Izvestiâ Akademii nauk. Rossijskaâ akademiâ nauk. Seriâ biologičeskaâ

Interdisciplinary Biological Journal, covering basic research in cell biology, biochemistry, zoology, botany, physiology and ecology. The journal publishes original experimental data and reviews of general biological problems.

Media registration certificate: ПИ № ФС 77 – 66701 от 28.07.2016


编号 2 (2024)




Effect of the lipid extract from the marine green algae Codium fragile (Suringar) Hariot 1889 on metabolic reactions under acute stress
Fomenko S., Kushnerova N., Sprygin V., Drugova E., Lesnikova L., Merzlyakov V.

It was studied the effect of a lipid extract isolated from the marine green algae Codium fragile (Suringar) Hariot on the liver and blood biochemical indicators in mice under impact of acute stress (vertical fixation by the dorsal neck fold). The pharmacological effect of the C. fragile lipid extract was manifested in the restoration of lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, as well as in the normalization of the indicators of the endogenous antioxidant defense system under stress effect. The biological activity of the lipid extract of C. fragile, probably, is due to the action of its constituent polyunsaturated fatty acids of the ω-3 and ω-6 families. The lipid extract of C. fragile was not inferior to the reference Omega-3 preparation in restoring the body’s metabolic reactions caused by the impact of the stress, however, it showed higher antioxidant activity.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk. Rossijskaâ akademiâ nauk. Seriâ biologičeskaâ. 2024;(2):161-171
pages 161-171 views


A haplotype network approach to reconstruct the phylogeny of Rosa L. (Rosaceae)
Schanzer I., Fedorova A., Meschersky I.

We used plastid ndhC-trnV intergenic spacer to reconstruct genealogy of haplotypes and phylogenetic relationships of major taxonomic groups of the genus Rosa. We analyzed the data using statistical parsimony, Maximum Likelyhood and NeighborNet approaches. According to our results, the majority of species may be subdivided into three groups roughly corresponding to taxonomic sections Pimpinellifoliae, Rosa (former Cinnamomeae) and Synstylae + Chinenses + Gallicanae + Caninae. We assess their relationships as broadly paraphyletic, since the first group appears to be ancestral to the second and the third. The fourth group distanced from these three by many mutational steps consists of R. persica (subgenus Hulthemia) sequences. We argue that R. persica together with North American R. minutifolia and R. stellata (section Minutifoliae) probably represent the only remnants of an ancient group of roses widely distributed in the Northern Hemisphere in Olygocene. Two major lineages of the section Caninae arose independently from different ancestors belonging to Synstylae.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk. Rossijskaâ akademiâ nauk. Seriâ biologičeskaâ. 2024;(2):172-193
pages 172-193 views


Dynamics of the activity of antioxidant enzymes and the expression of the genes encoding them in wheat after ultrasound exposure
Tarasov S., Krutova E.

The effect of ultrasound (5, 10 and 20 min, intensity 25 kW/m2, frequency 26.1 kHz) on the dynamics of the activity of the main antioxidant enzymes: superoxide dismutase, catalase, peroxidase and the expression of the genes encoding them (SOD-1, CAT, POD) was studied in germinating seeds and wheat sprouts. Ultrasound after 1 hour predominantly suppressed the activity of antioxidant enzymes, with subsequent restoration and increase (after 1 and 6 days) of activity. The content of mRNA transcripts of the studied genes predominantly increased 1 hour after exposure, and subsequently (after 1 and 6 days) it was either higher or remained equal to the control. The results obtained apparently indicate that ultrasound triggers eustress mechanisms, i. e. the stimulating effect led to the mobilization of protective processes of cells – hormesis.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk. Rossijskaâ akademiâ nauk. Seriâ biologičeskaâ. 2024;(2):194-206
pages 194-206 views


Micromorphological changes in the parenchymatous organs of the muskrat infected with Quinqueserialis quinqueserialis (Trematoda: Notocotilidae)
Mazur O., Fomina A.

