Vol 7, No 3 (2000)

Original study articles

Continuous improvement of the quality of medical care is the main direction of work of Russian orthopedic traumatologists

Mironov S.P., Nazarenko G.I., Polubentseva E.I., Cherkashov A.M., Kuzmin V.I.


At present the constant increase of the cost of medical service is observed all over the world but with no adequate improvement of its quality as well as with no adequate safeties of patients. To overcome this tendency it is necessary either to neglect the quality of medical care or to work out the special care which will enable to decrease the cost without the quality loss. The system should be based on the modern technology which quarantees minimum sufficient and maximum effective level of patients treatment. Authors suggest a concrete way for the improvement of medical care on the example of examination and treatment of patients with low back pain. For this purpose the «Technologic chart for diagnosis and treatment of patients with spondylogenous low back pain» is elaborated. This chart can be used both in out- and inpatients and it regulates the steps of patient's examination and treatment.

N.N. Priorov Journal of Traumatology and Orthopedics. 2000;7(3):3-13
pages 3-13 views

Surgical treatment of severe progressive forms of scoliosis: simultaneous intervention on the ventral and dorsal spine using cotrel-dubousset instruments

Vetrile S.T., Kuleshov A.A.


The experience in surgical treatment of 20 patients with severe progressive scoliosis is presented. Age of patients ranged from 8 to 28 years. One-step intervention on ventral and dorsal spine was performed. At first the anterior spine mobilization (multi-level diskectomy) was carried out and then dorsal correction of the deformity was made using instrumentation. In 17 cases the correction by Cotrel-Dubousset instrumentation was used, in the rest - combination of Harrington and Luque instrumentation was applied. In significant stenosis of spinal canal complicated by spinal compression syndrome the rsconstruction of spinal canal with spinal cord decompression was performed. Use of this method for the treatment of severe progressive scoliosis enabled to achieve significant correction of the deformity (over 40%) and preserve it for 2 years after operation.

N.N. Priorov Journal of Traumatology and Orthopedics. 2000;7(3):14-20
pages 14-20 views

Application of ventral approaches in surgery of the thoracic and lumbar spine

Dudayev A.K., Yastrebkov N.M., Orlov V.P.


Twenty-year experience in application of anterior approaches for spine surgery is analyzed. There were 826 patients with acute spinal injuries and their sequlae, spinal tumors, infectious and degenerative spinal lesions as well as spinal deformities. Using the anerior approaches 839 operations were performed. Results of surgical treatment were evaluated by dynamics of neurologic deficit, term and pattern of anterior osseous block development, value of spine correction, rate of postoperative complications, dynamics of functional spine state during rehabilitation period. Data obtained testify the high efficacy of anterior approaches in spine interventions for the treatment of patients with spine injuries and diseases.

N.N. Priorov Journal of Traumatology and Orthopedics. 2000;7(3):21-27
pages 21-27 views

Corrective vertebrotomy (-ectomy) for chronic complicated injuries of the thoracic and thoracolumbar spine in children

Ilyin A.V., Kusakin V.V., Bunyakin N.I., Molotkov S.A.


Results of complex examination and treatment of 105 patients, aged 4-15 years, with old spinal and spinal cord injuries are presented. Corrective vertebrotomy (-ectomy) as a method of choice was performed in 51 patients to correct the sereve, at an angle of 25-80°, progressing kyphotic deformities in thoracic and thoracolumbar spine. Use of corrective vetebrotomy with fixative device promoted the correction and stabilization of the spine, regress of neurologic disturbances and created the conditions for the improvement of rehabilitation outcomes.

N.N. Priorov Journal of Traumatology and Orthopedics. 2000;7(3):28-32
pages 28-32 views

Tumors and tumor-like lesions of the spine (diagnosis and tactics of surgical treatment)

Voronovich I.R., Pashkevich L.A.


