
Fundamentally low reproducibility in molecular genetic cancer research
Alekseenko I., Pleshkan V., Monastyrskaya G., Kuzmich A., Snezhkov E., Didych D., Sverdlov E.
The Role of Allelic Variants of Several Genes of Cytokines in the Development of Gastric Cancer
Yusupova L., Nurgalieva A., Gilyazova I., Prokofyeva D., Munasypov F., Khusnutdinov S., Rakhimov R., Abdeev R., Sakaeva D., Khusnutdinova E.
Polymorphism of genes of the antioxidant system in the development of predispositions to lung cancer
Titov R., Minina V., Soboleva O., Ryzhkova A., Kulemin Y., Voronina E.
Suppressive and Hypermethylated MicroRNAs in the Pathogenesis of Breast Cancer
Loginov V., Filippova E., Kurevlev S., Fridman M., Burdennyy A., Braga E.
The role of low-penetrance alleles in predisposing the development of sporadic breast cancer
Kipen V.
Association of C3435T (rs1045642) Polymorphism of the MDR1 Gene with the Increased Risk of Colorectal Cancer in Russian Females from Central Russia
Moskalev A., Barysheva E., Soldatov V., Frolova O., Bobyntseva O., Samgina T., Churnosov M., Ivanov V., Polonikov A., Bushueva O.
Heterogeneity in Colorectal Primary Tumor and Synchronous Liver Metastases
Shubin V., Ponomarenko A., Tsukanov A., Maynovskaya O., Rybakov E., Panina M., Kashnikov V., Frolov S., Shelygin Y.
Mutations in the APC gene in Russian patients with classic form of familial adenomatous polyposis
Tsukanov A., Pospekhova N., Shubin V., Kuzminov A., Kashnikov V., Frolov S., Shelygin Y.
The Baseline Level of Cytogenetic Damage in Lymphocytes and Buccal Epitheliocytes of Lung Cancer Patients
Druzhinin V., Minina V., Baranova E., Golovina T., Meyer A., Mikhaylova A., Timofeeva A., Titov V., Tolochko T., Shubenkina D.
MicroRNA Biogenesis Pathway Gene Polymorphisms Are Associated with Breast Cancer Risk
Bermisheva M., Takhirova Z., Gilyazova I., Khusnutdinova E.
The search for new candidate genes involved in ovarian cancer pathogenesis by exome sequencing
Prokofyeva D., Mingajeva E., Bogdanova N., Faiskhanova R., Sakaeva D., Dörk T., Khusnutdinova E.
Gene Regulatory Elements Extraction in Breast Cancer by Hi-C Data Using a Meta-Heuristic Method
Hosseinpoor M., Parvin H., Nejatian S., Rezaie V.
Ethnic Features of Genetic Susceptibility to Breast Cancer
Bermisheva M., Bogdanova N., Gilyazova I., Zinnatullina G., Bisultanova Z., Khusnutdinova E.
Mutational landscape of prostate tumors revealed by whole-exome sequencing
Gilyazova I., Yankina M., Kunsbaeva G., Klimentova E., Izmaylov A., Pavlov V., Khusnutdinova E.
Involvement of MicroRNAs in Regulation of Radioresistance of HeLa and DU145 Cells
Chebotarev D., Makhotkin M., Naboka A., Tyutyakina M., Cherkasova E., Tarasov V.
Genetic Regulatory Mechanisms of Evolution and Embryogenesis in a Distorting Mirror of Carcinogenesis
Alekseenko I., Vinogradova T., Sverdlov E.
A WRN Nonsense Mutation, p.R1406X, is Not a Risk Factor of Breast Cancer
Bermisheva M., Gilyazova I., Akhmadishina L., Gimalova G., Zinnatullina G., Khusnutdinova E.
Emerging Potential of Cancer Therapy—Binary Direct Interactions of Cancer and Stromal Cells
Alekseenko I., Monastyrskaya G., Sverdlov E.
The T-786C, G894T, and intron 4 VNTR (4a/b) polymorphisms of the endothelial nitric oxide synthase gene in prostate cancer cases
Diler S., Öden A.
The Influence of microRNAs in Regulation of Hormone Dependence in Prostate Cancer Cells
Tarasov V., Naboka A., Makhotkin M., Chikunov I., Tyutyakina M., Chebotarev D., Cherkasova E., Kogan M., Chibichyan M., Matishov D.
Association of combinations of polymorphisms in fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 gene with breast cancer among various ethnic groups
Aitkhozhina N., Khanseitova A., Nigmatova V., Neupokoeva A., Sharafutdinova D., Ashirbekov E., Favorov A., Balmukhanov T.
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