Vol 17, No 6 (2011)


Schoolchildren's physiological, social, and psychoemotional status: Comparative analysis

Mikhaylova Y.V., Frantseva V.O., Mikhailova Y.V., Frantseva Y.V.


Comparative analysis of schoolchildren's physiological, social, and psychoemotional status has shown that there are less psychoemotional and intellectual developmental problems in young school age children. In senior school age ones, problems in socialization and social integration arise in the absence of intellectual developmental problems. Intellectual and psychoemotional developmental problems become important for teenagers.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2011;17(6):3-5
pages 3-5 views

Comparative characteristics of the indicators of work of the tuberculosis hospitals and dispensaries of the Moscow Healthcare Department

Kochetkova E.Y., Kochetkova E.Y.


Thirteen Moscow phthisiological facilities, including Moscow City Research-and-Practical Center for Tuberculosis (TB) Control, 4 TB hospitals, and 8 TB dispensaries having 24-hour hospitals, were comprehensively analyzed to have comparative characteristics of the work of TB hospitals and dispensaries over 12 years (1997-2008). Criteria were proposed for the efficiency of treatment in patients with pulmonary TB in the phthisiological facilities. According to the results of the study, hospital care includes as follows: bed occupancy and mortality rates and therapeutic effectiveness. The mean length of TB hospital stay for patients with active pulmonary TB has been found to be greater than the standard established by the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia (90 bed days) and equal to 90-100 bed days, including 90-110 bed days for patients with new-onset pulmonary TB. Along with this, the basic criteria for the efficiency of inpatient treatment should be considered to be bacterial excretion cessation and pronounced positive clinical and X-ray changes in the tuberculosis process.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2011;17(6):6-12
pages 6-12 views

Association of epicardial adpose tissue with coronary atherosclerosis in patients with metabolic syndrome

Veselovskaya N.G., Chumakova G.A., Kozarenko A.A., Gritsenko O.V., Veselovskaya N.G., Chumakova G.A., Kozarenko A.A., Gritsenko O.V.


Patients with metabolic syndrome (MS) are at high cardiovascular risk. Having hormonal activity and close anatomic and functional relationships to the myocardium, epicardial adipose tissue plays an important role in the development and progression of coronary atherosclerosis. Therefore, estimation of the epicardial adipose tissue (EAT) thickness may serve as a marker for early cardiovascular events in patients with MS. The study enrolled 96 males aged 56.94+0.97 years with ischemic heart disease in the presence of MS. The authors made anthropometric measurements, assessed metabolic risk factors, estimated hormones in visceral adipose tissue, and performed echocardiography and coronary angiography (CAG). Patients with MS and an EAT thickness of ≥ 7 mm had marked metabolic and hormonal disturbances and significant coronary bed lesion as evidenced by CAG.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2011;17(6):12-15
pages 12-15 views

Delayed results of nonspecific inhalation immunotherapy for atopic asthma with Ruzam

Terekhov D.V., Nenasheva N.M., Terekhov D.V., Nenasheva N.M.


The purpose of the trial was to study the delayed efficiency and safety of therapy with Ruzam (an inhaled formulation) in adult patients with mild and moderate persistent atopic asthma. The clinical, functional, and laboratory parameters of therapy (basic therapy in combination with Ruzam or placebo) were estimated in 63 patients with asthma 6 months after termination of a 2-week course of therapy. Therapeutic effectiveness was evaluated from the frequency of asthmatic attacks, needs for β2-agonists, the scope of basic therapy, and the degree of asthma symptoms according to patients' self-observation diaries, from peak flowmetry and spirometry readings, ACT scores, the level of allergic inflammatory markers, the values of bronchial hyperresponsiveness, and the frequency of acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI). Within 6 months after termination of the course of inhaled Ruzam therapy, asthmatic attacks were absent and clinical and functional control remained in 30 (97%) patients. There was a reduction in the total scope of basic therapy: the latter was discontinued in 12 (39%), the dose of the inhaled corticosteroid was halved in 5 (16%). In the control group receiving placebo (n = 32), the frequency of attacks and the level of asthma control remained as before; moreover, the scope of basic therapy could not be reduced; it was increased in 8 (25%) patients. There was a further significant reduction of the level of eosinophil cationic protein in the serum and sputum-induced supernatant, which was found in the Ruzam-treated patients immediately after the termination of the course of inhaled Ruzam therapy. Furthermore, the frequency of ARVI considerably declined in them.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2011;17(6):16-20
pages 16-20 views

Possibilities of limb revascularization in patients with diabetic macroangiopathy

Temrezov M V.I., Kovalenko V.I., Borsov M.K., Temrezov M.B., Kovalenko V.I., Borsov M.K.


