№ 1 (2024)


Бүкіл шығарылым


Comparison of the cytogenetic effects of a pulsed magnetic field and gamma radiation on meristem cells of onion seed sprouts (Allium cepa l.)

Aldibekova A., Styazhkina E., Tryapitsyn G., Pryakhin E.


The effect of a pulsed magnetic field (PMF) on meristem cells of onion seedlings was compared with the effects of acute gamma irradiation using the allium test. It was found that a pulse with a carrier frequency of 1.8 MHz, a pulse repetition rate of 28 kHz, and a magnetic field induction of 75 mT per pulse leads to an increase in the mitotic index, mainly due to an increase in the proportion of cells in the prophase, an increase in the frequency of cells with chromosome aberrations in the ana-telophase and does not affect the frequency of cells with micronuclei. It has been suggested that UTI causes nonspecific oxidative stress in plant cells, accompanied by a delay in the cell cycle at the check point (G2/M) and induction of DNA damage. According to these indicators, the PMF resembles the effect of ionizing radiation in doses of 0.05–0.5 Gy.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk. Rossijskaâ akademiâ nauk. Seriâ biologičeskaâ. 2024;(1):3-13
pages 3-13 views

TNFRSF12A mRNA Expression and distribution of TNFRSF12A+ cells in rat liver during thioacetamide-induced fibrogenesis

Lebedeva E., Shchastniy A., Babenka A.


TNFRSF12A mRNA expression and distribution of TNFRSF12A+ cells were studied in detail for the first time at different stages of fibrosis in rat liver. Under physiological conditions, the expression level of TNFRSF12A mRNA was 0.224 (95% CI: 0.170–0.277). At the same time, cells expressing the TNFRSF12A marker were practically absent. In bridging fibrosis, the first peak of TNFRSF12A mRNA growth (p = 0.000) and an increase in the area of TNFRSF12A+ cells (p = 0.000) was established. The second peak (p = 0.000) was detected during the process of transformation of fibrosis into cirrhosis. At the stage of incomplete cirrhosis, a sharp drop was noted. A subsequent increase in the expression of TNFRSF12A mRNA and the area of TNFRSF12A+ cells was observed from the stage of significant cirrhosis. Immunohistochemical method revealed two groups of TNFRSF12A+ cells. In the sinusoidal capillaries TNFRSF12A+, the cells had a shape close to flat and resembled endotheliocytes, while in the fibrous connective tissue they were rounded. The number of α-SMA+ cells increased gradually (p = 0.000) before the onset of significant cirrhosis, and then there was a sharp increase (p = 0.000).

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk. Rossijskaâ akademiâ nauk. Seriâ biologičeskaâ. 2024;(1):14-24
pages 14-24 views


Lipid-correcting and antioxidant effects of the lipid complex from the red marine algae Ahnfeltia tobuchiensis under the conditions of a high-fat diet

Sprygin V., Kushnerova Н., Fomenko S., Drugova E., Lesnikova L., Merzlyakov V.


The influence of the lipid complex isolated from the thallus of the red marine algae Ahnfeltia tobuchiensis (LCA) on the metabolic parameters of the blood and liver of rats under a high-fat diet was studied. It was shown that the administration of LCA had a pronounced lipid-correcting and antioxidant effect, which was superior to that of the reference preparation “Omega 3-6-9” in terms of its ability to restore lipid metabolism, the ratio of lipoprotein fractions and the indices of the endogenous antioxidant protection system, as so as prevent the development of hepatosis. The lipid-correcting and anti-oxidant effect of LCA is specified by the action of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, in particular eicosapentaenoic acid, which are the part of the structure of phospholipids and glycolipids of marine origin, which make up the main part of the studied lipid complex.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk. Rossijskaâ akademiâ nauk. Seriâ biologičeskaâ. 2024;(1):25-35
pages 25-35 views

Lipid profile of parr and smolts of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) reared in aquaculture under various lighting regimes

Provorotov D., Murzina S., Voronin V., Manoylova D., Kuznetsova M., Kuritsyn A., Nemova N.


