrupole) and DTL (Drift Tube Linac) sections. This article is devoted to the development of the DTL. The type of accelerating structure for creating high-frequency fields, which consists of a chain of multi-gap resonators, was determined. The optimal number of gaps in the resonators was selected. The choice of the main parameters and the analysis of various structures of the focusing periods were carried out. The results of the beam dynamics simulation in DTL are presented. The influence of Coulomb forces on particle dynamics in DTL was studied. The growth of the emittance in the DTL section was analyzed. The capabilities of the section for a wide range of input current and input beam emittance were considered.

Poverhnostʹ. Rentgenovskie, sinhrotronnye i nejtronnye issledovaniâ. 2023;(7):27-39
pages 27-39 views

Hybrid Quadrupole Lens for the Focusing Channel of the DARIA Complex

Kilmetova I., Kozlov A., Kropachev G., Kulevoy T., Liakin D., Sergeeva O., Skachkov V., Stasevich Y.


The results of synthesis and electromagnetic calculation of a hybrid quadrupole lens for a proton linear accelerator of a compact neutron source DARIA are presented. The lens includes a permanent magnet quadrupole with a fixed magnetic field gradient and an auxiliary electromagnetic quadrupole excited by a pulsed current. The permanent magnet quadrupole is made of radiation-resistant rare-earth magnet, and the electromagnetic quadrupole is designed to compensate for permanent magnet magnetization losses resulting from radiation degradation as neutron fluence accumulates during accelerator operation. A hybrid quadrupole lens can be applied for fast adjustment of the focusing channel when accelerating ion beams with different ion mass-to-charge ratios.

Poverhnostʹ. Rentgenovskie, sinhrotronnye i nejtronnye issledovaniâ. 2023;(7):40-46
pages 40-46 views

Measurements of Electrodynamics Parameters of a Cylindrical RF-Cavity with Stainless Steel Samples

Lalayan M., Lozeev Y., Makarov A., Polozov S.


Stainless steel with galvanic copper coating is often used as a material for ion linear accelerators RF cavities. However, for the cavities with complex inner surfaces obtaining a uniform copper coating becomes technologically challenging. The solution might be found in manufacturing the cavity without copper coating at all, though in that case the amount of power losses in the cavity should be carefully estimated. To make such estimations the experiment was carried out, where the electrodynamic properties of a test cavity with two coupling loops were measured with the stainless steel samples placed inside it. The results of this experiment showed sufficient difference between the simulated and measured Q-factor values for the same 12Х18Н10Т sample steel grade. Thus, an assumption was made the magnetic properties of austenitic steel samples could have changed during the manufacturing process, so the magnetic permeability values for the steel samples were estimated.

Poverhnostʹ. Rentgenovskie, sinhrotronnye i nejtronnye issledovaniâ. 2023;(7):47-51
pages 47-51 views

Concept of Beam Instrumentation System for High-Intensity DARIA Proton Linac

Gavrilov S., Titov A.


Beam diagnostics is one of the main tasks during operation of charged particle accelerators. The paper presents a concept of a beam instrumentation system that provides diagnostic procedures and allows to measure and adjust the clue beam parameters in a linear resonant proton accelerator of a compact neutron source DARIA: current, position, profile, emittance, energy, phase characteristics. An important requirement is to provide measurements during the accelerator tuning procedure, when the beam parameters can be changed in a wide range. It is proposed to include in the main structure of the system such types of diagnostic devices as beam current transformers, stripline beam position monitors, wire scanners, ionization beam cross-section monitor, slit emittance meter, bunch shape monitor, water-cooled Faraday cup. A particular attention is paid to a non-destructive method due to a high pulse and average beam intensity in conjunction with a relatively low beam energy to provide continuous operational control of the beam parameters. Main physical principles of operation, typical characteristics, as well as features of the practical implementation of the devices are included. A possible arrangement layout of diagnostic units along the accelerator is proposed, taking into account peculiarities of using the proposed types of detectors in various parts of the accelerator.

