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Warsaw Court of the Viceroy of the Kingdom of Poland Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolaevich. 1862–1863

Dziubinskii I.


Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolaevich (1827–1892) was the governor of the Kingdom of Poland from June 1862 to October 1863, that is, on the eve and during the Polish uprising. Despite the high degree of knowledge of this crisis period in the history of Russian-Polish relations, the Warsaw Grand Duke’s court remained outside the research focus of historians.The court of the Grand Duke-viceroy was a unique space where symbolic relations between the dynasty and the subjects were built. In Warsaw Konstantin Nikolaevich implemented his own «scenario of power». The key ceremonial mode was the image of the unity of the empire. The viceroy faced difficulties in finding Polish courtiers loyal to the empire and widely involved his subordinates from the Naval Ministry.Based on a wide range of documents from the GA RF, OR RGB, OR RNB, RGIA, RGA VMF and sources of personal origin, the genesis and functioning of the court of the Grand Duke, as well as the everyday life of the august family in several Warsaw residences are considered. The introduction of new sources into scientific circulation made it possible to establish the circle of courtiers, the financial support of the court and practices peculiar for the court. Despite the long absence of the emperor’s brother in the northern capital, the main function of maintaining his state activity continued to be executed by the staff of the Marble Palace.
Slavânovedenie. 2023;(3):5-22
pages 5-22 views

Financial Рolicy of the Serbian Рrincipality on the Еve of the Serbian-Turkish war. 1875–1876

Nikiforov D.


The article deals with the issue of financing the military training of the Serbian Principality. The author examines how the Serbian government collected funds. To realize its goals, the Principality of Serbia has legally approved a loan in the amount of 24,000,000 dinars. The Serbian government planned to implement it through forced and voluntary loans within the state, external voluntary loans from the population of other countries and through loans from commercial organizations in other countries and loans from governments. However, despite all efforts, the Serbian Principality was unable to raise all the necessary funds. Enormous support in this part of the Serbian Principality was provided by the banks of the Russian Empire, which undertook the obligation to implement the loan and issued an advance to the Serbian government.
Slavânovedenie. 2023;(3):23-33
pages 23-33 views

The Attitude of Nicholas II and his Entourage to the Ukrainian National Movement

Dmitrii P.


The article analyzes the attitude of Nicholas II and his entourage, relatives and high-ranking dignitaries, to the Ukrainian national movement. The emperor did not see Ukrainian movement as a threat for Russian people unity. He recognized language and cultural peculiarities of South Western governorates’ population and knew about Ukrainian movement’s existence in Russia, but Little Russian population seemed to him to be undoubtedly Russian, so, he ignored Ukrainian national aspirations. During the World War I, the Ukrainian question escalated in relation to struggle with the Uniate church in Galicia, but the ruler of Russia eliminated from getting to bottom to this question. He solidarized with high bureaucracy and right-conservative circles, whose attitude to the Ukrainian question and the Uniate church was strictly negative.
Slavânovedenie. 2023;(3):34-43
pages 34-43 views

Old Church Slavonic Phraseological Calques in the Aspect of their Further Phraseologization

Efimova V.


The article is devoted to the study of phraseological calquing in the Old Church Slavonic language. Phraseological calques of nominal phrases, which were formed by Slavic bookmen in the process of translations (mainly from Byzantine Greek), are considered part of the Old Church Slavonic lexical inventory in the aspect of their further phraseologization.The author proceeds from the idea of the lexical fund of the language as consisting not only of words but also ofmulti-wordnames, which are lexical units-designations. A large number of multi-word names-phraseological calques joined the Old Church Slavonic lexicon due to the need to transfer concepts related to Christianity, although there are also phraseological calques related to thestratumof ordinary vocabulary. Part of the phraseological calques could “take root” in the lexicon and become phraseological units.The author considers the possibility of extracting phrases entirely from memory by a native speaker (in the case of the Old Church Slavonic language, mainly by a bookman) as the main and defining property of phraseological units. Phraseologisation of phraseological calques occurred not only over time in the Church Slavonic receptions, but already in theperiodof the formation of the Old Church Slavonic language proper in the second half of the 9th – 10th centuries. The author demonstrates examples of variation of phraseological calques in this period. The further use of phraseological calque without the support of the Greek construction testifies to its phraseologization.

Slavânovedenie. 2023;(3):44-54
pages 44-54 views

The Role of Literature in the Socio-Cultural Life of Independent Slovenia

Starikova N.


. The problem of changing the role of literature in the modern world is especially acute in the former socialist European countries, survived at the end of the twentieth century fundamental social and political changes. Slovenia, which gained sovereignty during the disintegration of the SFRY, is one of the typical examples. In 1991, with the transition to parliamentary democracy, new socio-economic conditions arose that influenced the cultural sphere: literature faced the problem of «survival» in the market, high competition, and an avalanche of mass translated products. The state stopped seeing book publications as an instrument of national self-identification and redirected this duty to a private publisher with its commercial interest. As a result, the Slovenian socio-cultural space ceased to be literary-centric, literature lost its traditional national compensatory, emancipatory function and began to be gradually pushed to the periphery of public life. One of the emerging trajectories for the conservation of its ethical potential by Slovenian literature is associated with the renewal of social critical discourse.
Slavânovedenie. 2023;(3):55-64
pages 55-64 views

Materials for the Studies of Candlemas in Polesie: The Magic Uses of Consecrated Candles in the Calendar and the Family Ritual Cycles

Andrunina M.


