Ancestors against order: two models of Immortal regiment

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The paper focuses on the two most common models of organization of the Immortal Regiment. We call the first the “social order” model. Its aim is to demonstrate the local community in its ideal condition. Such a procession is clearly structured, its participants are often uniformed, and the place of each participant depends on his or her belonging to one or another professional/age group. The second type of organization of the procession is called the “cult of ancestors” model. In this case, the order of the columns and the appearance of the portrait bearers do not matter, since the main participants in the procession are not the living, but the dead. The success of the procession organized according to this model is measured by the strength of its emotional effect: ideally, participants and spectators cry in catharsis. Describing these two models in detail, we examine the conflicts between their adherents, as well as analyze the motivations of the organizers and ordinary participants in the processions.

About the authors

A. A Kirziuk

Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration

Moscow, Russia

A. S Arkhipova

Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration;�cole des hautes �tudes en sciences sociales

Moscow, Russia

M. V Gavrilova

Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration

Moscow, Russia

I. V Kozlova

Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration

Moscow, Russia

S. V Belyanin

Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration

Moscow, Russia


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