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Vol 94, No 7 (2024)

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Legal issues of the artificial intelligence identification

Khabrieva T.Y.


Artificial intelligence, as well as a number of other products of the technological revolution, served as a prerequisite for the formation of a specific area of public relations, which led to the search for adequate forms and methods of legal regulation. The use of legal resources in the process of creating the necessary regulators has led to the accumulation of relevant practical experience and the emergence of a disciplinary ontology accumulating doctrinal knowledge about the AI legal existence. The central place in it is occupied by the issue of AI legal identification, which has both theoretical and practical significance. Its development involves the development of a complex of fundamental, programmatic and design issues.

The article presents the solutions forming this complex in the context of the development of scientific legal knowledge and practice of legal regulation in the field of AI creation and use, as well as a rational view of mediation by law of the considered public relations in its current form; the author characterizes the content and dynamics of this view, analyzes the accumulated law-making experience and practice of legal experiments. The article also sets out forecasts for the further development of this segment of the legal sphere and the tools used to streamline it; defines the tasks of the legal doctrine for the future.

The article was prepared on the basis of a scientific report presented by the author at a meeting of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences on March 12, 2024.

Vestnik Rossijskoj akademii nauk. 2024;94(7):609-622
pages 609-622 views

Artificial intelligence in the humanitarian field. Threats and opportunities

Avetisyan A.I.


In this paper we discuss the problems arising out of active introduction of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies to medicine and other humanities, as well as causes of these problems and steps that are taken worldwide to solve them. We focus on the methods and tools for developing trusted AI technologies, which are being created within the ISP RAS Trusted AI Research Center. We present the results of interdisciplinary projects executed in the Center and suggest a number of solutions to speed up the development of humanitarian AI technologies. The paper expands on the report given at the General Assembly of the RAS on March 12, 2024.

Vestnik Rossijskoj akademii nauk. 2024;94(7):623-628
pages 623-628 views

Scientific problems of ensuring technological sovereignty in the field of artificial intelligence technologies

Betelin V.B.


The article discusses the scientific problems of ensuring technological sovereignty in the field of artificial intelligence technologies. One of the key scientific problems is computer modeling of human cognitive functions with finite resources, which provide the ability to process and analyze finite–dimensional and infinite-dimensional data along with finite-dimensional ones. A well–known solution to this problem is the A.N. Tikhonov regularization method, due to the high complexity and cost of implementation of which, less complex and expensive empirically constructed foreign INS are used to build AI solutions, but without guarantees of error-free results. The consequence of this is a rather low level of implementation of AI solutions in industry and in the field of information technology and a practical lack of data on the economic effect. It is proposed to consider the economic efficiency of domestic AI solutions as the main criterion for the need for their development.

Vestnik Rossijskoj akademii nauk. 2024;94(7):629-634
pages 629-634 views


Academic diplomas of the XVIII century

Shchedrova I.M.


The article is based on the report presented on March 12, 2024 at the International Conference of the St. Petersburg branch of the Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences “Miller Readings – 2024”. Based on the materials stored in the ARAN SPbF, the history of the diploma of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, an official document confirming membership in the Academy, has been restored. The appearance of the first academic diplomas (as well as its changes during 1735–1765), the time and frequency of their production and presentation, and the categories of diploma holders who were awarded them are established.

Vestnik Rossijskoj akademii nauk. 2024;94(7):635-645
pages 635-645 views


Lines of antagonism in the scientific community and the aggravating youth factor

Gusev A.B., Yurevich M.A.


The work is devoted to the analysis of key attitudes within the scientific community, on which, as expected, the image of the scientific and technological future of Russia directly depends. It has been established that the civilizational self-identification of researchers largely does not coincide with the sentiments of the general public. A cautious and often skeptical attitude towards the mobilization of science, increased emigration sentiments among scientists, primarily young ones, allowed the authors to conclude that the country’s scientific community is in crisis, antagonistically divided by contradictions regarding basic value orientations and management issues. The unifying factor is the need for comfortable working conditions and the demand for science by the state and society.

