Ашық рұқсат Ашық рұқсат  Рұқсат жабық Рұқсат берілді  Рұқсат жабық Тек жазылушылар үшін

№ 4 (2024)


Бүкіл шығарылым

Ашық рұқсат Ашық рұқсат
Рұқсат жабық Рұқсат берілді
Рұқсат жабық Тек жазылушылар үшін


The Polish Noble Society of the Early 1690s. Annotation and Counter-Reformation

Florya B.


The article analyzes evidence from publicistic texts about the reaction of the Polish nobility of different confessions to the pogroms of Protestant churches in cities in the early 1690s, where the nature of interfaith relations differed drastically from their nature in many other European countries. A number of acts here sanctioned the legality of the existence in the country of Christian denominations different from the dominant Catholic faith. But in the 1590s, persecution of followers of Protestantism began. Particular attention in the article is paid to the reasons of the strong negative reaction of nobility to their «sbors» by supporters of the Counter-Reformation. Among them the author names the specific consciousness of the Polish noble society: both the Catholic and Protestant gentry perceived themselves as a single community interested in preserving and expanding their class rights.

Slavânovedenie. 2024;(4):5-15
pages 5-15 views

The View of Christian Authors on the Practice of Devshirme in the 16th Century Ottoman Empire

Evstafyev N.


The paper examines how various 16th century Christian sources (the vitae of the Balkan martyrs and the notes of Western travelers) reflect one of the cruelest practices of the Ottoman Empire: It is the so-called devshirme or «blood tax» – a system of forced recruitment of Christian boys for their conversion to Islam, upbringing in Turkish culture and subsequent transformation into faithful servants of sultan – soldiers of the Janissary corps or civil servants. Author of the South Slavic vitae of St. George the New of Sophia warns his Christian readers against the dangers of devshirme, as the main character of the vitae even had to leave his native home in order not to become a janissary and to keep his faith. The South Slavic scribe is echoed by the author of the Russian vitae of St. George the New: he conveys a frightening description of devshirme as the most terrible atrocity of the «Hagaren tsars» – for the sake of the sultan’s «honors» Christian children forget their faith and turn into faithful servants of a foreign religion. More detailed descriptions of devshirme are found in the writings left by Western travelers and diplomats who visited the Ottoman empire in the 16th century. They also talk about the horrors of the «blood tax», but more focus on how the Christians of the Ottoman Empire tried to avoid this heavy levy, as well as on the fact that some Christians themselves were ready to give their children to the Ottoman sultans in order to provide them with better social standing in the future. Western authors do not ignore some of the abuses of the Ottoman authorities in collecting the «blood tax» in the second half of the 16th century, that can be explained by negative trends in the development of the Ottoman state in this period. Despite all of this, many European travelers and diplomats talk about the meritocratic approach of the Ottoman authorities to the formation of the state elite, which is partly expressed in devshirme. The Western authors find this approach as one of the main reasons for the success of the 16th-century Ottoman expansion.

Slavânovedenie. 2024;(4):16-25
pages 16-25 views

Simeon Polotsky’s Preaching Heritage and its Sources: Some Observations

Korzo M.


The study attempts to investigate created within the framework of other denominations sources of Simeon’s Polotskij two sermons: «Slova o perenesenii Ubrusa iz Edessy» (Sermon to a feast of the Mandylion’s translation from Edessa) from sermon’s collection «Vecherya Dushevnaya», 1683 and interpretation of the evangelical parable of the Good Samaritan from collections of homilies «Obed dushevnyj», 1681. The study confirms existed in the literature disparate observations about the significant commonality of the sources of inspiration and factual material of Simeon’s collections and his poetic encyclopaedia «Vertograd mnogotsvetnyj» (A Garden of Many Flowers; Latin poetry sources identified by Anthony Hippisley); in particular, that in both cases Simeon used Latin collections of annual sermons by Bavarian Jesuit Matthias Faber (1586/87–1653). The techniques of translation of Latin sermons were also investigated: these techniques give the reader (researcher) the impression that in one case the biblical fragment of Song of Songs (5:10–16) acts as the structuring text for Simeon’s «Slovo», and in the other case – interpretation of the evangelical parable of the Good Samaritan by John Chrysostom, while Simeon both compositionally and textually reproduces homilies written by Faber and his elder fellow of the Jesuit Order, Spanish exegete Alfonso Salmerón (1515–1585).

Slavânovedenie. 2024;(4):26-37
pages 26-37 views

The Image of Alexander Menshikov in the «Polish Iliad» of Janusz Wiśniowiecki

Kochegarov K.