The study of the biochemical mechanisms of the effect of additional lighting on the

growth and early development of salmonids in aquaculture allows to identify patterns of slow or accelerated growth, as well as the onset of the smoltification. In this study, the results of changes in lipid status in parr and smolts of Atlantic salmon after the “winter window” (December-January) are presented. These results were obtained from three experimental groups exposed to different lighting and feeding regimes at the fingerlings stage. The changes in lipid composition of the studied young salmon indicate the onset of smoltification in all experimental groups. However, this effect is the most pronounced in the fish previously reared under continuous lighting during the summer-autumn season.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk. Rossijskaâ akademiâ nauk. Seriâ biologičeskaâ. 2024;(1):36-46
pages 36-46 views


Fungi in groundwater springs and wells in the Moscow region

Kurakov A., Shumakova А., Fedorova M.


The number, species composition and taxonomic structure of fungal biota in the groundwater of natural springs and wells in the Moscow region were determined by сultural method. The number of fungi was low, on average from 10 to 300 colony-forming units (CFU) in 1 liter of water. 6–16 species were isolated from the water of one source or well, and totally 46 species were isolated from 6 studied objects. These were representatives of phylum Mucoromycota class Mucoromycetes (Absidia cylindrospora var. nigra, Mucor circinelloides, M. hiemalisRhizopus stolonifer), phylum Ascomycota class Eurotiomycetes (15 species of the genera Aspergillus and Penicillium), Sordariomycetes (13 species of the genera Acremonium, Chaetomium, Fusarium, Myrothecium, Plectosphaerella, Trichoderma), Dothideomycetes (Alternaria alternata, A. nobilis, Amorocoelophoma cassia, Cladosporium cladosporioides, C. sphaerospermum) and – Saccharomycetes (Candida solani, C. zeylanoides, Galactomyces pseudocandidus) and phylum Basidiomycota class Tremellomycetes (Mrakia gelida, Vishniacozyma victoriae) and Agaricomycetes (Phlebia acerina, Psathyrella candolleana, Thanatephorus cucumeris). The established taxonomic structure of fungal biota in the waters of natural springs and wells of the Moscow metropolis is similar to that found in the groundwater of other regions, including of groundwater at the depths of several hundred meters. The possibilities of adaptation of micromycetes to existence in ground water, the sources of its contamination and the need for mycological criteria for assessing water quality are discussed.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk. Rossijskaâ akademiâ nauk. Seriâ biologičeskaâ. 2024;(1):47-59
pages 47-59 views

Effect of some metabiotics from strains of the genus Enterococcus on the growth of pathogenic bacteria that cause pneumonia

Israyelyan А., Balabekyan T., Sargsyan Z., Tkhruni F.


It is shown that the highest antimicrobial activity (100%) against strains of Kl. pneumonia and St. pneumonia of strains causing pneumonia occurs when using protein-like fractions (AMP) obtained from CL after cultivation of LAB of strains of the genus Enterococcus isolated from fermented milk of goats and donkeys, and the lowest activity of AMP from CL of strains isolated from fermented milk of cows (20–50%). It was shown that the isolated polysaccharides of strains of the genus Enterococcus, which have antimicrobial activity, consist of glucose and galactose molecules. The difference in the effectiveness of the influence of polysaccharides depends on the source of the isolated pathogens, depends on the concentration of the polysaccharide, the genus and species of the strain causing pneumonia. It is concluded that some metabiotics of the Enterococcus genus are promising for use as bioinhibitors of the growth of pathogenic bacteria.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk. Rossijskaâ akademiâ nauk. Seriâ biologičeskaâ. 2024;(1):60-66
pages 60-66 views


Analysis of Parasitofauna and Endosymbionts of Lissotriton vulgaris L., 1758 (Caudata, salamandridae) in natural and urban gradients of the environment

Burakova А., Berzin D., Vershinin V.


The analysis of the parasitic and endosymbiontofauna of the common newt (Lissotriton vulgaris L., 1758) in the natural and urban landscapes of the Middle Urals is presented for the first time. Four species of helminthes belonging to the Nematoda type were found, including 1 taxon indeterminate to the species (Nematoda sp.), and 1 species of endosymbionts (Chromista type). The works devoted to the species composition of L. vulgaris parasites on the territory of Eurasia are analyzed. The fauna of the helminthes of the common newt on the eastern slope of the Urals is depleted, which is probably determined by the limited distribution of the species outside Europe, the temperature regime in the north and moisture availability in the south.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk. Rossijskaâ akademiâ nauk. Seriâ biologičeskaâ. 2024;(1):67-75
pages 67-75 views

Effects of stearic acid on the cryotolerance of the domestic cat (Felis silvestris catus) embryos

Brusentsev E., Okotrub S., Lebedeva D., Okotrub K., Rakhmanova T., Amstislavsky1 S.


