On the question of the influence of mental fatigue on the psyche of students.

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The question of the mental fatigue of students, raised by Lorinzer in 1836 and first subjected to a methodological objective study by Professor Sikorsky 1), quickly took the dominant position in the field of neuropsychic hygiene and prevention. More often and more frequent complaints about the burden of students with home and school work, about their overwork and progressive nervousness 2), giving the solution of the problem of mental work in general and fatigue in particular the urgency of urgent need, served as the reason for the emergence of numerous conditions of their study and content.

About the authors

N. V. Plaksin

Kazan Emperor university

Author for correspondence.
Email: info@eco-vector.com

psycho-physiological laboratory

Russian Federation, Kazan


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Table No. I

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3. Table No. II

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4. Table No. III.

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5. Table no. IV

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6. Table no. V.

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7. Table. № VI.

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8. Table № VII.

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Copyright (c) 1912 Plaksin N.V.

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