The experience in diagnosis, morphologic study and surgical treatment of 363 patients with spine tumors was summarized. In 178 patients benign tumors, in 95 patients primary malignant tumors and in 90 patients the metastatic ones were diagnosed. Benign tumors were of the following nature: osteochondroma (18.6%)), osteoblastoclastoma (15.2%)), chondroma and hemagioma. In the group of malignant tumors plasmocytoma and myeloma prevailed (53.7%); chondrosarcoma and malignant lymphoma were diagnosed too. Metastatic tumors originated from nephroma (20%)), breast cancer (14.%) and lung cancer (12.3%)). In 23.3% of cases primary locus was undetected. The peculiarities of spine tumor process development and course were determined. New approaches to complex treatment of patients with malignant tumors were elaborated in which radical interventions were completed by the stable spondylodesis with titanium transpedicular or universal fixators. Those fixators elaborated by the specialists of Belarus Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopaedics in cooperation with «Medbiotech» company allowed to perform the radio- and chemotherapy.

N.N. Priorov Journal of Traumatology and Orthopedics. 2000;7(3):32-40
pages 32-40 views

Some aspects of the blood supply to the spinal cord

Stepanov G.A., Grishin I.G., Morozov A.K., Natsvlishvili Z.G., Khokhrikov G.I., Mikhailov A.Y., Karpov I.N.


The investigation of the area of artery anterior spinalis and afferent branches was performed in 76 cadaveric spinal cord specimens. Different types and variations of spinal blood supply were studied. Quantitative characteristics of those different types and variations were given.

N.N. Priorov Journal of Traumatology and Orthopedics. 2000;7(3):40-44
pages 40-44 views

Possibilities of systemic analysis of radiographs of patients with degenerative diseases of the spine

Orel A.M.


The criteria for the evaluation of a separate vertebra statics were distinguished. Those criteria were taken as a principle for systemic analysis of spine radiograms. Structural shape and spatial position disturbances of the separate vertebrae, mobile motor spinal segments as well as the whole spine were reflected in algorythmic description and diagrams. 452 patients, aged 6- 76 years, were examined using that method. Degenerative dystrophic diseases were detected in 79% of patients, statics disturbances in 17-21.9%), different malformations in 0.9-20.4% of cases. On the base of examination data a computer model of «normal» spine was created and the influence of sacrum position and thoracic kyphosis peculiarities on the level, rate and direction of cervical and lumbar spondylolisthesis was studied.

N.N. Priorov Journal of Traumatology and Orthopedics. 2000;7(3):44-50
pages 44-50 views

Relationship between the calculated values of distraction and fixation stiffness in the treatment of lumbar osteochondrosis using the horizontal traction method

Petukhov V.N.


Author performs the recording of the distraction parameters at horizontal traction during treatment of lumbar spine osteochondrosis. Fixative losses were taken into consideration. Mathematical method was used to calculate the value of distraction and resultant coefficients depending on the engineering peculiarities of the traction device. Analyses of 157 traction procedures with different fixation method was carried out, design formulas of the optimum traction value to increase the treatment efficacy were elaborated.

N.N. Priorov Journal of Traumatology and Orthopedics. 2000;7(3):50-54
pages 50-54 views

Notes in the margins of the manuscript

Tsykunov M.B.


Article by V.N. Petukhov is likely to be of interest to the readers of the journal, since the problem that is considered in it is of undoubted scientific and practical interest. Vertebrogenic pain syndrome occurs daily in the practice of an orthopedist. For several decades, various methods of spinal traction have been used to stop it. Traction therapy is highly effective, but only with strict adherence to the indications for it and the correct procedure for performing the procedure.

N.N. Priorov Journal of Traumatology and Orthopedics. 2000;7(3):54-56
pages 54-56 views

To the question of the treatment of trochanteric fractures of the femur

Azizov M.J., Alibekov M.M., Valiev E.Y.


The results of treatment of 120 patients with trochanteric fractures are presented. Conservative treatment was used in 31 (25.8%) patients, surgical - in 89 (74.1%)). At surgical treatment Bakychakovs Г-shaped plate was applied in 47 patients (52.8%), CITO nail in 22 cases (24.7%) and new device elaborated at the clinic in 20 cases (22.5%). New device consists of two plates, compression unit and antirotation element. That device ensures low traumatic osteosynthesis, fixation stability, posibility of bone fragments correction during operation. The use of the device showed good results in 16 patients (80%), satisfactory in 3 (15%)) and unsatisfactory in 1 (5%) patient. The suggested technique of osteosynthesis can be used even in weakened patients with femoral trochanteric fractures.

