Vol XVI, No 4 (1909)

Original article

Brain disease in arteriosclerosis

Chizh V.F.


It is highly characteristic of the development of our science that such an important, independent disease as nervous and mental illness due to arteriosclerosis has attracted attention only very recently. Indeed, how can one explain that at a time when extremely rare diseases were studied with special care, the knowledge of which is of no practical importance, in view of their incurability, diseases so relatively frequent and so important in practical terms as nervous and mental disorders on the basis of arteriosclerosis, did not attract attention, were not the subject of a thorough, comprehensive study.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(4):655-680
pages 655-680 views

About the treatment after apoplectic movement disorders by exercise

Osokin N.E.


A method for the treatment of known movement disorders with the help of systematic exercises) has been proposed relatively recently. Since then, a whole literature has appeared about this method, and at the present time, probably, you will no longer meet a practical doctor who would not know anything about it. However, not everyone has a correct view of the tasks of such treatment. According to those who are sympathetic to the method, it can be looked upon as ordinary muscular exercises used as a reinforcing agent. According to others, this method represents a kind of specific remedy for tabic ataxia, for the treatment of which the method was actually developed by Dr. Frenkel.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(4):680-687
pages 680-687 views

Psychology of dreams

Osipov V.P.


Despite the fact that sleep is one of the most common and necessary physiological states, and dreams or dreams are so inherent in the state of sleep that they are often experienced by everyone, and for some even seem to be inevitable companions of sleep, the general public is little aware of the origin of dreams, and especially with the conditions for the occurrence of their content. But the inquisitive human mind, of course, cannot leave dreams without an attempt at an explanation; however, proceeding to an explanation without a sufficient stock of knowledge on the one hand and with the presence of superstition and the influence of mysticism, which the educated classes of society are not alien to, on the other.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(4):688-712
pages 688-712 views

To the question of the centers of suppression of pupillary reflexes in the medulla oblongata

Chukovsky V.V.


In the last decade, a number of Bach's works have raised the question of the localization of the pupillary centers in the medulla oblongata. The relation of the medulla oblongata to pupillary reflexes is not a new question, but Bach's work has given it a new light, a new interpretation. Being engaged in the physiology of pupillary movements, back in 1903, shortly after the appearance of the main works of Bach'a, and Meyer'a, on this issue, I undertook, at the suggestion of prof. N. A. Mislavsky checking the observations of the authors.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(4):713-748
pages 713-748 views

To the casuistry of traumatic neuroses

Aikhenvald L.I.


The issue of damage to the neuropsychic sphere due to traumatic injuries or shock is now more and more gaining attention, both for medical specialists and for individuals or enterprises interested mainly materially in the fate of the victims, equally and to the extent of this or that. other liability for the accident.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(4):749-759
pages 749-759 views

A case of surgical treatment of paralytic internal clubfoot of both limbs

Shumkova-Trubina K.G.


In one of the previous meetings of the Society of Neurologists and Psychiatrists, namely on October 29,1908, Dr. V.P. Pervushin demonstrated the patient. from the clinic of Prof. L. O. Darkshevich about a family form of amyotrophy with peripheral localization, in which, due to paresis of the muscles of the legs, disfigurement of both feet developed, which prevented the patient from walking and even standing for a long time. At this meeting, I will have the honor to present to the society the same patient after Prof. IA Praksin operations to correct disfigured feet, so that the patient is now free to stand and walk.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(4):760-775
pages 760-775 views

To the characteristics of criminal epileptics

Sergeev L.A.


In the field of mentality, the subject represents a significant degree of mental retardation. So, he knows that he is on trial for theft, that by order of the court he was sent to a lunatic asylum, but he cannot say for what purpose - for testing or treatment. He believes that for treatment, since he considers himself healthy with his mind, he only has seizures. What kind of seizures, what they consist of, he can’t convey anything, he just says that “they happen differently: sometimes on the new moon, sometimes less often, sometimes more often and so quickly passing that mother doesn’t have time to come up, as there’s nothing with me, but There are others that are longer.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(4):775-783
pages 775-783 views

Outline of the Psychiatric Section of the XVI International Congress in Budapest

Osipov V.P.


