Vol XIX, No 3 (1912)


On the question of the influence of mental fatigue on the psyche of students.

Plaksin N.V.


The question of the mental fatigue of students, raised by Lorinzer in 1836 and first subjected to a methodological objective study by Professor Sikorsky 1), quickly took the dominant position in the field of neuropsychic hygiene and prevention. More often and more frequent complaints about the burden of students with home and school work, about their overwork and progressive nervousness 2), giving the solution of the problem of mental work in general and fatigue in particular the urgency of urgent need, served as the reason for the emergence of numerous conditions of their study and content.
Neurology Bulletin. 1912;XIX(3):467-520
pages 467-520 views

The case of demonic possession

Shalabutov K.V.


As far as the human mind is developed, the area of ​​the miraculous and supernatural is wider and immense for it; therefore, all the incomprehensible and striking phenomena of him belong to him to the action of a higher, mysterious power. This is the origin of the world outlook of primitive peoples, in whom, over the course of time, invisible abstract forces were recognized as deities governing the fate of people, at which there usually arose the influence of deities on good and evil, clean and unclean. Deities have their servants — angels and gods. Evil spirits and their incarnations in the image of bots, according to the primitive peoples and uncultured popular masses, have great influence on human life; unhappiness, death and illness depend on them. Sumtsov) says that diseases have long been among different peoples in the form of demonic beings. The spirits of darkness are doctors of health and life; they penetrate into the body of a person and serve as a source of illnesses, they darken the mind and torment the body. Already in the brick books of the ancient Chaldeans, there are conspiracies against diseases, like demonic beings. Among the Iranians, magic spells and cleansing from illnesses were widespread, like unclean demonic creatures. Among the Greeks and Romans, illnesses also had a demonic meaning, In the ancient Scandinavians, internal illnesses were attributed to the action of evil spirits and treated them with conspiracies and sympathetic means. In England in the X and XI centuries and later internal illnesses were considered directly caused by evil spirits, elves, demons, spells of sorcerers or the pernicious influence of the evil eye. The Slavs, in particular the Russians, share the demonic origin of illnesses with all other peoples.

Neurology Bulletin. 1912;XIX(3):521-531
pages 521-531 views

To the physiology of the nervous retarding apparatus of the heart

Ivanov V.F.


Since the nervous physiology of the heart is still not fully developed until now and the replenishment of the existing information in this area is far from superfluous, we gladly accepted the proposal of the highly respected Professor Dimitriy Vladimirovich Polumordvinov to study the functioning of the nervous heart apparatus from the side of his delaying heart. Our immediate task was to find out whether each of the vagus nerves has its own independent retarding apparatus in the heart, or both end in one.

Neurology Bulletin. 1912;XIX(3):532-560
pages 532-560 views

A case of radial nerve palsy (Paralysis n. Radialis)

Protopopov X.I.


The history of the disease. Patient, student of the Faculty of Law of Kazan University, B, 22 years old. I applied to the clinic on January 21, 1911 with complaints of lack of movement in the wrist and fingers of the left hand, sensation of cold and onѣmeniya in the same hand up to half of the shoulder, inclusive. The patient tells the following about the beginning of his illness: on January 4, 1911, after standing for 1/2 hour on a sharp wooden railing with his left hand, just the outer side of his shoulder, he felt cold, he felt a chill in his hand and a feeling of chills; I wanted to straighten my jacket, but I could not, since the hand and fingers of my left hand did not function well enough. While standing, I did not feel anything and calmly talked to those around him (it happened in the people's house). Before dark alcohol did not drink and was completely healthy. Two days before that (January 1 and 2), the patient had a runny nose, cough and a slight fever, but he felt good.

Neurology Bulletin. 1912;XIX(3):561-567
pages 561-567 views

To forensic casuistry

Eichenwald L.I.


This forensic case deserves, in our opinion, some attention, both from the everyday point of view, and by the nature of the clinical picture, which forces us to stop a little longer when deciding which category of disorder to attribute the condition described below.

Neurology Bulletin. 1912;XIX(3):658-581
pages 658-581 views

The First Congress on Genealogy, the Study of Heritage and Regeneration, in Giessen, in April 1912

Sholomovitch A.S.


