
Genetic polymorphism of Tulipa gesneriana L. evaluated on the basis of the ISSR marking data
Kashin A., Kritskaya T., Schanzer I.
Morphological Variation and Genetic Diversity of Gymnadenia conopsea (L.) R. Br. (Orchidaceae) Populations in the Northeast of European Russia (Komi Republic)
Valuyskikh O., Shadrin D., Pylina Y.
Characterization of the Russian beef cattle breed gene pools using inter simple sequence repeat DNA analysis (ISSR analysis)
Sulimova G., Voronkova V., Perchun A., Gorlov I., Randelin A., Slozhenkina M., Zlobina E.
Random Priming PCR Strategies for Identification of Multilocus DNA Polymorphism in Eukaryotes
Kuluev B., Baymiev A., Gerashchenkov G., Chemeris D., Zubov V., Kuluev A., Baymiev A., Chemeris A.
Genetic diversity of Vitis vinifera L. in Azerbaijan
Salayeva S., Ojaghi J., Pashayeva A., Izzatullayeva V., Akhundova E., Akperov Z.
A Comparative Analysis of Genetic Variability and Differentiation in Panax vietnamensis Ha et Grushv. and P. ginseng C.A. Meyer Using ISSR Markers
Vasyutkina E., Adrianova I., Reunova G., Nguyen T., Zhuravlev Y.
ISSR Analysis of Variability of Cultivated Form and Varieties of Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) from Azerbaijan
Hajiyeva S., Akparov Z., Hasanov N., Mustafayeva Z., Hajiyev E., Mammadov A., Izzatullayeva V., Babayeva S., Sharifova S., Mammadov A., Abbasov M.
Genetic divergence and allelic-specificity in relation to expression of voltinism in silkworm using ISSR and RAPD fingerprinting
Haghighi M., Jagadeesh Kumar T.
Assessment of the genetic distances between some species of the family Bradybaenidae (Mollusca, Pulmonata)
Snegin E., Sychev A., Grebennikov M., Snegina E.
Genetic, phenotypic, and phytochemical polymorphism in Eastern European populations of Mentha arvensis L.
Shelepova O., Semenova M., Enina O., Schanzer I.
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