Ашық рұқсат Ашық рұқсат  Рұқсат жабық Рұқсат берілді  Рұқсат жабық Тек жазылушылар үшін

Том 47, № 7 (2016)


About anomalous g factor value of Mn-related defects in GaAs:Mn

Yakubenya S., Shtel’makh K.


The results of experimental investigations of electron spin resonance (ESR) spectra of manganese impurity ions in a GaAs:Mn system are presented. The studies are done for various a Fermi level position relative to valence band edge in the system. Characteristic defects for the system that give rise to lines with g factors of 5.62 and 2.81 in the ESR spectra are studied in some detail. The experimental results are discussed in the framework of a previously developed model with a double defect involving the impurity ion. The “3d5 + hole” model is a special case of the double defect model in this system. An analytical expression for the covalent renormalization of the g factor of an ESR line in this system is obtained.

Applied Magnetic Resonance. 2016;47(7):671-684
pages 671-684 views

Magnetic Field Induced Relaxation Attenuation of Ultrasound by Jahn–Teller Centers: Application to ZnSe:Cr2+

Zhevstovskikh I., Gudkov V., Sarychev M., Zherlitsyn S., Yasin S., Bersuker I., Averkiev N., Baryshnikov K., Monakhov A., Korostelin Y.


The influence of magnetic fields on ultrasonic attenuation caused by relaxation in Jahn–Teller centers is studied using chromium ions as Zn substitute impurities in the ZnSe crystal as an example. The changes of the position and shape of the relaxation peak with the applied magnetic field induction B were observed in the temperature dependence of the ultrasonic attenuation of the shear waves at the frequency of 29.5 MHz propagating along the [110] axis with the polarization vector parallel to the [1\(\overline{1}\)0] axis. To rationalize the results, a simulation procedure was employed assuming that there are two thermal activation mechanism of relaxation with different relaxation times. One of them emerged with activation energy \(V_0=75\) K that remains unchanged in the magnetic fields, the other occurs with increasing \(V_0\) up to \(V_0=106\) K at \(B=14\) T.

Applied Magnetic Resonance. 2016;47(7):685-692
pages 685-692 views

Decoherence-Induced Stabilization of the Multiple-Quantum NMR-Spectrum Width

Lundin A., Zobov V.


The time dependence of an increase in the number of correlated spins in cluster was calculated for a particular variant of multiple-quantum (MQ) nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy using an effective two-quantum Hamiltonian that includes conventional secular nuclear dipole–dipole interaction as a weak perturbation at the stage of correlation preparation. It was shown that the cluster size grows steadily, while the width of the MQ spectrum stabilizes because the decay rates of the spectral components located at different areas of the MQ spectrum are different. The MQ bandwidth was also calculated as a function of the preparation time for various perturbation strengths. The results obtained are in excellent agreement with the experimental data reported in Álvarez and Suter (Phys Rev A 84:012320, 2011).

Applied Magnetic Resonance. 2016;47(7):701-710
pages 701-710 views

Analysis of the SABRE (Signal Amplification by Reversible Exchange) Effect at High Magnetic Fields

Pravdivtsev A., Yurkovskaya A., Petrov P., Vieth H., Ivanov K.


A detailed study of the Signal Amplification By Reversible Exchange (SABRE) effect at high magnetic fields is performed. SABRE is formed by spin order transfer from parahydrogen to a substrate in a transient organometallic complex. Typically, such a transfer is efficient at low magnetic fields; at high fields it requires radio-frequency (RF) excitation of spins in the SABRE complex. However, recently it has been shown (Barskiy et al. in J. Am. Chem. Soc. 136:3322–3325, 2014) that high-field SABRE is also feasible due to “spontaneous” spin order transfer (i.e., transfer in the absence of RF excitation) although the transfer efficiency is low. Here, we studied the SABRE field dependence for protons in the field range 1.0–16.4 T and found an increase of polarization with the field; further optimization of proton polarization can be achieved by varying the viscosity of the solvent. As previously, polarization transfer is attributed to cross-relaxation; this conclusion is supported by additional experiments. For spin-½ hetero-nuclei, such as 15N and 31P, spontaneous spin order transfer is also feasible; however, in contrast to protons, it is based on a coherent mechanism. Consequently, higher transfer efficiency is achieved; moreover the 15N and 31P spectral patterns are remarkably different from that for protons: multiplet (anti-phase) polarization is seen for hetero-nuclei. Our study is of importance for enhancing weak nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) signals by exploiting non-thermally polarized spins. Although the efficiency of high-field SABRE is lower than that of low-field SABRE; the high-field SABRE experiment is easy to implement for improving the sensitivity of NMR methods.

Applied Magnetic Resonance. 2016;47(7):711-725
pages 711-725 views

Influence of Formation Conditions on Structure and Properties of Paramagnetic Centers in Polymorphous Silicon Films

Konstantinova E., Emelyanov A., Forsh P., Kashkarov P.


