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Vol 47, No 11 (2017)


Properties of a Tool Produced by Powder Metallurgy

Migranov M.S., Minigaleev S.M., Shekhtman S.R.


To minimize the manufacturing costs of parts with specified operational properties, the machining processes must be optimized. Cutting accounts for at least 70% of such processes. To that end, tool materials with distinctive properties may be developed and utilized. Analysis of manufacturing components—in particular, power components in gas-turbine engines—shows the need for higher quality of the machined surfaces and more efficient use of expensive equipment with numerical and adaptive control systems, so as to ensure a wide range of cutting conditions, including high-speed cutting. To obtain products that are domestically and internationally competitive, we need to optimize cutting processes, in which the tool is the weakest link in the technological chain. Defects of the cutting tool impair the productivity and product quality. In the present work, the wear of cutting tools produced by the sintering of high-speed steel powder is studied. Tool materials based on high-speed steel with additional alloying by titanium carbide (carbide steel) are shown to be highly wear-resistant. They may be classified as a new category of self-organizing tool materials. The results indicate the expediency of additional alloying by two methods to modify the tool friction and wear: (1) alloying with compounds that considerably reduce the self-organization by decreasing the frictional coefficient at working temperatures; (2) alloying to expand the range of self-organization. Both methods result in lower frictional forces and temperatures, as confirmed by the change in wear resistance and frictional characteristics. The wear resistance of such tools is found to be 2–3.5 times that of regular high-speed steel tools.

Steel in Translation. 2017;47(11):699-704
pages 699-704 views

Influence of Alloying and Heat Treatment on the Abrasive and Impact–Abrasive Wear Resistance of High-Manganese Steel

Vdovin K.N., Feoktistov N.A., Gorlenko D.A., Chernov V.P., Khrenov I.B.


The basic factors that affect the wear resistance of high-manganese steel are considered. The literature on this topic is reviewed. Conclusions are formulated regarding the materials used in existing studies. Research topics of interest to enterprises that manufacture and employ Hadfield steel are identified. Materials used in the machining of liquid steel are considered. Production technology for experimental high-manganese steel parts is discussed. The composition of the alloy employed as the base is analyzed. The procedure and equipment used to determine the cooling rate of alloys in the mold and to study the wear resistance in conditions of abrasive and impact–abrasive wear are outlined, as well as methods of thermal analysis. Results are presented for the alloying of Hadfield steel by nitrided ferroalloys and other alloys. The coefficients of abrasive and impact–abrasive wear resistance are plotted for different alloying conditions. In addition, the influence of the alloying elements on the wear resistance of high-manganese steel in different wear conditions is studied. The concentrations of the alloying elements corresponding to maximum abrasive and impact–abrasive wear resistance are established. In addition, the results of thermal analysis are presented. The heating of Hadfield steel castings prior to quenching is considered. The temperature ranges corresponding to processes such as excess-phase deposition, the solution of cementite in austenite, and complete solution of phosphide eutectic and metal carbides are established. The temperature limits of oxidation and decarburization of the steel are also determined. On the basis of the results, recommendations are made with a view to increasing the wear resistance of castings made from high-manganese steel for different operating conditions and also to selecting the heat-treatment temperature for such castings.

Steel in Translation. 2017;47(11):705-709
pages 705-709 views

Texture Inheritance on Phase Transition in Low-Carbon, Low-Alloy Pipe Steel after Thermomechanical Controlled Processing

Lobanov M.L., Borodina M.D., Danilov S.V., Pyshmintsev I.Y., Struin A.O.


