卷 31, 编号 1 (2023)


30 years of “Applied Nonlinear Dynamics”

Sysoev I.


This year our journal, the first issue of which was published in 1993, celebrates its 30th anniversary.
Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics. 2023;31(1):5-7
pages 5-7 views

Effective algorithms for solving functional equations with superposition on the example of the Feigenbaum equation

Polunovskii A.


Purpose. New algorithms were consider for functional equations solving using the Feigenbaum equation as an example. This equation is of great interest in the theory of deterministic chaos and is a good illustrative example in the class of functional equations with superposition. Methods. The article proposes three new effective methods for solving functional equations — the method of successive approximations, the method of successive approximations using the fast Fourier transform and the numerical-analytical method using a small parameter. Results. Three new methods for solving functional equations were presented, considered on the example of the Feigenbaum equation. For each of them, the features of their application were investigated, as well as the complexity of the resulting algorithms was estimated. The methods previously used by researchers to solve functional equations are compared with those described in this article. In the description of the latter, the numerical-analytical method, several coefficients of expansions of the universal Feigenbaum constants were written out. Conclusion. The obtained algorithms, based on simple iteration methods, allow solving functional equations with superposition without the need to reverse the Jacobi matrix. This feature greatly simplifies the use of computer memory and gives a gain in the operating time of the algorithms in question, compared with previously used ones. Also, the latter, numerically-analytical method made it possible to obtain sequentially the coefficients of expansions of the universal Feigenbaum constants, which in fact can be an analytical representation of these constants
Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics. 2023;31(1):8-19
pages 8-19 views

Experiments on direct chaotic differentially coherent data transmission in a wired communication channel

Mokhseni T., Petrosyan M.


Methods of differentially coherent information transmission using noise signals are of interest because of the impossibility of implementing the known methods of correlation reception for such signals. With a potentially higher noise immunity compared to the methods of information transmission based on chaotic synchronization, however, they have a feature that does not allow transceivers to be implemented in practice. The transmitter and receiver of the scheme, based on already known methods of differentially coherent transmission, require a time delay comparable to the duration of the transmitted bits. With an analog implementation of the scheme this leads to a physical length of the delay line of tens of meters or more. Previously, the authors proposed and studied a differentially coherent transmission scheme in which there are no long delays. In this scheme, the duration of delays in the transmitter and receiver is determined not by the duration of the bit, but by the decay time of the autocorrelation function of the chaotic signal. Purpose of this work is to experimentally demonstrate the possibility of physical implementation of a direct-chaotic differentially coherent information transmission scheme in a wired communication channel. Methods. For this, a layout of the communication scheme, transmitting a binary data stream in the frequency range from 200 to 500 MHz, was designed and assembled. The layout is an ultrawideband differentially coherent transmitter and receiver connected via a wired channel. Results of the experiment are in full agreement with the previously obtained results of the analytical evaluations, as well as with the data of computer simulation. Conclusion. In the course of the research, a transceiver layout of a differentially coherent ultra-wideband direct chaotic communication scheme was developed, designed and manufactured. For the first time, experiments on the transmission of digital information were carried out on it, and thereby the practical feasibility and operability of the proposed direct chaotic differentially coherent transmission scheme were proved.
Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics. 2023;31(1):20-31
pages 20-31 views

On the typicity of the explosive synchronization phenomenon in oscillator networks with the link topology of the “ring” and “small world” types

Koronovskii A., Kurovskaya M., Moskalenko O.


