Vol 30, No 5 (2022)


On the anniversary of Yuri P. Sharaevsky

Grishin S.V.


Congratulations to Yuri Pavlovich Sharayevsky on his anniversary.
Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics. 2022;30(5):517-519
pages 517-519 views

Experimental methods for the study of spin waves

Gerus S.V., Lock E.H.


Purpose of this paper is to give an overview of various experimental methods for investigation of spin waves characteristics. Methods. The paper presents a description of a number of experimental techniques, such as the probing method, the phase shift method, the method of measure of equiphase dependences, the method of intersecting wave beams, and the use of Fourier analysis of the complex transfer coefficient of spin waves to determine their spatial spectrum. The conditions for using the listed methods and the characteristics of spin waves that one can measure by means of these methods are discussed in detail. Results. The paper presents a number of fundamental results that have been obtained on the basis of described methods. For example, the probing method was successfully used to visualize the amplitude and phase distribution of spin waves in the ferrite film plane and, in particular, it was used to experimentally confirm the previously predicted appearance of super-directed propagation of surface and backward volume spin wave beams. The phase-shift measurement method made it possible to measure the dispersion dependence of spin waves in ferrite structures such as ferrite – metal and ferrite – dielectric – metal, where measurements cannot be made by the probing method. The method of measuring equiphase dependences of spin waves made it possible, in particular, to measure for the first time with great accuracy the value of an external magnetic field magnetizing an yttrium iron garnet film to saturation in various crystallographic directions. The method of intersecting wave beams has made it possible to clarify the mechanism of parametric instability of surface spin waves. Fourier analysis of the complex transfer coefficient of spin waves allowed to determine the spatial spectrum of these waves; in particular, dispersion dependences of higher modes of the backward volume spin wave were first measured using this method. Conclusion. The methods described in this paper may continue to be successfully used for investigations of spin waves characteristics in various magnon crystals, ferrite structures and meta-structures.
Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics. 2022;30(5):520-533
pages 520-533 views

Resonant and nonlinear phenomena during the propagation of magnetostatic waves in multiferroid, semiconductor and metallized structures based on ferromagnetic films and magnonic crystals

Morozova M.A., Matveev O.V.


Purpose of this work is to compile an overview of a new and fruitful scientific direction in magnonics, which grew out of the works of Ph.D., Professor Yuri Pavlovich Sharaevsky, and related to the study of resonant and nonlinear phenomena during the propagation of magnetostatic waves in ferromagnetic films, ferromagnetic films with periodic inhomogeneities (magnonic crystals), coupled (layered and lateral) ferromagnetic structures, as well as ferromagnetic structures with layers of a different physical nature (semiconductor, ferroelectric, piezoelectric, normal metal layers). Methods. Experimental and theoretical methods have been used to study spin-wave excitations in a wide class of structures with ferromagnetic layers. In particular, experimental radiophysical methods of microwave measurements and optical methods of Mandelstam-Brillouin spectroscopy. For the construction of theoretical models, the following methods are used: the method of coupled waves, the method of crosslinking magnetic permeability at the boundaries of layers, the method of transmission matrices, long-wave approximation. Results. The presented results are of general scientific importance for understanding the basic laws of the joint influence of coupling, periodicity and interactions of different physical nature (the influence on the magnetostatic wave of deformation in periodic structures with piezoelectric, electromagnetic wave in structures with ferroelectric, electric current in structures with semiconductor, spin current in structures with normal metal). In applied terms, the identified effects open up wide opportunities for creation of new devices of spin-wave electronics with the possibility of dynamic control of characteristics when changing the electric and magnetic fields, as well as the power of the input signal. Conclusions. The review of the most interesting results obtained by the authors together with Yuri Pavlovich and which are an ideological continuation of the foundations laid by him is given. 
Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics. 2022;30(5):534-553
pages 534-553 views

Magnetoimpedance modulation in a planar magnetoelectric ferromagnet - piezoelectric heterostructure

Burdin D.A., Chashin D.V., Ekonomov N.A., Fetisov Y.K.