The 1st meeting of the psychiatric section was devoted to the development of the question of the classification of mental illnesses; presentations on this topic were made by Ballet and Maillard, Keraval and Bresler. In the reports, the authors expressed their views on the classification and its necessity for the successful development of psychiatry and proposed their own classifications. Maillard, who reported in the absence of Ballet, expressed the following considerations: at present, there are only a few true nosological units, since we encounter more extensive groups of pathological conditions, syndromes, symptomatic complexes; a single principle cannot currently be drawn through a classification; physiological, psychological and pathological anatomical principles are not sufficient in themselves; the clinical principle only defines the syndromes; pathogenesis and pathological anatomy are the two principles upon which modern classification must be based.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(4):784-794
pages 784-794 views


Drr. Henry Claud et Schmiergeld. - 17 cases of epilepsy from the side of the study of glands with internal separation. Etude de 17 cas d'epilepsie au point de vue de l'etude de glandes a secretion interne. Revue neurologique, 1908

Kovalevsky P.I.


The authors believe that during epilepsy, or in some of its cases, a gland with an internal compartment plays an important role. Therefore, in the treatment of epilepsy, it should be borne in mind whether there are disorders in the function of one or another similar gland and, in the case of positive data, direct its influence in this direction. glands, then in the region of the adrenal glands, ovaries, liver, cerebral appendage, and so on. Of these 17 cases, seven died in status epilepticus, three died suddenly and the rest from random events. In all these cases, a glandular lesion with internal separation was found.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(4):795-795
pages 795-795 views

E. Levi. Pharyngocranial canal in two acromegolic skulls; the significance of this fact for the pathogenesis of acromegaly and similar syndromes. Revue neurol. 1909, № 9

Osokin N.E.


The authors studied two acromegalic skulls located in the Florentine anatomical pathologist. institute. With a general dolichocephalic structure of the skull, they were distinguished by a noticeable protrusion of the lower jaw, an increase in the Turkish saddle, and in the depth of the latter, an opening of the cranio-pharyngeal canal was found. In the normal state, this channel is obliterated during the first 3 months of intrauterine life.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(4):795-796
pages 795-796 views

I. Tinel. Radicular changes in meningitis Revue neurol. 1909, no. 12

Osokin N.E.


Damage to the roots during inflammation of the membranes of the spinal cord, according to the study of the author and the still unpublished observations of Thomas, is explained by the anatomical structure of their sheaths. The latter, as is known, represent a continuation of the spinal meninges, with the subarochnoid space containing cerebrospinal fluid communicating with the excretory lymphatic tracts. The beginnings of these paths are so narrow that the shaped elements easily linger in them.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(4):796-796
pages 796-796 views

M.V. Toward a demonstration of trypanosis preparations. — Proceedings and protocols of the Imperial Caucasian Medical Society. October 1908 - January 1909 Tiflis

Bogatyrev N.S.


Demonstrating microscopic preparations with trypanosis, stained. according to the Giems, the author briefly describes their structure and notes the morphological, however, insignificant features of each of the 7 currently known species of this parasite; along the way, the method of reproduction and their transmission from one animal to another is indicated, and in pathogenic ones, the disease they cause.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(4):796-796
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G. V. Sobolevsky. Sleeping sickness. (From personal observations and impressions in the Congo and Bor-el-Gazol). Proceedings and protocols Imp. Kavk. honey. Tot. October 1908-Jan. 1909. Tiflis

Bogatyrev N.S.


The article contains travel notes about the nature of the Congo and the life of the Negroes inhabiting it. Information about sleeping sickness (Trypanozomiasis humana), due to circumstances, is limited to a description of the fly Glossina palpalis (carrier of infection) and a list of symptoms that the author observed with this disease in his random patients.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(4):797-797
pages 797-797 views

V. G. Bozhovsky. A case of persistent hiccough due to malaria. Proceedings and prot. Imp. Kavk. honey. Tot. Oct. 1908 - Jan. 1909 Tiflis

Bogatyrev N.S.


A case of malaria is described, accompanied by hiccups, which was not inferior to narcotic drugs even in large doses, but after the application of chinopyrini (0.5 under the skin) it became weaker and stopped after 2 days. Lists other diseases in which hiccups occur.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(4):797-797
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I. M. Fisherovich. About syringomyelia. Trudy Imp., Kavk, honey. Tot. October 1908-January 1909, Tiflis

Bogatyrev N.S.