Paramagnetic properties of two series of polymorphous silicon thin films deposited by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition with variation of silane and hydrogen gas mixture pressure and substrate temperature have been studied by means of electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy. For the first time EPR signal with g-tensor values g1 = 1.9984, g2 = 1.9890, g3 = 1.9790 was detected in the polymorphous silicon structure. We have attributed this signal to the electrons trapped in conduction band tail states at the interface between nanocrystals and/or at the grain boundaries between silicon nanocrystals. An activation energy of electron transition from band tail states to the conduction band was estimated approximately to 40 meV. Observed changes of the paramagnetic center concentration vs substrate temperature and gas pressure in the reaction chamber during polymorphous silicon film preparation are discussed.

Applied Magnetic Resonance. 2016;47(7):693-700
pages 693-700 views

Spin Dynamics and Ground State of the Frustrated Diamond Lattice Magnet CoAl2O4 as seen by 27Al NMR

Iakovleva M., Vavilova E., Grafe H., Maljuk A., Wurmehl S., Büchner B., Kataev V.


We report an experimental study of the low-temperature dynamics of electron spin fluctuations in the magnetically frustrated spinel CoAl2O4 as revealed by 27Al nuclear magnetic relaxation measurements in a magnetic field of 7.7 T in the temperature range 4 < T < 240 K. With this local probe technique, we show that the dynamics of the correlated Co spins strongly depends on the frustration of spin interactions and on Co/Al site disorder. The anisotropy of the temperature dependences of the spin–lattice (T1−1) and spin–spin (T2−1) 27Al nuclear relaxation rates reveals a coexistence of the short-range Néel order below a characteristic temperature T* = 8 K and slow non-commensurate magnetic correlations below and above T*, in agreement with the results of neutron diffraction experiments and our previous NMR spectroscopy data.

Applied Magnetic Resonance. 2016;47(7):727-735
pages 727-735 views

Influence of Compression on Magnetic Properties of Nickel Chloride Coordination Compound with 3-Amino-4-Ethoxycarbonylpyrazole

Berezin A., Nadolinny V., Lavrenova L.


This study devotes the influence of uniaxial compression on electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectra of a polycrystalline coordination compound of nickel chloride with 3-amino-4-ethoxycarbonylpyrazole (L). After exposure to uniaxial compression, approximately 3 % of the compound was shown to turn into a new state characterized by the singlet ground state. The gap between high-lying triplet state and the ground state is 0.018 eV that ensures the former is populated at room temperature according to the Boltzmann distribution. The EPR parameters for the nickel containing centers in the triplet state at room temperature were calculated: g|| = 2.18(1), g = 2.17(2), D = 1300(100) G, and E = 0. There are two assumptions about the nature of these centers. First, the influence of uniaxial compression is supposed to lead to a tetrahedral distortion of the octahedral environment of nickel ions. Second, the formation of the dimer nickel containing center is due to closing the terminal groups of the nearest polymer chains.

Applied Magnetic Resonance. 2016;47(7):745-756
pages 745-756 views

Möbius–Hückel Topology Switching in Expanded Porphyrins: EPR, ENDOR, and DFT Studies of Doublet and Triplet Open-Shell Systems

Möbius K., Savitsky A., Lubitz W., Plato M.


The one-sided Möbius band topology with its characteristic 180° twist has fascinated and inspired philosophers, artists and scientists since a long time. On the molecular level, only in the last 13 years a few chemistry groups succeeded to artificially create novel compounds with Möbius symmetry by theory-based molecular design and elaborate chemical synthesis. The interest in molecules with Möbius band symmetry was greatly stimulated in 1964 by a theoretical paper by Edgar Heilbronner from the ETH Zurich. He predicted that sufficiently large [n]annulenes with a closed-shell electron configuration of 4n π-electrons should allow for sufficient π-overlap stabilization to be synthesizable by twisting them into the Möbius topology of their hydrocarbon skeleton. In 2003, the first synthesis of an aromatic Möbius annulene was accomplished by Rainer Herges and co-workers in Kiel. In 2007, Lechosław Latos-Grażyński and co-workers in Wroclaw succeeded in synthesizing free-base di-p-benzi (Yoneda et al., Angew Chem Int Ed 53: 13169–13173, 2014) hexaphyrin (, compound 1, an expanded porphyrin which can dynamically switch between Hückel and Möbius conjugation upon changes of solvent and temperature. Shortly thereafter, in 2008, Atsuhiro Osuka and his co-workers from Kyoto, Seoul and Hyogo published the synthesis of an expanded porphyrin in which metalation triggered the production of molecular twisting and Möbius aromaticity. In this minireview, among other studies also our recent EPR, ENDOR and DFT studies on open-shell states of 1, i.e., on the ground-state radical cation doublet state (total electron spin S = 1/2) and the first excited triplet state (S = 1) are summarized. The review is largely based on a previous joint publication of the current authors with the Latos-Grażyński group on radical cations of 1 (Möbius et al., Phys Chem Chem Phys 17:6644–6652, 2015). The radical cation study was the first one of an open-shell π-system with Möbius topology. In the doublet state, the hyperfine interactions of the unpaired electron spin with specific magnetic nuclei in the molecule was used as a sensitive probe for the electronic structure of the molecule and its symmetry properties. This work has now been extended to state-of-the-art DFT theory studies on photo-excited triplet states of 1. In the open-shell triplet state, besides hyperfine couplings, a change of the zero-field splitting interaction between the two unpaired electron spins is predicted to be a viable sensor for electronic structure changes upon Möbius-to-Hückel topology switching.

