Dynamic damping of vibrations of a solid body mounted on viscoelastic supports

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The study of the problem of damping vibrations of a solid body mounted on viscoelastic supports is an urgent task. The paper considers the problem of reducing the level of vibrations on the paws of electric machines using dynamic vibration dampers. For this purpose, the paw of electric machines is represented in the form of a subamortized solid body with six degrees of freedom mounted on viscoelastic supports. The aim of the work is to develop calculation methods and algorithms for studying the oscillations of the resonant amplitudes of a solid body mounted on viscoelastic supports. Dynamic oscillation (vibration) damping method consists in attaching a system to the protected object, the reactions of which reduce the scope of vibration of the object at the points of attachment of this system. Applying the D’Alembert principle, the equations of small vibrations of a solid with dampers are derived. For practical calculations, a simplified system of equations was obtained that takes into account only three degrees of freedom. Numerical calculations were carried out on a computer to determine the amplitude-frequency characteristics of the main body. Numerical experiments were carried out using the Matlab mathematical package. Considering that a solid body is characterized by vibration, as a rule, in a continuous and wide frequency range, therefore, dynamic vibration dampers are used to protect a solid body mounted on viscoelastic supports. It was found that when the damper is set at a frequency of 50 Hz, the vibration level at the left end of the frequency interval of rotary motion of the rotor-converter, decreases to 37.5 dB, and at the right end — to 42.5 dB. At a frequency of 50 Hz, the paws do not oscillate. When setting the dampers to a frequency of 51.5 Hz, the maximum vibration level does not exceed 40 dB. The optimal setting of the dampers is within the frequency of 50.60...50.70 Hz, and a two-mass extinguisher is 10–15% more efficient than a single-mass one. Thus, the paper sets the tasks of dynamic damping of vibrations of a solid body mounted on viscoelastic supports, develops solution methods and an algorithm for determining the dynamic state of a solid body with passive vibration of the object in question. 

About the authors

Ismoil Ibrohimovich Safarov

Tashkent state technical University Named after Islam Karimov

Uzbekistan, Tashkent, st. Navoi, 32

Muhsin Khudoyberdiyevich Teshaev

Institute of Mathematics. V.I.Romanovsky

Uzbekistan, Bukhara, st. M.Ikbol, 11


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