N.N. Priorov Journal of Traumatology and Orthopedics. 2000;7(3):56-59
pages 56-59 views

Endoprosthetics of the hip joint with intraoperative elimination of external rotation of the lower extremities

Kolesnik A.I., Bulaev A.M., Orlov A.B.


In some cases of coxarthrosis (dysplastic, rheumatoid, coxarthrosis as a result of the prior head femur epiphysiolysis, Legg-Calve-Perthes disease and 4-5th stage ) the external rotation in combination with flexion-adducting contracture of hip joint is noted. Long-lasting pathologic process results in gradual increase of external hip rotation. Thus the anterior lever of the hip joint and the anterior segment of the capsule are elongated significantly. Simultaneously the shortening of the posterior lever of the joint and posterior segment of the capsule takes place. Uncorrected disturbance between two levers makes difficulties when the implant head is to be correctly placed in the acetabulum and also results in recurrent external rotation, redistribution of friction forces between the head and the cup of the implant and finally the rapid.

N.N. Priorov Journal of Traumatology and Orthopedics. 2000;7(3):59-62
pages 59-62 views

Single bone lesion with giant cell tumor and chondromatosis (case report)

Lipkin S.I., Rodionova S.S., Verchenko G.N.


The uncommon case of combined lesion of the humerus by dysplastic process and giant cell tumor is present. There were no histogenetic relationship between chondromatosis without malignancy and giant cell tumor. Interaction of chondromatosis and absence of chondromas is considered.

N.N. Priorov Journal of Traumatology and Orthopedics. 2000;7(3):62-64
pages 62-64 views

Medical genetic counseling for hereditary diseases of the skeleton

Ilyina V.K.


The bone skeleton is extremely susceptible to hereditary diseases, among which the most severe group is generalized bone dysplasia, or hereditary systemic diseases of the skeleton. Despite their relative rarity, they cause significant damage to the family and society, leading to early and severe disability of patients.

N.N. Priorov Journal of Traumatology and Orthopedics. 2000;7(3):65-69
pages 65-69 views


Spinal osteomyelitis

Ardashev I.P., Plotnikov G.A., Grigoruk A.A., Drobotov V.N., Musaev S.M., Gazizov R.F., Ardasheva E.I.


Osteomyelitis of the spine (OP) is a relatively rare disease. The acute form of OP was first described by Lannelongue in 1897, the chronic form by Wohlgemuth in 1898 [cit. 33]. According to V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky [12], in 1910 Grisel collected only 85 cases of this disease in the literature. Of subsequent early publications, Wilensky [161] and Kulowsky [108] should be noted. By 1964, about 450 patients with OP treated with surgical and conservative methods were described in the literature [46]. In the future, reports of OP are much more common [3,15,16,23,35,39,96].

N.N. Priorov Journal of Traumatology and Orthopedics. 2000;7(3):70-75
pages 70-75 views


Report on the work of the 3rd Scientific and Practical Conference of Children's Traumatologists and Orthopedists of Russia

Malakhov O.A.


The conference took place on May 25-27, 2000 in Staraya Russa. It was attended by 153 specialists from leading specialized centers, as well as pediatric traumatologists and orthopedists from different regions of the country.

N.N. Priorov Journal of Traumatology and Orthopedics. 2000;7(3):76-78
pages 76-78 views


Olga Leonidovna Nechvolodova


Professor O.L. Nechvolodova is one of those radiologists who are well known to orthopedic traumatologists. In 1954, Olga Leonidovna graduated with honors from the II Moscow Medical Institute, then clinical residency and postgraduate studies in bone tuberculosis in the clinic named after. T.P. Krasnobaev Institute of Tuberculosis of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences. In 1961 she defended her thesis on the topic "Non-specific changes in the hip joint in tuberculous osteitis".

N.N. Priorov Journal of Traumatology and Orthopedics. 2000;7(3):79-79
pages 79-79 views

Ivan Grigorievich Grishin


October 10, 2000 marks the 70th birthday and 44 years of medical and scientific activity of the Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation Professor I.G. Grishin.

N.N. Priorov Journal of Traumatology and Orthopedics. 2000;7(3):80-80
pages 80-80 views

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