In the traditional culture of Polessie special part belongs to the candles consecrated on the day of Candlemas held on 2/15 of February. These candles are used in the family-life  cycles, calendric,  agricultural and occasional rites, in multiple magic acts  aiming at producing safety and health. The article is based on the data from the Polessian archive and field materials of the author.
Slavânovedenie. 2023;(3):65-80
pages 65-80 views

Contact Phenomena in the Field of Language and Traditional Culture of the Slovenes Living in Natisone Valley and Ter Valley (According to the 2022 Field Research)

Pilipenko G., Yasinskaya M.


The paper discusses the interference phenomena in the speech of informants as well as some lexical borrowings in the sphere of traditional spiritual culture. The results are based on the 2022 field research carrying out among Slovene community in the province of Udine (Italy). Special attention is paid to the analysis of cross-border narratives and nicknames associated with the border location of the region. During the field study, it was also possible to record stories about the labor migration of Slovenes to other countries, in particular, to Belgium and Argentina. Inscriptions on tombstones in cemeteries in this region were documented, as well as customs related to memorial days, November 1 and 2, are described in the paper. In conclusion, the transcribed texts are given, including folklore texts (fairy tales), which are interesting due to numerous borrowings from the surrounding Romance languages.
Slavânovedenie. 2023;(3):81-94
pages 81-94 views

Fifty Years of a Department

Glivinskaya V.


The article is dedicated to the 50-th anniversary of the Slavonic Languages Department of the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Regional Studies at Lomonosov Moscow State University. The article describes the life of the department through the eyes of a teacher, who has had the luck of being a member of its staff all these years.With teaching Bulgarian as an example, the article traces the transformation of the department from being an interfaculty one attributed to the Philological Faculty to gaining the status of a department that produces graduates with majors in Slavonic languages at the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Regional Studies. The author describes challenges that the department has faced and analyses the unfortunate reasons why the department has stopped administering majors in Slavonic languages.The author concludes that the department is a living organism directly related to the country’s life and depending on its strategy in development of education.
Slavânovedenie. 2023;(3):95-103
pages 95-103 views

Russian Themes in Jovan Raić’s Epic «Boj Zmaa s Orlovi» (1791)

Marićević Balać J.


Researching Russian themes in Jovan Raić’s epic Boj Zmaja sa Orlovi is a continuation of up-to-date explorations of the language, versification, and intertextual relations of the poem with the texts of the Russian literature. We have approached the epic from a comparative perspective and analyzed it in parallel with The Tale of Igor’s Campaign and Osman by Dživo Gundulić. We were analytically focused on the heraldic symbols, as well as on the mythical and fairy-tale imagination. The images of Russia vary from dominant ones – distinctively commendable, uttered by gods from the Antiquity and shaped by Jovan Rajić, to derogatory ones, uttered by Muhammad. In the epic, the Russian Empire is materialized both through cities (Kherson, Ochakiv, Khotyn) and by stressing tsarina Catherine II and her courageous generals.
Slavânovedenie. 2023;(3):104-116
pages 104-116 views

S. Dullin. The Thick Frontier. The Origins of Soviet Policies (1920–1940) / Transl. by E. Kustovaia. Moscow, NLO Publ., 2019. 416 p.

Ivanova M.


Ivanova Maria O. S. Dullin. The Thick Frontier. The Origins of Soviet Policies (1920–1940) / transl. by E. Kustovaia. Moscow, NLO Publ., 2019. 416 p.
Slavânovedenie. 2023;(3):117-120
pages 117-120 views

At the Crossroads of the West: the Problems of Borderzone in Russian and Central European Cultures

proklov I.


Proklov Ilia N. AttheCrossroadsofthe West:theProblemsofBorderzoneinRussianandCentralEuropeanCultures  / eds. N.V. Zlydneva (editor-in-chief), Zs. Hetényi, P.V. Korolkova,A.N. Krasovets, A.P. Urakova.M.: Institute of Slavic Studies RAS, 2021.488pp.,ill.  
Slavânovedenie. 2023;(3):121-124
pages 121-124 views

Matica Srpska Journal of Slavic Studies. № 100. Novi Sad, 2021. 942 p.

Sokolova O.


Sokolova Olga V. Matica Srpska Journal of Slavic Studies. № 100. Novi Sad, 2021. 942 p.
Slavânovedenie. 2023;(3):125-128
pages 125-128 views

VI Conference as Part of the Interdisciplinary Central European Seminar «A Woman in the Heart of Europe: Non-Obvious Aspects of Gender Issues in the History and Culture of Central Europe and Neighboring Regions»

Dronov A.


Dronov Aleksandr M.VI Conference as Part of the Interdisciplinary Central European Seminar «A Woman in the Heart of Europe: Non-Obvious Aspects of Gender Issues in the History and Culture of Central Europe and Neighboring Regions»
Slavânovedenie. 2023;(3):129-132
pages 129-132 views

International Conference «“End Times» in the Slavic and Jewish Cultural International Conference Traditions»

Kopchenova I.


Kopchenova Irina V. International Conference «“End Times” in the Slavic and Jewish Cultural Traditions»
Slavânovedenie. 2023;(3):133-136
pages 133-136 views

International Conference «Semiotics in the Past and in the Рresent»

Zavyalova M., Zlydneva N., Sedakova I.


Zavyalova Maria V., Zlydneva Natalia V., Sedakova Irina A. International Conference «Semiotics in the Past and in the Present»
Slavânovedenie. 2023;(3):137-144
pages 137-144 views