Purpose of this study is to investigate the problem of how typical (or, conversely, unique) is the phenomenon of explosive synchronization in networks of nonlinear oscillators with topologies of links such as “ring” and “small world”, and, in turn, how the partial frequencies of the interacting oscillators must correlate with each other for the phenomenon of explosive synchronization in these networks can be possible. Methods. In this paper, we use an analytical description of the synchronous behavior of networks of nonlinear elements with “ring” and “small world” link topologies. To confirm the obtained results the numerical simulation is used. Results. It is shown that in networks of nonlinear oscillators with topologies of links such as “ring” and “small world”, the phenomenon of explosive synchronization can be observed for the different distributions of partial frequencies of network oscillators. Conclusion. The paper considers an analytical description of the behavior of network oscillators with “ring” and “small world” topologies of links and shows that the phenomenon of explosive synchronization in such networks is atypical, but not unique.
Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics. 2023;31(1):32-44
pages 32-44 views

Approach to nonlinearity parameter in liquids calculation based on the scaling theory of thermodynamic fluctuations

Belenkov R., Postnikov E.


The nonlinearity parameter B/A is a characteristic of liquids and soft matter, which gains growing attention due to its sensibility to the composition of materials. This makes it a prospective indicator for nondestructive testing applications based on the ultrasound sounding suitable for a variety of applications from physic chemistry to biomedical studies. At the same time, the thermodynamic definition of the nonlinearity parameter requires extensive measurements at elevated pressures that are not always available; in addition, there are known certain contradiction of such data with the data obtained by methods of nonlinear acoustics. Objective. In this work, we consider a recently proposed approach to the prediction of the speed of sound at high pressures, which uses the property of invariance of the reduced pressure fluctuations and the data obtained at normal ambient pressure only. The method generalises the classic Nomoto model, which however gives only a qualitative picture, and results in the quantitative correspondence to the experimental values within their range of uncertainty. Methods. Analytical methods of the theory of thermodynamic fluctuations applied to the parameters of equations of nonlinear acoustics as well as numerical simulation in the COMSOL Multiphysics® environment. Results. Expressions for calculating the nonlinearity parameter with acceptable accuracy were obtained using thermodynamic data obtained only at atmospheric pressure. Numerical calculations were performed for toluene. In addition, the discrepancy between values of the nonlinear parameter obtained via the thermodynamic and nonlinear acoustic routes is analysed based on the numerical solution of the Westervelt equation; it is revealed that this deviation emerges when the effects of absorption of finite-amplitude waves were not properly taken into account.
Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics. 2023;31(1):45-62
pages 45-62 views

Dynamic damping of vibrations of a solid body mounted on viscoelastic supports

Safarov I., Teshaev M.


The study of the problem of damping vibrations of a solid body mounted on viscoelastic supports is an urgent task. The paper considers the problem of reducing the level of vibrations on the paws of electric machines using dynamic vibration dampers. For this purpose, the paw of electric machines is represented in the form of a subamortized solid body with six degrees of freedom mounted on viscoelastic supports. The aim of the work is to develop calculation methods and algorithms for studying the oscillations of the resonant amplitudes of a solid body mounted on viscoelastic supports. Dynamic oscillation (vibration) damping method consists in attaching a system to the protected object, the reactions of which reduce the scope of vibration of the object at the points of attachment of this system. Applying the D’Alembert principle, the equations of small vibrations of a solid with dampers are derived. For practical calculations, a simplified system of equations was obtained that takes into account only three degrees of freedom. Numerical calculations were carried out on a computer to determine the amplitude-frequency characteristics of the main body. Numerical experiments were carried out using the Matlab mathematical package. Considering that a solid body is characterized by vibration, as a rule, in a continuous and wide frequency range, therefore, dynamic vibration dampers are used to protect a solid body mounted on viscoelastic supports. It was found that when the damper is set at a frequency of 50 Hz, the vibration level at the left end of the frequency interval of rotary motion of the rotor-converter, decreases to 37.5 dB, and at the right end — to 42.5 dB. At a frequency of 50 Hz, the paws do not oscillate. When setting the dampers to a frequency of 51.5 Hz, the maximum vibration level does not exceed 40 dB. The optimal setting of the dampers is within the frequency of 50.60...50.70 Hz, and a two-mass extinguisher is 10–15% more efficient than a single-mass one. Thus, the paper sets the tasks of dynamic damping of vibrations of a solid body mounted on viscoelastic supports, develops solution methods and an algorithm for determining the dynamic state of a solid body with passive vibration of the object in question. 
Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics. 2023;31(1):63-74
pages 63-74 views

Stability thresholds of attractors of the Hopfield network

Soloviev I., Klinshov V.