The article describes the symptomatology of the disease and describes his own case of clearly expressed syringomyelia.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(4):797-797
pages 797-797 views

L. A. Krivsky. A case of acute multiple neuritis during pregnancy. Medical newspaper. 1909 № 20

Bogatyrev N.S.


Polyneuritis in pregnant women and women in childbirth, which develops without appropriate etiological factors, is rare. The author observed a severe case with a fatal outcome in an anemic young woman, who also suffered from constipation, and before marriage, hysteria.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(4):797-798
pages 797-798 views

G. Guillain, R. Duvigeaud et S. Troisier. Signs of Argyll-Robertson in non-syphilitic brain peduncle lesions. Revue neurol. 1909, No. 8

Osokin N.E.


The authors present two of their own observations, representing the symptom complex characteristic of the lesion of the cerebral stalk, where the sign of Argyll-Bobertson was stated. Syphilis was excluded in both cases. From this, the authors conclude that the Argyll-Bobertson mechanism lies in the region of the brain pedicle.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(4):798-798
pages 798-798 views

W. Mestrezot et E. Gaujaux. Study of the cerebrospinal fluid. tuberculous meningitis. Revue neurol. 1909 No. 12

Osokin N.E.


Based on their research, the authors for cerebrospinal fluid in tuberculous meningitis give the following physicochemical formula

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(4):798-798
pages 798-798 views

E. Lenoble et E. Aubineau. A case of a special hereditary form of neurosis (myoclonus) with glucosuria and epileptiform seizures. Revue neurol. 1909, № 13

Osokin N.E.


In the described case, a patient with a marked heredity from early childhood suffered from polydipsia, headaches, dizziness, increased tendon reflexes, trembling, and epileptiform seizures at long intervals. At the age of 7-8 years. progressive loss of vision. Later glucosuria and progressive prostration.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(4):798-799
pages 798-799 views

Dr. Gleorg Stertz. On spinal paralysis after acute spinal diseases. Monatsch. f. Psych. 1909-I

Sholomovich A.S.


4 cases of spinal paralysis after acute spinal diseases are described.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(4):799-799
pages 799-799 views

Dr. Fritz Heinrich Lewy. Inducing the Babinski reflex by electrical stimulation. Die Vervorrufung des Babinskischen Phänomens durch electrische Reizung. Monatschr. f. Psych. 1909-I

Sholomovich A.S.


The author concludes that it is not possible to prove the presence of the Babinski reflex in doubtful cases, where the usual method is of little evidence, using a strong faradic current.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(4):799-799
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Prof. V. M. Bekhterev. Localization of motor apraxia. Ueber die legalisation der motorischen Apraxie. Monatschr. t. Psych. 1909-I

Sholomovich A.S.


On the basis of one case of apraxia subjected to autopsy, the author concludes that apraxia may be located in the posterior central gyrus and the border part of gyrus sypramarginalis.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(4):799-799
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Von Ehrenberg. On food glycosuria in psychoses. Ueber ahmentäre Glykosurie bei Psychosen. Monatsschrift fur Psychiatrie 1909-I

Sholomovich A.S.


The author made studies of food glycosuria on 41 patients of various forms; the patient was given from 150.0 to 25.0 grapes. sugar gradually lowering and examined urine in the next 4-5 hours. The results are negative. The boundary of carbohydrate assimilation changes under the influence of age; mental illness does not significantly affect the absorption of carbohydrates (with the exception of alcoholic psychoses).

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(4):799-800
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Dr. Rene Charon. Contemplation of abnormal children. Assistance des enfants anormaux. Revue neurologique, 1908

Kovalevsky P.I.


Abnormal children can be divided into two main large groups: backward, but tolerant in society, and degenerates, not tolerable in society. The upbringing of the former should be carried out in a medical-pedagogical way and be under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Public Education, in special schools for this purpose, the education of the latter should be almost purely medical.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(4):800-800
pages 800-800 views

Dr. Hartenberger. Neurasthenia and psychasthenia. Neurasthenia and psychasthenia. Revue neurologique, 1908

Kovalevsky P.I.