Poverhnostʹ. Rentgenovskie, sinhrotronnye i nejtronnye issledovaniâ. 2023;(7):52-62
pages 52-62 views

Rotating Water-Cooled Beryllium Target for a Compact Neutron Source

Shvets P., Prokopovich P., Fatyanov E., Clementyev E., Moroz A., Kovalenko N., Goihman A.


With the declining number of neutron sources in the world and the decommissioning of research reactors, projects to develop compact neutron sources are attracting more and more attention. The DARIA project suggests the use of a proton beam accelerated to an energy of 13 MeV, which, hitting a beryllium target, creates a neutron beam through the a nuclear reaction (p, n). The reaction yield is three neutrons per 1000 protons, so in this process most of the proton beam energy is released as heat in the target. Intense heating of a beryllium target in the absence of sufficient heat removal can lead to its destruction. A system has been developed for efficient heat removal from a beryllium target during its irradiation with a proton beam. It is a rotating water-cooled beryllium target and is capable of removing a large thermal power from the inner (water-side) surface of the target. For the proposed system, numerical simulations of the speed and pressure of the coolant were carried out. The limiting pressure leading to the destruction of the target and the flows corresponding to this limiting pressure were calculated. Thermodynamical simulations allowed us to evaluate both the average temperature of the system and the peak local (caused by short high-energy pulses) temperatures.

Poverhnostʹ. Rentgenovskie, sinhrotronnye i nejtronnye issledovaniâ. 2023;(7):63-70
pages 63-70 views

Choice of the Target Material for a Compact Neutron Source at a Proton Energy of 20–100 MeV

Moroz А., Kovalenko N.


Be, Nb, Ta and W are considered as candidate target materials for a compact neutron source. The thermal characteristics and the hydrogen diffusion coefficients are taken into account. Using the simulation of particle transport in the PHITS program, estimates are obtained for the neutron yield when the target is irradiated with protons of various energies. Different optimal materials correspond to different energy ranges. The best results at energies up to 20 MeV are shown by Be, 20–35 MeV by Nb, and above 35 MeV by Ta. The last two materials have an increased blistering resistance compared to beryllium, but lose in thermal conductivity. An increase in the energy of incident protons also leads to an increase in the number of neutrons generated per one source proton due to a reduced time of the Coulomb interaction between a particle and the target atom nucleus.

Poverhnostʹ. Rentgenovskie, sinhrotronnye i nejtronnye issledovaniâ. 2023;(7):71-76
pages 71-76 views

Conceptual Design of a Time-of-Flight Powder Diffractometer for a Compact Neutron Source

Moskvin E., Grigoryeva N., Kovalenko N., Grigoriev S.


A conceptual design of a powder diffractometer for a compact neutron source DARIA based on a linear proton accelerator is presented. The proposed concept extends the possibilities of optimizing the device performance not only by varying the diffractometer parameters, but also the neutron source parameters, such as the moderator temperature, repetition rate, and duration of neutron pulses. The results of calculating the spectrum of the target assembly for different types of moderators are presented. The efficiency of the neutron source system for increasing the neutron flux on the sample is evaluated in the McStas software package. The calculation results show the principal possibility of implementing the neutron diffraction method under conditions of limited luminosity of the compact neutron source.

Poverhnostʹ. Rentgenovskie, sinhrotronnye i nejtronnye issledovaniâ. 2023;(7):77-83
pages 77-83 views

Small-Angle Neutron Scattering Instrument for Compact Neutron Source DARIA

Pavlov K., Kovalenko N., Azarova L., Kravtsov E., Kulevoy ., Grigoriev S.


