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No 3 (2023)

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Anthropological study of european prostitution: experiences and perspectives

Fais-leutskaia O.D., Novik A.A.


This article is an introduction to the journal’s special theme on “Profession and Society: Love for Money” where contributors discuss the place of prostitution in modern culture and everyday life and attempt to examine the phenomenon as viewed locally, in emic perspectives, in various regions of Europe. The canonical model of providing (mostly by women) intimate services for a fee, which became generically known as “national” or “traditional” prostitution, took its distinctive shape in the late 19th century and remained dominant in the market of sexual services up until the recent time. This model, oddly enough, has been understudied in the humanities and social sciences and has received less attention than, for example, some ancient (cult, patriarchal) or modern forms of prostitution (among the latter are “ethnic” forms, which emerged due to the intensification of migration processes, “gender-specific” - such as male or transgender - forms, or various “innovative” forms that have arisen due to the use of webcams, technologies, etc.). The contributors (S.A. Sidneva, A.A. Novik, A.N. Kozhanovsky, A. Maxia, and O.D. Fais-Leutskaia) present an array of viewpoints on the phenomenon of traditional prostitution, offering perspectives grounded in field studies, ethnographic reconstruction, and anthropological analysis of cases examined in a few European regions (Greece, Albania, Spain, Sardinia, and Sicily).
Ètnografičeskoe obozrenie. 2023;(3):5-22
pages 5-22 views

On “companions of joy”: the gender/ethnic composition of sex workers in modern Greece

Sidneva S.A.


The article examines the phenomenon of prostitution in Greece of the 20th-21st centuries, the attitudes toward it, and its role in the regulation of social relations with reference to tradition. Noticeable and interesting to study are the changes that took place during this period in the gender/ethnic composition of representatives of the sphere of intimate services. The turning points for change were economic crises and upsurges in the country, migration processes, as well as new directions in international politics and ideology of the European Union, which Greece joined in 1981. In the 1990s-2000s, for example, workers of foreign origin prevailed in the sphere of intimate services. The crisis of 2008 led to the increase in the percentage of Greek citizens in this sphere, according to studies conducted by sociologists at the Pandion University of Athens. With regard to the gender aspect, it is especially interesting to study the attitudes toward male prostitution in a patriarchal society, which modern Greece still essentially is. Particular attention in the article is paid to linguistic material shedding light on contemporary nominations of representatives of the most ancient profession.
Ètnografičeskoe obozrenie. 2023;(3):23-42
pages 23-42 views

Secretly and openly: the inscrutable ways of the forbidden profession in Albania

Novik A.A.


The article offers an anthropological analysis of the ups and downs of female prostitution in the western Balkans in the 20th and early 21st centuries. The difficult fate of the region, which managed to change several sociopolitical formations, cultural codes, and centers of civilizational attraction over the course of only three generations, had a huge impact on the public perception of the phenomenon of selling oneself for sexual activities: from a positive assessment of commercial expediency and “good for men” to a sharp condemnation of “bourgeois exploitation” and hopelessness of the unfortunate “victims of feudal relations and predatory capitalism”, from total silence about the very fact of the existence of the phenomenon to secret admiration for the courage of priestesses of love and, as a result, numerous reflections in the media and the social establishment, caused by the need to change the country’s criminal code regarding prostitution under the pressure from the European Union in order to harmonize legislative acts. In Albania, with its numerous patriarchal vestiges still remaining in the outback and “highly advanced” relations between the sexes in the capital region, there are different approaches of representatives of different social strata to the assessment of “love for money”, which is the main focus of my research interest, reflecting the 30 years of my fieldwork in various regions of the Balkans.
Ètnografičeskoe obozrenie. 2023;(3):43-69
pages 43-69 views

Female prostitution in contemporary Spain: uncertainty of the obvious

Kozhanovsky A.N.


During several decades of the post-Francoist development, Spanish society has experienced epochal sociocultural transformations that radically changed its ideological atmosphere and value orientations. Considering the situation with female prostitution in Spain allows us to understand the nature of those changes and their orientation better. It also helps us to compare the current existence of this specific phenomenon with the previous era. I track the evolution of the attitudes of Spanish society and the state toward both prostitution as such and the categories of persons involved in it (prostitutes, their owners and pimps, clients, etc.), all under the conditions of the dominance of so-called “liberal paradigm” in public discourse. Among the peculiar features of the “Spanish case”, the national demographic composition of “sex workers” is noted, as well as the protracted struggle of opinions around the interpretation of prostitution in society, a struggle whose acuteness stands in the way of adopting a law on it and thereby ending its current “illegality” (“neither permission nor prohibition”).
Ètnografičeskoe obozrenie. 2023;(3):70-84
pages 70-84 views

The “love for money” in Sardinia: on the question of an ethnoanthropological study of the phenomenon of prostitution in traditional society

Maxia A.


The article makes a novel contribution to anthropological studies by exploring the phenomenon of prostitution in Sardinia which remains a poorly urbanized conservative rural region of Europe, which still retains a high degree of cultural traditionalism. Due to the lack of research on this issue, I draw primarily on my own field material obtained as a result of many years of surveys conducted in the region, mainly in mountainous areas, that is the pastoral zone which is a set of introverted and patriarchal village microcosms with unusually strict social control and a rigid system of moral taboos. The principal difficulty in conducting this type of fieldwork is the uncommunicativeness and “closedness” of informants in any kinds of conversations involving topics of sex. I argue that there was an organic social “acceptance” of the institution of prostitution in the traditional society as an element that provided a mechanism for its social functioning and the preservation of social balance.
Ètnografičeskoe obozrenie. 2023;(3):85-103
pages 85-103 views

Prostitution in Sicily: a look into the past

Fais-leutskaia O.D.


