Treatment of patients with Lisfranc joint fracture dislocations

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As of now, the problem of choice of a treatment option for patients with Lisfranc joint injuries is not solved, there is no classification that enables the surgical method and procedure to be chosen and hence there is no uniform concept or consensus of opinion regarding treatment policy for these patients. A working classification and its-related algorithm for choosing a treatment option and a surgical procedure have been elaborated.
The immediate and late results of treatment were studied in 20 patients with Lisfranc joint injuries (19 and 21 patients in the control and study groups, respectively) in the period 2002 to 2008. There was a reduction in the frequency of complications in the early and late periods. The assessment of the late results showed higher positive and lower negative results of treatment in the study group.

About the authors

A V Skoroglyadov


Кафедра травматологии, ортопедии и военно-полевой хирургии; ГОУ ВПО РГМУ

G V Korobushkin


Кафедра травматологии, ортопедии и военно-полевой хирургии; ГОУ ВПО РГМУ

Timur Vyacheslavovich Kholikov


Кафедра травматологии, ортопедии и военно-полевой хирургии, ст. лаборант, Тел. 8(499) 135-91-54; ГОУ ВПО РГМУ

A V Skoroglyadov

G V Korobushkin

T V Kholikov


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