Quinqueserialis quinqueserialis (Trematoda: Notocotilidae) is a widespread species in the Holarctic that parasitizes the cecum of the muskrat. The paper presents for the first time the results of micromorphological studies of parenchymal organs of the muskrat at a high intensity of invasion by Q. quinqueserialis. In infected muskrats, activation of the B-cell and macrophage components of the immune system was established against the background of inhibition of granulocytic reactions in the spleen, various types of dystrophies were detected in the liver, with the formation of functional maladjustment of the organ, inflammatory changes were recorded in the kidneys with signs of alterative, necrobiotic processes. The development of destructive pathomorphological processes indicates the participation of trematodes in the pathogenesis of this parasitosis. The obtained data provide new information for understanding the functions of lymphoid and parenchymal organs in wild rodents with trematodosis.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk. Rossijskaâ akademiâ nauk. Seriâ biologičeskaâ. 2024;(2):207-215
pages 207-215 views


The effect of dalargin on the level of corticosterone in rats with different individual typological features of behavior in the PTSD model
Semenova O., Vyushina A., Pritvorova A., Pivina S., Ordyan N.

The effect of the synthetic analogue of leu-enkephalin (dalargin) on the level of corticosterone in the blood and the mass of the adrenal glands in rats with various typological features of behavior in the model of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) was studied. Groups were formed: active low-anxiety (ALA) and high-anxiety (AHA), as well as passive low-anxiety (PLA) and high-anxiety (PHA) rats. Each of the 4 groups of rats was divided into 3 subgroups, where subgroup 1 is an intact control. 20 days after the first stressful exposure, rats from subgroup 3 were injected intramuscularly with the dalargin for 7 days, and rats from subgroup 2 were injected with the saline solution. It was found that the course of injections of dalargin into rats in the PTSD model had a positive effect on the studied indicators only in the group of active highly-anxiety animals.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk. Rossijskaâ akademiâ nauk. Seriâ biologičeskaâ. 2024;(2):216-222
pages 216-222 views


Spatial and seasonal variability of chlorophyll A concentration in the Barents Sea
Vodopyanova V., Dvoretsky V., Bulavina A.

Variations of the surface chlorophyll a concentration (Chl-a) measured during 25 cruises conducted from 1984 to 2020 were investigated in the Barents Sea and adjacent Svalbard waters. Seasonal maps of the mean annual Chl-a estimations were created for the Barents Sea. Significant seasonal and temporal variations of Chl-a were found in different water masses. Surface Chl-a content reached a maximum in the spring (46% of the annual estimation). In the summer, it tended to decrease accounting for 28% of the total annual value while in the autumn and winter Chl-a was found to be 21% and 5% of the total annual stock, respectively. Atlantic Water and Arctic Water had the highest contribution to the total annual Chl-a biomass. In Arctic Water, peaks of Chl-a concentrations were registered in spring and these decreased in summer and autumn. Summer season was the most productive period in Atlantic Water. Chl-a dynamics and distribution in relation to climatic factors were investigated. Application of generalized linear and non-linear models to predict Chl-a variations showed high significance of the indices associated with global atmospheric circulation, mean annual temperature and salinity anomalies as well as ice extent in the Barents Sea.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk. Rossijskaâ akademiâ nauk. Seriâ biologičeskaâ. 2024;(2):223-233
pages 223-233 views
The role of fungi and bacteria in the mineralization of nitrogen compounds in the ecosystems of the Southern Taiga of European Russia
Razgulin S., Voronin L.

For two years, the contribution of fungi and bacteria to the process of net ammonification in the soddy-podzolic soil of the sorrel-blueberry birch forest of the Yaroslavl region was determined using inhibitory analysis. Established, that the litter is characterized by an equal participation of fungi and bacteria in this process. In the humus horizon, a slight excess of fungi over bacteria was noted in a year of normal moisture and a clear dominance of fungi in a dry year. In the eluvial part of the profile, a close contribution of these groups was noted, with an insignificant prevalence of one of them over the years of study. The maximum air temperature is able to change the seasonal dynamics of the abundance of saprotrophic fungi in the soil and to some extent form the generic structure of the mycobiota in the horizons of the soil profile of the birch forest.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk. Rossijskaâ akademiâ nauk. Seriâ biologičeskaâ. 2024;(2):234-244
pages 234-244 views
The role of biodiversity in the functioning of ecosystems. Message1. General principles of ecosystems monitoring
Shchipanov N., Kalinin A.