Applied Magnetic Resonance. 2016;47(7):757-780
pages 757-780 views

Spin-Dependent Phenomena in Semiconductors and Semiconductor/Ferromagnetic Heterostructures

Kusrayev Y.


The present paper considers spin-dependent phenomena in semiconductors and semiconductor/ferromagnet hybrids. The methods of spin generation, spin detection, and spin control are discussed. A close relation of these methods with spin-related phenomena, such as electrical spin injection, spin Hall effect, and tunneling magnetoresistance, is shown. The advantages and disadvantages of spintronic materials (ferromagnetic semiconductors, hybrids semiconductor/ferromagnet, materials with paramagnetic centers, etc.) from the point of view of their utilization in devices are treated.

Applied Magnetic Resonance. 2016;47(7):657-669
pages 657-669 views

Origin of the Puzzling Narrow Line in the EPR Spectrum of Triplet C70

Uvarov M., Behrends J., Maryasov A., Kulik L.


X-band light-induced continuous wave EPR (LEPR) spectroscopy was employed to study triplet fullerene C70, 3C70, in glassy decalin and o-terphenyl. The EPR lineshapes observed in the temperature ranges between 50 and 130 K (for decalin) as well as between 77 and 200 K (for OTP) were successfully simulated. The results show that the narrow LEPR line does not originate from a radical S = 1/2, but arises from jumps of the EPR lines within the LEPR spectrum of 3C70 between symmetrical LEPR positions provided by paramagnetic relaxation process of 3C70. This process can be described by a relaxation-induced coherence transfer between two resonance transitions having close transition frequencies.

Applied Magnetic Resonance. 2016;47(7):781-791
pages 781-791 views

The Gd–Ce Cross-Relaxation Effects in ODMR via Ce3+ Emission in Garnet Crystals

Romanov N., Tolmachev D., Gurin A., Uspenskaya Y., Edinach E., Asatryan H., Badalyan A., Baranov P., Petrosyan A., Wieczorek H., Ronda C.


Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) in the ground state of Gd3+ ions in (LuGd)3 Al5O12 single crystals has been found by monitoring the Ce3+ photoluminescence intensity under circularly polarized excitation in the presence of the 35 GHz microwave field. Due to spin selection rules for optical transitions, the circularly polarized excitation allowed monitoring the populations of the Ce3+ ground-state spin sublevels, which can be changed at the EPR of Gd3+ due to Gd–Ce cross relaxation.

Applied Magnetic Resonance. 2016;47(7):737-744
pages 737-744 views

Effects of Spin-Dependent Recombination and EPR Spectroscopy of the Excited Triplet States of Point Defects in Silicon

Vlasenko L.


Highly sensitive methods of the detection of the electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectra based on the spin-dependent microwave photoconductivity were applied for investigation of the point defects in silicon. The specific features and properties of the excited triplet (spin S = 1) states of defects responsible for spin-dependent recombination of photo excited carriers are considered. The main attention is given to study such defects as oxygen + vacancy complexes and carbon related centers dominantly produced by irradiation.

Applied Magnetic Resonance. 2016;47(7):813-822
pages 813-822 views

Spin Centres in SiC for Quantum Technologies

Astakhov G., Simin D., Dyakonov V., Yavkin B., Orlinskii S., Proskuryakov I., Anisimov A., Soltamov V., Baranov P.


Atomic-scale colour centres in bulk and nanocrystalline SiC are promising for quantum information processing, photonics and sensing at ambient conditions. Their spin state can be initialized, manipulated and readout by means of optically detected magnetic resonance. It has been shown that there are at least two families of colour centres in SiC with S = 1 and S = 3/2, which have the property of optical alignment of the spin levels and allows a spin manipulation. The ground state and the excited state were demonstrated to have spin S = 3/2 and a population inversion in the ground state can be generated using optical pumping, leading to stimulated microwave emission even at room temperature. By controlling the neutron irradiation fluence, the colour centres concentration can be varied over several orders of magnitude down to a single defect level. Several, separately addressable spin centres have been identified in the same crystal for each polytype, which can be used either for magnetic field or temperature sensing. Some of these spin centres are characterised by nearly temperature independent zero-field splitting, making these centres very attractive for vector magnetometry. Contrarily, the zero-field splitting of the centres in the excited state exhibits a giant thermal shift, which can be used for thermometry applications. Finally coherent manipulation of spin states has been performed at room temperature and even at temperatures higher by hundreds of degrees. SiC is taking on a new role as a flexible and practical platform for harnessing the new quantum technologies.

Applied Magnetic Resonance. 2016;47(7):793-812
pages 793-812 views


Spin Physics, Spin Chemistry and Spin Technology

Baranov P., Dyakonov V.
Applied Magnetic Resonance. 2016;47(7):655-656
pages 655-656 views

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