The first Congress on genealogy, scholarship on inheritance and regeneration, held in the city of Giessen on April 11-13, p. The city is undoubtedly of considerable interest. Modern science has long been practicing congresses on individual scientific disciplines, the methods of which in the main have long been determined, developed and agreed upon. The doctrine of inheritance, which is the basis of all our knowledge, touching the most subtle aspects of the existence of the organic world, which is, perhaps, the most mysterious of all the secrets of the world — until the very last. time has been given in means. the degree of individual aspirations; The Congress in Giessen is the first attempt at a systematic collective discussion of the issue, if not in its entirety, which, due to its grandeur, is hardly possible, then, at least, in an area of ​​particular interest to a physician, in its main and essential features. I must in advance give up the idea of ​​giving an exhaustive description of the work of the Congress, as I would like to. There are too many reasons for this, and the main one is the well-known breadth of his program, which included quite special areas of knowledge such as scientific genealogy using new methods, scholarship on inheritance in the broad sense of the word, with statistical theories, partly scholarship on crime, reports on biometrics, the field of sociology, racial hygiene, etc. It goes without saying that each of these sections is based on the main theses, has its own extensive literature and history, and its characterization would require special knowledge and a lot of time. In addition, the amount of material available in the form of auto-abstracts is very small, and the language of the Congress was the German language, often with regional and individual characteristics that made it difficult to understand it, and, in general, for an unaccustomed ear, it is not quite easy; the proceedings of the Congress will come out early in the fall. Under such conditions, it is clear that my message can only relate to a part of the work of the Congress and cannot in any way claim either completeness or depth of presentation. In addition, I had too little time in my order to compose the message, which made it even more difficult to make sufficient use of even the small material that I have at my disposal.

Neurology Bulletin. 1912;XIX(3):582-602
pages 582-602 views

Morphology of the nervous apparatus of the heart

Mikhailov S.



(3) Experimental studies on vagotomized dogs

Neurology Bulletin. 1912;XIX(3):603-658
pages 603-658 views

Klett Graphic depiction of movements of the frontal muscles. Die graphische Darstellung der Stirnmuskelbewegungen. Klinik. f. psych. u. nerv. Krankh. v. R. Sommer. B. V. H. 3. s. 232

Averbuch R.


Discussing the issue of graphic depiction of the movement of the frontal muscles, the author describes the Sommer apparatus modified by him, with the help of which the movement processes on the forehead, their speed, as well as the relative participation in the movement of both frontal muscles - frontalis and corrugator, are graphically depicted.

Neurology Bulletin. 1912;XIX(3):569-569
pages 569-569 views

Sommer. On the question of kindred marriages and reduction of the number of ancestors in humans and animals. Zur Theorie der Verwandtenehe und des Ahnenverlustes bei Menschen und Tieren. Klinik f. psych. u. nerv. Kankh. v. R. Sommer. B. V. H. 4. S. 291

Averbuch R.


By reducing the number of ancestors, we mean the appearance of identical persons in the pedigree of children who happened from related marriages.

Neurology Bulletin. 1912;XIX(3):569-569
pages 569-569 views

Somnier. About one case of hereditary six-fingered. Bemerkungen zu einem Fall von vererbter Sechsfingerigkeit. Klinik, t. psych. u. nerv. Krankh. v. R. Sommer. B. V. H. 3. S. 297

Averbuch R.


The author describes a case of six-fingeredness in the family, in which this abnormality has already been observed in the course of four generations. On this occasion, he cites a whole series of works concerning the question of the inheritance of morphological abnormalities, both in humans and in animals. In one of these works (Gruber. Vortrag über die Vererbung. Deutsche med. Wochenschz. 1909. S. 1995) it is indicated that, as a rule, the number of deformities decreases from generation to generation, if the deformities are not introduced from outside by marriages and are not amplified by kindred marriage (Insucht). Further in the same work, it is indicated that the appearance of such abnormal signs follows the apparently Mendel's laws of inheritance.

Neurology Bulletin. 1912;XIX(3):660-660
pages 660-660 views

Steinbrecher. Differential diagnosis hydrocephali interni. Zur Differentialdiagnoslik des Hydrocephalus internus. Klinik. f. psych. u. nerv. Kranch. v. R. Sommer. B. V. H. 3. S. 216

Averbuch R.


Pointing to the difficulty of diagnosing hydrocephalic processes, when they are not accompanied by characteristic changes in the skull, the author informs about the history of the illness of 47 years old patient sent to the clinic with the diagnosis of hysteria. When examining the patient, atactic disorders were found, both of the limbs and the muscles of the body. The knee reflex on the right was very weak, on the left it was absent. The mental state of the patient, except for severe drowsiness, was characterized by disorientation, disorientation of apperception, manifestations of perseverance and amnesia. The patient complained of headaches. Vomiting was observed.

Neurology Bulletin. 1912;XIX(3):660-661
pages 660-661 views

Georg Klepper. Differential diagnosis between epileptic and catatonic states based on association. Die Unterscheidung von èpileptischen und Katatonischen Zuständen, spesiel aus den Assoziationen. Klinik f. psych. u. nerv. Kranch. v. R. Sommer. B. VI. H. I. S. I.

Averbuch R.


The author points out the relative difficulty of the differential diagnosis between catatonic and epileptic states in these cases, when the doctor is deprived of the opportunity to obtain an accurate anamnesis.

Neurology Bulletin. 1912;XIX(3):661-661
pages 661-661 views

Soliar. About the essence of hysteria. Zum Wesen der Hysterie. Zeitschr. f. d. ges. Neurol. u. Psych. Sonderabdruck aus B. X. H. 3.

Averbuch R.


The author prefaces his study with a historical review of the study of hysteria and critical analysis of modern theories of this issue.