The article makes a novel contribution to anthropological research by attempting an analysis of the phenomenon of urban prostitution within a specific historical period of the 1930-80s in the region of Sicily which has been culturally conservative and still maintains today a high degree of traditionalism. The study is drawn on an extensive range of field data that I have obtained in the course of long-term surveys, working with a vast array of respondents. I take a special approach to the topic, addressing the historical past, past experiences and reflections of people, as well as information preserved in the memory of ancestors. These sources together make it possible to explore and recreate the appearance of the “traditional” prostitution that is seen today by the majority of the population of Sicily as “ideal” and contrasted with its modern (“alien”, “criminal”, “dirty”) forms. The study not only highlights an important sociocultural phenomenon that has gone into oblivion but also lets us identify the reasons for its popularity in the region and its perception as an organic element of the local culture, closely related to the ethnic and cultural identity of Sicilians.
Ètnografičeskoe obozrenie. 2023;(3):104-124
pages 104-124 views

Craniometric study of Central Asian population at the turn of the era: multivariate statistics versus typological approach?

Syutkina T.A., Kufterin V.V.


The article aims to assess the method of individual visual typological definitions in biological anthropology and compare it with the results of multivariate statistical analysis based on the cranial materials coming mainly from the Yuezhi / Kushan period in Central Asia. The database contains information on 185 crania. We have established that sex has a highly significant effect on the variation of facial craniometric traits, while the effect of artificial deformation is less prominent but still statistically significant. The PCA has shown that variation between the cranial types of very distant ancestry is captured even though the samples are small and variables are limited to the traits of facial skeleton. The PCA has highlighted the craniometric distinctiveness of the crania labeled as having Asian ancestry. The PCА of the sample of European ancestry has not revealed either the distinctiveness of the mixed European-Asian ancestry individuals or the differences between the two large morphological types within the sample of European ancestry. The differences between individuals of different anthropological types could be due to the effects of random variation which have been consistently interpreted as non-random.
Ètnografičeskoe obozrenie. 2023;(3):125-149
pages 125-149 views

Whom did the karasuk people resemble?

Kozintsev A.G.


To test Yuri Rychkov’s claim that the physical type of the Karasuk people was identical to that of the highlanders of Western Pamir, 24 male Karasuk cranial samples were subjected to a multivariate comparison with 59 samples representing other cultures and periods. Karasuk people proved closest, not to those Pamiris whom Rychkov had included in his study (Goranis, Ishkashimis, Wakhanis, and Rushanis) but to those whom he had excluded because of Kirghiz admixture - the Shugnanis. The admixture appears to have been added, not so much to the indigenous southern component present in other Pamiris, as to that associated with Andronovo immigrants from the steppe. This explains the likely similarity of medieval Shugnanis (and, accordingly, the Karasuk people) to modern Uzbeks retaining tribal identities and northern Tajiks.
Ètnografičeskoe obozrenie. 2023;(3):150-164
pages 150-164 views

Not only former colonies but the whole contemporary world is postcolonial

Bondarenko D.M., Filippova E.I.


A wide range of issues related to attempts at nation-building in formerly colonial African and Asian countries is discussed in the interview with the corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, vice-director of the Institute for African Studies, Dmitri Bondarenko, around his new book “Postcolonial Nations in Historical and Cultural Context”. These issues are considered in a broader cultural, historical, and geographical context that covers countries of the Global North and the Global South from Antiquity to the present. The central topic is multiplicity of manifestations of phenomena such as nation, modernity, secularity, and democracy. The prospects of multiculturalism as the basis for emerging and transforming nations are assessed.
Ètnografičeskoe obozrenie. 2023;(3):165-186
pages 165-186 views

Visual image of the ainu in paintings and engravings of the 16th - early 19th centuries: historical and ethnographic source or artist’s imagination?

Osipova M.V.


The article examines the main visual sources of the 16th - early 19th centuries, in which the images of the Ainu were introduced. The silk and paper scrolls, engravings in the books always attracted attention to the Ainu theme. Many issues in the ethnic history and physical anthropological type of the people, as well as the origins of their ornaments and tattoos remain debatable. The portraits of the Ainu that appeared during the Edo period, made by Japanese, Russian, and European artists and engravers, contributed to the spread of knowledge about this people. However, these visual images often reflected the artist’s subjective, often politically biased, views of the object. Despite this fact, one can get a certain idea of the Ainu appearance and the features of their material and spiritual culture by studying these canvases, engravings and illustrations. The purpose of this article is to consider the possibility of using pieces of art as a historical and ethnographic source.
Ètnografičeskoe obozrenie. 2023;(3):187-205
pages 187-205 views

Embodiment in biographical narratives of non-heterosexuals

Kislitsyna P.A.


The article examines the ways in which embodiment is narrativized in biographical stories of non-heterosexual people based on interview and written autobiographies. When talking about their experiences, non-heterosexuals searched for signs in their bodies and endowed them with dimensions of meaning. To conceptualize this search procedure, I use Ginzburg’s evidence paradigm and Csordas’s somatic modes of attention. The participants interpreted clues found in the body experience of the past as proof of one's non-heterosexuality. The search for such evidence requires a specific mode of attention to one's body and knowledge about (homo)sexuality. The article analyzes the language of description of the body, such as figures of speech and terms used by the participants, and traces gender differences in strategies for narrativizing the body. Essentialization is the most popular strategy of narrativization of non-heterosexual body. The participants talked about their sexuality in terms of “naturalness” and “innateness”. Different levels of texts reflect this tendency. Essentialization is a way to normalize non-heterosexuality, permeate sexual identity, and make narratives coherent.
Ètnografičeskoe obozrenie. 2023;(3):206-225
pages 206-225 views
pages 226-231 views
pages 232-236 views
pages 237-242 views

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