Orientation microscopy (electron back scatter diffraction, EBSD) is used to investigate the structural and textural states of low-carbon, low-alloy pipe steel (resembling 06Г2MБ steel) after thermomechanical controlled processing (TMCP): heating to 1000°C with subsequent quenching in water; isothermal quenching with holding at 300°C; and slow cooling in the furnace. The heat treatment is associated with double phase recrystallization: α → γ → aht, where aht is martensite, bainite, or ferrite. The texture obtained after TMCP is mainly formed by two strong scattered orientations from {112}〈110〉and two weaker scattered orientations close to {110}〈223〉. Despite the double phase recrystallization, the main crystallographic orientations of the bainite after TMCP and after isothermal quenching are the same. That indicates structural and textural inheritance in the material. The structures obtained after other thermal treatments of the structure (both martensite and ferrite) also include complex multicomponent textures, which are nevertheless distinct. Some of the main textural components of martensite and ferrite are the same as bainitic components. All the structures after heat treatment have a similar spectrum of large-angle boundaries, with strongly expressed boundaries of the coincidence site lattices (CSL): Σ3, Σ11, Σ25b, Σ33c, and Σ41c. The orientations forming the texture of all the structures obtained are related to the main orientation of the deformed austenite grains formed on hot rolling in TMCP, in accordance with orientation relations intermediate between the Kurdjumov–Sachs and Nishiyama–Wasserman types. In all cases, the orientation relationship of the textural components of the initial material and the structure obtained by heat treatment may be explained in terms of the onset of phase transformations (both shear and diffusional transition) at crystallographically determined boundaries (including special boundaries) similar to the CSL boundaries Σ3 and Σ11.

Steel in Translation. 2017;47(11):710-716
pages 710-716 views

Creating Weldable High-Strength Structural Steel with Nanostructuring

Oryshchenko A.S.


Exploitation of the Arctic calls for the creation of economical high-strength steel capable of operating at low temperatures. Research shows that, to that end, means of controlling the steel structure must be identified, so as to create quasi-isotropic fragmented nanostructure within the metal. The formation of finegrain structure is possible by a combination of intense plastic deformation with recrystallization and phase transformations. To confirm the theoretical and experimental preconditions for this process, experiments are conducted on the Gleeble-3800 instrument and a Kvarto-800 four-high rolling mill. Experimental steel melts with a carbon equivalent Cequ = 0.44–0.87% are investigated. In simulation on the Gleeble-3800 instrument, compressive deformation is applied in two stages: roughing at 1080–1100°C; and finishing at 950 and 820°C. That simulates the deformation cycle in industrial Kvarto-5000 four-high mills. The grain size in the steel is decreased from 6.5 to 2.2 μm after deformation at 950°C and 1.1 μm after deformation at 810°C. Fragments smaller than 500 nm constitute 20–37% of the steel structure. In the steel with Cequ = 0.44–0.65%, the yield point is 500–700 MPa, which is 40% greater than the standard values. In the steel with Cequ = 0.65–0.87%, the yield point is 700–1150 MPa. These values are obtained with increase in nickel content in the steel to 3%. At higher Ni concentrations, no improvement in yield point is seen. After rolling on the Kvarto-800 mill, with Cequ = 0.60–0.87% in one pass (with 70% reduction) at 1100°C and direct quenching with subsequent tempering at 600°C, the yield point is 1060 MPa. In this case, variation in the Ni content and Cequ has little influence on the yield point. The steel consists of bainite (mean grain size 6.9–8.3 μm), with a large dislocation density (1–2) × 1015 m–2 and considerable fragmentation within the grain. On the basis of the new technology, a group of low-temperature steels with yield points of 270–690 MPa and Cequ = 0.32–0.65% is created. The thickness of the steel sheet is up to 130 mm; it may operate at temperatures as low as –60°C. Such steel may be used for atomic icebreakers, other Arctic vessels, and fixed and floating drilling platforms for oil and gas extraction from Russia’s Arctic shelf. This research demonstrates the possibility of creating structural steels with relatively little alloying (up to 20–30%) and with standardized chemical composition.

Steel in Translation. 2017;47(11):717-721
pages 717-721 views

Stress–Strain State of Coiled Steel

Belskii S.M., Shopin I.I.


In a new mathematical model of the stress–strain state of steel strip in the course of cooling, the nonplanarity, surface roughness, and transverse thickness variation (convexity of the cross section) are taken into account. The stress–strain state of a coil of thin steel sheet has a significant influence on factors such as the temperature distribution in the coil; the scale formation on cooling in the course of hot rolling; the adhesion of adjacent turns in the annealing of cold-rolled strip; and the shape of the coil itself. The mathematical model is based on representation of the coil as individual nested hollow cylinders of finite length. The cylinders are divided into sections over the width. The sum of solutions of the Lame equation for individual sections is shown to converge to the solution for the cylinder as a whole. The model permits calculation of the coil’s stress–strain state, taking account of gap formation between adjacent turns as a result of the transverse variation in strip thickness. The modeling results show how the radial and tangential stress formed in strip winding is distributed within the coil. The model permits calculation of the stress–strain state of the coil in the winding of even strip; in the winding of convex even strip with no tension; in the loose winding of convex even strip with tension less than that in tight winding; in tight winding of even convex strip with the correct tension; and in the winding of convex uneven strip without tension. The decrease in distance between contacting rough surfaces is calculated on the basis of a probabilistic approach. An algorithm is presented for calculation of the coil’s stress–strain state. The result obtained for the stress distribution in the coil is typical for the winding of steel strip. The model is verified for the winding of hot-rolled strip, in terms of the size of the region with tight contact of adjacent turns. The tightness of contact is assessed on the basis of the temper color on the edges of the hot-rolled strip. The discrepancy between the calculated and measured size of the region with tight contact is 3%.