Neurology Bulletin. 1912;XIX(3):661-662
pages 661-662 views

To the Berliner. On the question of the examination of paranoid mental illnesses after accidents. Zur Begutachtung paranoischer Geistesstörungen nach Unfällen, Klinik f. psych. u. nerv. Kranch. v. R. Sommer. B. V. H. 3. S. 224

Averbuch R.


Considering the issue of the ethological connection between the trauma and the mental illness that followed it, the author informs the story of the illness of patient G. , characterized by vague delusional ideas of a hypochondriacal nature and ideas of persecution, which seem to be in connection with deceptions of the senses. Along with a deep weakness of will and lack of initiative, the disease gave a picture of dementiae paranoides.

Neurology Bulletin. 1912;XIX(3):662-663
pages 662-663 views

Dr. med. V. Dzerzhinskiy. Clinical observation in the field of neuropathology. Moscow. 1912 V. I.

Favorskii A.


In view of giving clinical material for the study of various forms of chorea, poliomyelitis and polyoncephalitis, the author used for this purpose the clinical histories of diseases of the Moscow Clinic of Nervous Diseases (director - prof. V. K. Rot). The entire work is divided into 7 chapters and contains in a short form 35 histories of diseases. In each chapter, the literature of the corresponding painful form is first given, and then its cases are described. Among them there are such not often encountered cases, such as syphilitic poliomyelitis and poliomyelitis on the soil of smallpox. In general, the work is of a lot of special interest for a neuropathologist and, together with it, introduces the direction of scientific thought, which has a place in the Moscow Nervous Clinic. With all the merits of the published work, one cannot remain silent about some of its shortcomings, in our opinion, one can reproach the author for his desire to give a short history of illness. In the study of clinical forms, brevity can quickly interfere with the understanding of the process underlying a particular nosological unit. For example, we will point to the observations of the XI and XV-e. It is not clear to the reader whether the attention of the study was drawn to the existence of pain in patients with pressure on the nerve trunks or nerves, but between the two this in our eyes may have a meaning for the purity of the diagnosis. It is unclear, further, why the author does not provide data on lumbar puncture and Wassermann's reaction in the cases where this could have been done (obs. XV). In the cases cited from the literature, the same excessive brevity is visible. So on p. 183 it says about anesthesia I and II in n. trigemini, but which side? Further, it is hardly advisable to use such expressions: (p. 58) “degeneration of the posterior pillars from the lower back (?) To the cerebellum”, or (p. 89): “with tabes, not only the motor cells of the spinal cord, but also in the legs brain ". It would be desirable to avoid the term so-called. muscle sensitivity where there is a rumor about "muscle feelings".

Neurology Bulletin. 1912;XIX(3):663-664
pages 663-664 views

On April 18, s. The following reports were heard: 1) I. A. Golyanitskago) on the topic: "Experiments with tissue cultures"; 2) E. R. Shnitkind: "Some bizarre movements"

Sukhov A.A.


Dr. Golyanitskiy in his experimental research studied the conditions of acceleration and deceleration of the process of regeneration of cell elements; in addition, at the suggestion of prof. S. S. Chirvinsky, Dr. Golyanitsky studied the influence on the growth of cellular elements of some organogenic preparations.

Neurology Bulletin. 1912;XIX(3):664-666
pages 664-666 views

G. Freud. The theory of sexual attraction. Authorized translation from the 2nd nѣm. ed. Dr. A. Vyakhirev and H. E. Polyakov. Ed. Psychotherapeutic Library. Issue III. Moscow 1911

Obraztsov V.N.


There is no doubt that resolving the issue of sexual attraction is fraught with great difficulties. The essence and nature of attraction, in the opinion of the author, requires a serious reevaluation and new explanations, since the existing views are based on a completely inconsistent reflection of validity, and therefore they are erroneous, hasty and inaccurate. Here are the reasons why the author comes forward with his theory of sexual attraction. He calls the first of three articles devoted to this issue "sexual perversion".

Neurology Bulletin. 1912;XIX(3):666-673
pages 666-673 views

Prof. P. Dubois. Imagination as a cause of illness. Psycho-therapeutic library V. Authorized translation. Moscow. 1912 Publishing house "Science"

Dobrovolskii E.


In the first part of his book, the author gives a definition of what an “imaginary illness” is, gives a brief history of its development, acquaints the reader with the process of the emergence of representations, while emphasizing what role imagination plays in this process; A number of examples and references to Freud are provided as proof that imagination, especially in people of little intelligence, is the cause of various disorders in the body.

Neurology Bulletin. 1912;XIX(3):673-675
pages 673-675 views

Chronicles and mix

Donskov N.A.


-In the connected meeting of the conference of the Academy and the military-sanitary educational committee on May 26, Dr. Astvatsaturov, after reading a trial lecture on the topic: "The main tasks of psychiatric hygiene in the army."

Neurology Bulletin. 1912;XIX(3):676-683
pages 676-683 views

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