
Multistability near the boundary of noise-induced synchronization in ensembles of uncoupled chaotic systems
Illarionova E., Moskalenko O.
On existence of multistability near the boundary of generalized synchronization in unidirectionally coupled systems with complex topology of attractor
Moskalenko O., Evstifeev E.
Coupled economic oscillations — synchronization dynamical model
Matrosov V., Shalfeev V.
On the conditions for safe connection to hub-cluster power grids
Khramenkov V.
About dynamics of publication activity on synchronization
Kozlov A., Matrosov V., Shalfeev V.
Synchronization of oscillators with hard excitation coupled with delay Part 1. Phase approximation
Adilova A., Ryskin N.
Mechanisms leading to bursting oscillations in the system of predator–prey communities coupled by migrations
Kurilova E., Kulakov M., Frisman E.
Selection of spatial modes in an ensemble of non-locally coupled chaotic maps
Shabunin A.
Mutual synchronization of oscillations in a system of coupled evolutionary games
Vershinina O., Ivanchenko M.
Mathematical model of the photoplethysmogram for testing methods of biological signals analysis
Vakhlaeva A., Ishbulatov Y., Karavaev A., Ponomarenko V., Prokhorov M.
Synchronization analysis of time series obtained from anesthetized rats during painful action
Dick O.
Synchronization of excitation waves in a two-layer network of FitzHugh-Nagumo neurons with noise modulation of interlayer coupling parameters
Ramazanov I., Korneev I., Slepnev A., Vadivasova T.
Application of joint singularity spectrum to analyze cooperative dynamics of complex systems
Guyo G., Pavlov A.
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