Janet, Pitres and others promote the idea of an independent form of mental disorder - psychasthenia, which is a symptom complex of various phobias, violent phenomena, an anxious state of mind, and so on. The author adheres to the previous views that it is nothing more than a neurasthenia, complicated by various mental disorders, such as doubt, fatigue, weakness of the intellect, etc., on degenerative soil.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(4):800-801
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Drr. Dupre et Charpentier. Poisoners. Les empoisomeurs. Revue neurologique, 1908

Kovalevsky P.I.


Recently, the psychology of various varieties of criminals has been intensively studied, such as parricide, child killer, and so on. The authors drew attention to the psychology of poisoners. According to statistics, it turns out that poisoning is carried out in seven out of ten cases by women. This crime is more characteristic of the character of women, and therefore male poisoners, in all probability, must have something effeminate in their character.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(4):801-801
pages 801-801 views

K.P. Konik. On the issue of resection of the cervical sympathetic nerve in Graves' disease. Thesis. Yuriev. 1908

Sholomovich A.


In the named work, the author gives the literature of the issue (185 works), studying in a comprehensive way the history of the doctrines about the essence of Basedow's disease.

Chapter II is devoted to the statistics of operations on the cervical sympathetic nerve; Three types of surgery are considered: nerve transection, partial resection of the nerve, and complete resection of the cervical sympathetic nerve with all three nodes and even with the upper thoracic. The results of the operations of various authors for all three methods are summarized by the author in one table.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(4):801-802
pages 801-802 views

Dr. Herzog. - Zur Behandlung dor tahischen Ataxie. To the treatment of tabetic ataxia. Deutsch. med. Wochenschrift. No. 38. 1909

Klyachkin G.


The author cites four cases of tabes with pronounced ataxia and disorders of the bladder, successfully used by a faradic current applied in a special, peculiar form: one flat electrode was applied to the lumbar part of the spine, and the other urethral electrode was inserted into the urethra for 1 ctm.; a fairly strong current was passed for three minutes.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(4):802-803
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Dr. Gerlach. — Hydrotherapeutische Nassnahmen in der Psychiatric. Hydrotherapy measures in psychiatry. Monatsschr. f. d. physicaldiätetischen Heilmethoden. 5 H. 1909

Klyachkin G.


Hydriatic procedures for the use of the mentally ill began to be used only in relatively recent times. According to the author, the most common procedure is warm baths at t° 35°-37°C. lasting 10-12 hours. and more. Such a bath has a calming effect on the state of excitation in various psychoses, often causing prolonged sleep. Such baths are especially beneficial in dementia parecox, in the manic stage of progressive paralysis, and in delirium; good results are also obtained with arteriosclerotic and senile forms.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(4):803-804
pages 803-804 views

A. Strosser u. M. Berliner. — Duschemassoge bei Beschäftiguns neurosen, Neuritiden u. ähnlichen Zuständen. Massage with showers for professional neurosis, neuritis and similar conditions. Monatschr. f. die physik. — diath. Heilmeth. H. 9. 1909

Klyachkin G.


The authors present 14 cases of occupational neurosis and neuritis from the Winternitz clinic, which they used in combination with shower and massage. The technique of this method is extremely simple and can easily be performed by every physician outside a hydrotherapy facility. The sore spot is massaged for 5-12 minutes, and all the time a warm shower is sent to the same place (40º-50°C).

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(4):804-804
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A. Boom. Die „Infiltrations-therapie“ der suhacuten u. chronic Ischias. Impregnation treatment of acute and chronic inflammation of the sciatic nerve. Monatschr. f. d. physik. - diat Heilm. H. 7. 1909

Klyachkin G.


The author is a great supporter of ischias infiltration therapy. Like other authors, he ascribes the effect of treatment not to the medicinal composition of the liquid, but to the hydrodynamic influence of the liquid injected in large quantities. For this purpose, a syringe of 100-120 ctm. is used, filled with a sterilized Nacl solution, injected under strong pressure with the patient in a knee-bent position, in that place of the outer side of the tendon m. biceps femoris, where it touches the lower edge of the gluteal muscles.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(4):804-805
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F. Neumann Versuche der percutoren Einverleibung der Radium—emanation durch den elektrischen Srom (Radiumontophorese). Monat. f. d. physic. - diat. Heilmeth. H. 6. 1909

Klyachkin O.