The effect of a giant change in the impedance of ferromagnetic materials under the action of an external magnetic field is widely used to elaborate highly sensitive magnetic field sensors. The purpose of this work was to demonstrate the possibilities of controlling the magnitude of the magnetoimpedance in a ferromagnet-piezoelectric structure using an electric field. Method. In the measurements, we used a planar heterostructure containing a strip of amorphous ferromagnet Metglas, 25 µm thick and 25 mm long, mechanically connected to a bimorph, 0.5 mm thick and 30 mm long, made of piezoceramic lead zirconate titanate. An alternating current with a frequency of 30 kHz...10 MHz was passed through the strip, the structure was placed in a longitudinal permanent magnetic field of 0...500 Oe, an alternating electric field up to 400 V/cm with a frequency of 60 Hz...50 kHz was applied to the piezobimorph, and the change in the impedance of the strip was recorded. Results. In the absence of electric field, a narrowing of the magnetoimpedance magnetic fields region with a decrease in the current frequency and saturation of the magnetoimpedance in magnetic fields above 334 Oe were observed. The maximum value of the magnetoimpedance reached 18% at a current frequency of 1 MHz. The application of electric field to the piezobimorph led to the appearance of side components in the frequency spectrum of the voltage on the ferromagnetic layer, which indicates the amplitude-phase modulation of the magnetoimpedance. The amplitude modulation coefficient reached a maximum value of 6 · 10−3 for the electric field frequency of 11.2 kHz and decreased monotonically with an increase in the magnetic field. The modulation of the magnetoimpedance occurs due to the converse magnetoelectric effect in the heterostructure, which leads to the modulation of the magnetization of the ferromagnetic layer, and the subsequent change in the relative magnetic permeability and thickness of the skin layer in the ferromagnet. The results obtained can be used to create magnetic fields sensors controlled by an electric field.
Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics. 2022;30(5):554-562
pages 554-562 views

Magnetic metasurfaces with metallic inclusions

Amel'chenko M.D., Bir A.S., Ogrin F.Y., Odintsov S.A., Romanenko D.V., Sadovnikov A.V., Nikitov S.A., Grishin S.V.


Purpose of this paper is the development and creation of the magnetic metasurfaces with metallic inclusions operating both in the microwave and terahertz frequency ranges. Methods. The Maxwell’s equations and the expressions for the effective medium parameters are used to build the analytical models of the magnetic metasurfaces based on either a ferromagnetic (FM) or antiferromagnetic (AFM) dielectric matrix, containing a two-dimensional periodic structure of thin metal (non-magnetic) wires surrounded by insulators. Numerical simulation of such structures operating in the microwave range is carried out using the MaxLLG software package. The magnetron sputtering, liquid etching, optical lithography, and lift-off photolithography are used to create bicomponent magnetic metasurfaces, consisting of two magnetic materials with very different values of magnetization. The study of linear and nonlinear characteristics of the bicomponent magnetic metasurfaces is carried out using the methods of microwave and Brillouin spectroscopy. Results. Based on the developed analytical model of the magnetic metasurface with metallic (nonmagnetic) inclusions it is shown that the FM metasurface possesses properties of a left-handed medium in a microwave range and the AFM metasurface possesses similar properties in a terahertz range. In the last case, the material parameters of the AFM metasurface are twice negative in two frequency bands. For the magnetic metasurfaces with metallic magnetic inclusions, the formation of absorption bands in the spectrum of a traveling magnetostatic surface spin wave due to the resonant properties of the inclusions has been established. In the nonlinear regime, the effect of nonreciprocal parametric three-wave resonance was obtained. Conclusion. The results presented in the paper demonstrate a number of physical phenomena that are observed only in the magnetic metasurfaces with metallic (nonmagnetic and magnetic) inclusions. 
Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics. 2022;30(5):563-591
pages 563-591 views

Spin-wave diagnostics of epitaxial ferrite-dielectric structures

Tikhonov V.V., Gubanov V.A.


