Psychiatry statistics

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At present, the method of statistics is generally accepted in psychiatry; Now almost no essay claiming to be scientific can do without statistical figures. Therefore, fully timely note the significance of the statistical method and pay attention to how it is applied in psychiatry; to see what kind of improvements are desirable and what kind of results the wrong use can lead to. During the time since the beginning of the 19th century, when statistics was apparently first introduced into the psychiatry of Pinel and especially Eskirol, she gave so much of our sciences that it fully deserves great attention and more conscious attitude towards her, which sometimes turns out to be a problem. I think to take a feasible experience in this direction. I think, however, it is not superfluous to give a preliminary historical sketch of the development of statistics, at least in brief and fragmentary data, and recall some of its main requirements.

About the authors

V. P. Maleev

Сlinics of Kazan University

Author for correspondence.

Resident of a psychiatric clinic

Russian Federation, Kazan


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  4. Esquirol. «Des Maladies mentales». Brux. 38 а. T. II. р. 278.
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  25. Проф. Эрисманъ 1. с. стр. 30.

Copyright (c) 1901 Maleev V.P.

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