The biography of Alexander Menshikov is one of the most popular topics among the scholars, who deal with the Peter the Great’s epoch. The main reason for this is his rapid climbing up the social ladder, when the Tsar’s favorite tried to prove his noble origin. Accordingly, it caused the early emergence of different myths and legends, concerning the Menshikov’s youth, the beginning of the friendship between him and Tsar Peter I. At the same time many disputable episodes of his biography remain unclear and obscure. «Ilias Polski» («The Polish Iliad»), the memoirs of the Polish aristocrat Janusz Wiśniowiecki contain some new facts about Menshikov’s biography, supplement the evidences, which were known before as well as describes his ambiguous role in the Russian-Polish relations during the Second Northern War 1700–1721. Wiśniowiecki doubted the Menshikov’s noble origin and described some cases that confirm his greed and arrogance. At the same time the author stressed his bravery, fidelity to Tsar Peter the Great, military aptitude and recognizes the favorite’s support in the case of release of his brother, the great hetman of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Michał Serwacy Wiśniowiecki from the Russian captivity.

Slavânovedenie. 2024;(4):38-50
pages 38-50 views

Situation in the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia and in Slovakia in summer 1944

Serapionova E.


Based on various sources of information received by Soviet representatives of the NKID and stored in the Foreign Policy Archive of the Russian Federation, as well as published documents, the author attempts to reconstruct the situation that developed in the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia and also in Slovakia in summer of 1944, and to analyze the ideas of post-war structure of the Central Europe, that were discussed at the last stage of the war. The chronological choice is not accidental – this is the eve of a powerful national uprising on the territory of Slovakia (part of the former Czechoslovakia), the beginning of armed mass Resistance in the country. Based on the study of sources, it can be concluded that, despite different conditions, both in Protectorate and in Slovakia, by the end of summer of 1944, the Resistance Movement intensified and sympathy for the USSR and the Red Army grew. The ideas of the post-war structure of Europe at this time continued to be actively discussed in various political circles in the West and within the country.

Slavânovedenie. 2024;(4):51-63
pages 51-63 views

Functional and Stylistic Equivalence by Translating the Facts of Code-Switching (on the Material of Russian Verbs in the Polish «Version R» of A. Burgess’ Novel «A Clockwork Orange»)

Ostapchuk O.


The article is devoted to the analysis of Russian verb inclusions in one of the Polish versions of the translation of A. Burgess’s novel «A Clockwork Orange» under the title «Mechaniczna pomarańcza. Wersja R» (1999) by R. Stiller. The Russian language is deliberately used by the translator to construct a special «slang» Nadsat in its Polish version in order to give the text an appropriate expressiveness within the language play. 117 verbs selected from the 1,000-item Dictionary of «Unintelligible Words» accompanying the translation represent Russian-Polish code-switchings and other hybrid contact phenomena. The analysis is intended to reveal the functional and stylistic equivalence of the translator’s strategies of introducing Russian verbal borrowings in the Polish text on the formal, semantic and communicative levels. Verbal borrowings of Russian origin are classified depending on the strategy of their incorporating into the text, as well as the degree and level of its adaptation.

Slavânovedenie. 2024;(4):64-79
pages 64-79 views

Ethnolinguistics and Folklore Poetics. 4. «A Mother Bewitches her Son into a Snake»

Sedakova I.


The article is devoted to a comprehensive analysis of the Bulgarian folk songs «Mother turns her son into a snake», which are distinguished by a unique mythological plot and describe the transformation of a person due to the magic activity of the mother into a hybrid creature – half-man, half-snake. The study focuses on the structure of the song and the combination of repeated and unique content blocks. A special place is given to mythological aspects – the description of gypsies as carriers of magical knowledge, herbs that separate spouses, preparation of a witch’s potion, the characteristics of how a demonological character is presented in the songs and in other folklore genres. The explicit didacticism of the song is shown – using the example of reprisals against the mother, the ideas are conveyed that slander, hatred in the family, and black magic are punishable. The conclusion contains the main ideas of the depiction of ethnographic reality with folklore poetic means.

Slavânovedenie. 2024;(4):80-94
pages 80-94 views

Childhood Memory of Adult History. Holocaust Trauma and Migration in Z. Oryszyn’s novel «Saving Atlantis»

Adelgeim I.


Zyta Oryszyn’s (b. 1940) novel «Saving Atlantis» (2012), like almost all of her work, is born of a sense of guilt – a desire to «cover with words» the pain caused by childhood memories of the trauma of participation (unwitting complicity in the expulsion of Germans from the Regainde Lands), the trauma of witnessing (the Holocaust) and the trauma of inheritance (family memory of forced migration). Children’s consciousness, adapting to adult reality, accommodates the experience of power and powerlessness, of invader, victim and witness. From this position, the novel explores – in all its fragmentation – the autobiographical memory of the former German space functioning in the paradigm of violence, a space traumatising and generating a sense of unrootedness. The dramatic stories of several families, told from different perspectives, intersect and intertwine, forming a sorrowful labyrinth of fear, resentment, orphanhood, humiliation, and insurmountable alienness.