Ecosystem change is the everyday reality and assessment of its ability to provide men with ecosystem products and services (fresh water, climate, soil fertility, etc.), whch are nesessory for humans’ welfare is an urgent applied issue. The question “if changes in the loss of biological diversity affect the functioning of local ecosystems” is attracting increasing attention. In the first communication, we consider modern approaches to ecosystem monitoring. The concept of historical and novel ecosystems, ecosystem resilience, threshold effects, theory-driven restoration, and social-ecological considerations are reviewed. The principles of indication, requirements for indicators, possibilities and perspectives for the use of small mammals as indicators of the dynamics of local ecosystems are considered.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk. Rossijskaâ akademiâ nauk. Seriâ biologičeskaâ. 2024;(2):245-254
pages 245-254 views
The role of biodiversity in ensuring the functioning of ecosystems. Message2. Small mammals in the ecological monitoring system: data obtaining, assessment of diversity, state and dynamics of ecosystems
Shchipanov N., Kalinin A.

We consider the possibility of assay biodiversity and functional diversity of the ecosystem, as well as interpretation of the results obtained based on our work experience and previously obtained data. The prospects for studying of small mammals without removal from wild is discussed. We discuss distinguishing in a sample the resident component, which makes it possible to characterize local resource flows, and non-resident component, dependent on the state of the territory as a whole. A description of the capture-mark-recapture protocol, methods for assessing spatial activity, calculating density of resident population, and the completeness of species richness estimate is provided. The estimates of animal number per unit of trapping effort in pooled sample, the population density of residents, and the index of the non-residents flow are compared. The possibility of analysing of the resource flows in “historical”, “novel” and “hybrid” ecosystems, as well as using data to analyse the resilience of the ecosystem and detect the threshold point is considered.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk. Rossijskaâ akademiâ nauk. Seriâ biologičeskaâ. 2024;(2):255-275
pages 255-275 views
Depression of the population of the steppe polecat (Mustela eversmanii) in the Southern Urals
Kiseleva N.

Long-term monitoring abundance of the steppe polecat (Mustela eversmanii) in the Chelyabinsk region are considered. The analysis of the abundance dynamics of Mustelidae was carried out on the basis of monitoring data using the method of winter accounting (WA) conducted annually. Over the past few years, the steppe polecat has not been registered during accounting work in the mountain taiga, i. e. its number is either extremely low, or it has completely disappeared. In forest-steppe territories for 12 years, from 2008 to 2020, the abundance of polecats decreased almost 90 times, from 3058. to 34 ind. The data on the number of the main prey species of the steppe polecat – ground squirrel (Spermophilus major) and gray ground squirrel (Spermophilus pygmaeus) and the groundhog (Marmota bobak) are presented. The hypothesis of the influence of the American mink on the number of the steppe polecat is considered.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk. Rossijskaâ akademiâ nauk. Seriâ biologičeskaâ. 2024;(2):276-285
pages 276-285 views


Natural populations of the rare medicinal species Alangium platanifolium (Alangiaceae) in Russia
Fedina L., Maslov M., Malysheva S., Nakonechnaya О., Markova T.

Data on the status of two natural populations of the rare, endemic medicinal species Alangium platanifolium known from the Russian Federation is provided in the article. Information about one of them is reported for the first time. Geobotanical descriptions of phytocenoses are presented. In the south of Primorsky Krai, A. platanifolium has been noted to grow in the shrub layer of coniferous/broad-leaved forest with Pinus koraiensis and Abies holophylla. It has also been found that the area of the population discovered 20 years ago has expanded 10-fold and now amounts to 10 ha. The new locality A. platanifolium covers an area of 0.25 ha. The total number of A. platanifolium is more than 700 of various-aged plants. The data obtained extends the current knowledge of the distribution and life state of A. platanifolium and indicates the fact of the growth of subtropical elements in phytocenoses of the Russian Federation.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk. Rossijskaâ akademiâ nauk. Seriâ biologičeskaâ. 2024;(2):286-292
pages 286-292 views