The current work aimed to study the effect of domestic cat (Felis silvestris catus) embryos in vitro exposure to saturated stearic acid (SA) and to evaluate how the change in lipid content affects the cryopreservation results. The addition of SA to the culture medium did not affect the development of cat embryos in vitro before cryopreservation. The total lipid amount in the SA-treated embryos was not changed as well. However, the lipid unsaturation degree was lower in embryos after in vitro exposure to SA. Moreover, the lipid phase transition onset temperature (T*) was higher in SA-treated embryos as compared with controls. These changes of intracellular lipids unsaturation degree and T* were associated with the impairment of embryo cryopreservation effectiveness. The results obtained may be of importance for the applying Genome Resource Banking concept to the Felinae species.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk. Rossijskaâ akademiâ nauk. Seriâ biologičeskaâ. 2024;(1):76-89
pages 76-89 views

Extra-pair paternity in the Wood Warbler (Phylloscopus sibilatrix) in Central Russia

Goretskaia M., Belokon Y., Belokon M.


Extra-pair paternity is widespread in passerine birds. The number of extra-pair young (EPY) varies among different species and populations of the same species. We tested if it is a case for a small passerine bird with poly-territorial behaviour, the Wood Warbler (Phylloscopus sibilatrix). The results are based on the microsatellite analysis of seven loci and revealed a high level of EPY in Central Russia population of Wood Warbler (EPY in 41% of all nests, 16 of 39 nests; 25% of all young were EPY, 52 of 212 young). We did not find relationship between relatedness among mates in the pair and the presence of EPY. There was no difference in heterozygosity and body mass between EPY and within pair young (WPY). Possible causes of extra-pair paternity are discussed.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk. Rossijskaâ akademiâ nauk. Seriâ biologičeskaâ. 2024;(1):90-97
pages 90-97 views


Mesozooplankton communities in deep-water areas of the Black Sea: are their composition and biomass regulated by the Ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi A. Agassiz, 1865?

Anninsky B., Finenko G., Datsyk N.


The abundance, biomass, distribution and feeding patterns of the ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi A. Agassiz 1865 were studied in the deep-water Black Sea in October 2019. The biomass of the ctenophore in the open areas of the sea was 100–200 g m–2, the abundance was 16–38 ind. m–2. With the dominance of large individuals (≥30 mm) in the population, the activity of their reproduction remained extremely weak. The specific daily ration varied from ~4% to 13% of body carbon in adults and juveniles, respectively, and exceeded the minimum food requirements of the ctenophore. The daily consumption of three species of copepods (Acartia spp., Calanus euxinusOithona davisae) by M. leidyi reached 4.5–11% of their biomass, while that of appendicularians Oikopleura (Vexillaria) dioica – < 1.6%. The predatory pressure of M. leidyi on the entire prey zooplankton attained 2–4% of the biomass of organisms per day.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk. Rossijskaâ akademiâ nauk. Seriâ biologičeskaâ. 2024;(1):98-110
pages 98-110 views

Regional variability of the Black Sea ichthyoplankton state during the change of the spring hydrological season to the summer

Podrezova P., Klimova T., Subbotin A., Vdodovich I., Zavjyalov A.


The species diversity and spatial distribution of ichthyoplankton in the coastal and open waters of the northern part of the Black Sea and the southwestern part of the Sea of Azov in June 2020 are presented. The species diversity and abundance of ichthyoplankton changed in accordance with the regional conditions of warming of the sea upper layer during the formation of a vertical thermal structure of the summer type. The most favorable conditions for the survival of ichthyoplankton were observed in the open and coastal waters of the Western Sector of research in the initial phase of the summer hydrological season.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk. Rossijskaâ akademiâ nauk. Seriâ biologičeskaâ. 2024;(1):111-121
pages 111-121 views

Emission of gaseous nitrogen oxides in soils of boreal forests (review)

Razgulin S.