Slavânovedenie. 2024;(4):95-104
pages 95-104 views

Dissidence of Ahmet Şerif Şerefli: The Trauma of the «Revival Process»

Lunkova N.


The article explores the destructive effects of forced Bulgarianization on the identity of a national minority, illustrated by the life and career of Ahmet Şerif Şerefli, a Bulgarian writer of Turkish descent who endured the ‘Revival Process’ policies in the 1980s. The analysis focuses on excerpts from his memoir «We Were Born Turks and Died as Turks» and his essay collection «First and Foremost, They Shackled Our Thoughts». These works highlight the significance of the Turkish language and Turkish identity. Şerefli’s memoirs argue that maintaining one’s native language is crucial for preserving Turkish identity amidst attempts to distort it. The memoirs serve as a means of articulating, processing trauma, and striving to repair a fractured identity. The writer’s traumatic experiences are reflected both thematically and structurally in his memoirs, which resemble a series of short epic narratives without chronological order, forming a mosaic of stories about life in Bulgaria, imprisonment, and Şerefli’s musings on his craft, the fate of his people, language, and identity. This fragmented structure underscores how trauma influences the way memories are expressed.

Slavânovedenie. 2024;(4):105-115
pages 105-115 views

Slovenian Poet and Austrian Writer: Maja Haderlap’s «Hybrid» Identity and Overcoming Post-Memory Trauma

Starikova N.


The cоntemporary literature of the Slovene minority living in Austrian Carinthia is a special phenomenon that combines national and multicultural components, as well as bilingualism. A striking example of this is the work of M. Haderlap (b. 1961), who writes poetry in Slovenian and prose in German. Her German-language novel «Engel des Vergessens» («Angel pozabe», 2011) is about the collective trauma of the past experienced by the Slovenian population who participated in the anti-fascist resistance during the Second World War (physical extermination and deportation to concentration camps), had a wide resonance in the European German-speaking sociocultural space. The plot is based on the personal story of the writer’s grandmother and father, who went through the Gestapo and Ravensbrück. One of the ways to express his attitude to a tragic topic and at the same time overcome the consequences of the post-memory mechanism was the choice of language for the author. By creating a novel in the language of the national majority on a topic that is «inconvenient» for its speakers and painful for the national minority, Haderlap, firstly, makes an attempt to distance himself from personal experiences, and secondly, to attract the attention of the general Austrian public to historical injustice, to evoke fellow citizens an impulse to repentance. The hybrid identity of the writer, who perceives her bilingualism as an undeniable advantage of creative self-expression, reflects the real trends in the literary development of Europe: the monolingual paradigm is being replaced by a focus on poly-and heteroglossia.

Slavânovedenie. 2024;(4):116-125
pages 116-125 views

The Trauma of Emigration: Language Change (B. Stanišić, V. Čolić, A. Mahmutović, A. Božičević, N. Kulidžan)

Shatko E.


The article is devoted to the problem of choosing a language among modern writers – immigrants from the countries of the former Yugoslavia and it presents four options for «life in another language». A number of authors continue to write in their native language, their works, however, are published, more often in translation into the language of the country of residence, the second category of authors are those who have completely changed their native language to the language of the country of residence, and still others begin their literary career in a non-native, acquired language – the language of the country residence, the last group, the smallest, are authors who began their literary career in a non-native language and, at the same time, not in the language of the country of residence. Loss of home, severance of ties with the homeland, isolation from «one’s own» culture and language are perhaps the most common motives in the texts of migrant authors. Creativity becomes for them a way to reflect on the events of the past (the trauma of war, loss of home) and the present (attempts to adapt to new conditions), which can be interpreted in terms of the therapeutic function of writing as an attempt to overcome trauma. The new space and time gap create a distance that allows one to turn to the inexpressible experience and try to narrativize it. Choosing a non-native language can also create (additional) distance, a mask.

Slavânovedenie. 2024;(4):126-136
pages 126-136 views


New Edition of Glagolitic Manuscripts in Croatia

Akimova O., Turilov A.


The work is devoted to a critical review of the relatively recently published edition of the Scientific Center for Innovative Research of Croatian Glagolitic at the Old Slavic Institute of the Croatian Academy of Sciences, dedicated to the monument of the 15th century – the Second Beram (Ljubljana) Breviary, consisting of two volumes of text publication (facsimile and set) and a collection of comprehensive studies on this glagolitic code. The collection includes articles by leading Croatian historians and linguistic philologists on paleography, illumination, textual and language codex, as well as the medieval history of the Beram region.

Slavânovedenie. 2024;(4):137-144
pages 137-144 views


pages 145-151 views

Scolarly life

Russia – Slovakia: Pages of History Scientific Conference

Dronov M., Sloistov S.
Slavânovedenie. 2024;(4):152-153
pages 152-153 views
pages 154-156 views

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