The authors analyzed the results of medical and surgical treatments in 88 patients with diabetic macroangiopathy complicated by pyonecrotic lesion of the lower extremity. Sixty (68%) patients underwent different modes of direct limb revascularization (femoral-popliteal and femoral-tibial autovenous bypass). There were benefits of in situ direct lower-extremity revascularization that yielded a positive result in 85% of the patients, with an amputation rate of 10% and a mortality rate of 6.7%. Vascular ultrasound scanning (including intraoperative one), microsurgical techniques of anastomoses, 24-hour monitoring, and correction of peripheral blood pressure allow indications for direct revascularization in the arteries of the shin and foot to be extended.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2011;17(6):20-23
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Direct revascularization is the method of choice in the treatment of patients with critical lower extremity ischemia

Bokeriya L.A., Temrezov M.B., Borsov M.K., Kovalenko V.I., Bockeria L.A., Temrezov M.B., Borsov M.K., Kovalenko V.I.


The results of surgical treatment were analyzed in 274 patients with critical lower extremity ischemia. One hundred and seventy-seven patients underwent various vascular reparative interventions (femoral-popliteal bypass above (n = 92) and below (n = 16) the cleft of the knee joint, extended profundoplasty (n = 33), aortofemoral (n = 21), iliofemoral (n = 9), and crossover femoral-femoral (n = 6) bypasses). This all is assigned to direct extremity revascularization. Eighty-five patients underwent indirect revascularization (lumbar sympathectomy (n = 50), revascularing osteotrepanation (n = 35), and foot venous blood flow arterialization (n = 12). Direct revascularization yielded the best results that permitted an extremity to be preserved in 86% of the patients in the early postoperative period and in 78% a year after surgery.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2011;17(6):23-26
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Evaluation of the nutritional status in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy and the efficiency of nutrition support in its correction

Shcherbakova G.N., Ragimov A.A., Koroteev A.V., Shcherbakova G.N., Ragimov A.A., Koroteyev A.V.


Thirty-nine patients with dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) were examined to evaluate their nutritional status. Malnutrition was found in 90% of cases (its moderate and severe forms were noted in 59%). Its identification criteria were elaborated; nutrition support utilizing a polymeric formula was shown to be effective; a nutrition support protocol was developed. This study can help improve the complex treatment of patients with DCM.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2011;17(6):27-31
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Pharmacological correction of the psychoemotional status with thyroid nodules during preoperative preparation

Mokhov E.M., Marasanov S.B., Zvukova E.M., Mokhov E.M., Marasanov S.B., Zvukova E.M.


Psychological testing in 82 patients with thyroid nodular goiter and cancer revealed psychoemotional disorders as phobic anxiety syndrome with the signs of depression. Prior to surgery, 43 of the patients received symptomatic therapy and 39 took, in addition to the latter, the benzodiazepine anxiolytic phenazepam. Incorporation of the latter into the preoperative preparation regime resulted in psychoemotional improvement and a reduction in the number of postoperative complications that did not relate directly to surgical techniques (subtotal thyroid resection, hemithyroidectomy, thyroidectomy) from 20.9 to 5.1%.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2011;17(6):31-33
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Treatment of patients with Lisfranc joint fracture dislocations

Skoroglyadov A.V., Korobushkin G.V., Kholikov T.V., Skoroglyadov A.V., Korobushkin G.V., Kholikov T.V.


As of now, the problem of choice of a treatment option for patients with Lisfranc joint injuries is not solved, there is no classification that enables the surgical method and procedure to be chosen and hence there is no uniform concept or consensus of opinion regarding treatment policy for these patients. A working classification and its-related algorithm for choosing a treatment option and a surgical procedure have been elaborated. The immediate and late results of treatment were studied in 20 patients with Lisfranc joint injuries (19 and 21 patients in the control and study groups, respectively) in the period 2002 to 2008. There was a reduction in the frequency of complications in the early and late periods. The assessment of the late results showed higher positive and lower negative results of treatment in the study group.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2011;17(6):34-36
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The clinical manifestations and lipid peroxidation processes in patients with erysipelas

Ship S.A., Ratnikova L.I., Ship S.A., Ratnikova L.I.


