
Influence of recrystallizing annealing on the properties of high-alloy isotropic steel with ultralow magnetic losses
Cheglov A., Pogodaev A., Yusupov V., Bakhtin S., Barybin D., Bakhtin A.
Precision Alloys and Steels for Medical Use
Galkin M., Zhdanova A., Krasnykh V., Molotilov B.
Long Coiled Reinforcement Produced by Drawing
Fastykovskii A., Chinokalov E.
Influence of Microalloying on the Strength and Corrosion of Low-Carbon Stainless Steel
Guk V., Branitskaya E., Filippov G.
Influence of vanadium and nitrogen on the structure formation and properties of K60 (X70) rolled steel coils
Naumenko V., Bagmet O.
Forging of High-Alloy Steel Ingots
Tyurin V., Sapunov A., Chuchkov A.
Production of Heavy Plates of Pipe Steel with Increased Strength and Cold Resistance on the 5000 Rolling Mill at PJSC MMK
Denisov S., Stekanov P., Poletskov P., Gushchina M., Nikitenko O.
Effects of Decreasing the Initial Rolling Temperature in Three-High Roughing Stands
Smirnov E., Smirnov A., Sklyar V., Belevitin V., Eron’ko S., Pivovarov R.
Changes in ultrasound velocity in the plastic deformation of high-chromium steel
Barannikova S., Bochkareva A., Lunev A., Shlyakhova G., Zuev L.
Vanadium Dispersion Strengthening of Low-Carbon Pipe Steels
Naumenko V., Bagmet O., Matrosov M., Khlybov O., Kichkina A., Dyakonov D.
Influence of the Speed of High-Carbon Steel Billet in the Patenting Unit on Its Final Structure and Mechanical Properties
Chukin M., Koptseva N., Efimova Y., Chukin D., Nikitenko O.
Influence of Nitrogen in Plasma-Arc Remelting on the Structure and Properties of Stainless Steel
Baeva L., Il’ichev M., Tyuftyaev A., Filippov G., Shchukina L.
Composition and properties of steel in cast and forged railroad wheels
Getmanova M., Ilyukhin D., Nikulin A., Filippov G.
Influence of hybrid plastic deformation on the microstructure and mechanical properties of carbon-steel wire
Chukin M., Polyakova M., Gulin A.
Experience of Rolling Patterns with an Inverse Temperature Wedge on the NShSGP 2000 Continuous Wide-Strip Hot-Rolling Mill
Solov’ev V., Bobkov E., Zhovnodii N., Mazur I.
Use of the Multiple Regression Analysis for Quantitative Estimation of the Mechanical Properties of Strengthened Rebars
Kanaev A., Reshetkina E., Kanaev A.
Synthesis of High-Nitrogen Steel by SHS Reduction with Aluminum
Lad’yanov V., Dorofeev G., Kuzminykh E., Karev V., Lubnin A.
Corrosive Damage Close to Nonmetallic Inclusions in Bearing Steels
Gubenko S., Sychkov A., Parusov E., Denisenko A., Zavalishchin A.
Cyclic Flexural Deformation of Thick Steel Sheet
Maksimov A., Erokhina I.
Microstructure of 316L stainless steel components produced by direct laser deposition
Sklyar M., Turichin G., Klimova O., Zotov O., Topalov I.
Thermomechanical properties of molds based on different binders and casting quality
Chernyshov E., Evlampiev A., Korolev A., Ivanova L., Moiseeva O.
Temperature Field Calculation at Incomplete Hot Processing of Metal Alloys
Zhuravlev G., Romanenko D., Gvozdev A., Gubanov O., Kutepov S.
Structure and Properties of Superlow-Carbon Martensitic Steel after Controlled Rolling and Tempering
Shabalov I., Filippov V., Baeva L., Chevskaya O.
Production of corrosion-resistant S420K2W and S460K2W structural steel
Goli-Oglu E.
Changes in Pipe Geometry in the Course of Sequential Creation of Stresses on the Inner Surface under External Thermomechanical Impacts
Chumanov I., Kozlov A., Matveeva M.
1 - 25 из 41 результатов 1 2 > >> 
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