Purpose of this study is to elucidate the mechanism of transformation of electromagnetic and exchange spin waves (ESW) in a thin transition layer of epitaxial ferrite–dielectric structures, as well as to investigate the possibilities of using short-wave ESW to diagnose magnetic inhomogeneities of epitaxial yttrium-iron garnet (YIG) films. Methods. In this paper, we study the hybridization processes of electromagnetic and exchange spin waves that occur in the transition layer of the YIG film. The features of the dispersion of coupled waves in the vicinity of phase synchronism frequencies under normal and tangential magnetization of the YIG film are investigated. Results. It is shown that within of the thickness transition layer, the dispersion of the excited ESW experiences significant distortions, which manifests itself in frequency shifts of the spin-wave resonance. Based on this, a method for calculating the distribution of spontaneous magnetization over the thickness of the YIG film was proposed, which was used to simulate the processes of excitation of spin-wave resonances. Conclusion. The proposed technique of spin-wave diagnostics of YIG films can be effectively used for non-destructive testing of all types of epitaxial ferrite-dielectric structures, which may be in demand in the field of production and in the field of their practical application.
Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics. 2022;30(5):592-604
pages 592-604 views

Tunable spin-wave delay line based on ferrite and vanadium dioxide

Nikitin A.A., Komlev A.E., Nikitin A.A., Ustinov A.B.


One of the key elements for modern microwave circuits is a delay line, which is widely utilized for the signal generation as well as processing. Spin-wave delay lines based on ferrite films provide a high delay time and small dimensions. Typically, the performance characteristics of such lines are tuned by the variation of an externally applied magnetic field characterized by some drawbacks. The phenomenon of a metal–insulator transition (MIT) in the phase change materials permits to improve the performance characteristics of the spin-wave delay lines. In particular, this concept allows to reduce the power consumption and improve the control speed of a delay time. Aim. Development of a tunable spin-wave delay line based on ferrite and vanadium dioxide films, as well as the study of its performance characteristics. Methods. Experimental investigations were carried out for the delay line composed of the yttrium iron garnet (YIG) and vanadium dioxide (VO2) films. The ferrite waveguide was fabricated from a single-crystal YIG film grown on a gallium gadolinium garnet substrate. A vanadium dioxide film was formed on a silicon dioxide substrate by DC reactive magnetron sputtering. The microwave measurements were carried out using the vector network analyzer R&S®R ZVA40. Results. It was shown that heating of the VO2 film induces a sufficient drop of its resistance that causes the transformation of the spin-wave dispersion characteristic. This leads to the decrease in the group velocity of the propagating waves providing a growth of a delay time. Namely, experimental structure of 5-mm length offers a tunable time delay range from 130 up to 150 ns at the operating frequency of 4.33 GHz. Conclusion. A proof-of-principle for the MIT control of the delay time composed on the YIG-VO2 structure has been presented. It was shown that a switch of VO2 film from the isolating into conducting state produces a 15% change in the delay time. The considered microwave delay lines look favorable for applications as a complimentary part to the traditional approach for general computing and microwave signal processing. 
Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics. 2022;30(5):605-616
pages 605-616 views

Influence of three-magnon decays on electromotive force generation by magnetostatic surface waves in integral YIG - Pt structures

Seleznev M.E., Nikulin Y.V., Khivintsev Y.V., Vysotskii S.L., Kozhevnikov A.V., Sakharov V.K., Dudko G.M., Pavlov E.S., Filimonov Y.A.


The purpose of this work is to find out the influence of three-magnon decay processes on the electromotive force (EMF (U)) generated by propagating magnetostatic surface waves (MSSW) with the help of the inverse spin Hall effect in the “yttrium-iron garnet (YIG) – platinum (Pt)” structure. Methods. The experiments were carried out using the delay line structures based on YIG films with the thickness of 8.8 and 14.6 µm, on the surface of which antennas were formed for MSSWs excitation and reception and a Pt film between antennas. Results. It was shown that the three-magnon parametric instability can significantly change the character of EMF dependences on frequency and on power of MSSW that resulted both from the effect of power limitation and from the participation of parametric spin waves (PSW) and secondary spin waves (SSW) in the processes of electron-magnon scattering on the YIG/Pt border. Conclusion. It was demonstrated that the effect of amplification of EMF generation at the frequencies that are close to the long-wavelength border of the MSSW spectrum is related with the PSW and SSW population of the region of anisotropic dipole-exchange spin waves spectrum, which is characterized by the presence of singularities in the magnon density of states (Van Hove singularities).
Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics. 2022;30(5):617-643
pages 617-643 views

Spectrum of exchange spin waves in a one-dimensional magnonic crystal with antiferromagnetic ordering

Poimanov V.D.