Steel in Translation. 2017;47(11):722-727
pages 722-727 views

Blast Furnace Shaft Thermal State Monitoring System

Semenov Y.S., Shumelchik E.I., Horupakha V.V.


A system is proposed for thermal monitoring over the height and circumference of the shaft in a blast furnace operated by Metinvest Holding, LLC. The reasons for the development of the system are outlined; the requirements on information presentation are noted; and experience with the system in blast-furnace management is described.

Steel in Translation. 2017;47(11):728-731
pages 728-731 views

Symmetry of Arc Furnace Operation

Shurygin Y.A.


The electrical asymmetry in the operation of arc furnace with an asymmetric triangular configuration of the electrodes is noted. Experimental data from the DSP-100 furnace permit analysis of how the electrical parameters affect the arc characteristics. Nonuniform power distribution over the phases of the electrofurnace decreases the component of the useful power consumed in heating the metal and slag. The power consumption by the furnace may potentially be reduced by 7.4% and the electrode consumption by 9%. The results confirm the need for research on phase-by-phase regulation of the power of ac arc furnaces.

Steel in Translation. 2017;47(11):732-736
pages 732-736 views

Shaping of Straight-Seam Electrowelded Pipe

Sokolova O.V., Lepestov A.E.


A universal method is proposed for studying the production of straight-seam electrowelded pipe on various mills, including bending mills. Algorithms are given for parameter selection with a specified mill design and parameters of the shaping mill. Examples of calculation by means of the mathematical model are presented.

Steel in Translation. 2017;47(11):737-740
pages 737-740 views

Dependence of the Frictional Coefficient on the Rheological Properties of the Lubricant in Pipe Pressing

Kosmatskii Y.I.


The influence of the rheological properties of the lubricant in pipe pressing is investigated. The dynamic viscosity of lubricants used in laboratory and industrial conditions is determined. The frictional coefficient in pipe pressing is determined by a hybrid method based on calculation and experiment.

Steel in Translation. 2017;47(11):741-746
pages 741-746 views

Structure and Properties of Superlow-Carbon Martensitic Steel after Controlled Rolling and Tempering

Shabalov I.P., Filippov V.G., Baeva L.A., Chevskaya O.N.


The influence of the tempering temperature on the structure, mechanical properties, and lowtemperature stability of superlow-carbon martensitic steel is investigated. Such steel is thermally stable up to 600°C. Tempering above 600°C somewhat reduces the strength and increases the impact strength and cold strength on account of change in the dislocational structure and the deposition of carbide binder.

Steel in Translation. 2017;47(11):747-751
pages 747-751 views

Cyclic Flexural Deformation of Thick Steel Sheet

Maksimov A.B., Erokhina I.S.


The influence of cyclic flexural deformation of thick low-alloy and carbon steel sheet on its structure and mechanical properties is investigated over a broad temperature range. In plastic flexure, the deformational amplitude is 1–6%. Permissible parameter ranges corresponding to the best mechanical properties of the steel, without irreversible structural damage, are selected. Strengthening treatment for thick steel sheet is developed, and permissible parameter ranges are proposed.

Steel in Translation. 2017;47(11):752-755
pages 752-755 views

Regeneration of Filter Bags

Kazyuta V.I., Sosonkin A.S.


The regeneration of filter bags used in gas purification is considered. The behavior of the trapped dust layer and the filter material in regeneration is described. Regeneration systems in which internal circulation of the trapped dust within the filter is taken into account are discussed. Criteria permitting effective regeneration of various filter materials are presented. The key features of practical regeneration systems are identified.

Steel in Translation. 2017;47(11):756-761
pages 756-761 views

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