About the treatment after apoplectic movement disorders by exercise

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A method for the treatment of known movement disorders with the help of systematic exercises) has been proposed relatively recently. Since then, a whole literature has appeared about this method, and at the present time, probably, you will no longer meet a practical doctor who would not know anything about it. However, not everyone has a correct view of the tasks of such treatment. According to those who are sympathetic to the method, it can be looked upon as ordinary muscular exercises used as a reinforcing agent. According to others, this method represents a kind of specific remedy for tabic ataxia, for the treatment of which the method was actually developed by Dr. Frenkel.

About the authors

Nikolay E. Osokin

Saratov University

Author for correspondence.
Email: info@eco-vector.com


Russian Federation, Saratov


  1. Ф. Гребнеръ. Начальныя формы атаксіи при сухоткѣ спинного мозга и ихъ леченіе по способу Frenkel’я. Русск. Арх. патол. Подвысоцкаго 1902, XIII.
  2. D-r Frenkel. Mein Methode der Behandlung der Ataxie durch Wiedeinübung der coordination. 1897.
  3. A. Goldscheider. Anleitung zur übungsbehanlung der Ataxie. 1899.
  4. G. Consteusoux. La reeducation motrice dam les mo- ladies du systeme nerveux. Arch. de neurol. 1903, XV.
  5. В. Протопоповъ. Къ вопросу о гемитоніи. Обозр. Психіатріи,1908, № 9.

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