Aspects of the experimental implementation of the small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) method on a compact neutron source are considered. A scientific justification of the demand for this type of instrument is formulated. A scheme for implementing the SANS method on a pulsed neutron source is proposed, which ensures high efficiency of using a neutron beam by limiting the operating wavelength range, and, as a result, maximizing the frequency and time-averaged power/intensity of the source. The physical parameters of the key elements of the facility, such as the cold neutron moderator, the beam chopper cascade, the collimation system, the sample unit and the wide-aperture position-sensitive detector, are described. It is shown that the small-angle scattering method can be implemented on a university-type pulsed neutron source.

Poverhnostʹ. Rentgenovskie, sinhrotronnye i nejtronnye issledovaniâ. 2023;(7):84-92
pages 84-92 views

A Two-Mode Time-of-Flight Neutron Reflectometer for a Compact Neutron Source DARIA

Syromyatnikov V., Grigoryeva N., Grigoriev S.


The concept of a two-mode neutron reflectometer with a polarizer, two spin-flippers and an analyzer of polarization after passing through the sample is presented. A reflectometer designed for a compact neutron source DARIA is planned to measure the spectrum of a reflected “white” neutron beam using the time-of-flight method at a fixed glancing angle with the possibility of using both polarized and non-polarized neutrons. The main geometric and physical parameters of the neutron reflectometer are presented. With a neutron pulse duration τ = 100 µs and a total length of the time-of-flight base L = 8 m, the pulse repetition rate can reach f = 165 Hz for the wavelength range Δλ = 3 Å and resolution Δλ ≅ 0.05 Å. The use of polarization analysis elements of a reflectometer at a beam polarization exceeding 96% and an efficiency of spin flippers close to unity makes it possible to study magnetic thin-film nanostructures in detail.

Poverhnostʹ. Rentgenovskie, sinhrotronnye i nejtronnye issledovaniâ. 2023;(7):93-101
pages 93-101 views

Resonant Neutron Reflectometry on a Compact Neutron Source

Nikova E., Salamatov Y., Kravtsov E.


This paper presents an approach to solving the phase problem in neutron reflectometry (including polarized neutron reflectometry) based on the effect of resonant interaction of nuclei of gadolinium isotopes 155Gd and 157Gd with thermal neutrons. This effect is used to implement the reference layer method, which allows, based on the results of three experiments, to calculate the complex reflection coefficient of the sample under study. Knowledge of the complex reflection coefficient makes it possible to model-independent analysis of the interaction potential, both nuclear and magnetic. The main application of this approach is the study of the structure of layers and interfaces, as well as the determination of the magnetic state of multilayer metal nanoheterostructures. The theoretical basis of this method is given, which consists in deposition on the sample top of a gadolinium layer with known parameters, one of which can be varied in a controlled manner. The scheme of the experiment is described in detail using model numerical calculations. An experimental result is given for a simple single-layer niobium sample, for which the modulus and phase of the reflection coefficient were calculated. Promising directions for improving the method and possible directions for further work are proposed. The requests for the characteristics of a compact neutron source, necessary for the optimal implementation of the proposed method, are formulated.

Poverhnostʹ. Rentgenovskie, sinhrotronnye i nejtronnye issledovaniâ. 2023;(7):102-107
pages 102-107 views

The Prospects of Use of Polarized Neutron Reflectometry to Study Helimagnetism in Rare-Earth Thin Films and Nanostructures on a Compact Neutron Source DARIA

Devyaterikov D., Kravtsov E., Proglyado V., Zhaketov V., Nikitenko ., Khaydukov Y.


The results of studying thin films and superlattices of rare-earth helimagnets Dy and Ho by neutron reflectometry are presented. It is shown that neutron reflectometry allows studying magnetic phase transitions in these nanostructures and obtain information about periodicity of magnetic helices in them. It is proposed to create a neutron reflectometer capable of conducting polarization analysis on a compact DARIA neutron source, optimized for studying long-period magnetic orderings in rare-earth helimagnets, and possible directions of this optimization are indicated.

Poverhnostʹ. Rentgenovskie, sinhrotronnye i nejtronnye issledovaniâ. 2023;(7):108-112
pages 108-112 views

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