Researches by Kohlrausch and Mayer have shown that in the urine of a person placed in a two-chamber electric bath made radioactive, clear traces of emanation can be found. This phenomenon is not observed if the subject is placed in a simple radioactive bath, provided that the possibility of inhalation of the gases in the water is excluded. This is explained by the fact that the emanation penetrates the body not through the skin and mucous membranes, but through the respiratory tract.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(4):805-806
pages 805-806 views

S. D. Vladychko. The effect of smoke on the nervous system and the body in general (with a focus on the prevention and treatment of acute and chronic poisoning). From 16 fig. on 2 tab. (From the laboratory of the clinic of the nervous. Bol. University of St. Vladimir in Kyiv). St. Petersburg 1909

Bogatyrev N.


Through experiments on rabbits, Dr. Vladychko establishes that in tobacco, in addition to nicotine, there is another toxic active substance of unknown chemical composition, which causes emaciation without noticeable anatomical changes in organs. Other symptoms of tobacco poisoning, regardless of the method of using it (smoking, sniffing, chewing), the author, based on his own research and literature data, refers to nicotine.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(4):806-807
pages 806-807 views

Хроника и смѣсь

Chronicle and mix. Volume XV, № 4 (1909)

Baklushinsky I.D.


The organizing committee of the third congress of domestic psychiatrists, convened in St. Petersburg from December 27,1909 to January 5,1910, in accordance with the decision of the commission for the establishment of the Russian Union of Psychiatrists and Neuropathologists, informs fellow psychiatrists and neuropathologists that on January 2 at 8 pm there will be a meeting of the founders of the union. (Speech No. 328).

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(4):807-820
pages 807-820 views

Письмо в редакцию

Letters to the editor 1. Volume XV, № 4 (1909)

Golenishcheva-Kutuzova O.


Do not refuse to place on the pages of your respected newspaper the following letter to the editor.

The organization of the “Society for the Care of the Deaf, Blind and Mute in Russia” and in our homeland filled the gap of unfulfilled moral obligations to the unfortunate deaf and mute. Formerly forgotten, these "living dead" have now received the right to charity, and some of them to education, as is already customary in the cultural countries of the West.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(4):825-832
pages 825-832 views

Letters to the editor 2. Volume XV, № 4 (1909)

Golenishcheva-Kutuzova O.


Society of Psychiatrists in St. Petersburg. and the Council of the Psycho-Neurological Institute convenes the Third Congress of Domestic Psychiatrists in St. Petersburg in the period from December 27, 1909 to January 5, 1910. The Organizing Committee, taking into account the topics outlined by the II Congress of Domestic Psychiatrists, as well as the topics proposed Special Psychiatric Societies, currently announces the following topics as programmatic.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(4):825-832
pages 825-832 views

Annals of society

Chronicle of the Society of Neurologists and Psychiatrists at the Imperial Kazan University of May 20,1909

Osipov V.P., Sholomovich A.S.


Dr. P. M. Krasin. The report of the speaker and the demonstration of the brilliant success of the operation are of great interest. As you know, the treatment of severe forms of clubfoot is carried out by Ch. arr. on the bones - in adults, wedge-shaped osteotomy. operation Hoffa and husking tali—an operation proposed by Lorenz. The first operation in its pure form gives a strong dorsal flexion and supination; the second is the same, but corrects the foot better. But in severe cases, these operations, in my opinion, are not applicable; one or another combination is needed, in the spirit proposed and carried out in this case by Professor I. A. Praksin.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(4):820-823
pages 820-823 views

Chronicle of the Society of Neurologists and Psychiatrists at the Imperial Kazan University of September 23,1909

Darkshevich L.O., Pervushin V.P.


The Chairman, opening the meeting, reminded the audience of the recent (IV) death of Dr. Bourneville, and gave his personal impressions of this scientist. The latter worked a lot on the issue of idiocy in children and mental retardation in them, created shelters and institutions for both. For many years he published Progrese medical; all editions of Charcot passed through his hands; his work as a clinician left a deep mark on medicine—At the invitation of the chairman, those present honored V.'s memory by standing up.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(4):823-825
pages 823-825 views

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