Denitrification losses of nitrogen-containing gases in the biome of boreal forests are discussed. In the soils of coniferous and deciduous forests of Western Europe, 0.57 ± 0.2 and 1.0 ± 0.2 kg N-N2O/ha/ year are lost during denitrification. In North America this figure was 0.35 ± 0.29 kg N-N2O/ha/yr for all stands. The emission of N2O from forest soils correlated with the input of nitrogen from the atmosphere with = 0.47 in coniferous forests and with = 0.68 in deciduous plantations, returning to the atmosphere up to 30% of the nitrogen supplied with atmospheric precipitation. With a high input of nitrogen from the atmosphere, the emission of nitrogen-containing gases reached 20 kg N /ha /yr. Of these, NO, N2O, and N2 accounted for 21, 15, and 64%. Measurements of NO and especially N2 emissions remain very rare, leading to incomplete estimates of denitrification losses. Denitrification remains the most complex process in the nitrogen cycle, with no definitive methods for measuring it.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk. Rossijskaâ akademiâ nauk. Seriâ biologičeskaâ. 2024;(1):122-132
pages 122-132 views

Comprehensive analysis of gap formation in the canopy of an old-growth broadleaved forest

Portnov A., Shashkov M., Shanin V.


We performed a quantitative and qualitative assessment of the dynamics of gap formation in the canopy of intact old-growth polydominant broadleaved forest in a permanent sample area in the Kaluga Zaseki Nature Reserve. Digital elevation models were obtained from aerial survey data of the forest in 2018 and 2021, from which gap diagrams of several elevation classes were constructed. The resulting schematics were expertly analyzed using orthophotomosaic survey data and gap areas were estimated. We conducted a sample ground survey of gaps and regression analysis of the relationship between relative gap area and stand species composition from the primary enumeration data. It was shown that the phenophase at the time of the survey can significantly change the estimate of gap areas, and the height of the stand in the gap cannot serve as a reliable indicator of its age. It was also found that aerial photography reveals a more complex gap structure than ground-based surveys.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk. Rossijskaâ akademiâ nauk. Seriâ biologičeskaâ. 2024;(1):133-142
pages 133-142 views

Composition of fatty acids, phytosterols and total content of antioxidants of Morus L. seeds

Islamova F., Radzhabov G., Goriainov S., Hajjar F., Aliev A.


This paper presents for the first time the results of studying the total content of antioxidants in the seeds of Morus L. The composition of fatty and steric acids of the seeds of mulberry fruits Morus L. was also studied: polymorphic species Morus alba (white-fruited, pink-fruited, black-fruited) and Morus nigra (Khartut variety). As a result of the studies, 12 fatty acids were identified. The main ones were linoleic acid, palmitic oleic acid, and stearic acid. The predominant fatty acid in all samples was linoleic, which varied from 67.5 to 79.0%. 15 sterols were found, among which β-Sitosterol accounts for about 90%. Determination of the total antioxidant content of Morus alba seeds (white-fruited, pink-fruited, black-fruited forms) and Morus nigra (Khartut variety) revealed the accumulation of antioxidants in all samples. The highest total content of antioxidants was observed in Morus nigra (4.40 mg/g) and the white-fruited form of Morus alba (5.56 mg/g).

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk. Rossijskaâ akademiâ nauk. Seriâ biologičeskaâ. 2024;(1):143-150
pages 143-150 views


Physiological and biochemical parameters of Erythrocytes in White Sea bearded seals Erignathus barbatus barbatus Erxleben, 1777 (Phocidae) across different age groups

Erokhina I.


A comparative study of some parameters of erythrocytes of bearded seals of different ages (3 years, 5 years, 10 years) was carried out. It has been established that with age, the resistance of erythrocyte membranes to hemolysis increases. During puberty, the intensity of glycolysis in the bearded seals erythrocytes increases and then decreases in adult animals. Differences in the content of potassium, calcium, magnesium in the erythrocytes of animals of the studied age groups are shown.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk. Rossijskaâ akademiâ nauk. Seriâ biologičeskaâ. 2024;(1):151-156
pages 151-156 views

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