Purpose of the work is the detailed study of the attractors of the Hopfield network and their basins of attraction depending on the parameters of the system, the size of the network and the number of stored images. To characterize the basins of attraction we used the method of the so-called stability threshold, i.e., the minimum distance from an attractor to the boundary of its basin of attraction. For useful attractors, this value corresponds to the minimum distortion of the stored image, after which the system is unable to recognize it. In the result of the study it is shown that the dependence of the average stability threshold of useful attractors on the number of stored images can be nonmonotonic, due to which the stability of the network can improve when new images are memorized. An analysis of the stability thresholds allowed to estimate the maximum number of images that the network can store without fatal errors in their recognition. In this case, the stability threshold of useful attractors turns out to be close to the minimum possible value, that is, to unity. To conclude, calculation of the stability thresholds provides important information about the attraction basins of the network attractors.
Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics. 2023;31(1):75-85
pages 75-85 views

Working memory capacity: the role of parameters of spiking neural network model

Kovaleva N., Matrosov V., Mishchenko M.


Purpose of this work is to study a computational model of working memory formation based on spiking neural network with plastic connections and to study the capacity of working memory depending on the time scales of synaptic facilitation and depression and the background excitation of the network. Methods. The model imitates working memory formation within synaptic theory: memorized items are stored in form of short-term potentiated connections in selective population but not in form of persistent activity. Integrate-And-Fire neuron model in excitable mode are used as network elements. Connections between excitatory neurons demonstrates the effect of short-term plasticity. Results. It is shown that the working memory capacity increases as calcium recovery time parameter grow up or the capacity increases with neurotransmitter recovery time parameter becomes lower. Working memory capacity is found to decrease to zero with decrease of the background excitation as a result of lower values of both the mean and the variance of the external noise. Conclusion. Working memory capacity was studied as a function of time scales of synaptic facilitation and depression and background excitation of the network. Estimated working memory capacity is shown to be possibly larger than classical experimental estimations of four items. But capacity strongly depends on intrinsic parameters of neural networks.
Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics. 2023;31(1):86-102
pages 86-102 views

Ring generator of neuron-like activity with tunable frequency

Egorov N., Sysoeva M., Ponomarenko V., Kornilov M., Sysoev I.


The aim of the work is to build a radiophysical generator of neuron-like activity with a frequency tunable in various ways, corresponding to modern ideas about the structure of the hippocampus and the generation of pathological epileptic rhythms in it. Methods. The elements of the generator are radio engineering implementations of the complete FitzHugh– Nagumo neuron and the electronic implementation of a chemical synapse in the form of a sigmoid function with a delayed argument. The simulation was carried out in the SPICE simulator. Results. Various ways of introducing delay into the coupling are considered: an ideal delay line, a phase filter with a rheostat, one tunable Bessel filter, and a sequence of non-tunable Bessel filters. For circuit implementation, the approach using a Bessel filter with a rheostat is recognized as optimal as a compromise between simplicity and minimization of signal distortion. The dependences of the oscillation frequency on the number of elements in the ring and the delay time are constructed. The bistability of generation regimes is studied for certain values of the parameters. The effect of inclusion of inhibitory elements (interneurons) in the circuit is considered. Conclusion. The constructed ring generator models the experimentally observed properties of the dynamics of epileptic discharge fundamental frequency in limbic epilepsy. It is able to reproduce the occurrence of oscillations as a result of external short-term driving, smooth and sharp frequency tuning, the coexistence of different modes with the same parameters.
Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics. 2023;31(1):103-120
pages 103-120 views