It was quantitatively determined that only half of the researchers adhere to pro-state sentiments and could potentially be usefully involved in solving scientific and technical problems. The other half of the scientific community becomes at least a group of opponents who have doubts or are undecided regarding the scientific and technological course. The youth wing of science, as it turns out, is largely imbued with cosmopolitanism and therefore does not represent an anti-crisis force. Strengthening the mobilization readiness of the scientific community and resolving its internal conflicts is considered from the point of view of improving the quality of science management, including effective personnel policies.

Vestnik Rossijskoj akademii nauk. 2024;94(7):646-657
pages 646-657 views


A new approach to assessing the consequences of radiation on the eye

Ostrovsky M.A., Feldman T.B.


The authors propose a new approach to assessing the consequences of exposure to ionizing radiation on the structures of the eye. The approach is based on the results recently obtained by the authors together with employees of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna, according to which radiation exposure causes oxidation of the bisretinoids contained in the structures of the eye - the retina and retinal pigment epithelium. As a result of this oxidation, the fluorescence spectrum of bisretinoids shifts to the blue region of the visible spectrum. The shift in the fluorescence spectrum can be recorded non-invasively using the method of recording fundus autofluorescence, which is currently generally accepted in ophthalmology. Since the oxidation of bisretinoids occurs during radiation exposure, it becomes possible almost immediately after irradiation to assess the degree of impact of ionizing radiation on both the structures of the eye and the body as a whole. There is no analogue to such a non-invasive assessment of the effects of radiation on the body. The proposed approach may become important for assessing the radiation safety of nuclear industry workers, astronauts, and patients undergoing proton or gamma therapy.

Vestnik Rossijskoj akademii nauk. 2024;94(7):658-664
pages 658-664 views


“...I lived my life” On the 125th anniversary of the birth of the writer A.P. Platonov

Kornienko N.V.


In 2006, the family archive of the classic of Russian literature of the twentieth century, A.P. Platonov, was submitted for state storage. The article describes the stages of the scientific research of the extremely rich archive; outlines a wide spectrum of textological and text-source issues in the study of the heritage; presents the main projects and guidelines of the scientific group at the IWL RAS, which is working on the first scientific Collected Works of the writer and its satellite writings.

Vestnik Rossijskoj akademii nauk. 2024;94(7):665-676
pages 665-676 views


Thermal protection technologies for solid propellant rocket engines

Mironov V.V., Tolkach M.A., Timarov A.G.


The article examines the thermal insulation characteristics of materials used in solid-fuel rocket engines manufactured in the United States, France, Italy, Japan, and other developed nations. The internal surfaces of combustion chambers in these rocket engines are subject to significant stress under thermo-mechanical loading conditions, necessitating specialized protection. The authors identify four categories of reinforced elastomeric materials that most effectively meet stringent requirements. Due to their adaptability, these materials may serve as versatile heat insulators and may be employed in a variety of high-temperature and corrosive surroundings.

Vestnik Rossijskoj akademii nauk. 2024;94(7):677-687
pages 677-687 views


The reasons for the low losses of the Don Cossacks in the wars of the Russian Empire

Matishov G.G., Venkov A.V.


The article describes how in the XVIII–XIX centuries the Don Cossacks acquired the skills of conducting combat operations with minimal losses that were preserved until the beginning of the twentieth century. The number of wounded among the Don Cossack elite was calculated and the nature of the wounds themselves was clarified, the ratio of the minimum combat losses of Cossacks and losses of regular units of the Russian army, sometimes reaching a quarter or even half of the personnel, was obtained during the Swiss campaign of 1799, the Patriotic War of 1812 and the liberation campaign of 1813–1814, as well as during the First World War. It was established which layers of the Don Cossacks suffered the least losses. They turned out to be the children of officers involved in the service in adolescence. The greatest losses from cold steel were borne by the sons of priests who fell out of the Cossack education system in childhood, but reached higher ranks due to their literacy.

Vestnik Rossijskoj akademii nauk. 2024;94(7):688-696
pages 688-696 views

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