Purpose of the study is to show that the conditions for the propagation of exchanged spin waves (ESWs) in an asymmetric superlattice with antiferromagnetically ordered cells depend significantly on the chirality of the precession of the ESW magnetization (polarization, “magnon pseudospin”). Method. When constructing the EWS spectra, the Croning– Penny model (transfer-matrix method) and the Landau–Lifshitz equation are used to determine the nature of the waves in the cells. In the case of a uniaxial medium, there is only one type of ESW, therefore, when fields are joined at the boundary, the conservation of chirality is an essential factor due to which the ESW in one cell is always traveling, and in the other — evanescent. Thus, a superlattice for ESW is an effective periodic “potential” in which asymmetry can be realized either by applying an external field, or by a difference in the thickness and/or physical properties of the cell materials. Results. Based on the analysis of the spectrum, maps of the transmission zones for ESW of different chirality were constructed in three representations — “Bloch wave number – frequency”, “frequency – relative cell thickness”, as well as in the plane of cell wave numbers. It is shown that the presence of asymmetry leads to a difference in the width of the transmission zones for waves of different chirality. For a finite structure, the frequency dependences of the transmission and reflection coefficients of the ESW are plotted. An increase in the attenuation of the ESW near the boundaries of the transmission zones was also found. Conclusion. The results of the study can be used in the design of magnon valves and other devices based on ESW, in which their chirality can be controlled.
Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics. 2022;30(5):644-655
pages 644-655 views

Excitation by shot circuited coaxial transducer of magnetostatic modes in rectangular yttrium iron garnet film

Babichev R.K., Babicheva G.V.


The purpose of this work is the study of design of new short-circuited coaxial transducer with thin linear jumper, that circuites on both sides of the grounded coaxial cylinder, located above the rectangular iron-yttrium garnet (YIG) film, in homogeneous constant magnetic field with rectangular film along its length or width. The thin linear jumper is directed parallel to the width of the YIG film. Methods. In the CST Microwave Studio environment, an electrodynamic analysis of the model was carried out using the finite element method. To study the efficiency of modes excitation in a ferrite film at different distances between the coaxial transducer and the surface of the YIG film, the frequency dependencies of the inverse losses S11 of the model were calculated. Results. 1. The identification of modes in a homogeneous static magnetic field H, directed parallel to the plane of a rectangular YIG film along its width (y-axis) was carried out. 2. The identification of modes in a homogeneous static magnetic field H directed parallel to the plane of the rectangular YIG film along its length (z-axis) was carried out. 3. A comparison of modes spectra was made at H, directed parallel to the plane of the YIG film along its width (y axis) and length (z axis). Conclusion. In this paper short-circuited transducer with a thin linear jumper, circuited on both sides of the grounded coaxial cylinder, is investigated. By the electrodynamic method distributions of high-frequency magnetic field of the excited magnetostatic modes were calculated and their identification was carried out for two directions of homogeneous static magnetic field: along width and along length of rectangular YIG film. The dependence of number of excited modes on the distance between a short-circuited transducer and rectangular YIG was also studied. A comparison of modes spectra is carried out at H, directed parallel to the plane of the YIG film along its width and length. With this rotation of H vector, the band of effectively excitable modes shifts from 4.6...4.9 GHz to 4.5...4.75 GHz. However, the excitation of these modes in the case of the vector H, directed along the width of YIG film (z-axis), is much more effective in the band 4.65...4.9 GHz than in the case when this vector is directed along the length of YIG film (z-axis). At the same time, excitation of these modes in the case of the vector H, directed along the length of YIG film (z axis) is much more effective in the band 4.4...4.6 GHz. 
Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics. 2022;30(5):656-668
pages 656-668 views

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