In 60 patients with erysipelas the levels of lipid peroxidation products (total polyenic, dienic conjugates, ketodienes and conjugated triens, Schiff bases) and the antioxidant defense system (the enzymatic activity of superoxide dismutase) were determined. The hemorrhagic form of erysipelas was most common (53.3%). The proportion of patients with recurrent erysipelas remains stably high (36.7%). Local purulent complications develop rather frequently (6.7%). A marked imbalance remained between the excessively activated lipid peroxidation processes and the insufficiently functioning antioxidant defense system remained throughout the disease.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2011;17(6):37-39
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Rejection reaction after Descemet's membrane transplantation

Neroev V.V., Oganesyan O.G., Gundorova R.A., Smetanina M.A., Danilova D.Y., Neroyev V.V., Oganesyan O.G., Gundorova R.A., Smetanina M.A., Danilova D.Y.


An immunological rejection reaction is one of the common late keratoplastic complications that affect graft survival. According to the data available in the literature, the rejection reaction within 2 years after modified DSEK and DLEK endothelial transplantations is encountered in approximately 7.5% of cases while that after penetrating keratoplasty (PKP) was about 13%. The authors could find no data on the clinical manifestations and rate of a rejection reaction after modified DMEK endothelial transplantation. Eighty patients with Descemet's membrane graft were followed up, in whom 2 developed endothelial rejection crisis with stromal edema of the cornea without signs of inflammation, including precipitation, in the late periods (21 and 18 months, respectively) after Descemet's membrane transplantation. The performed ex juvantibus local corticosteroid therapy completely recovered corneal transparency and stopped an attack of a rejection reaction. During the mean follow-up of 17.2 ± 5.5 months (range 10 to 28 months), the rate of a rejection reaction after Descemet's membrane transplantation was 2.5%, which was less than that after DLEK, DSEK, and PKP. During corticosteroid therapy, corneal transparency recovery and rejection attack abolishment were achieved in both cases.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2011;17(6):39-41
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Postabortion hormonal contraception in obese women

Zavalko A.F., Zavalko A.F.


The paper evaluates the efficiency of postabortion contraception methods used in obese women. It considers a release vaginal delivery system containing ethynylestradiol with ethonogestrel and an oral contraceptive containing ethynylestradiol and desogestrel. Estimation of biochemical blood parameters could establish the same impact of both methods on lipid metabolic parameters and great comfort when a release vaaginal delivery system was applied.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2011;17(6):42-44
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The bacteriological characteristics of sputum and intraoperative material from patients operated on for pulmonary tuberculosis

Nekrasov E.V., Anastasov O.V., Roskoshnykh V.K., Zadorozhniy A.I., Gubin E.A., Filinyuk O.V., Nekrasov E.V., Anastasov O.V., Roskoshnykh V.K., Zadorozhniy A.I., Gubin E.A., Filinyuk O.V.


A bacteriological study of sputum and intraoperative material was made in 64 patients with new-onset pulmonary tuberculosis treated by chemotherapy regimens I and III and in 69 patients with multidrug-resistant pulmonary tuberculosis treated by the DOTS-PLUS program. There was a discrepancy in the spectrum of Mycobacterium tuberculosis drug resistance in the sputum and intraoperative material from the patients in 33% of cases treated by the DOTS-PLUS program and in 25% of those treated by regimens I and III, which should be taken into account while correcting the chemotherapy schemes in the postoperative period.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2011;17(6):45-47
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Role of endotoxemia in the development of bleeding esophageal varices in patients with liver cirrhosis

Garbuzenko D.V., Mikurov A.A., Garbuzenko D.V., Mikurov A.A.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2011;17(6):47-49
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Nutrition features in pregnant women and vitamin therapy for preeclampsia

Totochia N.E., Beketova N.A., Konovalova L.S., Pereverzeva O.G., Murashko A.V., Kon' I.Y., Totochia N.E., Beketova N.A., Konovalova L.S., Pereverzeva O.G., Murashko A.V., Kon I.Y.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2011;17(6):50-52
pages 50-52 views

The microbial landscape and its place in the development of chronic recurrent infectious diseases

Tabaksoeva Z.F., Agirov M.M., Cherepakhina N.E., Shogenov Z.S., Chamberlin W., Suchkov S.V., Poteshkina N.G., Tabaksoeva Z.A., Agirov M.M., Cherepakhina N.E., Shogenov Z.S., Chamberlin W., Suchkov S.V., Poteshkina N.G.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2011;17(6):53-55
pages 53-55 views

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